Patterico's Pontifications


Occupy Portland Protester Discusses Strategy, Goals, Tactics Getting High

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:36 pm

Warning: profanity, racially bigoted words, and general idiocy . . . all courtesy of the Occupy Portland crowd:

Via Verum Serum.

22 Responses to “Occupy Portland Protester Discusses Strategy, Goals, Tactics Getting High”

  1. and yet not a word about how to get rid of the public lice and drug resistant TB…

    good to see their priorities are in order:scumbags, one and all.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Call your local WW-2 Re-enacters group and ask them to bring by a delousing unit, with lots of DDT powder.
    It certainly worked in Europe and other places, it should work here.

    AD-RtR/OS! (556f44)

  3. Slackers of the world unite!!!

    So that they can, uh . . . you know — hang out and, uh, complain about how, um, nothing is being accomplished by . . . somebody somewhere

    Icy (8aec60)

  4. I don’t know Icy, I think the level of activity denoted by the term “slacker” is a bridge too far for this group.

    AD-RtR/OS! (556f44)

  5. In fifteen years that guy will be a professor of sociology and politics at some state university. In twenty years he will be a guest columnist at The Nation and “a respected authority” on how the state uses police power to serve the interests of greedy corporations.

    JVW (4d72aa)

  6. Slacktivism.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  7. In 30 years the OWS offspring will insist Obamas war on Uganda is not based upon a lie even though it probably is.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  8. BTW, just what the H… is going on over in Uganda and environs?
    Has there been anything on the news?
    Did any of the vaunted journolist class apply for an em-bed?
    Did anyone?
    Just whose bacon are we pulling out of the fire on this one – some rag-tag NGO?

    AD-RtR/OS! (556f44)

  9. In fifteen years that guy will be a professor of sociology and politics at some state university. In twenty years he will be a guest columnist at The Nation and “a respected authority” on how the state uses police power to serve the interests of greedy corporations.

    Heh. An old school friend who fully supports OWS already is the chair of the Poly Sci Dept at one of Oregon’s universities.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  10. The OWS are too damn high.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  11. I;m all for the OWS slackers doing their best to imitate the 1968 protestors. They got Nixon elected and that is a worthy goal.

    Mike K (9ebddd)

  12. AND they got their heads bashed in! All-around fun!

    Icy (8aec60)

  13. And, since they have been taught, and learned, so little, at one point they will have their Kent State Moment, and we will be paid with this nonsense.

    AD-RtR/OS! (556f44)

  14. Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

    Jay-Z the uber-rich thug is giving support to these people and complains about the rich.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  15. What, no shout out to mom and dad?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  16. No.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  17. What, no shout out to mom and dad?

    Comment by daleyrocks — 11/11/2011 @ 4:07 pm

    Pffft – why dude? I’m eating better here than I do at home.
    –ungrateful OWS wretch, hopefully cut off from the grocery allowance in Mom’s basement after that little PR stunt

    no one you know (325a59)

  18. The OWS are against Captialism get over it israel hating trolls.

    Mikeysmomeatsanything (ef98f0)

  19. Did you know according to the OWS apologists we are racists because we Like Herman Cain………….Ota Benga said it so it must be true.

    Mikeysmomeatsanything (ef98f0)

  20. Sockpuppet off.

    DohBiden (ef98f0)

  21. These idiots don’t represent the occupy movement. They look like homeless drug addicts. They ARE slackers. They are not OWS supporters. They don’t even know what they’re talking about! Disgusting! The movement attracted homeless people looking for food, and right here is a perfect example of a complete LOSER.

    kelbel (db2498)

  22. link topic

    pharmduxshop (5051d1)

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