Patterico's Pontifications


Tune In Tonight For a Smart Discussion on Obamacare in the Supreme Court

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 4:59 pm

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.  Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]

Yes, this is another bad pun on John Smart’s name and I am going to be on his radio show tonight at around 9:20 Eastern time.  #Ithinkthatsabout6:20inCalifornia.

I believe you can listen live, here.  And eventually there is some way to download it to iTunes.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

5 Responses to “Tune In Tonight For a Smart Discussion on Obamacare in the Supreme Court”

  1. Yeah, that’s right i just made a weinergate joke.

    But mostly I posted this comment so you guys would notice there was a new post.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  2. You “think that’s about 6:20 in CA”?

    Don’t they teach Geography in pre-Law anymore – you know, where you can learn about complicated concepts such as Time Zones?

    AD-RtR/OS! (889f1e)

  3. AD

    nah more like intentionally imitating Weiner’s language.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  4. your usage of the term “bad pun” implies strongly that there are alternatives

    EricPWJohnson (d84fb0)

  5. geez, i hope i didn’t sound too bad. there was an echo effect in my phone and i am not sure why, and hopefully you didn’t at least hear it.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

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