Patterico's Pontifications


Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin vs: Socrates/Prepostericity: The Hilarious Result

Filed under: Brett Kimberlin,General — Patterico @ 6:46 pm

So Brett Kimberlin, the Speedway Bomber, got a default judgment by filing suit against a penniless man who lacked resources to hire legal counsel. Yes, he’s still a perjurer and a convicted bomber who blew off a man’s leg. Yes, he was sued for wrongful death by that man’s widow and lost — and thumbed his nose at the judgment, showing his contempt for the rule of law. Yes, his associates who claim he was exonerated are spreading falsehoods. But when the defendant fails to respond, the court issues a default judgment. It’s ridiculous, but that’s how the system works.

But guess what the final damages were? A whopping $100, plus court costs:


Above: Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin’s reward for months of frivolous litigation. Don’t spend it all in one place!

Now that’s $100 too much. In a just world, Kimberlin would receive nothing but an order to pay Socrates’s court costs. But think of it this way. Having reviewed many of the court documents, I would imagine Kimberlin put in dozens of hours into the lawsuit. His remuneration doesn’t come close to minimum wage. And there’s a tiny bit of justice in that.

Any way you slice it, it’s a resounding loss for Brett Kimberlin the Speedway Bomber.

He did win this: my promise to tell you much more about the lawsuit in the future. It’s an excellent example of how the left tries to shut down truthful speech with thuggish actions like filing frivolous lawsuits. [UPDATE: More accurately, certain members of the fringe left. These tactics are neither unique to the left nor ubiquitous among all members of the left.]

But for now, I’m just going to enjoy a mordant chuckle over the $100 award.

I encourage Kimberlin’s business partner Brad Friedman and his buddies (you guys know who you are) to have a celebratory dinner to commemmorate their fantastic court victory. If they go to Del Taco on “three tacos for a dollar” night, they just may be able to afford the whole dinner on Kimberlin’s winnings alone.


160 Responses to “Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin vs: Socrates/Prepostericity: The Hilarious Result”

  1. I hope this serves as a lesson to some of the would-be litigants in the world who go around threatening lawsuits at the drop of a hat, as a way to try to deter constitutionally protected speech. I have received several such threats in recent months, and they’re about as scary as a fluffy bunny. Ask yourself: if a lawsuit against a penniless man who doesn’t defend himself results in a $100 judgment, it is possible that maybe your threat to sue a lawyer –one with pro bono counsel already retained — doesn’t sound very scary?

    Patterico (f724ca)

  2. well, now brett can afford to play Skyrim. Heh.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  3. Skyrim is what. $60? And the DLC is going to be at least $40.

    Sorry, Aaron. Brett will have to play Oblivion, on sale for $6 on Steam, in between maiming innocent people with bombs, conning people about who he dealt drugs to, and perjuring himself.

    Congrats, Prepostericity, for limiting the injustice.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  4. But for now, I’m just enjoy a mordant chuckle

    I’m just gonna point this out, and hope our kind host hasn’t had a stroke, and merely miss-typed…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  5. The day I take proofreading suggestions from Scott Jacobs is the day I . . .

    Oh. Whoops.

    Thanks, Scott!

    Patterico (f724ca)

  6. Patterico has a biting and caustic sense of humor, muck like Larry David.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  7. Did I say muck?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  8. Scott caught me omitting a couple of words.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  9. While we’re on the topic of proofreading, I don’t think Kimberlin has been renumbered.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  10. Prepostericity talks about this more at his blog.

    I don’t subscribe to everything he says and I don’t subscribe to everything he did (and did not) do during the course of the lawsuit.

    Nevertheless, I congratulate him on an excellent result in some patently frivolous litigation.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  11. Thank you Milhouse.

    Jeez. I guess when you don’t blog for a while you get out of the habit of proofreading too?

    Patterico (f724ca)

  12. Del Taco? Gack.

    That’s a waste of a good ebt card.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  13. Now might be a good time for a post about what Kimberlin is up to these days and who his friends are.

    You might be surprised . . .

    Nah, you probably wouldn’t be. Still amusing, though.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  14. Resist We Muck!

    peedoffamerican (ee1de0)

  15. Jeez. I guess when you don’t blog for a while you get out of the habit of proofreading too?

    Seriously, wtf is this, the LA Times?

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  16. Patterico has a biting and caustic sense of humor, muck like Larry David.

    Followed by

    Did I say muck?

    Makes me laugh in the way only irony can… 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  17. He should take brad freedman and thie little buddy crissy Hooten out for Del Taco.

    JD (318f81)

  18. I can think of a couple other people who seem very heavily invested in Kimberlin and his lawsuit.

    Patterico (54e7fe)

  19. Thats not even enough to make a decent bomb. Words cant even describe how happy I am for Seth. Maybe Babs (The Hamburglar), Avyakata, and Nosockz will go back to the Island of Misfit Toys now.

    Douglas Stewart (6f8e38)

  20. “Now might be a good time for a post about what Kimberlin is up to these days”

    Patterico – About 4’8″?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  21. People that call themselves Ron seem attracted to convicted bombers and drug dealers.

    JD (318f81)

  22. Ron liked the legal threats too.

    And of course, he’s from Raw Story.

    A couple of other people have followed that playbook, but I think the two that have been most disturbing are Neal and Ron, who have both made a point of sticking up for the violent felon and then talking about their enemy’s spouse.

    Ron’s never let up, btw. He’s still lying up a storm of nonsense, day in, day out. Neal I don’t really know how to pay attention to so who knows what he’s doing. I think he’s one of those OccupyWallStreet tweeters.

    Anyway, these gentlemen would probably find the food at Los Pollos Hermanos more appealing than Del Taco, if you know what I mean, and you probably don’t.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  23. Anyway, these gentlemen would probably find the food at Los Pollos Hermanos more appealing than Del Taco, if you know what I mean, and you probably don’t.

    $100 won’t go very far there…

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  24. ah, true. But Brett’s got history working in that industry.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  25. I don’t think they have a tradition in that industry of letting the workers sample the wares…

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  26. Thanks.

    When Judge Jordan was giving the verdict, I suddenly became very stoic. What passed through me noggin was total clarity with only a bit of sadness after absorbing so much convolution. Before then, one of my final comments had been made with my looking directly into Brett’s eyes and telling him the reason I had written so much on him and related topics. I found it utterly fascinating. I thus went from experiencing that emotion of surreal excitement to one of total detachment. I couldn’t care less what the verdict was going to be. I knew the truth.

    I learned a lot about Mr. Kimberlin on Monday. It’s one thing to read Singer’s book or pour through as many resources one is able to find through the net. It is quite another to spend hours observing that person’s thinking patterns.

    I was shocked that he didn’t make something up concerning Lori Grace or any of his other donors. I suddenly had some sympathy for him.

    You know, we can only live in the present. I believe Kimberlin actually believes a lot of the things he says.

    But not all. I think a long time ago he wrote a script in his mind in order to explain away what happened all those years ago in Speedway, Indiana. I think he rationalises that now he is doing good things; That since he can’t change the past, the script is a means by which to continue doing what he sincerely feels is good stuff.

    I now don’t believe Kimberlin has been the mastermind of the organisations he started. This is admittedly conjecture. There are many others involved with more smarts and gravitas than Kimberlin. Maybe he and they never expected Kimberlin’s past to catch up with them.

    He mentioned Jeff Cohen.

    There are other names. Like Kevin Zeese. Like Cliff Arnebeck.

    One of the bad consequences of the lawsuit was that it did put a gag on me. Though, this has always just been a hobby. I never got to having delusions of grandeur that I was coming up with more than I really did. Yeah, I am proud of a lot of my scoops. But I am more of an it is what it is kind of dude than hey look at me, look at what I’ve come up with, make me king of the zeitgeist.

    I always figured if anything I came up with was that good, I’d naturally be rewarded somehow. I tried to be an artist as a blogger. Check that. Not an artist. My educational background taught me research skills.

    But now I am taking too many indulgences. It’s surreal. It’s like in the present, I just want to be a regular guy and objective. But here I am right in the middle. Say the issue of blogger rights does become a mainstream issue, how can this story not be a prime example for discussion?

    I got hit on the head for being the messenger of what I messaged or relayed, stuff that was thoroughly documented, stuff that transcends who I am as an individual.

    And Brett Kimberlin wants to live in the present also and not be kept down for things that happened 32 years ago. He wants a leg up. He wants to be a good citizen.

    I just don’t see how he can claim he was exonerated of the bombings, got a settlement, but part of the agreement is it can’t be discussed. I can definitely now better understand how he is able to make friends and influence people. I mean, I should be one of the last persons to be feeling any sympathy at all for his current predicament. Yet somehow I do.

    Maybe in the course of those three or whatever hours, despite being slandered, I developed a bit of Stockholm Syndrome. Well, not that. It’s just that he really believed the default judgement was enough, and that he didn’t actually have to prove causation. So many things were put in that he had no proof of. The only thing he did show was that I had influenced his donation stream. But the problem was he couldn’t show that I had posted anything false that caused him to lose revenue. If the Judge were to award him big money, he would also have to advise Brett to sue Mark Singer, Time Magazine, Liberty Chick, and on and on and on.

    The next step is waiting for the audio. I think Patterico is going to be surprised at how effective a non-lawyer like myself was able to act as my own attorney. There are going to be times when the audio will have to be rewound. I do think there will be plenty of surprises. Now, I was there. I could say some things. But the trip was so exhausting both ways, I do not trust my memory.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  27. $100 – out of the $2.5 million he demanded!

    I wonder if Neal (Kneel) is still bragging about using what he gleefully proclaimed “The Kimberlin template” for that “lawsuit assembly line” of his. He seemed so confident that it would rake in millions per suit for him and his cohorts.

    Damn…hope he likes tacos.

    Liberty Chick (230f2f)

  28. Aww, I miss Hootie-blew-a-fish.

    Icy (aba449)

  29. Stuff like this is why I have zero respect for the legal system.

    I fear it…but, I don’t respect it.

    “In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls”–Lenny Bruce.

    Gotta go along with Lenny on that one.

    Dave Surls (8149f7)

  30. Sheesh. You felt sorry for the guy?

    He must be an incredible con artist.

    . There are many others involved with more smarts and gravitas than Kimberlin.

    My guess is he was pretending to be pathetic. He knows, long term, you’ve got him by the balls now, and he wants you to pity him.

    This guy tore apart three of Carl Delong’s limbs with a bomb. It’s only natural that we hold that against him. It’s also only natural that he wants anything but Carl Delong’s death the most important thing Brett Kimberlin changed about this world.

    I just don’t see how he can claim he was exonerated of the bombings, got a settlement, but part of the agreement is it can’t be discussed.

    That’s easy. He’s lying. He made it all up, because there is no way to explain why you blew up a police car or a human being. He just claims he didn’t. And when you ask for more details he just claims there’s a secret reason he can’t talk about it.

    I really look forward to this audio.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  31. Stuff like this is why I have zero respect for the legal system.

    Well said, Dave.

    Someone is being screwed because they didn’t pay the lawyer tax in time when bullied. Surely we can do better. It’s a minor screwing, and thank God.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  32. LOL. Mandy—–“Kneel”. Doug—“hamburglar”
    Well played.

    goatsred (66819b)

  33. Dustin, I totally agree.

    Maybe myself, Mark Singer, and others should get some group counseling.

    There’s a yin-yang between forgiveness and revenge.

    This is all very trippy stuff.

    And in real time, Dark Side of the Moon just came on the radio. You know, that tune you line up with the Wizard of Oz. And there’s that article called Wizard of Odd. This is all in the realm of you can’t make up stuff like this. It’s why I’ve been using the word surreal a bit more of late.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  34. Hey goatsred, I see you’ve been getting a remarkably similar treatment to what I’ve been put through. Sorry about that. We’ll have to start a separate group counseling session to the one with Singer and myself. Maybe Bob Hartley is available? I always liked his style.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  35. Doonesbury, that’s another one.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  36. Another thing – there were many people who wanted desperately to see Socrates unable to defend himself in this suit. People who deliberately did things to try and force him into not showing up for his own court hearings. I don’t care what you think of a person, no one should ever be intimidated away from his own defense.

    For the longest time, I knew nothing about Socrates. I only knew the portrayal of him that is written in Kimberlin’s complaints and by certain commenters online. I had no idea until just very recently that there really was another side to the story to consider.

    I hope that someday Socrates writes about some of it, so that others can read it and judge for themselves.

    Liberty Chick (230f2f)

  37. You know, that tune you line up with the Wizard of Oz. And there’s that article called Wizard of Odd. This is all in the realm of you can’t make up stuff like this. It’s why I’ve been using the word surreal a bit more of late.

    Comment by Prepostericity — 11/16/2011 @ 9:07 pm


    Yeah, I can appreciate that this is all too odd.

    Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands.

    People who deliberately did things to try and force him into not showing up for his own court hearings. I don’t care what you think of a person, no one should ever be intimidated away from his own defense.

    These bastards make me sick. When do these tactics finally blow up in their faces? Why aren’t they in prison?

    Every time I hear more about these people they actually surprise me yet again.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  38. Layers upon layers of aggressive ongoing deceit by that incestuous gang of douchenozzles.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  39. In 2010 the Indianapolis Star did a two part article about the Speedway Bombings. I assume many reading this thread have seen them but in case not, here are the links.

    In the comments attached to the second part was this statement about Carl DeLong:

    Carl Delong was a veteran of the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He is a beloved brother of the men of Company D (Ranger) 151st Infantry, Indiana National Guard, and deployed to Vietnam with them in 1969. He returned from serving as a US Army Ranger in Vietnam without being wounded. The bomber took a great man from his children, his wife, his brothers in arms, and his community. Carl Delong lives on in the memories of those that love him

    elissa (2d7916)

  40. That was a very thoughtful aspect to quote, Elissa.

    We don’t just grow men like that on trees.

    He saw that bag, and meant to get it to whatever owner had misplaced it, not knowing his small act of kindness would ruin his body to the point where he decided he’d rather die.

    It’s so ghastly to contemplate.

    And Brett DARES tell people he’s been exonerated. Remorse? None.

    Today, Brett does zero for anyone but Brett. He’s a con artist.

    We’ll never know how many lives were destroyed by this drug running bomb setting SOB.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  41. Well, Socrates, although this was pretty cool, let me say, don’t screw around. pay it. the last thing you want is to be seen blowing that amount off.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  42. That would be a contrast to Brett who never paid anything to the DeLongs.

    In a more just world, if Socrates had to pay Kimberlin anything, he could pay it directly to the DeLongs to whom Kimberlin owes over a million as I recall.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  43. Great minds think alike. I just left a note on an Indiana blogger’s website asking if such info could be delicately delivered to the DeLongs. Aaron, I hear you. It’ll get taken care of. I do know that I’m allowed to have a payment plan if necessary. It really isn’t that much, so it should be ok. Everyone have nice nights or days tomorrow depending on when this is read.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  44. I take issue with the claim that Brett Kimberlin represents “the left”.

    I could find some rightwing douchebag and make the same claim. Come off it.

    last_name_left (ff4f81)

  45. Brett uses his “charity” (VR) to make music DVDs to give away so as to “further democracy”.

    Brett also just happens to be a crappy musician (making “political songs to further democracy”) whom has a very cushty tie-in making music for a charity (VR) which pays his recording fees and distributes his music (at no cost to himself).

    Typical lefty, you think? I don’t.

    I would agree though that it’s an indictment of the left that punks like this can get away with posing as part of the left. And when people (on the left) tried exposing him, the “left” attacked them – Socrates vs Brad Friedman et al.

    But if S is a lefty, and tried exposing Brett, it’s unfair to use Brett as an example of “typical lefty.” It’s a fair criticism of some, not all.

    Brad Friedman’s chums over at Big Dan’s Big Blog, for example. Some might call them “left”. But they call Willis Carto’s AFP a “good honest source of news” and characterise Chris Bollyn as someone “fighting fascism”. Would it be fair to criticise “the left” for this, or is it more accurate to say these people aren’t really “the left”?

    Oh well. Anyway…..screw Brett Kimberlin.

    last_name_left (ff4f81)

  46. Brett Kimberlin: murdering brain cells one idiocy at a time.

    ColonelHaiku (09a0f9)

  47. Typical lefty, you think? I don’t.

    I do. That is exactly what I expect from the left.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  48. Yep, last_name_left, its pretty typical Lefty conduct.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  49. “I take issue with the claim that Brett Kimberlin represents “the left”.”

    He doesn’t represent “the right”, does he?

    Of course you don’t want to claim him, we understand.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  50. Has Kimberlin, or his allies like Ron, Freidman, hooten, et al proclaimed victory?

    JD (0c4797)

  51. I think it’s fair to call Kimberlin a typical liberal. Doonesbury finds him credible and it espouses typical liberal views.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  52. Call them faux liberals they do not espouse liberalism they espouse a perversion like the thugs at Guardian.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  53. Socrates, the above advice to not get cute about paying the judgment was good advice. It isn’t hard to drive a $100 judgment into larger amounts by giving the judgment holder the chance to play games and drive up costs enforcing it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  54. Doonesbury, who cited the slanders that McGuinness
    piled up, like fresh snow, from the likes of Lyda
    Greene, ‘shirley you can’t be serious’

    narciso (ef1619)

  55. The judgment should be paid in sticky pennies.

    Ken (2e87a6)

  56. Lyda Green is a friend of Mcguinness?

    Corrupt birds of a feather flock together.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  57. They have no sense of irony, look at the logo;

    narciso (ef1619)

  58. btw, the new film about Hoover, is just as ‘fake but accurate’;

    narciso (ef1619)

  59. Dude only the rascally tea party deserves water cannons used on them

    /OWS nazis

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  60. People who deliberately did things to try and force him into not showing up for his own court hearings.

    Any examples?

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  61. To those of you who chirp in with stereotypical blathering about lefties, I don’t consider you representative of anything more than insignificant. Your don’t rise to even the level of dull. You make it a waste of time to even try posting on this blog.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  62. Translation-How dare you speak ill of Kimberlin

    STFU Prepostericity

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  63. If you don’t like it go back to Huffpuff.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  64. From Breitbart to Daily Kos, none of you mean squat. Including Patterico. There’s your nada, zip, zero, zilch, squat. Whether it’s because you have low iq’s or confuse freedom of speech with truth, no one cares what you think.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  65. Socrates, Bush and Cheney, didn’t try to bankrupt you, a member in good standing with the net roots did, really you need to learn a lesson here.

    narciso (ef1619)

  66. DohBiden- you’re nothing. You mean nothing.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  67. And the right wing isn’t corrupt? Isn’t there some NASCAR going on? There are real universities and books, and you weren’t there. You mean nothing.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  68. STFU Prepostericity

    Comment by DohBiden

    Out of line.

    btw, no, I do not think Brett Kimberlin is typical of a democrat or a lefty. I don’t even know how sincere he is about his politics, since he’s a con artist with his hand out to gullible lefties.

    Ron, Neal… those guys are obviously true believers, but the reason I find them disgusting has nothing to do with their being to the left, and I know plenty of lefties I trust and admire.

    Prepostericity, I don’t see why you let isolated comments set you off. Lefties are welcomed here, but the are welcomed into arguments. And that means there will be some static. It’s not so bad. Like you said, most of it doesn’t mean squat anyway.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  69. And yeah, I think Narciso is on to something. There’s something fundamentally wrong with the way lefty extremists pollute the movement for all the other lefties.

    I don’t really quite know how to phrase it, but I do think the right has better filters in place.

    And the right wing isn’t corrupt?

    It’s not that the right wing is pure. By no means is it pure. But I do think some stuff is nipped in the bud a lot faster, instead of being believed. I think maybe the problem is that the pop culture and much of the media does have blinders on, so cons are much easier if you are just a good kid sticking it to the man, etc etc.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  70. Kimberlin was never in good standing. Moronic comments have ruined a chance to have a good discussion. Robert Altemeyer figured ye out. You have authoritarian personalities. If you want to play this game, the truth is you have much in common with fascists. I’m done with this website. Dustin or anyone normal want to blog, I’m not doing it here. It’s a bit too creepy.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  71. You would think,Dustin, this would serve as ‘teachable lesson’ you could throw Taibbi and
    Ames, into the same boat as Kimberlin, Friedman, et al,

    narciso (ef1619)

  72. I don’t care if it doesn’t mean squat Dustin. I personally don’t have the time for it. I have the right to not have to be in the same room with certain people including the Patterico trolls who are regulars on this blog.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  73. I have the right to not have to be in the same room with certain people including the Patterico trolls who are regulars on this blog.

    Yeah, sure. I wouldn’t want to stick around where people tell me to STFU. Doesn’t sound like much fun.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  74. Dustin, you’re wrong about Ron and Neal representing the left. But I don’t have the time to write that up. But it’s true. I studied Social Theory and have an M.A. Degree in that. I’m not trying to sound pompous, but I’m not going to waste any more time posting on specific garbage websites.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  75. We’ve been trying with the pet fish, for years now, doesn’t work;

    narciso (ef1619)

  76. Yeah you would be better off posting at huffingpost.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  77. Dustin, you’re wrong about Ron and Neal representing the left.

    Of course most lefties aren’t anything like that. Of course not. That would be insane. These are twisted and extreme people that most democrats wouldn’t want in the same room.

    The reason I find them disgusting has nothing to do with them being on the left. I would have said the identical stuff of them if they were conservatives. I’ve been harsh to conservatives for a lot less.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  78. Dustin, if you like, we’ll just have to find a different venue to share ideas. Maybe Pffugeecamp. Blogger’s kind of a pain for forums. It’s a riot listening to trolls telling me such profound insights about what I should learn. Like one above thinks I don’t want people saying bad things about Kimberlin. It’s convolution. Not dangerous convolution, but still fairly nutsy.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  79. But obviously they are lefties. Ron’s done a lot of Kucinich supporting over the years, and Neal’s worked for democrats’ political campaigns.

    Doesn’t mean Kucinich supports threatening Patt’s wife. Doesn’t mean Grijalva supports smearing the bajesus out of you and defending a domestic terrorist.

    But as I look over the OWS coverage, the message of the left is constantly overwhelmed by stupid bastards doing stupid or evil things. Most lefties are way too tolerant of it, IMO.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  80. I follow your blog, Prepostericity.

    I’ll be sure to keep reading your stuff.

    Like one above thinks I don’t want people saying bad things about Kimberlin. It’s convolution.

    Yeah. I don’t know what to say about that, but in a way it’s even kind of amusing. I mean, seriously? hahahaha

    Dustin (cb3719)

  81. Someone is one comment away from claiming membership in Mensa.

    Icy (384571)

  82. Dustin I misread your comment about Ron and Neal. We are on the same page. This story transcends right-wing. It’s about money. We could stretch anything into a philosophy debate on right versus left, but it doesn’t have to be like that. I think you understand. I liked that article I wrote a year ago which I just reposted. That’s the kind of stuff that got me sued. You can see why Brynaert hates me. But no one even tries to get into the details. Look at that thing I reposted and you’ll see that within the my deleted article how much was deleted. I’m into Sociology, Dustin. I’m not into politics. Politicians and prosecutors and all types of blowhards self-serving egoheads are scumbags or close to that status. But why do we even have to go there. The content within this story should be sufficient to keep us away from boring troll versus troll give and take.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  83. Them being left is a business model, like Breitbart claims the right. Some like Arianna and Hitchens go back and forth depending on weather reports. It’s all rubbish. Bob Marley had more wisdom in his pinky than they do in their whole bodies. He was “uneducated” too.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  84. The Doonesbury comic is a liberal icon and in the early 1990s, it did a series on Kimberlin and Dan Quayle. Why isn’t that something legitimate to discuss when deciding whether the left embraced Kimberlin, as opposed to dismissing this discussion and apparently comparing us to fascists?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  85. Breitbart ha smore sense than you do Pomposcity.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  86. oops- this story transcends right-left. If we go there, we’re falling for the Kimberlin-Friedman model. It’s how Singer and Doonesbury got burned. Hey, I fell for it too with BradBlog. Thankfully Patterico is just some prosecutor from LA, so this page is harmless. I probably disagree with Worthing, but I bet he’d force me to work hard to debate his schtick. Liberty Chick has been fun talking to on the phone. We had some good discussion. There’s hope for her yet. p:>

    Prepostericity (256956)

  87. It fits with the example of James Hatfield, an attempted bomber who slandered W, the book was mulched, but you can still find it any public library, or Susan Rosensteil’s crazy conjectures
    about Hoover, which have been echoed for a generation, or the attack on Cain, by obviously
    dubious sources, or the aforementioned McGuiness.

    narciso (ef1619)

  88. Trudeau got burned because he is an anti-authoritarian liberal who liked the narrative Kimberlin fed him. Singer liked the scoop and maybe the narrative, too.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  89. Them being left is a business model, like Breitbart claims the right.

    There is some truth to this. Even with Breitbart (whom I like, but he’s a media businessman and I don’t mind admitting it). Breitbart is not the villain some make him out to be, and instead of conspiracy theories about Diebold and planecrash assassinations, he relies on tangible evidence. I think for the most part he’s giving those thirsty for hard truths what they want.

    Both Kimberlin and Breitbart have a business model. But they aren’t very similar beyond the extreme generality. Breitbart highlights his nastiest critics simply by quoting them. Kimberlin sues them and tries to gag them. Breitbart appreciates being cited. Kimberlin appreciates his name being hidden from his ventures. Oh, and Kimberlin is a violent felon.

    Why isn’t that something legitimate to discuss when deciding whether the left embraced Kimberlin, as opposed to dismissing this discussion and apparently comparing us to fascists?

    It blows my mind how some goons will be treated like respectable people. I think the celebs and MSM have a real problem with this.

    Like Colbert lionizing Cat Stevens. Like anybody lionizing Bill Ayers. I don’t see Breitbart doing anything like that.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  90. “And the right wing isn’t corrupt?”


    “Moronic comments have ruined a chance to have a good discussion.”

    See first line above. Dismissive straw man knee jerk responses are moronic and typical of the intolerant left. Sad that Prepostericity can’t control himself in a forum which has been kind to him or see the actual “truth” about the left.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  91. this story transcends right-left. If we go there, we’re falling for the Kimberlin-Friedman model. It’s how Singer and Doonesbury got burned.

    Yeah, it’s very polarizing and it shouldn’t be.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  92. Breitbart helped set up the Huffington Post; which proves the old adage ‘no good deed goes unpunished’

    narciso (ef1619)

  93. You authoritarians should just shut up. You mean nothing.

    JD (002c72)

  94. Singer liked the scoop and maybe the narrative, too.

    Comment by DRJ — 11/17/2011 @ 10:29 am

    Yeah. Singer got burned because he let himself be. Every blogger and other journalist should read his book. It’s not a masterpiece of literature, but it’s very important to learn what Singer learned the hard way.

    Reminds me a lot of Weinergate… which I think got entwined in this mess only because it was a convenient fulcrum for con artists. Some folks went down the rabbit hole because they had a conclusion in mind.

    Like Jen Preston teaming up with Ron Brynaert. I’ll probably never know what motivated that for sure, but my guess is she believed his lies because of some preconceptions she held.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  95. And the right wing isn’t corrupt?

    No, it isn’t. That is the simple truth.

    Isn’t there some NASCAR going on?

    Huh? What has NASCAR got to do with either the right or corruption? Other than corrupt lefty bigots looking down their noses at it, that is.

    Milhouse (f8511c)

  96. narciso – Great point about Taibbi. Another lefty liar and con man trying to convince the world of the right’s corruption.

    “Isn’t there some NASCAR going on?”

    Hey, did somebody say something about moronic comments?


    Oh Noes!!!! Run for teh hills.

    Bible thumping Jeebuslanders coming next to control ur bodies.

    Rich chewy zeitgeisty meta BS getting stuck in my teeth here.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  97. Obama is a centrist!

    What IS wrong with Kansas?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  98. Tony Stewart or Carl Edwards, everybody?

    I slightly favor Tony, but they are both pretty impressive.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  99. Bucky Dent

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  100. Prepostericity,

    You say you like to talk to Liberty Chick and she says the progressive left embraces Brett Kimberlin. Is she wrong, too?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  101. I never did get into baseball. Then again, I don’t really give a flip about Nascar.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  102. has more*

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  103. And yeah, I think Narciso is on to something. There’s something fundamentally wrong with the way lefty extremists pollute the movement for all the other lefties.

    And you think this is a coincidence? It’s because their fundamental philosophy is evil. “By their fruits you shall know them”; I think someone said that. The basic premise underlying “conservatives” (who used to be called liberals) is a belief in human freedom. Everything flows from that and is judged against it. Even when some take strange turns and end up with strange conclusions, since the fundamental premise is freedom they can’t get too far off the track. But the basic premise of the left is that people are tools to be exploited and coerced; that their lives and property are not theirs, but are available for the taking. Everything the left does and says flows from that premise. And thus one can’t expect anything good to come from there.

    the truth is you have much in common with fascists.

    Fascism is a Marxist heresy. It derives from the same principles as your philosophy does. It has no connection to us.

    Milhouse (f8511c)

  104. The right wing is corrupt

    Project much?

    Authoritarian personalities.

    You keep raping that chicken.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  105. I’m just wondering if Socrates should send the $100 to the widow of the guy Brett maimed…

    I mean, since Brett isn’t paying what he was ordered too, I wonder if the court would give a wink and a nod should Socrates send her a money order for $100, and Brett a note saying that since he has an outstanding settlement the money went towards that…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  106. In Singer’s defense, he was in a time crunch in regards to the original story. And he stands by that story too. Kimberlin shouldn’t have been put in solitary confinement like he was, even if he was making up lies about selling pot to Danny Boy.

    Dustin, if you see this- I have a forum and it’s very quiet. We could collaborate there with plenty of room.

    It’s forum code rather than html, but it’s very easy. We can put up videos, links, etc. We could really put some good stuff together. It’d be even a better idea than trying Pffugee.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  107. We have more in common with fascism.

    So says the faggot who believes government should tell us what to eat.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  108. My understanding is the DeLongs might be able to put a lien on any payment I make. I can’t simply send the money to them. So, like I wouldn’t mind anyone trying to find me pro bono representation in Massachusetts. Iwouldn’t mind if somehow the DeLongs were made aware of this. But I would want it to be a family member who can emotionally handle being reminded of a painful history.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  109. DohBiden, how can I be a faggot, if I’m sleeping with your mom? You should get out of your basement and get some fresh air. And good luck getting those cheetoh stains removed from your nascar t-shirt. And sorry I won’t be able to attend your wedding to cousin Janie Sue. p:>

    Prepostericity (256956)

  110. Doh – uncalled for.

    Why is it that proggs are bigots towards NASCAR fans, and the south in general?

    JD (002c72)

  111. Just a short stroll from #100 has reminded me why I avoid any mention of Brett Kimberlin et al.

    AD-RtR/OS! (772aab)

  112. Why is it that proggs are bigots towards NASCAR fans, and the south in general?

    Because ironically, the south is in general pro-God and pro-American, even if the people there occasionally fail to live up to their ideals.

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  113. I think the Delong payment would be far more just, but I also think it’s probably unfair to them to be troubled over such a teeny sum of money.

    I suspect the Delong and the Scyphers families need no reminder and are acutely aware that this slime is out there, but I wouldn’t trouble them just to score some points. We all know what Kimberlin did. $100 ain’t gonna help. Let Kimberlin have his precious $100 exacted because someone held him responsible for what he’s done, proving that even today, he is 100% remorseless and unreformed.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  114. “Robert Altemeyer figured ye out. You have authoritarian personalities.”

    I always had a problem with this narrative. Conservatives generally want a smaller government which does not interfere in peoples’ lives and markets.

    The left believes in a ginormous government which takes away decision making from individuals because they do not know what is best for them, adds stifling regulations to industries and markets, tells you what to eat and drink and rations medical care.

    Tell me which is a more authoritarian mindset. Please. Prizes available.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  115. Conservatives generally want a smaller government which does not interfere in peoples’ lives and markets.

    Yeah. I don’t really want power over how anyone else lives. I don’t like politicians, especially those who claim to be conservative, who use government to solve a lot of problems.

    Even politicians I support get criticism from me when they use government to do something that could be done without it.

    I think there are conservatives out there who do want to tell people how to live. Politicians who are vaulted up because they have exactly the right religion, things like that. I guess the argument works in that case?

    Dustin (cb3719)

  116. Your sleeping with my mom?

    I thought you had lefty standards?

    Yeah it was uncalled for when I called him a fag. my bad.

    Not all Right Wingers believe in small government.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  117. I hope Prespostericity is taking his meds.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  118. Why is it that proggs are bigots towards NASCAR fans, and the south in general?
    Comment by JD — 11/17/2011 @ 11:11 am

    — Elitist snobbery from one that has a degree in the masturbatory arts.

    Icy (384571)

  119. That’s what an M.A. is, right?

    Icy (384571)

  120. Cue for Prepstericity to ramble on about homophobia while complaining about catholic preists dongling little boys.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  121. I think there are conservatives out there who do want to tell people how to live.

    That’s because the word “conservative” as used today has multiple meanings. But the most common meaning is the way Goldwater meant it in The Conscience of a Conservative, i.e. what used to be called “liberal” and is now called “libertarian”. People who do want to tell other people how to live are simply not conservatives, in that sense. It’s a contradiction in terms. They may or may not be conservatives in an older sense, e.g. the old moneyed class who had no objection to stealing in principle, but opposed socialism because they objected to being stolen from.

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  122. When talking about leftists who are too tolerant of what should be abhorrent fringe, Tommy Christopher is part of the problem.

    Reminds me of [redacted] claiming that Patterico’s employers shouldn’t be so tolerant of Patterico daring to report disturbing threats to himself and his loved ones because, hey, [redacted] thinks the threats aren’t serious. In fact, call a threat like that serious, and she will be forced to ban you for “lying” that it’s a threat. And then she’ll talk to her lawyers and demand you stop saying that sort of “defamation”.

    This kind of sheer thuggery is often just rooted in egomaniacs and narcissists who don’t understand how to respond to criticism. If you’re wrong, and say ‘my mistake’, you look fine. If you’re wrong, and take the Tommy Christopher or [redacted] route, you look small. Because you are.

    This kind of crap definitely crops up on the right. There are conservative asses and thugs and jerks too. But they get pushed to the fringe where they belong. They get corrected by their peers. They get booed at Tea Parties and asked to leave for minor BS.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  123. Politicians who are vaulted up because they have exactly the right religion, things like that.

    How does that make them conservative?

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  124. That’s because the word “conservative” as used today has multiple meanings.

    Exactly exactly exactly.

    ut the most common meaning is the way Goldwater meant it in The Conscience of a Conservative, i.e. what used to be called “liberal” and is now called “libertarian”.

    And he was right. I’m really a classical liberal who also wants fiscal sustainability.

    and then there are the nimrods teaching poli sci who insist conservatives resist any change. Which is simply not a helpful categorization in the real world, but simple enough to help smear.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  125. There’s nothing “conservative” about religion per se. As witness the shenanigans now going on at Occupy St Paul’s, where the Archbishop of Canterbury and his fellow socialists support the thugs and don’t want them evicted.

    Milhouse (d3fd53)

  126. How does that make them conservative?

    Comment by Milhouse — 11/17/2011 @ 12:53 pm

    In my view, the word conservative no longer is useful.

    It’s just a label.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  127. DohBiden, if Prepostericty is not taking his meds, its because you cleaned the pharmacy out.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  128. ???


    I’m sorry I’m so passionate about these things.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  129. Doh, prepostericity was just put through the ringer for standing up to a legitimately scary guy, and he deserved respect for that.

    He is a liberal. But there’s more to life than politics.

    Sure, if we really hammer out our completely different views, there are probably many things where one of us just plain must be objectively incorrect. So what?

    These people screwing Mike and Socrates are the scum of the universe. I can understand why Socrates thinks it’s absurd to lump him in with those people. He’s fighting hard to prove he doesn’t, after all.

    I get too passionate in my political arguing all the time too, but sometimes you gotta hold off and recognize a good person’s worth.

    Dustin (cb3719)

  130. Ok.

    >_> Sorry then.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  131. And the OWS tardletts have a problem with the rich getting richer too bad reminds me of that anal ulcer Kimberlin.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  132. Agreed, but it’s their a peculiar degree of displacement, where having been mauled by a mountain lion, they insist the real problem is Manbearpig, Besides Patterico and Liberty Chick
    who has even noticed this case, Mother Jones, the Nation, the Progressive, the New REpublic, Atlantic,
    Esquire, Newsweek, (then again seeing how they regard Pellicano, never mind)

    narciso (ef1619)

  133. Kimberlin is some kind of musical theorist, and I use that term charitably, then again My Cousin
    Vinnie, has a better track record.

    narciso (ef1619)

  134. You can’t judge a large group of people (like the left) according to the behavior of one or two people, Prepostericity says.

    And if one or two people here shout him down, then he will judge everyone else here according to the behavior of those one or two people!

    If I can be serious: DohBiden is out of line above, but then, DohBiden is very often out of line. He kind of reminds me of that guy who used to post with bird names. You sort of have to take him for what he is.

    But when there are people here willing to say DohBiden is out of line, you have no business painting everyone here with the same brush. At least, if you’re going to argue that you can’t judge a group by one or two of its members.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  135. Two years in prison if you say water prevents dehydration?

    Am I reading that right?

    Dustin (cb3719)

  136. Exactly Patterico.

    I admit I’m often out of line.


    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  137. Honestly When I’m out of line I need to be called out on it.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  138. I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong and I was.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  139. I appreciate that.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  140. I admit I’m often out of line.

    Well, I don’t comment here much these days, so someone has to step in for me…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  141. You’re a hypocrite, Patterico.

    It’s an excellent example of how the left tries to shut down truthful speech with thuggish actions like filing frivolous lawsuits.

    Maybe you should shut your piehole. The majority of citizens understand how much integrity police, prosecutors, courts, corporations and politicians have. It’s unfortunate you couldn’t lend me the $400 to prevent the default. It’s surprising a person like you doesn’t have a credit card. I would’ve paid you back.

    Prepostericity (256956)

  142. Prepostercity

    That was totally out of line, totally. I’m sorry for your troubles, they were disturbing, but to project them onto Pat?

    Pat has a young family to take care of, as a man you should understand where his priorities lie, and furthermore defending you has exposed him legally and financially as these same people have attacked him as well

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  143. $400 loan? What?

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  144. Carlitos

    Something that should have been kept private

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  145. I don’t know what you’re talking about. You went radio silent for months during which time I was repeatedly sending you emails, which you ignored, telling you to address the lawsuit. If you had displayed a responsible can-do attitude and the only issue was a $400 loan that probably could have been arranged; people here would have donated for the cause of free speech.

    That’s not how it played out and you know it. You buried your head in the sand, allowed a default, and engaged in counterproductive actions (to put it mildly) after the default. Actions that made it impossible to help you.

    Please do not paint a fictional picture of what happened.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  146. Evidently Seth is referring to a last-minute request he made for me and Liberty Chick to buy him a plane ticket for the next day to try to REVERSE a default that had already been entered.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  147. Everything will be told in due time. I have nothing to hide. For now I want to correct Seth’s misstatement — and I’ll assume it was an innocent misstatement — that I refused to lend him $400 to “prevent” a default. That’s false.

    Patterico (f724ca)

  148. Cops have integrity?

    Please tell that to the leftys who prop up Mumia Abu Jamal.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  149. Well, that illustrates the bounds of the sympathy I had for Seth right there.

    So Seth, if we can’t count Kimberlin as “part of the Left”, can we count people like you who turn on on people who were willing to help and bite them as part of the Left?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  150. Shorter Seth – We don’t really know each other Patterico, but since Kimberlin and his buddies have also harassed you, YOU OWE ME, BIG TIME.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  151. As a side point about water not preventing dehydration:

    No we know why BRAWNDO is the THIRST MUTILATOR in the movie ‘Idiocracy.’ It’s because they’re not allowed to call it a thirst quencher.

    luagha (734ce3)

  152. I don’t want to pile on Prepostericity, who has engaged in some serious errors in judgment, to put it mildly, but who has also been the victim of one of the nastier cyberstalking campaigns in recent memory. But I have a feeling that his recent comments about the judge are going to prove very counterproductive when Kimberlin tries to convince the judge he violated the injunction.

    Personally insulting the judge is never a good litigation strategy.

    Patterico (0710ca)

  153. I’d like to think his outburst was a temporary fit of anger.

    But he also knows I can’t support him when he says outrageous things.

    Patterico (0710ca)

  154. I hasten to add that those outrageous things do not include his statements that Kimberlin is a convicted bomber. Which he is.

    By the way, I eagerly await the courtroom audio to hear if Kimberlin claimed to be exonerated regarding the bombings.

    And if he did so under oath.

    Patterico (0710ca)

  155. I understand how difficult, it is to challenge the left’s premises, Chambers, Orwell, Dos Passos faced it, in varying degrees, the first I particularly focus on, but does Seth want to remain part of this

    narciso (ef1619)

  156. Insulting the judge won’t win you any sympathy.

    Kimberlin is a pile of sludge.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  157. Prepostericity, I’m sorry you were unable to get the help you wanted in the timeframe desired, but Patterico has had your back. He’s stood up to the same tactic Brett has used against you. He’s a friend. A lot of folks here are your friend, or are willing to be your friend. You reacted to some trollish and ugly comments that were unfair to you, but you overreacted.

    I think you deserve a generous cutting of slack for all the stress this is causing you, but you need to stop letting jerks trigger reactions. They seek to provoke you. And hell, you’re being provoked against nice people who have done you no wrong, too. I don’t know much about this judge, and look forward to learning more from the audio, but my guess is that impartial judges come across poorly when the two parties in a case are so radically different in morality. That probably isn’t intended, but what choice does the judge have, for most of the proceeding?

    You’re one of the good guys, but you have this Achilles heel for being provoked. I know that politely explaining your case didn’t work, long ago, when DU and Kos’s commenters were ignoring the merits of your argument about Kimberlin, but that’s exactly the right way to proceed (both there and here).

    There’s a punchline for Prepostericity to enjoy. How many more people are aware of Velvet Underground, Brad Blog, and their sordid affiliation with Brett Kimberlin, as a result of his commentary and especially of this lawsuit? They badly wanted to hide this connection. Their $100 was won at the cost of enormous further exposure! How many people would have donated, but now don’t, because they are more familiar with Kimberlin’s violent record, and history as a con artist?

    Everyone who is paying attention knows they can’t trust Citizen K when his surrogates present hysterical conspiracy theories. Is that worth what you went through? Only you can say. I hope, either way, you continue.


    Most of you are not interested in this [redacted] character (if so, just skip this comment with my compliments), but I had a little more to say about her because my impression is that she’s really ticking me off with comments like “[…] all the talk about Kimberlin. Dude did his time, so why keep rehashing his crimes – it’s pointless.” I’m so sick of people whining about the important work of exposing people like Brett.

    As I noted in (in comment 123) she banned me for the “lie” of calling this very obvious threat a threat.

    She actually provided four reasons for banning me. Let me quote her reasons:

    1. that I had claimed I never saw a tweet of Ron’s – Dustin submitted this lie twice.
    2. Ron’s tweet(s) constitute actual “threats” (I guess they think Ron will show up at Pat’s door with a stapler)
    3. that I am in some “game” with Neal
    4. that me and my “friends” are harming people (he writes this after Anon spent half a page trying to convince Ron to stop tweeting dumb shit.)

    On 1, she’s obviously lying.

    On 2, that’s a difference of opinion, though it’s pretty obvious that those were, in fact, threats. [Redacted] takes my condemnation of several threats and stipulates I am lying to call them threats because she (insincerely) imagines Ron is not a “serious” threat. A ridiculous rationale, a lie, and not sincere.

    On 3, I am pretty sure she’s exaggerating what I said from a ‘I wonder if’ to an assertion. I can’t check (she deleted my comments and her blog is painfully lame to read), but either way, [redacted] and Neal are treating very serious matters in a childish and dishonest manner, so yeah, the two of them are playing games. As I’ve said many times, I have no way of knowing who is working together, and these creeps revel in creating paranoia, but I don’t even care if they are working together. They are slime either way. Banning me for this basic point of criticism says everything you’d need to know about her ability to refute it.

    On 4, again a matter of opinion, but I do think [redacted] and Ron are causing some degree of trouble for good people by being so ugly to those whose families are being threatened.

    [Redacted] saw this SLAPP Socrates experienced and learned the wrong lesson. When you use legal threats, you INCREASE exposure. You don’t delete polite and honest comments if you’re an ethical blogger, [redacted]. You especially don’t delete them, lie about why, and then threaten to sue.

    Dustin (cb3719)

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