Tommy Christopher Fails to Vet Nadia Naffe, 1: Crowdsourcing
I had hoped to do a monstrous post today noting all the very odd aspects about Nadia Naffe’s story that Tommy Christopher ignored in his credulous reporting yesterday. But there are just too many, and I was tired last night and didn’t have time to compile them all.
So I will probably do that post over the weekend or on Monday. In the meantime, I am looking for some crowdsourcing. What odd aspects did you notice?
My post yesterday is a good place to start; I don’t need to hear those things repeated.
In a stream of consciousness here, these are the questions Tommy should be asking but is not:
- Why did you tell a judge this was all not harassment?
- Why do you claim the barn is remote when it is provably in a populated suburban area close to the street?
- Why didn’t you call a cab, since you had a phone and were calling people?
- Why do you say O’Keefe’s companion was brought to intimidate you and also say he was hiding?
- What does it mean when you say O’Keefe “downloaded and/or linked his Gmail account to my device”?
- Does that morally justify your publishing his emails?
- Where are the Andrew Breitbart allegations?
- Where is the evidence of a “rape plot”?
- Why did you retweet Andrew Breitbart favorably in late 2011 concerning Occupy after the barn incident?
- What changed in mid-February 2011 that made you turn on Andrew?
- If you turned your back, how do you know O’Keefe stopped by your beer?
- Why are you hurting innocent women who were allegedly done wrong by O’Keefe?
- If you were given roofies, how do you remember so much?
- How much did you in fact have to drink?
- What do you think this is doing to your job prospects and what does that say about what’s really going on here?
- Why are you cozy with Internet thugs?
- Why do you say you retweet things so the FBI can get people’s IP addresses?
- Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
- Why do some of your friends claim it’s not you running the account?
- Why do you tweet things to noted Breitbart hater @NicoleGennette?
- Why did you make a snarky remark about Andrew’s heart attack on the day he died?
- Why did you smear Patterico as a racist on Twitter when you knew it wasn’t true?
- Did you publish your entire email to O’Keefe’s board of directors?
- If you didn’t, why not, and what did you leave out?
- Why do you say O’Keefe “stole” pictures of you from Facebook but “gave” you his emails because he supposedly checked them from your phone?
Just to name a few.
Surely you have some of your own!
UPDATE: A court has granted a temporary restraining order against Naffe’s releasing any further emails and ordered her to bring all copies in her possession with her to court.
UPDATE x2: I have the injunction and will post it when I get home. I can’t upload it from a phone.
UPDATE x3: The injunction is available here. Here is a screenshot of the relevant portion of the order:

You may have noticed that Naffe is now threatening to report me to the State Bar for this post, which is, she claims, “legal advice.” Because I point out holes in her story, she says, that constitutes “legal advice” to James O’Keefe in a civil matter. She also falsely accuses me of updating the post during work hours.
I have seen this playbook before, folks.
By the way: given Naffe’s admission that she accessed O’Keefe’s emails, evidently without his permission, has she committed a crime? I offer no opinion on that, as this post (like all my posts!) is written in my private capacity, as an exercise of my rights as a private citizen under the First Amendment. I do wonder, however, whether the authorities are going to be investigating her for accessing O’Keefe’s email without his permission.