Patterico's Pontifications


The Illinois Primary Thread

Filed under: 2012 Election — Karl @ 3:50 pm

[Posted by Karl]

The Land of Lincoln votes today, although if my experience was any indication, neither early nor often.  I proudly cast my presidential vote for David Burge, with some other votes for people I know.  It will not shock you to learn that Illinois runs a “loophole” primary in which your presidential vote is meaningless and the delegates are not actually bound to anyone.  Here’s your Google Map.  Mitt Romney is generally expected to win pretty easily; Karl Rove sets the over under at 29 of the 54 delegates to be selected tonight.  The more exciting races tonight are the challenges to House Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D) and Don Manzullo (R).

The likely anemic turnout will likely fuel the ongoing stories about Romney’s uninspiring campaign.  FWIW, the last WaPo/ABC News poll showed 64% of the most conservative Republicans and independents expressing favorable views of Romney, up from a low of 43% three weeks ago.

Update: FNC calls it for Romney… and CNN as I type this.

Update 2: Turnout surprisingly a little higher than in 2008.  Also, looks like Romney is on track for the over on delegates.


240 Responses to “The Illinois Primary Thread”

  1. On the fun side, I got some very very nasty robo calls from folks supporting Santorum saying not so nice things about Romney.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  2. I would like to be the first to congratulate Mr. Governor Romney on yet another victory. Congratulations, Mr. Governor Romney! The gull what flies highest does indeed see farthest, Mr. Governor, and you have flown very high indeed. So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills – you know the one – instead of asking him how much of your time is left, ask him how much of your mind.

    I’m curious what he says. Call me.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  3. “If you’re looking for free stuff you don’t have to pay for, vote for the other guy. That’s what he’s all about, okay? That’s not, that’s not what I’m about.”

    Good response, Mittster!

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  4. what… are you filling in for random, happyfeets?

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  5. poor Mr. Random he’s all stuck in moderation while life just passes him by

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  6. Random is prolly just finishing a mind meld with nishi.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  7. nishi!

    Miss her.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  8. Yeah.

    Like a case of the crabs.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  9. Showing the fickle nature of voters and/or the unreliability of polls, what in the world has Romney done over the past few weeks that would have led 21 out of every 100 conservative voters to change their opinion of him?

    steve (254463)

  10. Dungeness Crabs 30 lb Case: $9.00/lb … tell ’em Haiku sentcha…

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  11. “what in the world has Romney done over the past few weeks that would have led 21 out of every 100 conservative voters to change their opinion of him?”

    steve – Or what have the other candidates done?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  12. Fox News calls it for Romney.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  13. Mitt’s huge delegate lead grows.

    koam @wittier (ced9a1)

  14. But… but… but he governed Massachusetts and spent money like a liberal mens would. How could his lead grow?!?!

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  15. Romney has so many effing delegates there’s no reason for Santorum or Gingrich to stay in the race anymore at all!

    Done and done.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  16. Koam I agree it’s Romney. For better or worse, it’ll take a miracle to change that. Obviously none of the other candidates will get as many delegates in primary elections. And to me, it’s obvious that Romney stands to gain from negotiations at the convention.

    It’s not irritating to me that Romney won so much as it’s irritating that no one better showed up to campaign well enough to beat him. I think that shouldn’t have been all that difficult. I give Santorum some credit, though… he’s done astonishingly well given his initial lack of funding and his lack of experience.

    Dustin (a66f85)

  17. Romney has so many effing delegates there’s no reason for Santorum or Gingrich to stay in the race anymore at all!

    I donated to Newt recently. I want him in the race until the convention.

    I see absolutely nothing to lose. What reason is there for Santorum or Newt to drop out? Even a vanishing chance is better than giving up.

    Dustin (a66f85)

  18. they should drop out cause of they are not serving a Function

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  19. JimPethokoukis: “Romney is dead right here. To Obama, free-enterprise system is a theoretical construct he’s read about.”

    “Too many apologies and not enough jobs”

    “Three years of Barack Obama have brought us fewer jobs & shrinking paychecks…”

    “It’s time to say these words; THIS word: ENOUGH”

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  20. the low turnout just means everyone thinks this is a done deal

    plus also people are not as anxious about combating the Porn Menace as they might be if they actually cared about that particular menace as opposed to America’s pernicious jobs and debt and fail problem

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  21. “Our economic freedom will be on the ballot.”

    “I see an America where the values we leave to our children are greater than the debts we leave them.”

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  22. He is definitely not an inspirational speaker, but I think Romney is hitting his stride. That was a good speech.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  23. OT, Justified is really turning out nicely, even though Natalie Zea, is mostly shooting another series now,

    narciso (94eff0)

  24. the low turnout just means everyone thinks this is a done deal

    No, it was a problem long before. And it’s a sign that most are not enthusiastic.

    they should drop out cause of they are not serving a Function

    Comment by happyfeet

    The function they serve is two fold. They represent the non liberals at the convention. They also give conservatives someone to support, which might just help a lot in other GOP primaries such as the TX Senate primary.

    Dustin (a66f85)

  25. robertcostaNRO: “So Romney has now won Michigan, IL, and OH. For Santorum, the supposed Rust Belt candidate, Pennsylvania looms ever larger.”

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  26. I’m not enthusiastic except for the part where we get rid of Obama and I get PAID.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  27. “They represent the non liberals at the convention.”

    You keep telling yourself that, Sparky.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  28. It’s a virtual impossibility for anyone but Romney, but the RNC wanted this strung out. The issue is whether Gingrich and Santorum campaign in a way that helps build the GOP for the general, or just damage Romney. That’s why I noted the WaPo poll suggesting Mitt’s favs with cons are rising. I don’t think that’s Mitt getting better, but cons resigning themselves.

    Karl (6f7ecd)

  29. A very gracious Rick Santorum tonight.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  30. The issue is whether Gingrich and Santorum campaign in a way that helps build the GOP for the general, or just damage Romney.

    my sense is that they’re very damage-oriented, these ones

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  31. After you pound him 7/1 in ads, and 21/1 in Greater
    Chicago, what do you expect.

    narciso (94eff0)

  32. After you pound him 7/1 in ads, and 21/1 in Greater
    Chicago, what do you expect.

    Comment by narciso

    All BS aside, do YOU honestly think either Santorum or Gingrich wouldn’t be doing the exact same thing if they had the resources?

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  33. jimgeraghty: “My beautiful family, I need you to smile, nod and laugh on cue while I talk for twenty-five minutes straight.”

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  34. Comment by happyfeet — 3/20/2012 @ 6:31 pm

    the low turnout just means everyone thinks this is a done deal

    It probably means nobody is really happy with any of the choices.

    Sammy Finkelman (4591c3)

  35. Yikes… looks like Ron Paul will beat Gingrich.

    Leave it to Sean Hannity to give Gingrich a stage to take whacks at Romney and Santorum and puff himself up.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  36. Gingrich says the “key is to debate Obama”.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  37. a very downcast Sean Hannity signed off.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  38. fvk romney, seriously. The turnout is low because nobody is thrilled about him, they just think that he’s the established choice and that’s that. I will gladly take Gingrich or Paul over Romney and Santorum.

    G (aa86d4)

  39. Gingrich needs to unleash the tiger in his tank


    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  40. I think at this point we might have to buckle down and admit that we’re doomed to 8 months of the Colonel’s incessant Romney cheerleading…

    Leviticus (870be5)

  41. “I think at this point we might have to buckle down and admit that we’re doomed to 8 months of the Colonel’s incessant Romney cheerleading…”

    Leviticus – Much better than Dustin’s uninformed incessant Romney bashing we’ve been hearing since 2010, IMHO.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  42. Now you’ve done it, daley. You’ve insulted one half of the Blaine & Antoine duo… and here come those tears again.

    Colonel Haiku (11593b)

  43. I think Dustin has come around to this point of view, tell me again, when 2/3 at least of the lies
    against O’Donnell, including that ethics complaint were shown to be bogus, was there an apology in these parts, and when Castle like the scorpion he naturally was, voted for the Dream Act and other
    helpful legislation,

    narciso (94eff0)

  44. This is way off topic, but it was just on local news in Dallas-Fort Worth.

    I predict this will be big news before the week is over.

    Although, it’s not in the written story, the Texas State Senator whose office was attacked managed to bring Gabby Giffords and the current “discourse” into her comments on TV as she said she would continue to fight for women’s issues and other talking points.

    I figure this will go one way, then perhaps another. We’ll see.

    Ag80 (b0b671)

  45. Didn’t they arraign someone who tried to kill Sheriff Joe, this week, they are shameless.

    narciso (94eff0)

  46. Gingrich is so sly even he does not know what his secret weapon is.

    As it says in LOTR, “Let this be the hour when we draw swords together.” And as long as it’s someone other than Herman Cain that he ‘draws swords’ with . . .

    Icy (927b00)

  47. Earlier today or yesterday Santorum said he said something wrong but he didn’t really. It wasn’t sp wrong, or unartful.

    Santorum said he didn’t care about the unemployment rate from the point that the higher it was, the better it was for him!

    He didn’t care that it might be too low!

    Not that he didn’t care that it might too high!!

    But that his campaign didn’t depend on a poor economy.

    If he would have stopped and thought, “I said I don’t care about the unemployment rate?? I know I didn’t have any thought like that in mind, so what was going on?” he would have realized this. How low it gets, not how high it is.

    Then comes figuring out a way to succinctly make that point.

    Then: Obamacare is the real issue. The tax cliff we hit on January 1, 2013. A wrong approach to government financing. The restoration, through the magic of tax credits, of the kind of manufacturing jobs that will let an average high school graduate comfortably support a wife and seven children working 40 hours a week. Well, maybe with overtime. Etc. Whatever criticisms of omission or commission he has.

    Instead he lets this trope that he said something like that unemployment doesn’t matter get more circulation.

    Sammy Finkelman (fac2c6)

  48. And before this he was so proud that he didn’t use a teleprompter.

    Sammy Finkelman (fac2c6)

  49. “I think Dustin has come around to this point of view, tell me again, when 2/3 at least of the lies
    against O’Donnell”

    Look Squirrel!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  50. of the kind of manufacturing jobs that will let an average high school graduate comfortably support a wife and seven children working 40 hours a week

    There will never be such again. That was what American prosperity in the 20th century was built on–helped in large part by some seriously intrusive governmental interventions like Social Security and the NLRB–but in the 21st century, it’s impossible to recapture that. Whatever can be manufactured here with high wage employees can be manufactured in [insert 3rd world country here] with low wage employees who are not buffered by American style labor laws. Trying to recapture the past is not only doomed, but will in the end make things worse. There’s nothing government can do except let the American economy work out, in its intrinsically messy way, something else to replace that base of prosperity–and with the knowledge that whatever replacement appears, American prosperity may not be as prosperous as it was in the mid 20th century.

    JBS (5a299b)

  51. Yahoo,whoopie, Mittens wins Illinois.
    Party on, fellas.
    Are you going to disney world or disney land? Or are you just disney?
    Thank You Mitty, for bringing the end of the republican party, just a little bit closer.
    abo, because I hate democrats, just a schoosh more than republicans.
    Sick country we live in.

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  52. Conservatives are backing Romney (some like myself have done so from the beginning) because the other two candidates can’t string two sentences together without taking a snipe at Romney as a “weak frontrunner”. What does that make them when the “weak frontrunner” has more wins and more delegates than all the others combined? Santorum and Newt whine that Romney is outspending them greatly but they fail to recognize, as many conservatives do, that it highlights their lack of support and organization. Romney has more small donors than both of them. They try to convince us that only THEY can beat Obama but they can’t even beat Romney in the states that aren’t automatically red states to begin with, they can’t convince conservatives, moderates, and Independents to vote for them in the Republican primary, nevermind put together a competitive organization but somehow coming in second or a dismal third will show the Republicans that they are the best candidate to face an incumbent President?

    I hope they stay in the race however. It doesn’t hurt us that our ideas, Republican faces and speeches are broadcast daily and the MSM can’t ignore them like they did with McCain after he wrapped it up in 2008 and devoted their lovefest to his campaign.

    Dave B (982f20)

  53. as a conservative here in the People’s Republic of California, i’m looking forward to voting for Roseanne Barr in November.

    there is no way, between the big city lieberals, the “minorities” and the illegals that our SCOAMF is *not* carrying the state, and there is no way i’m voting for Mittens. it was one thing to vote for Sarah and ignore McLame, but if Romney is the answer, the GOP has been asking stupid fing questions.

    however, if enough people vote “Green”, that party will qualify for federal funding going forward, and that will bleed the left going forward.

    redc1c4, proud AoS moron (403dff)

  54. 54. “Conservatives are backing Romney”

    There are no ‘conservatives’ apart from sicko in MA.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  55. 51. The retired witch and prostitute endorsed Romany, but she wasn’t worth voting for over Reid’s ‘Teddy’.

    Cognitive dissonance.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  56. Well she took the course of least resistance, gg,
    I can’t really blame her, she was right 100% of the time, wasn’t willing to sell out the First Amendment, but that won her a sliming by Gawker,
    wretched hive of villainy,

    narciso (456ad1)

  57. 58. Yeah, DE Republicans got zero support from the Libtards in the Big Tent.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  58. What you bought him, no refunds;

    narciso (456ad1)

  59. Folks… a fund has been set up to take care of the late Andrew Breitbart’s children. Contributions can be sent to:

    Breitbart Children’s Trust

    149 S. Barrington Ave, #735

    Los Angeles, CA 90049.

    Colonel Haiku (2dcb8f)

  60. Colonel,

    Where did you see this?

    I see nothing on the site.

    And did they seriously set up no PayPal?


    Patterico (b80f53)

  61. Leviticus – Much better than Dustin’s uninformed incessant Romney bashing we’ve been hearing since 2010, IMHO.

    Comment by daleyrocks

    You say Haiku’s Romney shilling, which included comments about my heritage, were much better than my “uninformed” Romney bashing?

    What did I say about Romney that wasn’t true? I would note something about his record, such as his proposed 10% budget increase (to an already huge budget) or Romneycare or telling Obama to create a federal ind mandate. What’s uninformed about that?

    Ugh. You think Haiku’s bigotry is “much better”?

    Dustin (9538d2)

  62. Let me be clear: I don’t care what race, creed, or color Dustin is or what sexual preference he may have. I don’t care if he wears his Aunt Blabbie’s underwear. He is a tedious, dishonest, cretinous coyote.

    Colonel Haiku (2dcb8f)

  63. Huge, historic win for Willard in IL, a state he cannot carry in Nov. Followed by nothing-to-see-there losses in LA and WI.

    Everybody complains about IA not deserving their caucus. Why do CA, NY, NJ and IL even merit delegates?

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  64. Gulrud seems to have a problem with democracy.

    The bet for 100 bucks offer still stands.

    Colonel Haiku (2dcb8f)

  65. DaveB is a loyal and predictable sycophant.

    JD (0ff36f)

  66. 67. “Turnout was low across the state. In Sangamon County, a Republican stronghold in central Illinois, about 1 in 5 registered voters cast ballots. The numbers were about the same in the GOP-leaning suburbs of Cook County.”

    AuH2O, here we go!

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  67. Leviticus – Much better than Dustin’s uninformed incessant Romney bashing we’ve been hearing since 2010, IMHO.

    And considering you guys were bashing me at a ten to one ration of my criticisms of Romney’s record, I don’t understand your use of the word “incessant”.

    Romney’s a self described progressive who increased taxes and spending. I don’t agree with it.

    That I have stuck to his actual record has apparently led a few of his fans to get incredibly personal in their responses.

    Haiku, for example, called me the “prawn of arab loins” snarked at how I’m persian (after I corrected him that Iranians aren’t arab) and also wrote “Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.”

    Now he excuses his bigotry by saying he doesn’t really know my heritage and I’m a cretin to take his comments seriously?

    What in the hell brought this on? I wasn’t attacking Daleyrocks. I wasn’t attacking Haiku. Why do these two personally attack me so often in such a nasty way? Daleyrocks is saying Haiku’s comments are actually much better than my criticisms of Romney’s record? Where does this come from?

    Last time we discussed this, Daleyrocks said he didn’t want to relitigate it. What changed that? Nothing I did.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  68. we’re we wondering how the piggy piggy propaganda whores at National Soros Radio would try to spin The Hunger Games away from being seen as rousing tale of a plucky and well-armed young girl standing up against a brutal fascist obama-like metrosexual regime?

    Here we go: Children who live in poverty are easy prey.

    you’re welcome

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  69. Wow, talk about missing the point, entirely, I see it much more of a red state/blue state divide, the folks in the Capitol, are vapid beyond belief.

    narciso (456ad1)

  70. Anyway, the important part of Karl’s post, which I wish I had paid attention to, is that Romney’s on track for a majority of delegates.

    For conservatives, it’s just not going to happen. Romney is the nominee and any way around that is just not going to happen. He’s better than Obama and life goes on.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  71. Thank you, Colonel.

    I will promote a snail mail address only as a last resort. PayPal will garner 100x the contributions, at least from small donors. I have written the Breitbart people to make sure that’s in the works, and to offer any assistance necessary.

    Patterico (b80f53)

  72. 72. The Big Tent Libtards are doing their best taqqiya Baracka Hussein H8 and selling our children into debtor’s indenture.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  73. “Last time we discussed this, Daleyrocks said he didn’t want to relitigate it. What changed that? Nothing I did.”

    Dustin – Wrong again. Calling Colonel Haiku a troll in the other thread was uncalled for when you exhibit much worse behavior in your attacks on Romney. You have no standing for such name calling with your behavior, especially with the unsubstantiated and blatantly wrong crap you have posted. The 10:1 ratio exists only in your mind. When somebody is so thin skinned they believe anyone who disagrees with them is a troll, moby or worse, they have issues. Also, grow a sense of humor.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  74. Panem, doesn’t produce anything, it relies on what it extorts from the other districts in tribute,

    narciso (456ad1)

  75. The addled law prof on why we should follow the GOP in their pander for the 5% of misguided ‘We just wanted a change” head tilters:

    Let’s see. She voted for Obama, but it was an honest mistake. Let’s waste our country to save her self-esteem.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  76. This is for the purists.

    With some googling of the Puffington Host site (or Kos) one can read the sad story of young Ilya Sheyman who broke progressive hearts across the land yesterday when he lost the primary election in the IL 10th congressional district in a purity battle to a “moderate” Dem, businessman Brad Schneider. Schneider, in the past had occasionally contributed to Republican candidates on Israel issues. You see, Ilya is a twenty-five year old community organizer with no discernible credentials beyond having been in “leadership” during the Healthcare fight. Clearly, Ilya is exactly what the electorate craves more of at this time–NOT!

    Ilya’s progressive compatriots “targeted” the 10th, held a national money bomb, and supposedly brought in thousands of tattooed out-of- town progressive zealots to make vicious phone calls and knock on the doors of the 10th. This is all under their mistaken belief that the reason IL 10 has been represented by moderate R’s for decades (and is the current home of moderate Republican Sen. Mark Kirk who won Obama’s senate seat) is only because the Dem leadership has never allowed a “true progressive” to be on the ballot. Makes sense right? LOL. Well it does to them. It makes about as much sense as zealots of the right who think that “true conservatives” could win everywhere if they were just not thwarted by party leadership.

    I bring up this true story because I think it demonstrates so clearly how not knowing a district, or state, causes well meaning people from outside its geography to misjudge completely the ability of certain candidates to win. This naivety often lures folks outside a voting jurisdiction to intervene to support the completely wrong candidate for that particular jurisdiction. And then shake their heads in frustration when that candidate loses.

    elissa (91816b)

  77. 79. Blinders off, IL cannot help the GOP but will throw away WI expressing its effete opinion about who might be electable in a parallel universe.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  78. gary g. —

    It appears your 8:55 comment may have been directed to me– but sorry, I can’t decipher it. Maybe not enough coffee yet this morning for one or the other of us!

    elissa (91816b)

  79. 81. Ok, IL just opted for the ‘realist’ candidate despite having nothing to offer other than choosing the Nominee.

    WI, everything being equal, can manage to elect a Republican with a 5000 vote margin.

    WI Democrats will not fail to match the enthusiasm for their candidate over Willard. WI is lost. IL was lost anyway. Thanks for less than nothing.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  80. I bring up this true story because I think it demonstrates so clearly how not knowing a district, or state, causes well meaning people from outside its geography to misjudge completely the ability of certain candidates to win.

    I think you have a good point, though my opinion is that the presidential field was just plain weak this year. It wasn’t necessarily about purity.

    It’s clear to me that Romney’s the nominee, and while I regret that and worry we’re going to get to reform when it’s too late, obviously that means Romney should be supported in the general as the better of the two candidates.

    There surely are plenty of precincts where a candidate with my exact set of views would be trounced. And a party that has a big enough tent to allow for more success (by being less pure) is going to accomplish much more.

    In fact, if the Romney administration takes Daniels’s view that we need to put everything aside and fix the budget, I will be overjoyed. I don’t need them to fight for everything I agree with and encourage them to build up the support for a balanced budget by prioritizing.

    My fear is this is wishcasting.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  81. ==There surely are plenty of precincts where a candidate with my exact set of views would be trounced. And a party that has a big enough tent to allow for more success (by being less pure) is going to accomplish much more.==

    I think you stated that very well, Dustin.

    I have to admit that I still don’t completely get where gg is coming from, when he says “IL just opted for the ‘realist’ candidate despite having nothing to offer other than choosing the nominee”. (I assume he may be referring to the electoral college later.) But isn’t this what primaries are for? Are the R’s in IL just supposed to quietly sit out elections because we have “nothing to offer”? Really? I thought maybe R’s retaking Obama’s IL senate seat might buy us a little respect for having the audacity to live in Illinois along side the Dem machine–but apparently not.

    elissa (91816b)

  82. 84. “I have to admit that I still don’t completely get where gg is coming from, when he says “IL just opted for the ‘realist’ candidate”

    Your address to the ‘purists’ was ill taken. Kirk was hardly a profile in courage for a failed state, viz.

    NY and Cuomo are preforming above expectations working to clean their house as adults, CA and IL are just playing for a bailout throwing themselves on the mercy of the 48.

    Seriously, no delegates until you get your cesspool pumped.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  83. >> Breitbart Children’s Trust

    >> 149 S. Barrington Ave, #735

    >> Los Angeles, CA 90049.

    Patterico: I will promote a snail mail address only as a last resort.

    That address sounds like a Post Office Box to me, which is not really a snail mail address. (It turns out to belong to Mail Boxes Etc.)

    Jonah Goldberg on the Corner at 8:53 AM EDT


    and have that address.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  84. “DaveB is a loyal and predictable sycophant.”

    IOW, his opinions don’t matter because he supports Romney.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  85. “I have to admit that I still don’t completely get where gg is coming from”

    elissa – The Bemidji Bomb Thrower speaks most often in non sequiturs and Cheesehead and is tough to interpret. He shares the predictive accuracy on economic and political matters of Paul Krugman so is usually safe to ignore. He loves to quote zerohedge, but I remain convinced he has no knowledge of the terms used on that blog.

    I attribute his anger issues to a bad case of the piles.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  86. daley–I guess gg likes his U.S. senators more in the vein of Stuart Smalley.

    elissa (91816b)

  87. I attribute his anger issues to a bad case of the piles.

    Comment by daleyrocks

    That’s gotta hurt!

    Colonel Haiku (2dcb8f)

  88. *** This is a long comment that is somewhat unrelated to the thread, rehashing the stupid feud between myself and a couple of Romney’s most loyal advocates. Please skip over it if you would rather not read another one of these.

    Dustin – Wrong again. Calling Colonel Haiku a troll in the other thread was uncalled for when you exhibit much worse behavior in your attacks on Romney. You have no standing for such name calling with your behavior, especially with the unsubstantiated and blatantly wrong crap you have posted. The 10:1 ratio exists only in your mind. When somebody is so thin skinned they believe anyone who disagrees with them is a troll, moby or worse, they have issues. Also, grow a sense of humor.

    Comment by daleyrocks

    I have a number of reactions to this.

    But first, I don’t see what’s funny about calling me a “prawn of arab loins” or saying I belong under the boot because I’m middle eastern. I don’t see how unapologetically sneering “I don’t actually care about his race” is taking responsibility or makes it funny.

    How is this humorous to you, Daleyrocks? It’s obviously 100% intended to infuriate.

    Does anyone honestly think those comments were funny? I’m curious who are you and how common this view is here. If that’s how y’all feel, I’m at the wrong blog obviously.

    I recall you called Obama a “Two digit fashionista muslim twit”. I can only imagine how your head would explode if an Obama supporter dismissed Romney as a “two digit fashionista mormon twit”. And you should.

    I’m not perfect… I’ve dished out a lot of angry comments but I was hoping the feud was over. Haiku can’t bury the hatchet until I’m no longer Middle Eastern, clearly, but Icy did and I thought you did… I certainly did. I offered a couple of very mild criticisms of Romney yesterday and suddenly you’re back at full fury, Daleyrocks. Is that what burying the hatchet means to you?

    My opinions about Romney, even if you are certain I am completely wrong, don’t make me fair game for racism.

    Second, Daleyrocks, despite your claims about “worse behavior” costing standing to criticize anybody your own behavior is atrocious… you simply cannot find anything I’ve ever said, in my life, anywhere, that are nasty as Haiku’s or your comments. That’s cognitive dissonance. For all your righteous indignation BS, even if you followed me around with an invisible camera since the time I was an embryo, there there is no way you will can ever cite me saying anything remotely like:

    EPWJ and Rick Perry both have unhealthy creepy obsessions with the sex lives of teenage girls. After fantasizing about Bristol Palin, EPWJ has now turned his Jergens covered hands to Sarah Palin.
    Comment by daleyrocks

    I was far too kind here, but criticized that by saying

    I don’t see what’s creepy about anything Perry has ever done regarding cervical cancer, or what the vaccine has to do with the sex life of anyone, since it doesn’t prevent anyone from getting most STDs.
    I guess you’re just making fun of EPWJ’s style, since he claims to be a Perry supporter.
    On your other point, yes, it’s true that EPWJ is constantly spending all his time thinking about Sarah Palin. He thinks about her more than she thinks about herself. Sarah Palin is EPWJ’s life.
    Comment by Dustin

    In other words, I thought you were somewhat satirical and you replied instead by arguing that Perry really is a pervert creepy panty sniffer apparently disagreeing with my attempt to give you the benefit of the doubt:

    You noted

    Dusty – Creepy panty sniffer EPWJ and Rick Perry both want government officials to have lists of teenage girls who have received the official needle of approved sexual promiscuity. They believe they have a need to know. You tell me why.
    Comment by daleyrocks

    To which I said, still too kind:

    I can’t tell you why because that’s really not accurate.
    The idea girls are approved to be sexually promiscuous because their risk of cervical cancer is drastically reduced is pretty insane.
    I think you’re way off base claiming the reason for this vaccine was anything other than reducing cancer rates.
    There are good arguments why the government shouldn’t make that choice and there are good arguments for why it should. That one way to get cancer happens to be sexual has nothing to do with this vaccine.
    Unless you’re telling me you honestly think Perry wouldn’t have mandated this vaccine if HPV were communicated by coughing.
    No, the sex aspect is not a factor for Gardasil proponents. Only the opponents care about that aspect.
    But I can tell you why some people think cancer is bad. Do I need to?
    Comment by Dustin

    We went on and on, but this is when our little feud started IIRC. But if we apply your rule about losing standing due to bad behavior, why did the feud start?

    Obviously because you don’t actually agree to the rule. It’s Civility BS.

    I found it odd that you later defended yourself by saying you were satirizing EPWJ and when I actually tried to give you that specific benefit of the doubt. And it simply doesn’t refute my criticism that it was nasty. It’s just deflection like Bill Maher’s and David Letterman’s. Rush showed a better way by noting he crossed the line and then saying what he meant in a less problematic manner.

    To some partisans, there is no difference, but to me, it’s a huge difference that you should think about as you try improve yourself.

    I would never say anything about Romney similar to your “Creepy panty sniffer Rick Perry” comment because I figured this stuff out when I was a kid.

    I said his flip flops show he doesn’t have any core principles, which is harsh, of course, but sincere whether you agree or not. I’ve also been harsh to you many times. And I shouldn’t have been. Mea Culpa no matter what ugliness provoked it. But nothing in my comments was anything like that stuff. So who are you to declare me fair game for garbage like “prawn of arab loins” and saying that folks sharing my heritage belong under your boot.? Why do you even think about people that way? Of course I have standing to call that what it is.

    In defending your comments you suggested I supported several views, one being EPWJ’s attacks on Bristol (which I called nasty) and another being that Romney had orchestrated the VA ballot SNAFU (I noted I did not suspect such a conspiracy). Your own evidence showed that I actually criticized the views you ascribed to me! That is a smear. I don’t see how you could have made that mistake honestly. Benefit of doubt is really running thin.

    I challenge you to find anything I’ve ever typed that is half as nasty as
    “Texas governor Rick Perry did not want to mandate school children receive this vaccination because of his obvious links to the down low lifestyle.
    Comment by daleyrocks”

    Or your participation in lame ‘he’s gay’ attacks on presidential candidates.. Or saying commenters who support Perry are gay if you don’t like them.

    I don’t say thing like that about Romney or even Obama. Or you or even that bigot/ scumbag Haiku. Not because I’m scared to. You have often replied with ‘grow a pair’, but I can’t even conceive of how comments demonstrate manhood. Just being scummy for laughs? That’s not authentic manhood. Folks who make arguments like that come across as compensating.

    Third, no, I do not call anyone I disagree with a troll, Moby, or worse. You know that as I’ve repeatedly noted I don’t think you’re a troll or a moby.

    You just happen to advocate for Romney and I advocate against him. You take it very personally too often. You don’t seem to see the difference between my criticizing Romney and Haiku’s criticizing my ethnicity. There’s a reason I take the later personally and you shouldn’t take the former personally.

    It’s difficult to respond to your comments without getting personal too, but I’d rather not this time. Since I’ve repeatedly offered this sort of overture and it seems to piss you off even more, I suspect this isn’t going to work this time either. Prove me wrong. Stop posing as a serious adult and actually act like one in a non-self-serving way.

    I’ve actually made a point of toning down the Romney criticism after Super Tuesday because I just don’t see the point anymore. No one is likely to beat him, so he’s just going to have to do in the fight against Obama. Life goes on.

    It’s true I’ve attacked Romney strongly for his record.

    His gun fine of $100 per gun.
    His judicial nominations being extremely liberal.
    His budget hike of 10% in a single year to an already huge budget in a state with a huge debt ratio.
    His tax hikes (and the dishonest spin that closing loopholes in the tax code isn’t a tax hike).
    His social engineering.
    His advocating to Obama that he and Mccain can lead the GOP to support the federal ind mandate if Obama is brave enough to go with one.
    His support for, in his own words, “an amnesty program”.
    His waffling on the Ohio union reform.
    The flip flopping. Today, Romney’s own campaign explains my fear. I think he is very likely to go back on whatever conservative promises he’s made. Isn’t that what this staffer meant?

    The list is longer, but you get my point. I’m not just making this stuff up. He’s got a liberal record. Does that matter? Not much anymore. He’s better than Obama and he’s going to be the nominee. Life goes on.

    Anyway, you said you didn’t relitigate it and then you did anyway. I would prefer the hatchet be buried, but I’m going to call Haiku a bigot, probably 1000 more times. If this is a problem for you, then you should know when deciding if you’re willing to bury the hatchet.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  89. “DaveB is a loyal and predictable sycophant.”

    IOW, his opinions don’t matter because he supports Romney.

    Comment by daleyrocks — 3/21/2012 @ 11:38 am

    BS. WTF is the matter with you? DaveB only drops by post primary to either tell us how stupid we are for not worshipping Romney, or to rail against whoever the most recent target is amongst the opposition.

    JD (516dcc)

  90. the lonely howling
    as the butt-hurt coyote
    chews his own leg off

    Colonel Haiku (2dcb8f)

  91. 90. Smalley, not quite. Tim Johnson, class of 2010 WI is turning out Ok.

    Apart from summer trips to Door Cnty, I don’t have to think about FIBs much.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  92. “butt-hurt”

    Says the bigot.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  93. George, Charles now Bill:

    Jeb’s endorsement says less ’bout his non-existent chances in 2012 than a widely opening door for 2016.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  94. That’s funny… daley and The Colonel Who Should’ve Stuck To Haiku Forever got supremely butthurt when I applied the “creepy” moniker to James “Sexboat” O’Keefe. I didn’t know they’d been throwing the term around themselves. Makes all the fanboy outrage seem a little…partisan.

    Which, ultimately, is the perfect word to describe them. They’ve become Romney apologists because they’re more tied to the success of a worthless political party than the success of a meritorious political philosophy. That seems to me the only reason anyone could shill for a windsock candidate like Romney as hard as they have; they think he’ll bring a win for the Republican Party, and that’s all that matters to them anymore. Meanwhile, any conservative voter who was hoping to have a conservative candidate to support come November is still trying to shake off the shellshock of having an unprincipled hack appointed their political champion by virtue of nothing more than his vast cash reserves, a good public speaking demeanor, and a boatload of utterly empty promises: Barack Obama Mitt Romney.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  95. Mr. Electability’s sole election victim, Shannon O’Brien, has gone on to prove it was only the Juggernaut that could have beaten her.

    “Following her defeat in 2002, O’Brien joined Boston-area local television station WLVI as a consumer advocate. She left there in 2005 to head the Boston Area Girl Scouts, and as such is the CEO of the Patriot’s Trail Girl Scout Council covering greater Boston.”

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  96. O’brien is the classic govt. attorney hack, and her hubby is a state rep. I’m living in Hacklandu!

    sickofrinos (44de53)

  97. I appreciated your comment yesterday, Leviticus, but I didn’t want to reignite the feud by chiming in or appearing to pile on.

    Icy was honest in saying he buried the hatchet. And in his defense I have dished out plenty. It wasn’t completely one sided though it may have seemed that way because I dropped it for quite a while.

    Dropping the feud doesn’t mean he’s admitting he wrong or anything… he just didn’t see the point in fighting and I appreciate that as it makes the blog a lot more enjoyable for everybody.

    Same reason I agreed with Daley not to relitigate this.

    It’s just not in my programming to drop the things Haiku said until he takes responsibility and apologizes. He knows that as I explained it to him. His response is to laugh about how butt hurt I am over his racism.

    I also appreciate Leviticus’s point about how conservatives feel about the direction of this primary. A lot of people joke they would prefer a smothering meteor of death to either of the remaining contenders. It sucks. But life goes on. Conservatives who are displeased right now are going to need a better reason than just demands for loyalty, come November, which is one really big reason I’ve hoped to bury the hatchet. The kind of crap Haiku says is a huge turn off for the hundreds of thousands of people who read this blog.

    Elissa addresses ‘purists’ firmly, but intelligently. That’s the right way to go.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  98. Or is it a sweet meteor of death? I can’t remember.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  99. Meanwhile, back in the real world, the NYT continues its reluctance to call an Islamist dog what it is…

    “How could the same man gun down three French soliders in the city of Toulouse — two of them Muslim, the other North African — and then attack children at a Jewish school? Something just didn’t add up. There was “no clear motive” for the attacks, the New York Times said in an early draft of its story on the shooting at Collège et Lycée Ozar Hatorah on Monday. In later versions, after an outcry of disbelief, this was self-protectively revised to read: “Speculation over the motives for the killings ranged from anger at Muslims fighting in Afghanistan — the unit of three of the soldiers has been deployed there — and anti-Semitism, to a hatred of immigrants.

    Wrong. The alleged gunman, who reportedly has claimed all three French shootings, is a 24-year-old Muslim named Mohammad Merah.”

    Read more:

    Colonel Haiku (2dcb8f)

  100. That was actually a decent speech, the line that Community banks would not lend to the Wright Bros,
    and Edison being forced to ban the light
    bulb, were nice touches, But I have seen all that
    has gone before as a template for recent events, and not in a good way.

    narciso (35ae48)

  101. 104. Battle of the Etch-a-sketch wizards:

    So who thinks a winning strategy is to trail the TOTUS hinder and yon correcting copy?

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  102. 101. “Elissa addresses ‘purists’ firmly, but intelligently”

    The lady is a damn sight better than most but ‘purist’ is a caricature the use of which is an attempt to sweep away without meeting legitimate arguments.

    Call your adversary irrational, unrealistic and obviate the need to dispute them.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  103. That’s why I put it in scare quotes, Gary. I sorely wish objecting to the GOP today was over deviations so slight they amount to mere impurity.

    But she meant that in good faith and she’s persuasively explaining why folks like me ought to go ahead and pull the lever for Romney.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  104. “I appreciated your comment yesterday, Leviticus, but I didn’t want to reignite the feud by chiming in or appearing to pile on.”

    – Dustin

    Well, I think you’ve handled yourself far better in all of this than they have. I backed off of Icy because he has been the most mellow of the three of them, and because it really isn’t any of my business anyway; once he remarked that the two of you had dropped it, I apologized.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  105. this is what democracy looks like show me what democracy looks like

    and et cetera

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  106. The odd thing that this Illya person might well have been nominated in 2006 or even 2008, take Alan Grayson, please,

    narciso (35ae48)

  107. ==The lady is a damn sight better than most==

    How sweet. Thank you. You won’t mind if I add that to my CV and list you as a reference will you?

    elissa (91816b)

  108. I don’t like the “purist” epithet, in general. For the most part, because it rarely is leveled against someone that is demanding a purity test, but over a disagreement about the positions of a candidate, and to denigrate their supporters.

    Etch-a-sketch (516dcc)

  109. Leviticus #98:

    They’ve become Romney apologists because they’re more tied to the success of a worthless political party than the success of a meritorious political philosophy. That seems to me the only reason anyone could shill for a windsock candidate like Romney as hard as they have; they think he’ll bring a win for the Republican Party, and that’s all that matters to them anymore. Meanwhile, any conservative voter who was hoping to have a conservative candidate to support come November is still trying to shake off the shellshock of having an unprincipled hack appointed their political champion by virtue of nothing more than his vast cash reserves, a good public speaking demeanor, and a boatload of utterly empty promises: Barack Obama Mitt Romney.

    Frankly, I agree with your last sentence but there are other reasons conservatives might support Romney than being partisan hacks, and it’s the reason I’ll support Romney if he’s the nominee.

    We want to beat Obama because his policies are a disaster for America, and a lot of the venom we’ve seen here and elsewhere stems from fear of what Obama will do if he is re-elected. I happen to believe almost any Republican can beat Obama this year so I want the GOP to nominate the most conservative person possible, but not everyone shares my view. IMO many Romney supporters think only Romney can beat Obama and that reinforces their support and intensity.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  110. IMO many Romney supporters think only Romney can beat Obama and that reinforces their support and intensity.

    True for several of these folks. And fear of a second Obama term is justified. If anything, we underestimate how bad it will be. Not only will President Obama show his radical side more, but the country will become far less stable just by virtue of the dollar’s collapse, needing a very good administration at many levels just to keep things kinda on track.

    I think things will be pushed to the point where a fundamental and socialist transformation of this country actually sounds plausible.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  111. “The kind of crap Haiku says is a huge turn off for the hundreds of thousands of people who read this blog.”

    Dustin – I feel exactly the same way about the kind of crap you’ve been plastering this blog with over the past 18 months, so don’t feel like you are in any kind of special victim category all by yourself. I’ve felt I been on a liberal blog but with Romney Derangement Syndrome instead of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    You like to dish it out but have a very hard time taking it.

    I was glad to see you temporarily tone it down a notch.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  112. Dustin – I see your accusations of bigotry from Haiku in the same light as claims from EPWJ that JD was threatening to kill him with rocks, but I’m not in your shoes.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  113. Newt Gingrich on Mitt “Etch-a-Sketch” Romney.

    DRJ (a83b8b)


    Comment No. 39 by gary gulrud — 3/13/2012 @ 8:06 pm

    AuH2O here we go, once more with feeling!

    Goldwater? No, no, no. Nixon.

    “The New Nixon” (1968 Nixon campaign slogan)

    Hi there voters, how do you feel?
    Tired of the same old vote appeal?
    Well look who’s back with a brand new style
    A brand new look and a brand new smile

    It’s the ’68 Nixon, everything is new
    A brand new image just created for you
    A dozen different finishes and so much finesse
    He’s got a brand new doggie, not Checkers but Chess

    Now the Reagan can ramble, the Rocky can race
    But Dick can jump from left to right and not lose his place
    His ’56 production was loaded with spite
    His ’60 was a copy of the ’58 Ike
    The third time’s a charm and if it’s charm that you like

    You’ll like the ’68 Nixon, he’s different this year
    The ’68 Nixon is here and he is liberal and conservative….

    You can go to the website for the whole song. I actually first heard this on the radio some years later. i thought at the time “The New Nixon” was really something that aimed to say he had a better character now. He didn’t change his positions.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  115. The issue is whether Gingrich and Santorum campaign in a way that helps build the GOP for the general, or just damage Romney.

    I think the sore loser etch-a-sketch twins have pretty much decided which way they want to campaign.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  116. The Nader of Newt

    “Newt Gingrich enjoys contemplating his own world-historic importance. The House Select Committee on Ethics released a series of his notes and doodles from the years leading up to the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994. His chickenscratch can be hard to make out at times but it is revealing.

    These documents make it clear Gingrich did not think of his eminent Speakership in normal terms. One of the notes is labeled “Gingrich — Primary Mission,” and it has six bullet points for how he sees his role going forward. The missional Gingrich is an “advocate”; “definer”; and “teacher of the rules of civilization.” He will be an “arouser of those who form civilization” as well as an “organizer of the pro-civilization activists.” Suggested cheer for those activists: What do we want? Civilization! When do we want it? Thousands of years from now!

    In conclusion, Gingrich wrote, he sees himself as the “leader (possibly) of the civilizing forces.” His parenthetical caution should not be mistaken for a note of humility. Rather it was simply an acknowledgement of the contingency of history. Maybe he’d get his shot, maybe he wouldn’t.”

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  117. Is Sheldon Adelson tapped out?

    Dana (4eca6e)

  118. I think it’s very condescending for both the anti-porn bigot and the adulterous fat-ass with the tacky slut wife to presume to tell me in late March of 2012 that there’s something I need to understand about Mitt Romney.

    I understand Mitt Romney fine. Trust me. You don’t need to belabour the bleeding obvious. It just makes you look even more desperate and sad.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  119. Yes we know pikachu, we will all be assimilated, much like all of TWD cast will turn zombie,

    narciso (35ae48)

  120. it’s disappointing

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  121. I think the sore loser etch-a-sketch twins have pretty much decided which way they want to campaign.

    By which you mean Romney’s communications director? He’s the one who made the etch a sketch comment about his campaign’s plans.

    I think you are quite mistaken, Happyfeet. Romney needs his feet held to the fire so that he cannot revert to the left as his campaign appears to be ready to do.

    Make that a liability.

    Romney can win without doing that. He can lead without doing that. His feet need to be held to the fire.

    Frankly, it’s also a smarter political calculation for beating Obama. Going back left will not help him like sticking to his guns would.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  122. Anyway, do you really think Newt and Rick’s comments about Mitt Romney will matter very much in the general election? Few will even remember those guys. Footnotes. The primary being a unity fest is not gonna happen. I’m sure they will endorse Romney at the convention after he’s made nominee (assuming he is the nominee, which is likely).

    That the criticism continued for a month is not going to be seen as worse than if the criticism had stopped a week or a month ago.

    And as I mentioned to you recently, there are other GOP primaries. Getting Newt voters to their primaries is very important for keeping the congress more conservative.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  123. lone wolf Mohammed
    just like Hasan and Shahzad
    and other lone wolves

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  124. Some want to weaken whoever the candidate may be. Bleed him of as much money and political capital as they can. They contend it will only make the candidate “stronger”.

    They call themselves “True Conservatives”.

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  125. “Romney’s “Nice Guy” Ploy Might Be A Sound Attack”

    – Ace

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  126. The Gingrich Fade: Light Schedule, Indebted Campaign, Last Place in Illinois

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  127. 101. Comment by Dustin — 3/21/2012 @ 4:04 pm

    …hundreds of thousands of people who read this blog.

    Have you checked with the Audit Bureau of Circulation? Patterico may be tremendously undercharging for ads!!!

    Hundreds of thousands of people – and more! – could read this blog, but I don’t think we’re there yet. Although maybe hundreds of thousands is an underestimate of the number of people who may have, at least once, heard of the blog, in he sense of having it linked or mentioned on their screen.

    There’s not hundreds of thousands of people who read the year’s best selling book, or at least buy it, I think. These numbers are all lower than almost anyone imagines.

    A good rule of thumb for blog readership, I think I read, is to take the number of individuals who comment, and multiply by 50. That should put us at around 2,000 to 3,000.

    There is the fact also that the blog is linked to, and maybe drawn on by other blogs, so maybe in some ways its potential is near infinite. But we haven’t gone viral yet.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  128. all this anti-Romney stuff is very stale I think… we all know he’s squishy squishy but he’s better than Obama and that’s that – we just have to plan for the worst and hope for the best

    you can’t hold Romney’s feet to the fire – he has a keen sense of entitlement and he’s gonna do whatever the eff he wants to do

    if you want to engage in an exercise of holding a Team R’s feet to the fire you should ask why the feckless Boehnerdouche is considered by many to be a congressional leader and why the nutless McConnellwhore is also considered by many to be a congressional leader

    It’s mystifying. They suck!

    The least of Team R’s problems is this Romney person. At the very least he’s far more serious than the geriatric campaign-suspending coward we nominated last time.

    That’s progress.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  129. the hyperbolic
    hysteria is symptom
    of that which ails him

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  130. without hyperbole I would be a very quiet little pikachu indeed Mr. Colonel

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  131. certainly not you, happyfeets. You are a model of decorum compared to many.

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  132. Frankly, Frank.

    Colonel Haiku (d1f51e)

  133. “There is the fact also that the blog is linked to, and maybe drawn on by other blogs, so maybe in some ways its potential is near infinite. But we haven’t gone viral yet.

    Comment by Sammy Finkelman ”

    I believe the monthly page views was 800,000 in 2009. Maybe several tens of thousands read the blog frequently and several tens of thousands more read it once or twice. Don’t recall the uniques per month, but I’m not that far from it.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  134. if you want to engage in an exercise of holding a Team R’s feet to the fire you should ask why the feckless Boehnerdouche is considered by many to be a congressional leader and why the nutless McConnellwhore is also considered by many to be a congressional leader

    That is an excellent point, Happyfeets.

    Paul Ryan should be the speaker of the house and Sarah Palin the Senate Majority leader. Well maybe not, but certainly there is reason to have doubts about our leadership.

    you can’t hold Romney’s feet to the fire – he has a keen sense of entitlement and he’s gonna do whatever the eff he wants to do

    Erm… no. That is not Mitt Romney at all. He does what’s politically advantageous. That may not be something I admire, but it can be used actually.

    Romney has never done whatever the eff he wants. Be it gun control or abortion, he has done whatever the eff the pressure pushed him to do.

    All I’m saying is that it’s great to keep him worried about this etch a sketch claim proving true. He should see the flip flopper criticism as his primary vulnerability. Of all the candidates, Romney should see it as his core mission to keep his promises and never be seen as expedient.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  135. No, they are a symptom of the problem, when they put Fannie’s man Bacchus back on the banking committee, or Camp, who voted to kill Edison’s
    signature innovation, when they trumpeted fictiotious grand bargains, which only end up slashing defense, then they ask for our vote,

    narciso (35ae48)

  136. yes Sarah Palin should’ve prevented the Murkowski debacle what a wretched skank that one is, but a sense of duty and Sarah Palin are soon parted

    Mr. Dustin I agree wholeheartedly that President Mittens Q. Romneykins should lose much much sleep worrying about his reelection prospects

    but we’re not there yet

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  137. And I’m not sure it matters, Sammy. Suppose this blog has a readership of 12 people. It’s still unhelpful to the tent to try to push someone out of it because they are Middle Eastern. No one really thinks that’s funny.

    I asked if anyone thought Haiku’s joke was funny seven hours ago and so far zero people have said he was funny. Am I mistaken? Does anyone think his joke about my heritage was funny? If so, explain the humor. Boot on my throat cause I’m a scary middle easterner who’s ready to stab everybody. Prawn of the arab loins. Even my drill sergeant didn’t say that kind of crap to me. Can’t think of anyone I’ve ever met, even enemies, who would have. Not to my face. Just Haiku, but then if we were face to face he wouldn’t say it either.

    Colonel Haiku is trash.

    lone wolf Mohammed
    just like Hasan and Shahzad
    and other lone wolves

    Comment by Colonel Haiku

    He complains about harming electability, but he probably should go back to stormfront where his views are the norm.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  138. Presidents Wilkie, Landon and Dewey, all agree on that point,

    narciso (35ae48)

  139. no vituperation to real people Mr. Dustin just fake ones like politicians and assorted executives like the whorish Jeffrey Immelt and the bizarrely hapless Meg Whitman

    This is me buying Hewlett Packard stock.



    I said “this is me buying Hewlett Packard stock” and then I said “NOT” really emphatically cause of course I would never do such a thing cause Hewlett Packard is like the General Motors of technology. Minus all the illiterate fat-ass piggy piggy union thug autoworkers.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  140. Feets, the last two HP laptops I bought were very difficult to disassemble and were just shoddy in ways that actually required that kind of work. Bad solder, bad cooling, etc.

    One of them burned itself right up.

    The comparison to GM works in a number of ways.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  141. NG’s HP printer lasted two whole months. I just gave her mine cause I’m not really big on printing stuff anyway.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  142. Colonel Haiku is trash.

    lone wolf Mohammed
    just like Hasan and Shahzad
    and other lone wolves

    Comment by Colonel Haiku

    He complains about harming electability, but he probably should go back to stormfront where his views are the norm.

    Comment by Dustin


    You silly, STUPID, ignorant little man.

    lone wolf Mohammed [Merah]:

    just like [Major Nidal] Hasan

    and [Faisal] Shahzad:

    and other lone wolves:,1518,822881,00.html

    Colonel Haiku (827e66)

  143. Boot on my throat

    I never wrote that, you silly, paranoid twit.

    Colonel Haiku (827e66)

  144. Yes the ‘lone wolf’ trope is as worn out as the
    ‘Landshark’ sketch, Merah is tied to a jihadist
    network into Iraq, same as most of the others,
    wonder if Gen. Clapper is aware of this

    narciso (35ae48)

  145. You silly, STUPID, ignorant little man.

    I’m not stupid. Everyone knows who you were talking about.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  146. I never wrote that, you silly, paranoid twit.

    Comment by Colonel Haiku —

    I asked you if you left it, point blank, twenty times and you ignored me. You made multiple other comments such as “prawn of arab loins”

    Your latest reference to various Middle Eastern “lone wolf” terrorists was plainly a reference to me. There was nothing else in this thread remotely related to your haikus attacking me. You just want some plausible deniability, bigot.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  147. Haiku, are you saying you did not say

    Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    Yes or no.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  148. What’s Jebbie’s angle pimping Rubio for VP when he lusts after the WH?

    Odds are Willard would be a one-term mediocrity and Rubio cast adrift should they be so lucky?

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  149. No. I did write the “prawn of Arab loins” thing. Apparently, you’ve never seen the movie “Yellowbeard”.

    “I’m not stupid. Everyone knows who you were talking about.”

    Comment by Dustin

    Don’t you know the difference between a coyote and a wolf, son? You are one Slow Boat to China, ain’tcha.

    Colonel Haiku (42fccd)

  150. Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    Who wrote that? Someone wrote it, and is apparently willing to let Colonel be blamed for it. That is not very cool.

    JD (d6f57e)

  151. Bet Susana Martinez would be better pick:

    Former prosecutor, woman, executive, no Judas rep.

    Rubio would be wasted as VP. Even if the marketing exceeds the value.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  152. #89 The Bemidji Bomb Thrower speaks most often in non sequiturs and Cheesehead and is tough to interpret. He shares the predictive accuracy on economic and political matters of Paul Krugman so is usually safe to ignore
    — Is this true?

    #97 Jeb’s endorsement says less ’bout his non-existent chances in 2012 than a widely opening door for 2016.
    Comment by gary gulrud — 3/21/2012 @ 3:01 pm

    — Yep, it’s true.

    Icy (1022fe)

  153. Why in the world would anybody want to be mean to Dustin?

    MayBee (081489)

  154. Don’t you know the difference between a coyote and a wolf, son? You are one Slow Boat to China, ain’tcha.

    Comment by Colonel Haiku

    I understood the obvious reference to Nidal Hasan, Faisal Shazad and the more recent terrorist.

    It had no relevance to this thread and your other haikus were mocking my criticism of your need to bash my heritage.

    Why didn’t you explain you didn’t write the “boot on throat” comment when asked? You three play this annoying game where you each try to have enough plausible deniability by passing the baton to eachother like it’s a game. That’s devolved to the point where at least one, and if you’re telling the truth, actually two of you guys are expressing a problem with my heritage. And I guess giggling.

    You guys should have instead kept this to stuff relating to the primary. Your need to make it personal is sad.

    Regardless, whatever comments you left about my heritage were out of line.

    What’s sad is that I actually feel guilty, Haiku, for assuming you left the comment. I was convinced. I think it was reasonable to be convinced. But that doesn’t make it OK for you to take the blame for something you didn’t write.

    I apologize. It is not easy to say that, but that doesn’t matter.


    You like to dish it out but have a very hard time taking it.

    I was glad to see you temporarily tone it down a notch.

    Comment by daleyrocks

    You’re the one who bashed me today. No provocation whatsoever. It’s just one projection after another from you.

    I even asked you to name anything I’ve said anywhere near as nasty as the comments I cited, most yours. You reply with a vague ‘you dish it out’. Not like that. Bashing Romneycare is not like that.

    I am really getting sick of this crap.

    You say it’s Romney derangement syndrome but you have never explained how I’m wrong. The worst you’ve done is show that some other politician is similarly bad or that Romney has changed his position to a better one.

    I see your accusations of bigotry from Haiku in the same light as claims from EPWJ that JD was threatening to kill him with rocks

    Why was he talking about arab loins and persians, then? How is that relevant to anything? You told me to grow a sense of humor about this

    Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    What do you mean by that? You know as well as I do it’s not humorous.

    And to be clear, I’m not slyly suggesting Daleyrocks wrote that. Even though he’s a prick, I just don’t think that’s the case. I was really convinced Haiku did, and I apologize again for my error.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  155. xxoxo Dustin

    MayBee (081489)

  156. 107. Comment by gary gulrud — 3/21/2012 @ 4:39 pm

    …attempt to sweep away without meeting legitimate arguments.

    Call your adversary irrational, unrealistic and obviate the need to dispute them.

    Sometimes people go for the all-purpose put down, based upon facts that would have been equally true (or not true) when your adversary was 11 years old, and don’t even bother with that!!

    To say the least, it’s not very convincing.

    However, if it’s possible, I feel that should be ignored. Just go on, and speak to whatever remaining legitimate point there might be.

    It is, in fact, not very convincing, and doesn’t resonate.

    In some parallel universe maybe it could resonate, but none of that’s doing that here.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  157. “Frankly, I agree with your last sentence but there are other reasons conservatives might support Romney than being partisan hacks, and it’s the reason I’ll support Romney if he’s the nominee.”

    – DRJ

    You may support him come November (i.e. vote for him) but you certainly haven’t been cheerleading for him, or pretending that he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

    Leviticus (870be5)

  158. I backed off of Icy because he has been the most mellow of the three of them

    — And I’m still not a Romney fan. Santorum is my guy, but I’ve conceded that Mitt will get the nomination. I’m a conservative, not a Republican; however, Anyone But Obama trumps all other considerations. I’ve defended Romney vigorously and often because too many people ostensibly on our side of the aisle were using the tactics of the left to attack him.

    Icy (1022fe)

  159. Thanks, Maybee. I appreciate it. I particularly appreciate it because I know you are not a fan of the feud I’ve been a part of, and you’re showing me grace.

    It was a mistake to respond to this today. Had I ignored it I would have had a more pleasant day. Totally not worth it.

    Dustin (9538d2)

  160. Fifty, or even forty years ago, there was nobody from the Middle East attacking the United States.

    There was no such thing as Islamic radicalism. It didn’t exist.

    It’s all new.

    And for a long time most of the Pan-Arab – it was always Pan Arab – nationalism was secular.That does go back further, a bit.

    Look, all of this is like imagining Communism some kind of a factor in 1910. It, didn’t exist or didn’t exist in the same way. And now it largely doesn’t exist again anywhere.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  161. I see your accusations of bigotry from Haiku in the same light as claims from EPWJ that JD was threatening to kill him with rocks, but I’m not in your shoes.

    — I threatened to have EPWJ stoned to death by all of the Jews in Iran, but neither one of them returned my calls.

    Icy (1022fe)

  162. all of the hatred against Israel, which has expanded maybe a bit into other fields, was probably all started by King ibn Saud who was afraid of the ideology of the French Revolution, particularly the idea that there was something, uh, illegitimate, about kings and hereditary succession.

    And it certainly would have been killed without him in 1945.

    I could have typed something other than “uh” but it kind of captures the way I want to say it.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  163. Leave it to Sammy to completely miss the point.

    JD (516dcc)

  164. Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    — The only thing I know is that I was “sock”, my most recent sockpuppet at that time being the addresse of the above comment about Dustin.

    Icy (1022fe)

  165. You may support him come November (i.e. vote for him) but you certainly haven’t been cheerleading for him, or pretending that he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

    — Mitt IS the best thing since sliced Wonder Bread.

    Icy (1022fe)

  166. Icy, I realize you didn’t leave that comment either. I didn’t mean to point to you by process of elimination.

    I guess someone else thinks that kind of thing. It hadn’t occurred to me that this was a possibility.

    – Mitt IS the best thing since sliced Wonder Bread.

    Comment by Icy

    Well, he’s going to be the nominee and he’s better than another four years of Obama.

    Dustin (330eed)

  167. “addressee” [stupid iPhone!]

    Icy (1022fe)

  168. – I threatened to have EPWJ stoned to death by all of the Jews in Iran, but neither one of them returned my calls.


    EPWJ’s baseless exaggeration XXIV ed aside, there is some remarkable Jewish history in Iran. Such as the tomb of Esther (though I think this is in controversy). Even more recently, there are many things in Iran that Israelis helped build prior to the revolution. It’s staring Iran in the face how much better off they would be if they were friends.

    Dustin (330eed)

  169. Comment by Dustin — 3/21/2012 @ 11:19 pm

    there is some remarkable Jewish history in Iran.

    And there are more than 2 Jews still left in Iran, in spite of the fact that a lot left since 1979. Not so in Afghanistan, where it is now 1 or 0, or Tripoli, Libya.

    Such as the tomb of Esther (though I think this is in controversy).

    Of Esther and Mordechai, in Hamadan Iran. Yes, there’s controversy. Somebody asked me – and it is a common question – do they (in Persia/Iran) have the story of Purim, with the plot by Haman to kill all the Jews in their history and apparently they do, but I never heard the details and it’s probably substantially wrong. I know also that when the Sassanids (226-642) ruled, they collapsed the history of Persia to eliminate much of the Parthian period and tie themselves to the original Persian Empire of the Achaemenids of Cyrus the Great and his successors (539-330 BCE)

    As a matter of fact, everybody’s has it wrong, in different ways, and it has generally been taken out of history. The Jew-despising 19th century Bible critics said Ahasuerus, if he was anyone, was Xerxes, but Xerxes was off fighting a war with Greece in the same year of his reign that various things happened in the book of Esther, but it is actually obvious, for a number of different reasons, that he is Artaxerxes I and therefore the plot too place in 453 BCE with the mass murders scheduled for 452 BCE. And I can go into this a lot.

    Now having Esther and Mordechai buried in some place other than the capital of Shushan (mentioned in the book of Esther 3:15 and other places) makes sense because I read, without reading a date, that the city of Shushan burned to the ground sometime late in the reign of Artaxerxes I, and was never used again. The city of Shushan is called Susa by academics. I think the Shah of Iran held a 2,500th anniversary of the founding of the Persian Empire there in 1971, and some reporter visited the place after the Iran-Iraq war and he wrote that the ruins of buildings left by the Shah looked like or comparable to the ruins left the old Persian Empire 2,500 years ago or so.

    The interesting thing is, the book of Esther, although it contains no open miracles, was the first book of the Bible to be attacked by the Bible critics, about 500 or 600 years ago, in Germany (Holocaust denial goes back a long way) and yet its truth is demonstrated by the one section of the Bible that everybody agrees by whom it was written and when it was written – the memoirs of Nehemiah. Esther is actually mentioned in another place – Nehemiah 2:6, to me, is an unmistakeable reference to Esther. Now you may ask why isn’t this better known – it’s because Jewish tradition has got the chronology wrong and collapsed many Persian kings into one – actually I think it was in a state of confusion 1700 or 1800 years ago, and there was the incredible tradition perhaps, (it’s in the Babylonian Talmud at Rosh Hashonah 4a) that the word used in Nehemiah 2:6 means a female dog even though its argued there quite convincingly, from other Biblical examples, that it means queen (Daniel 5:23, Psalms 45:10. Or maybe perhaps not exactly queen – the word is shegal, different from the word Malcah used in the book of Esther, but it would mean some female member of the royal family – in Daniel 5:23 it’s the Aramaic cognate

    Everybody has it wrong. Nobody knows where to place it.

    Mohammed actually placed Haman in the time of Pharoah! He only mentions him twice, in passing, with no details. Now I can figure out how this happened. Years earlier he had observed that the Jews celebrated a holiday called Purim,where there had been a plot to kill them all. At that time, especially in that region, they used to hang Haman in effigy in the street. So he knew there was a certain person called Haman who had wanted to kill all the Jews. Now there’s story n the Talmud, which he may have heard secondhand from some Jews during the long camel journeys, which is found at Sotah 11a, and also Sanhedrin 106a – I don’t know if there’s anyone who will read this who will know how to look up these references – but anyway I think that means it was told over and over again – and it may be some other places in the Babylonian Talmud also. The story, attributed to a Rabbi Simai, who probably deduced this out of his own head, is that when Pharoah ordered every Jewish baby boy born cast into the canal, he consulted advisers beforehand. And who were these advisers? Well, they are people we know: Balaam, Job and Jethro. Balaam was the one came up with the idea, Job kept quiet and that’s why he suffered, and Jethro, the father in law of Moses, ran away.

    Now my feeling is that when Mohammed heard this story, he confused Balaam with Haman, because the names sound a little bit similar (Bilum, Huh-mun) and the name Haman was familiar to him, but he knew nothing of the plot or even when it happened, but he knew he had come up with a plot to kill the Jews which was foiled and didn’t happen, and the name Balaam was not all familiar to him. (It’s in the Bible, principly at Numbers 22:2 to 24:25, but he wouldn’t know that, because he didn’t have the Bible. He never had the Bible; Moslems don’t have it in their scripture till this day. He came up with a totally different version of the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, in which they both desired each other but both were voluntarily chaste – probably based on his own life. (He had loved his boss’s wife – he married her finally when he was forty when her husband died) And he also gave her a name – Zuleikah – which maybe also came from Jewish sources – and this name, Zuleikah, I understand, is one of the most popular girls’ names in Iran!

    Now there have been other explanations offered as to how Mohammed put Haman in the time of Pharoah, but this one I think makes much better sense than any of them.

    Even more recently, there are many things in Iran that Israelis helped build prior to the revolution. It’s staring Iran in the face how much better off they would be if they were friends.

    They know that. And the same thing with “Death to America” that the government makes or has people say all the time. Nobody, just about nobody supports that. But Iran is a dictatorship,and now maybe the person(s) in charge, don’t event trust the people they picked.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  170. 168. Comment by JD — 3/21/2012 @ 10:50 pm

    Leave it to Sammy to completely miss the point.

    I’m sorry. What’s this referring to? I don’t know. I go off on tangents, true, a lot.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  171. Thanks for the insightful comment, Sammy. Sincerely interesting to me.

    The Green Revolution was a golden opportunity.

    Every Persian I’ve ever met (to be clear, I probably know fewer yankees) is unbelievably friendly. Outside the norms of the west to the point where it can seem embarrassing. Such a shame things seem to be proceeding in the absolute worst direction. Partly I think Obama’s apology tour is an unintentional provocation for the wolves. Partly I think Iran is simply afflicted with internal evil.

    Dustin (330eed)

  172. Comment by narciso — 3/21/2012 @ 8:47 pm

    the ‘lone wolf’ trope is as worn out as the
    ‘Landshark’ sketch, Merah is tied to a jihadist
    network into Iraq, same as most of the others,
    wonder if Gen. Clapper is aware of this

    What’s this referring to?

    Mohammed Merah, the Toulouse murderer, did not is not acting all on his own – he’s a member of some organization – he didn’t get these ideas off the Internet, but was following instructions even if was the only one there.

    But not in Iraq – he went to Pakistan. He said he was a member of Al Qaeda, which my be a half truth. There is no real Al Qaeda. It’s all Pakistan’s rogue military intelligence agency, which maybe finally the civilians are gaining some control over and maybe this strategy by Obama will work. The type of crime, making sure to also murder a Jewish Rabbi, sounds like the massacre in Mumbai (Bombay) which was run by Pakistan’s rogue military agency – there is no Lakshir al Taba or whatever it is called.

    What does Lt Gen James R Clapper Jr director of national intelligence, have to do with this here? What did he say?

    Last thing I know, he was differentiating between Iran’s nuclear program in general and an actual decision to put together a bomb, claiming that as far as he knew, no decision to do so had actually been made. Or testimony to that effect more or less.

    Sammy Finkelman (3c2bfd)

  173. Sammy… I posted something about the “lone wolves”, only because I found it sadly hilarious just how many of these lonesters we’ve been told about… one? okay… two?… fool me once… three?… a trend… four?… I think I see a pattern here…

    I also found it funny that al-Qaeda was perturbed that Keith Olbermann was fired by MSLSD (see the link below), but also marveled at just how clueless David Ignatius is: “The al-Qaeda spinmeister didn’t like Fox News (“let her die in her anger”), but it’s hard to understand why. Surely Rupert Murdoch’s network, with its saturation coverage of the war on terror, did more to elevate bin Laden’s profile than any other news outlet.”

    Colonel Haiku (5b3439)

  174. General Clapper in various appearances has proven less than fully aware, like that comment about the Brotherhood being mostly secular, or the reports
    of the jihadists recently arraigned in London, I was referring to reports of his brother Abdelkader’s role in Iraq, there is an overlapping
    series of networks, AQAP (which operates in part with the acquiescence of the PSO) the TTP, and
    Merah’s likely branch, AQM, formerly GSFC, which rose out of GIA,

    narciso (35ae48)

  175. Of course Gadahn, (nee Pearlman) has garnered his
    requisite ridicule, with grandiose statements ending in from ‘Afghanistan to Zanzibar’ it’s the folk that don’t broadcast that w orry me

    narciso (35ae48)

  176. The predicted Nor Luap assignment of delegates, e.g., as yours truly has reported, installing his loyalists as bound to McBain has failed–Daily Beast?

    So the danger of a Willard/Coprolite axis of evil has diminished.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  177. Part of what I was referring to;

    narciso (35ae48)

  178. “Your latest reference to various Middle Eastern “lone wolf” terrorists was plainly a reference to me. There was nothing else in this thread remotely related to your haikus attacking me. You just want some plausible deniability, bigot.”

    Dustin – Your paranoia reached new heights with this one. The right commonly mocks the media’s obsession with saying terrorists acted alone or were “lone wolves.” Michelle Malkin has made it an art form. This was truly an ignorant, paranoid, insulting comment on your part.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  179. Acting alone or isolated incidents, just like ACORN voter registration fraud.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  180. “You’re the one who bashed me today. No provocation whatsoever. It’s just one projection after another from you.”

    Dustin – I explained the reason for my comments therein. I suggest you read them again. You are not the victim you claim.

    As far as I am aware Patterico does not require viewpoint unanimity on this blog. Not having the nads to stand up to people pushing back on your preferred narratives, even when they typically provide more support and links for their positions, instead denigrating them as trolls, moby’s, shills, sycophants, while claiming you are a victim says much more about you than them.

    I see no another commenter has admitted vigorously defending Romney due to your inaccurate and bogus attacks. Good job.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  181. On Laura Major Garrett had a decent surmise for the audacious moot of Rubio by Jebster–to stop the Santorum VP tender by Team McBain.

    185. “I suggest you read them again.”

    Death by dreck.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  182. Returning to Sangamon County:

    I know Republicans have every right to oppose the death of the GOP, but its time is past.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  183. Included in Powerline’s coverage of the Toulouse standoff from this morning:

    “Merah proclaimed his pride in killing a rabbi, three Jewish children and three French paratroopers in three separate motorcycle shooting attacks. The AP story is full of the “lone wolf” theme that is de rigueur in these matters. Mark Steyn explains the “time-honored tradition” that governs the story in “Lather, rinse, and repeat.””

    It seems like more than just Joe Biden has lost his marbles.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  184. Dustin – I explained the reason for my comments therein. I suggest you read them again. You are not the victim you claim.

    No you didn’t.

    It actually makes more sense if you’re just covering for the author of the racist remark.

    Not having the nads to stand up to people

    I don’t your “grow some balls” argument, which you’ve offered a few times. I am perfectly willing to stand up to people.

    You’re actually the one on the side of not standing up.

    For all your whining about my criticism of Romney, you have never criticized the racist comment regarding a boot on my throat.

    As far as I am aware Patterico does not require viewpoint unanimity on this blog.

    You’re the one attacking me merely for my political views. When you say you’re just standing up against bad behavior, that is clearly untrue as Haiku already conceded the arab comment, did leave references to my being persian as well, and frankly he’s been personally attacking me in several hundreds of comments for months

    And when you say you’re just standing up against bad behavior, I noticed you haven’t had anything critical to say of the racist comment about a boot on my throat because I’m middle eastern.

    It actually seems like your hostility is entirely based on who criticizes Mitt Romney.

    I see no another commenter has admitted vigorously defending Romney due to your inaccurate and bogus attacks. Good job.

    What inaccurate and bogus attack on Romney?


    I asked you, Daleyrocks, why you defended the racist comment by telling me to grow a sense of humor. What is humorous about it?

    Why the righteous indignation? Your own comments that I quoted were far nastier and less accurate and more bogus than anything I’ve written. The worst you’ve been able to show is something where you claim I might be unconsciously mistaken (and I don’t think I was… I think you just couldn’t prove your point).

    You were screaming I was dishonest at the same time you were admitting you didn’t know. Admitting it was a baseless attack.

    Haiku and Icy have noted they did not make the comment. Why haven’t you?

    Daleyrocks, yes or no: did you write “Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.”

    Is the rest of this judgmental BS from you just meant to cover your ass?

    Whoever wrote that ugly comment sure wanted to act brave…

    Dustin (330eed)

  185. And I just realized that everything was cool until Daleyrocks reignited this whole thing.

    Why did he do that? I noted it seemed unprovoked, but I did recently criticize that comment in another thread. I made no reference to Daley or Romney.

    It’s strange Daley thinks I should be the one embarrassed over a comment where someone was incredibly racist and proposed violence against me due to my race.

    Just to rule this out:
    Daleyrocks, yes or no: did you write “Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.”

    Dustin (330eed)

  186. Dustin – Your paranoia reached new heights with this one.

    Yeah yeah yeah. You really hate my guts apparently. It makes no sense to me why you are this consumed with hatred. What, prior to your initial comment in this thread, set you off?

    Obviously I was mistaken at least about some of Haiku’s comments and I apologized. But there was some basis because of comments he acknowledged. And whoever left the “under your boot” remark left it was “general major”, so I assume the intention was to signal Haiku left it.

    At the time, a couple of you guys were playing some kind of game where you’d laugh how I would criticize a nasty comment and then you each would deny leaving it. I guess that was meant to be cute, but this criticism still applied to the comment.

    Haiku should have simply told me straight that he didn’t say this comment, much sooner than he did. I asked him point blank many times and his response was to not deny it… in fact I guess I misinterpreted the Persian references as a confirmation.

    I don’t know what the deal is with that. I wish he had let me know he didn’t want to be associated with that racist comment that you have explained I need to grow a sense of humor about. I think this was an extension of the little game? Still, I apologize for my mistake regarding the “under the boot” mistake. No matter what I think of Haiku, he does not deserve to take the blame for something that nasty if he didn’t write it, and I don’t see why he would admit to the ‘arab loins’ comment and lie about some other comment.

    I’m sorry you’re always outraged with me, Daleyrocks. It really doesn’t make any sense to me.

    Dustin (330eed)

  187. 179. Comment by narciso — 3/22/2012 @ 5:13 am

    I was referring to reports of his brother Abdelkader’s role in Iraq, there is an overlapping
    series of networks, AQAP (which operates in part with the acquiescence of the PSO) the TTP, and
    Merah’s likely branch, AQM, formerly GSFC, which rose out of GIA,

    AQAP = Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. (especially Yemen)

    PSO = Yemen’s Political Security Organization, known to be infiltrated. One member, Abd al Salam al Hilahnow, now in Guantanamo Bay, had advanace knowledge of a whole bunch of terrorist attacks.

    TTP = Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (the Pakistani
    Taliban, probably, like Al Qaeda, controlled by
    some people in, or formerly in, Pakistan’s rogue military intelligence agency)

    AQM = Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia (their name for Iraq)

    GFSC = Goddard Space Flight Center?? No. Guernsey Financial Services Commission??

    GIA= Groupe Islamique Armé (Algerian militant group linked to al-Qaeda actually founded by the Algerian Army in 1991, supposedly as a controlled decoy group or a name-blackening group to the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) the organization that won the first round of the cancelled Algerian elections in December 1991.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  188. Early this morning I hadn’t yet read any newspapers. It is whole lot easier to find out things quickly by reading a newspaper than by trying to find find it online. Pages take a while to load, and you only can see one bit at a time.

    You can scan or search through many articles much faster in printed newspapers than you can look through many web pages.

    I didn’t know about his brother Abdelkader. There was a picture of him being arrested earlier on page 8 of the New York Post.

    Aldelkader has earlier been sending jihadists/suicide bombers to Iraq (I suppose recruited from Saudia Arabia and Yemen. If from a number of places he was a big shot)

    Jihadists to Iraq is Al Qaeda. That, right away, established Mohammed as not a lone wolf of any kind even if his brother was not involved in this particular caper (if “caper” is the right word.)

    If he wasn’t, it is only for operational security reasons or because someone thought his brother might talk him out of it (Abdelkadir had never risked his own life. He might not want his brother to do something so simple. Abdelkadir obviously must have known about all the weapons Mohammed had and maybe even got them for his brother unless they were only intended for himself)

    Mohammed was at least twice in Afghanistan, not just North or south Waziristan in Pakistan. I didn’t mention that.

    The first time he was arrested by an Afghan security patrol in Kandahar and turned over to the United States, which sent him back to France. It doesn’t say when this happened if Bush or Obama was president, [I see now it was 2010. OK. Obama] but it is all the same – by 2006 or 2007 or so they were not transfering anyone to Guantanamo Bay then and they were releasing whomever they could.

    France was a country that didn’t torture prisoners and presumably would watch jihadists so they let him go. But France somehow lost track of him or didn’t bother. France, being a NATO country was not closely questioned. He was put on the U.S. no-fly list, though.

    Mohammed Merah was found two ways. First, because he had contacted the first soldier he killed (pretending to be interested in buying a motorcycle or something) He had logged on from an IP address that belonged to his mother’s computer. In fact, France didn’t know at the time of his brother’s arrest which of the brothers had done it or if they acted together. The mother also was a suspect. At the beginning they had said this could be a rightwinger, I suppose because the soldiers killed were Muslim or black.

    The other way was a tip from a motorcycle dealer. Mohammed Merah had called him up and asked how to modify a GPS on a Yamaha, which by then people knew had used by the killer.

    He was planning to find more soldiers to kill.

    He claimed in his talks with police that the Rabbi was a target of opportunity because he hadn’t found soldiers but obviously he’d been told to go after both types of targets, but in the order that seemed best to him.

    This sort of thing can’t be micromanaged from Pakistan, especially if they have no live phone contact. The Mumbai raid though was a bit micromanaged from Pakistan.

    Mohhammed Merah was also a petty crimninal. he spent one year in jail for stealing a purse along with four or five friends, and he’d just been sentenced to a month in jail for driving without a license. Maybe that precipitated this whole thing.

    He’s now dead. There were explosions heard last night but it wasn’t that. Possibly in an attempt to escape, after 32 hours he jumped out of a window, shooting with a gun in his hand, and was found dead on the ground with a bullet through his head.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  189. Mohammed Merah
    Mohammed’s Radio won’t
    play his song no mo

    Colonel Haiku (6794cb)

  190. Mohammed Merah told police he had been asked to carry out a suicide attack, but refused, but he agreed to do a general attack without suicide. His only regret was that he hadn’t been able to kill more people. He boasted about bringing France down to its knees.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  191. Almost got it, translation of Salafist Fighting Groups,

    narciso (35ae48)

  192. When Osama bin Laden was videtaped watching TV I think the idea was to videotape what was on the TV. He didn’t have a VCR. He really wasn’t supposed to be in the picture.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  193. Well I picked up, bits and pieces from the Guardian, the Telegraph, et al, if I had to rely on my own fishwrap, which features the very credulous
    Carol Rosenberg, I would be out of my

    narciso (35ae48)

  194. Let me answer the question I posed to Daleyrocks for him: no, he did not write that comment.

    I am glad I merely asked and I’m glad I initially said I didn’t believe he could write that. Even though obviously Daley and I have a lot of animosity towards eachother, he has never even hinted at any kind of bigotry. I also know that he’s a professional and intelligent person. Even though I think he’s been quite unfair to me lately, he doesn’t deserve the insinuation he wrote that ugly comment.

    This isn’t really an apology so much as removing the question because Daleyrocks doesn’t need to answer that. I’ve already said what I have to say about him beyond that.

    Dustin (330eed)

  195. “For all your whining about my criticism of Romney, you have never criticized the racist comment regarding a boot on my throat.”

    “You’re the one attacking me merely for my political views.”

    Dustin – I’m sorry I have not joined the crowd and condemned the boot on neck line which has so offended your sensibilities. I know you look for crowd validation for your actions and opinions. I don’t like what was written and had no part in it as I said before. There, another voice added.

    I did think the prawn of arab loins line was amusing and adaptable to any ethnicity, but as I said before, I’m not in your shoes.

    You cannot seem to get the concept through your head that I am not attacking you for your political views. You are entitled to your political views, however misguided I may think they are. I get excited when they are completely unsupported, based on complete asspulls, incorrect information, apples to oranges comparisons between candidates, hypocrisy, left wing talking points and the like. The list can go on and on and I’ve provided specifics month after month so it exhibits complete intellectual dishonesty on your part to pretend you don’t understand what I have objected to.

    Going back to comments intended to taunt EPWJ where you were specifically informed of the purpose of the comments because you were too dim to figure them out only to have you complain after the fact is yet another example of intellectual dishonesty on your part.

    I don’t want to relitigate anything and provide a long list of your errors as your errors and I did not reescalate this as you claimed. Again, read my comments. Haiku has an opinion, usually supported with links or quotes, which is more than you generally provide, but gets denigrated as a troll or moby because he doesn’t agree with you. That is the type of mature argument we usually see on lefty blogs, just like JD dismissing Dave B. as a Romney shill earlier. I would rather hear from someone who actually lived in Massachusetts during Romney’s term as governor who has first hand knowledge of his term than somebody who obtains their talking points from progressive blogs, but that’s just me.

    Insulting Colonel Haiku during the porn discussion reignited this conversation. Ther claims of you and other Santorum defenders that it’s no big deal because Romney has a similar position on pornography are just unitentional hypocritical comedy gold. You folks keep telling me a) that Romney is a social liberal so why would I believe he has the same position on this type of an issue as Santorum and b) even if he said he was in favor of enforcing obscenity laws, why should I believe him because you keep telling me I can’t believe anything he says because he’ll flip flop on it. With all the BS you’ve thrown out there about Romney, you’ve covered all the bases and can pretty much pick and choose what convenient position to cherry pick or avoid that suits your purpose. Good work.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  196. Dustin – While you’re on the hunt for the person who wrote the boot on neck comment, why not try to identify who wrote all those bigoted anti-mormon comments in those sockpuppet threads. I found those very offensive as I’m sure did most people here.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  197. Comment by daleyrocks — 3/22/2012 @ 10:34 pm

    It’s already been revealed that Haiku was the one who made that comment. Then lied about it.

    Stashiu3 (1764bd)

  198. Dustin – I’m sorry I have not joined the crowd and condemned the boot on neck line which has so offended your sensibilities.

    You said I needed a sense of humor about Col Haiku’s comment. What did you find humorous about it? Your comment is sarcastic about how it “so offended your sensibilities”. No, it’s actually way out of line. It’s not whining to stand up to that crap.

    did think the prawn of arab loins line was amusing and adaptable to any ethnicity,

    Really? Kinda seems to apply mainly to middle eastern folks the best. Why is it funny to reference people’s heritage like that?

    ou cannot seem to get the concept through your head that I am not attacking you for your political views.

    You’re right, you aren’t. All I did was cite, accurately, Romney’s record.

    even if he said he was in favor of enforcing obscenity laws, why should I believe him because you keep telling me I can’t believe anything he says because he’ll flip flop on it.

    True. That is the fundamental fear people have with Romney. But his stated position is the same as Santorum’s. That you are attacking Santorum for having a similar position to Romney’s is just the 50000th example of your bias for Romney. Which I don’t even have a problem with. Romney’s the nominee, so congratulations. He’s better than Obama (santorum was an idiot to say otherwise), so I’ll vote Romney in November.

    But that concern remains that Romney is difficult to rely on. I know he won’t be as bad as Obama, though.

    Insulting Colonel Haiku during the porn discussion reignited this conversation.

    Why shouldn’t I? He was way out of line. I criticized him very harshly, but what I said was true. Why do you feel the need to defend that racist?

    gets denigrated as a troll or moby because he doesn’t agree with you.

    He probably is a moby. Yes, I can’t really know it, but I just assume that of conservatives who inject a lot of needless racism into threads.

    Do you realize that Haiku did leave that boot on neck comment? He denied it, but he was not telling the truth. Why do you take his side? What in the world have I done that sets you off so bad?

    Going back to comments intended to taunt EPWJ

    Reread my comment. I quoted how I thought that, and then you kept arguing with me, not EPWJ, while making even nastier comments about Perry. And so I conclude, at minimum, that you got extremely nasty about smearing Perry just because you were excited about EPWJ. I realize you think that it’s OK to be that nasty if you are also taunting EPWJ, but I do not. This is called a “disagreement”. It does not cost me “standing”, to use your term, to criticize Haiku’s racist comment.

    BTW, I have no freaking idea why you’re calling me a Santorum defender. I said Romney and Santorum had the same view. I’ve actually said repeatedly I think Romney would probably be the better president and it’s not clear which I would vote for first (I am voting Newt).

    Dustin (330eed)

  199. One last thing:

    The reason I came in here to say Daleyrocks didn’t write that comment was because I had learned Haiku had. I did not come in here and crow that Haiku was caught lying. It wasn’t party time. I just wanted to shut down a line of inquiry to Daleyrocks that I realized was unjustified. Because I wanted to be honorable to Daleyrocks.

    This is the same reason I apologized to Haiku when he said he didn’t leave that comment. And I note he has not apologized to me. Patterico suggested he do so, but he just stopped commenting at that time.

    It actually makes me uncomfortable to talk about the views Haiku expressed. I don’t want to wallow in them. Either he’s a moby or he is actually serious about this and I can’t express the proper reaction to that.

    Daleyrocks, I think it’s best if we just not reference eachother in the future. I shouldn’t have replied to you at length. There’s no constructive purpose in it.

    Dustin (330eed)

  200. “Boot on my throat”

    I never wrote that. What I did write was:

    “Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.”

    I see no mention of Dustin in that.

    And as I wrote to Mr. Frey in an email exchange:

    “Mr. Frey… re: your request on #170. After being called a “liar”, a “coward”, and several other pejoratives too many times to count by that individual, I can not bring myself to apologize to him. If that results in my presence no longer being tolerated at your site, I understand and can live with that.”

    Dustin is the person who won’t put that behind him. I don’t want any apology from him for the insulting garbage and disparagement and have never made a showing of my displeasure with what he’d written, certainly not with the moderators. It got personal and remains personal.

    Colonel Haiku (df9857)

  201. Haiku, are you saying you did not say

    Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    Yes or no.

    Comment by Dustin —

    You answered:

    No. I did write the “prawn of Arab loins” thing. Apparently, you’ve never seen the movie “Yellowbeard”.

    “I’m not stupid. Everyone knows who you were talking about.”

    Comment by Dustin

    Don’t you know the difference between a coyote and a wolf, son? You are one Slow Boat to China, ain’tcha.

    Comment by Colonel Haiku — 3/21/2012

    And so I apologized for my error. I had been convinced you said it, Haiku, because when I asked you many times your response was obnoxious and did not deny it.

    Everyone makes mistakes, Haiku, and you clearly know you did.

    I don’t want any apology from him for the insulting garbage and disparagement and have never made a showing of my displeasure with what he’d written, certainly not with the moderators. It got personal and remains personal.

    Yes, Haiku, you said I was dead to you and then get got racial. You’ve offered hundreds of insults to myself and a large number of other commenters. I’ve also criticized you very harshly.

    I can not bring myself to apologize to him.

    Your denying the comment made me look really foolish for criticizing your making it. It made JD ask to know who offered the comment. It bothered others too.

    You owe them an apology too.

    And yes, I did call you a coward, Haiku. Someone who would never say to my face or my family’s face what you think of Middle Eastern people.

    I have been pretty hard on you. And when I’ve learned I was mistaken, even though I’m ticked off at you, I apologized actually within seconds. Based on your honor, Haiku.

    Dustin is the person who won’t put that behind him.

    Maybe you need to stop fixating on me and start working on yourself. But I’m not perfect. I’m tired of admitting it and apologizing for it and being the nice constantly offering the olive branch to people who slap it away and laugh about it. It is obvious that you guys will *never* do the same.

    Dustin (330eed)

  202. 207. Seems to me Dusty is completely exonerated in his pursuit of this matter.

    gary gulrud (1de2db)

  203. Dustin – I don’t have the time, nor the inclination, to list the countless insults you’ve made while you pose as a victim of discrimination. Nothing racial about what I wrote, but it is ethnic and it is a restatement of what an English military man wrote several decades ago based on his experience in the Middle East. If that makes me a bigot, so be it. I’ll keep that bigotry to myself in the future. Make no mistake, I would have absolutely no hesitation in repeating that generalization to your face and your family has nothing to do with it. It’s between you and I.

    Daley – a much more eloquent man than I – has provided a lot of detail around your methodology, your dishonest approach, your total inability to understand factual data that refutes the narrative you have invented and my animosity toward you is mainly based on that behavior. As far as I’m concerned, the avoidance of each other is the appropriate tack to be taken. Peace be with you.

    Gulrud… as a religious bigot, you are uniquely qualified to pass judgement.

    Colonel Haiku (df9857)

  204. Nothing racial about what I wrote, but it is ethnic and it is a restatement of what an English military man wrote several decades ago based on his experience in the Middle East. If that makes me a bigot, so be it.

    It does. I was born in Texas and I served in the US Army because I love my country. My family is extremely patriotic.

    Daley – a much more eloquent man than I – has provided a lot of detail around your methodology, your dishonest approach

    You’re calling me dishonest? Are you serious?

    I don’t really think this is about the Romney criticism. I don’t think any of my Romney points were shown to be dishonest. When I’ve been shown wrong (and it’s happened a few times), I’ve acknowledged the error. You both say I’m super dishonest and are extremely vague about how and I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

    Haiku, you couldn’t even take responsibility for your comment on the internet. You denied the comment. I quoted it, asked if you said it, yes or no, and you said “no.”

    All you’re doing now is projecting and piling another bucket of insults. You need to stop fixating on me and start working on yourself.

    Dustin (330eed)

  205. I made a formatting error. It was meant to look like this:

    I would have absolutely no hesitation in repeating that generalization to your face and your family has nothing to do with it. It’s between you and I.

    Haiku, you couldn’t even take responsibility for your comment on the internet. You denied the comment. I quoted it, asked if you said it, yes or no, and you said “no.”

    Dustin (330eed)

  206. Here we go again… I’ve taken responsibility, belatedly, yes. Stop playing the victim card.

    You claim you’ve “acknowledged” “error”(s), but even when you concede something, it’s done in a backhanded manner and you can be trusted to be back at it later the same day or the next, at the latest.

    Again, we don’t see eye to eye, just stay away.

    Colonel Haiku (df9857)

  207. You claim you’ve “acknowledged” “error”(s), but even when you concede something, it’s done in a backhanded manner and you can be trusted to be back at it later the same day or the next, at the latest.

    I’ve asked for an example a dozen times in this thread and a hundred times at this blog and you’re clearly just making it up. My views are in good faith, and when I’m shown wrong I admit it.

    You have been smearing most Republican candidates. I defend Romney and the other candidates from smears, but I also call ’em like I see ’em when Romney or Perry or Newt have a defect. You actually know that, and are projecting to smear me. When you called me a liar regarding Perry’s education cuts, I asked you to back it up and you said ‘tomorrow’ obnoxiously for two days, then said Perry did do what I said but hey, he was forced somehow (ridiculous). You couldn’t admit you were wrong then, and you can’t admit you’re wrong now, so you just attack instead.

    I’ve taken responsibility, belatedly, yes.

    You did not take responsibility. It was proven against your denial. That is the opposite of taking responsibility. Then you have excuses and refuse to apologize. That is the opposite of taking responsibility.

    I asked you point blank. And when your lie was exposed, you lied again, saying you had only denied my misquote of it (even though you didn’t say anything about this misquote at the time). I even quoted the comment verbatim and asked you yes or no, and you said no.

    This bolsters my view that you would crumble before you said something like this to my face.

    What do you contribute to this blog, Haiku? You’re calling people bigot, even though you’re also saying you’ll keep your bigotry to yourself in the future. You’re trashing me as a liar, even as you’re saying your lying is actually taking responsibility. You called Leviticus’s family incestuous just yesterday and frankly it’s a really long list of other needlessly ugly and personal comments from you.

    You can’t just say “I disagree with your argument and here’s my argument”. It has to get personal. You have to talk about people’s family or something like that.

    And oh no, if anyone complains, they are “playing the victim card”. How? All I did was criticize your speech with my speech. I didn’t ask anything.

    Dustin (330eed)

  208. 210. Hai Colon: “Gulrud… as a religious bigot, you are uniquely qualified to pass judgement.”

    Glad I didn’t ‘pass judgement’, I observed that Dustin was blameless.

    Now, prove that a single solitary statement of mine was false in any detail about any religion. But don’t expect me to worry about slights, there is nothing about either of us worthy of respect.

    gary gulrud (d88477)

  209. “What did you find humorous about it? Your comment is sarcastic about how it “so offended your sensibilities”. No, it’s actually way out of line.”

    “did think the prawn of arab loins line was amusing and adaptable to any ethnicity,

    Really? Kinda seems to apply mainly to middle eastern folks the best.”

    Dustin – The term prawn can be used loosely to describe any large shrimp. Comparing a baby to a large shrimp is amusing imagery. There is nothing inherently Middle Eastern about it.

    “You’re right, you aren’t. All I did was cite, accurately, Romney’s record.”

    Cough, cough, if you ignore all the inaccuracies I’ve pointed out.

    “That you are attacking Santorum for having a similar position to Romney’s is just the 50000th example of your bias for Romney.”

    I am attacking Santorum for focusing on distractions yet again, but more importantly, your defense of him by pointing to the positions of a candidate you say you cannot trust, except when you want to point to them to serve your purpose.

    “Reread my comment. I quoted how I thought that, and then you kept arguing with me, not EPWJ, while making even nastier comments about Perry. And so I conclude, at minimum, that you got extremely nasty about smearing Perry just because you were excited about EPWJ. I realize you think that it’s OK to be that nasty if you are also taunting EPWJ, but I do not. This is called a “disagreement”. It does not cost me “standing”, to use your term, to criticize Haiku’s racist comment.”

    Dustin – You referenced email conversations we had about this, something I would not have done on a blog, showing me how little I can trust you. This is now a new spin you attempting to put on an old discussion. You need to stick with a story. There were public rumors of Perry being gay. I didn’t invent them. EPWJ was obsessed with Sarah Palin’s sex life. I amped up both issues in reference to the HPV vaccinations. You admitted to me you could not tell when I was doing it. Other commenters apparently had no such trouble. I was not criticizing your standing concerning Haiku over this issue, but myself. Delayed faux outrage is a tool of the left.

    Dustin – I am criticizing you because you are the one calling Colonel Haiku a moby and troll and such when in my view it is you who over the course of this campaign who has exhibited behavior much more consistent with that species.

    I had no idea Haiku made the boot on neck comment until Stashiu pointed it out above and will now read his explanation.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  210. 152. “Haiku, are you saying you did not say

    Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    Yes or no.”

    Comment by Dustin — 3/21/2012

    No. I am not saying I did not say [write] that, counselor.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  211. I thought we had a lot of people who practiced law here.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  212. No. I am not saying I did not say [write] that, counselor.
    Comment by Colonel Haiku — 3/24/2012 @ 9:16 am

    It matters what “is” is. I guess. If that’s the company you want to keep…

    It was a deceptive answer at best, certainly not owning your comments. That will be in my mind from now on.

    Stashiu3 (1764bd)

  213. That is fine by me, Stashiu. I made my peace with Mr. Frey and explained my actions.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  214. Stashiu, if you have the time, I’d suggest you review many other comments on those “anonymous” sock-puppet threads and determine whether they are far more noxious than the one I made, and just never had anyone whining and making a fuss about them.

    Or not.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  215. FWIW, Dustin, Haiku is NOT a Moby.

    Icy (b60639)

  216. No, but he has an overreliance on sources like Taibbi, who disparage everyone but Obama, with
    little evidence, example resurrecting the AmPad debacle, without context.

    narciso (6b342a)

  217. I may be many things, Icy, but a “Moby” ain’t one of them.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  218. How many times have I referenced someone like Taibbi, narciso? Once, that I recall.

    After reading more of his stuff, e.g., what he wrote upon Breitbart’s death, I regret doing that even once.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  219. Yeah, while Taibbi occasionally stumbles into factual correctness, in general it’s probably best to avoid quoting a hate-filled, rage-filled, die-hard leftist when trying to prove the conservative bonafides of your preferred candidate. “See, the other side of he aisle called him a ‘right-winger’!” doesn’t necessarily qualify as a ringing endorsement.

    Icy (b60639)

  220. You relished citing him on Perry, but his attacks on Bachmann, mostly recycled from the Minnesota underground) Palin, et al, mark him as a disreputable sort, then again a slightly less toxic nazgul, Michelle Goldberg, won a National Magazine
    award for her delusional rant.

    narciso (6b342a)

  221. I may be many things, Icy, but a “Moby” ain’t one of them.
    — Sounds like what I said. I know you’re sincere in your support for Romney.

    How many times have I referenced someone like Taibbi, narciso? Once, that I recall.
    — Three times, that I recall. [Not trying to start a thing, just sayin’ that it was definitely more than once.]

    Icy (b60639)

  222. “You relished citing him on Perry”

    Yes, I did. It was done to counter the attacks on Romney that others here were making using tactics/info from leftwing sources.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  223. “Three times, that I recall.”

    You’re a younger man than I, Icy. My memory… she comes and goes…

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  224. Narciso, I never cited him in regards to Bachmann, who I admire, or Palin, who I admire more for her steely refusal to cave on attacks against her and her family, but less and less for her acumen and branding/self-promoting ways.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  225. Colonel Haiku #218:

    No. I am not saying I did not say [write] that, counselor.

    Actually you did deny saying it in your comment #154, responding to Dustin’s comment #152. Then Dustin apologized to you for thinking you had written it. As Stashiu3 says, this will be in my mind from now on when I read your comments … and it doesn’t take a lawyer to figure that out.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  226. That’s fine, DRJ. I stand by what I wrote vis-a-vis Dustin. Very selective outrage and that will remain with me.

    152. Haiku, are you saying you did not say

    Always remember to never forget, sock, that even though he hails from Texas, his real heritage is Middle Eastern. And if they’re not kept under your boot, they’re at your throat.

    Yes or no.

    Comment by Dustin — 3/21/2012 @ 9:10 pm

    154. No. I did write the “prawn of Arab loins” thing. Apparently, you’ve never seen the movie “Yellowbeard”.

    “I’m not stupid. Everyone knows who you were talking about.”

    Comment by Dustin

    Don’t you know the difference between a coyote and a wolf, son? You are one Slow Boat to China, ain’tcha.

    Comment by Colonel Haiku — 3/21/2012 @ 9:28 pm

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  227. I see. You’re saying your “No” response in comment #154 meant: “I’m not saying I didn’t say it.” Okay. That helps me understand Stashiu3’s reference to Clinton’s parsing of “is.” Thank you for clarifying that but why wouldn’t you simply admit you said it, especially since you obviously don’t regret it?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  228. DRJ… I didn’t wish to feed the “I’m a victim here” aspect of it. It was resurrected and trotted out numerous times and it could have been left to wither on the vine like so many other “anonymous” comments (e.g., Mormon-bashing) that have been left behind and that certainly could be deemed to be much more offensive than that… hence the highly selective outrage on the part of some… certainly not you.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  229. just sayin’…

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  230. The gentleman and I don’t care for each other or each other’s opinions, so it’s best that we just avoid each other.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  231. Stashiu, if you have the time, I’d suggest you review many other comments on those “anonymous” sock-puppet threads and determine whether they are far more noxious than the one I made, and just never had anyone whining and making a fuss about them.
    Comment by Colonel Haiku — 3/24/2012 @ 9:56 am

    “Boy, the people in that sockpuppet thread really covered themselves in glory this time!”

    File it under: “Things you will never see Stashiu3 write except as extreme sarcasm”

    Stashiu3 (1764bd)

  232. Teach a man to fish…

    Colonel haiku (bd479c)

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