Patterico's Pontifications


Sockpuppet Friday–The Barack the Barbarian Edition!

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 9:00 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]

As usual, you are positively encouraged to engage in sock puppetry in this thread. The usual rules apply.

Please, be sure to switch back to your regular handle when commenting on other threads.  I have made that mistake myself, alot.

And remember: the worst sin you can commit on this thread is not being funny.


And I am going to try something new on this thread.  This literally might not work physically, or you all might decide this stinks as an idea.  Using one of those polling widgets, I have nominated imho the five best sock puppet comments from the last sockpuppet friday.  So vote for what you think is the best.

What is the funniest sockpuppet comment from last friday? free polls

Also, please note that there were some worthy comments that were too long to put in this poll.  And none of the nominees are mine, because that would be cheesy to nominate myself.

And is there a prize? Yes, there is. Respect. So there you go.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

123 Responses to “Sockpuppet Friday–The Barack the Barbarian Edition!”

  1. You did not list any of mine. I’ll nurse that grudge for awhile.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  2. Way off subject, I got a bill from the L.A. Times last night .When I called to ask why the hell they were sending me a bill. I was told That I had signed up at a supermarket by a solicitor. I told them I would never subscribe to that crap rag and to cancel it now. Has the L.A. times resorted to sending I D theft punks out to get more papers off the Rack? Or worse are they doing it themselves? Nah would liberals lie,cheat and steal……..OOPS Keep your hands on your wallet folks,they will start doing this for Dem fundraisers soon

    Jackosan (ea4bfa)

  3. You didn’t list any of mine. Racist!

    The Emperor (1fca40)

  4. Alright then guys, its friday. My day.. You know the rules: show respect to The Emperor. Now have it boys.. Break a leg!!

    sock puppet Joe (1fca40)

  5. Step one: Get some bars on Dad’s castle window.

    And yes, Piers, THAT window.

    Edward II (890cbf)

  6. I have an opinion about everything, and knowledge about nothing. If you beat me over the head you’d get a sound similar to a base drum.

    Kfap (e7577d)

  7. If I stand sideways in a stiff breeze, my head whistles.

    Kfap (e7577d)

  8. Those Jewish cupcakes keep dodging my ovens.

    Unhappyhand (e7577d)

  9. Hell if I am giving him these suspenders.

    Larry King (1fca40)

  10. all your monikers are belong to us.

    lovey present day (e7577d)

  11. I’m totally non-partisan and civil. Please buy my book, Independent Nation: How Centrists Can Change American Politics and Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America. It has the word “independent” in it.

    John Avlon (e7577d)

  12. I really don’t know anything about sockpuppeting.

    That said, I’ll move along and let someone else, from a totally different IP, make a comment.

    Wilson (890cbf)

  13. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh is a drug addled fat slob. See, my insults scream “centrist.”

    John Avlon (e7577d)

  14. What IS this sockpuppeting, Wilson?

    By the way: Edward II? VERY underrated king. Glenn Greenwald did a great bit on his blog about it.

    Ellison (890cbf)

  15. Miss me yet?

    mike castle (6075d0)

  16. Jim Demint invented AIDS.

    Alvin Greene (b54cdc)

  17. Do I look like I care that your child is in danger?

    Spiderman (1fca40)

  18. Ellison,

    I love that blog too! Have you also seen Greenwald’s best-selling books about Bush’s abuses of power?

    Ryan (890cbf)

  19. Shaken but not stirred… No, stirred but not shaken,.. no, not stirred but shaken. No, shaken stirred but not…

    James Bond (1fca40)

  20. Where can one find an answer about nearly everything without going to a library? I mean I have a computer, and access to the internets, but somehow, the solution to this problem eludes me.

    stuck on Wilson (e7577d)

  21. …stirred shaken not but, No, not but shaken stirred, No, shaking my waist till my tiny wee wee is stirred… No,….

    James Bond (1fca40)

  22. I am your moral and intellectual superior. I read crooksandliars and mediamatters.

    Willie the Racist Hilljack (0d2ffc)

  23. I love how, if — as this website is claiming — Obama is a “barbarian,” Bush is spared any criticism for his own barbaric abuses. Didn’t some part-time Brazilian guy write two best-sellers about this?

    Rick Ellensburg (890cbf)

  24. I’m innocent, Glenn said so, no the blue wire get’s
    connected to, did I say that outloud?

    noor mohammed (6075d0)

  25. Paaaaat, I can haz comment space to trash Bush?

    Dick Willspooge (e7577d)

  26. Me and Larry King are in the zipper club together.

    Free Willie Clinton (e7d72e)

  27. I demand net neutrality! If you’re mean to Odipshit, you must be equally nasty to Bush…oh, and RACIST!

    Empama the Contrarian (e7577d)

  28. I’m as transparent as a mirror, and I like the view!

    Odrama (e7577d)

  29. You stoopid wing nazi faux news luvin racists are dumber than a turd.

    Crooksandliars (96d86a)

  30. Net neutrality requires you to be equally nasty to Bush as you are to Otrauma!

    Phuk Knuckleburg (e7577d)

  31. Our religion is better than your religion, you wingnut Christianist science deniers. Your religion is really a spinoff of ours. Plus, we killed your Messiah. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    The Zionist Conspiracy (c07dfa)

  32. I wish professors would not plagiarize.

    Rawstory (96d86a)

  33. shaking my stirred but not taken, No, stirring my bum bum but not shaken, shaking as I drink it stirred, No, My name is Bond, James Blonde… No, My name is James, Bond James… Not right.. my name is shaken and don’t call me stirred!

    James Bond (1fca40)

  34. I’m the smartestest steaming pile in the democratic party.

    Briliiant Turd (e7577d)

  35. Barbarian?! Are you kidding me?!

    NAACP (96d86a)

  36. Well, I voted for my own comment, of course!

    Julian Assange (3e4784)

  37. Of course, since you didn’t have me first, the way I always should be, my comment doesn’t show up unless you hit the drop down menu arrow. I’m quite put out by that, and you know how I despise people who don’t put out.

    Julian Assange (3e4784)

  38. Mike Castle wrote:

    Miss me yet?

    How could we; you haven’t gone away yet!

    Christine O'Donnell (3e4784)

  39. If you do not watch yourself, I might just make sweet sweet love to you while you sleep with a torn lambskin.

    Julian Assmunch (96d86a)

  40. Not me, Julian: I am a borned again virgin, and one twenty-oneth century trend has completely passed me by!

    Christine O'Donnell (3e4784)

  41. I seem to have left out the oven dodgers cables. Totally unintentional. I don’t fear the mossad. Nope.Not.One.Bit. I’m courageour like that.

    Jewlian Assuage (e7577d)

  42. Ask for more negotiation, I dare you!

    Assfuckistan (e7577d)

  43. Hey, Julie, you can have me, and now I can even serve in the Navy!

    Glenn Greenwald (3e4784)

  44. And y’all thought you could get rid of me! Hah!

    Harry Reid (3e4784)

  45. I DREAM of a bedwetting Act, but it depends…

    Harry Peed (e7577d)

  46. Can someone please get me out of here? Julian? Anyone?

    PFC Bradley Manning (3e4784)

  47. Don’t you worry, PFC Manning: when they’re done with you, I won’t protest at your funeral.

    Fred Phelps (3e4784)

  48. Spc Manning – I would like to extend my thanks and praise to your noble work, and I will certainly help raise money for your legal defense fund. A patriotic American like you should not be treated in such a manner.

    Michael Moore (96d86a)

  49. My stuff has been read into the congressional record and quote in the NY Times. Take that, beeyotches.

    Gren Gleenwald (96d86a)

  50. @James Bond.
    Am sorry Bond but you are broken…

    M (1fca40)

  51. Environmental justice is one of the key components of Homeland Security.

    Janet Napolitano (96d86a)

  52. You know, I really would love to own a dog again. It will show how much I changed.

    Michael Vick (b1db52)

  53. Thanks SCOTUS for allowing us to push misinformation. We really don’t want our viewers to know the truth. It would be bad for business.
    -Fox and Friends

    We own you (8b3a2d)

  54. Ask me about negotiation, and my homicide bomber newsletter. It contains the popular Subjugation section with a feature article, Catching His Eye With Ankle Bruising.

    @$$phukistan (e7577d)

  55. Well, Don, baby, at least Rex knows how to run a two-minute drill in less than five minutes.

    And it wasn’t me who choked blew chunks at the Super Bowl!

    Terrell Owens (3e4784)

  56. I’m unretiring again.

    Sent you a text about it. Attached pic is unrelated.

    Brett Favre (890cbf)

  57. Why is it that a professor feels the need to plagiarize?

    JD (96d86a)

  58. I just love dogs to pieces! I just love ’em to death!

    Michael Vick (b54cdc)

  59. We used Howard Cossell’s toupee as a dust mop.

    Zombie Don Meredith (e7577d)

  60. We are responsible for that crazed hilljack stalker that strums the ukulele. he is one of our mindless drones.

    Rawstory, thinkprogress, mediamatters (96d86a)

  61. Occassionally, we’d rub one out in his hairpiece glue bottle.

    Zombie Don Meredith (e7577d)

  62. Speaking of Fox and Friends, tune in tomorrow to see how short a skirt I’m wearing! I’ve got legs!

    Alisyn Camerota (3e4784)

  63. So long, Barack. We will have fun in Hawaii without you. Good luck getting away by Christmas with the whiner from Searchlight in charge.

    Michelle Obama (b334e9)

  64. But who will pick up my poo?

    BO (b334e9)

  65. Excuse me, Can I fart here?

    Hillary Clinton (1fca40)

  66. Bo, can you teach your owner to fetch me a cup of coffee?

    BJ Clinton (e7577d)

  67. Hey, at least I never got benched in DC!

    Jason Campbell (3e4784)

  68. Yeah, Jason, you think you’re just so hot . . .

    JaMarcus Russell (3e4784)

  69. Where my car at, playa?

    Marion Crackberry (0b469d)

  70. Isn’t it ironic? The Viking’s season, the Metrodome roof, and my career all collapsed at the same time!

    Brett Pevre (0b469d)

  71. Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mel G. (0b469d)

  72. When she shot that stag my man-berries shrank!
    I love her so much I hate her.

    happyhappyjoyjoy (0b469d)

  73. Oh, Conan! You big barbarian you!

    KREEGAH, Lord of the Mugwumps (8096f2)

  74. All you conservatives are ignorant for thinking that unemployment is worse than they promised it would be. And can you believe these rubes think that health care legislation will increase the deficit. I mean okay, if we keep it this way, it will be a problem, but Paul Krugman has a final solution to the problem. (e7d72e)

  75. I’m on the comeback trail! First, “The Beaver.” Next, my own line of novelty birthday candles called “But First You Will Blow Me.”

    Mel Gibson (890cbf)

  76. Mel

    I think last night you were a little too hard on The Beaver.

    June Cleaver (e7d72e)

  77. “Aaron.” That’s a Jewish name, isn’t it?

    What? I’m just asking.

    Mel Gibson (890cbf)

  78. The Beaver is going to be great. For all you people who thought that Nell would be so much better starring a rabid anti-semite, this is the movie for you!

    Jody Foster (e7d72e)

  79. Oh am reminded of my commando years in Angola.. We came under much fire power.. I dived into the line of fire to save Bill’s ass.. Took one in the ass for the jerk. Shouldn’t have bothered. Son Of a b*tch!

    Hillary Clinton (1fca40)

  80. No, Mel, actually its a girl’s name.

    Erin Worthing (e7d72e)

  81. > Took one in the ass for the jerk.

    You have not ever done that for me, Hilldog. I begged for it, but you said you don’t swing that way.

    Bubba Clinton (e7d72e)

  82. If I tighten up my suspenders, my pants give a great crotch rub!

    Larry King (848837)

  83. I’m going over to Boehner’s office to touch his gavel.

    Nancy Pelosi (848837)

  84. In my White House garden I can play squat-tag in the asparagus patch all by myself. It feels sooo good!

    Michelle Obama (848837)

  85. There are some real cringe inducing comments here.

    JD (07faa1)

  86. Our new slogan is: “Erin go Broke!”

    Irish Prime Minister (848837)

  87. I wake up every morning. Being Vice-President does that to a fellow.

    Joe Biden (848837)

  88. I have made that mistake myself, alot.

    I wish you would stop attributing that saying to me. I never make miskates.

    alot (1db6c5)

  89. Ain’t no way for Mel to dodge my oven, baby!

    Lou C. Fur (7f42e2)

  90. Come on, guys! Gimme some hair to hide my Mickey ears.

    Barack the Barber (7f42e2)

  91. Why is it “3 wise men“? Why not “3 wise Latinas”? Racist, sexists!

    Sotomayor (7f42e2)

  92. I got pulled from the shelves, again.

    Chia Pet Obama (07faa1)

  93. What’s that? I’m 2% Jewish? Which part?
    My weenie? Cut it off! I don’t care; cut it off!!!!

    'Gelding' Gibson (7f42e2)

  94. What’s the big deal?

    William 'the dickless wonder' Yelverton (7f42e2)

  95. Ok you people win, we’ll just roll over submissively. Pleae don’t hit us too hard with the newspaper.

    Dem House pack of doggies (0cd6a2)

  96. I’m soooooo disappointed the Obamas won’t be coming to my wedding. Every wedding has exactly two rude ingrates who complain about everything and invade people’s personal space and leave sh*tty narcissistic presents. Now I just know it’s going to have to be my weird uncle Rupert and his new wife Oleander. HOW embarrassing.

    Kate Middleton (b5428c)

  97. I wish to thank the members of the house for finally realizing that it was over and approving the bill. I wish you had done it a few weeks ago as I am tired of having my rear being waxed by the Republicans. Hopefully I have a chance for reelection although you all didn’t help much!

    Obamaman (0cd6a2)

  98. I thought this week would go better. Sauron Obama said that if I played along I could get the pretty all to myself

    Harry Reid (f0c487)

  99. I control the senate. Anything passing has to meet with my approval.

    Harry Reed guy (0cd6a2)

  100. Don’t let any one fool you, I still have power. And denile is just a river in Egypt..

    Nancy P (0cd6a2)

  101. Hey Barack, we had this discussion earlier. Since your “pals” in the house can’t figure out that most of America doesn’t support the view of your left wing democrat and chicago beat them with a stick people… Please bend over and ask.. “Thank you sir, may I please have another.”

    John B 7 Mitch M (0cd6a2)

  102. Yo Harry @ 100. it’s over and YOU lost.

    Mitchy guy (0cd6a2)

  103. Hillary Clinton wrote:

    Oh am reminded of my commando years in Angola.

    Madam Secretary, we didn’t really need to know that you weren’t wearing your thong panties.

    The late Richard Holbrooke (bd7e62)

  104. I was in Angola, and I never saw her.

    tony montana (6075d0)

  105. See, I told you my stuff was stored in my official residence. Nothing will hold me back now.

    Rahm Emanuel (b334e9)

  106. I am innocent of all charges.

    Kwame Kilpatrick (b334e9)

  107. This thread is just awful – not nearly as good as last week’s. Barack, drop off your autographed copy of Of Thee I Sing and let’s sneak a snack off the reception table and get out of here.

    Michelle "the perfect guest at any occasion" Obama (b5428c)

  108. I have a degree from ASU in recreation and tourism management so the reason i can not get a job organizing keggers in the boonies is because of greedy rich people.Liberals are not lunatic psychopaths that shoot people for doing their job so i must be a gun clinging conservative.

    florida school shooter (b89258)

  109. Don’t interrupt me while I’m circling the drain.

    Ric Caric has nothing on me, beyotches!

    Willie the Wanker (c07dfa)

  110. Eric Blair is our sponsor.

    Troll One (97ee52)

  111. Sometimes, you never know who that stranger is that waves at you.

    Anonymous Stranger Waving (07faa1)

  112. My hiding place is better than Bin Laden’s!

    The Regulation of Bake Sales Contained in the Public School Food Act (7f42e2)

  113. Don’t let all of those record low temperatures — all across the country — fool you. I’m still real.

    Settled Science (7f42e2)

  114. Weather is not climate…er, climate is not…ah…Al Gore FTW!!!

    Climate Change Consensus (e7577d)

  115. Hey, guys, Fox & Friends is on right now, and I’m wearing this awesome Christmas-red dress, showing off my gorgeous legs, and, for a bonus, just a tiny bit of cleavage! 🙂

    Alisyn Camerota (bd7e62)

  116. What the hell happened to my sockpuppet? bah I had a William down pat comment 🙁

    Lord Nazh (11400d)

  117. Fantastic news today folks!

    Anyone know how I can get my personalized line of fisting kits and dental dams into the military PX system?

    Kevin Jennings (c07dfa)

  118. Blame those porn stars… I am innocent!

    Ted Bundy (f1908c)

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