Patterico's Pontifications


Terrorist “Work Accident” in Sweden? And a Connection to the Mohammed Cartoon Controversy

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 3:40 pm

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]

So last night there was a terrorist bombing in Sweden, possibly while it was technically the 11th, which means that they were trying to create an attack on 12/11.  One terrorist died in the blast, and two bystanders were injured.  Its not clear whether the injured include any of the terrorists.  Some of this BBC article suggests that the second explosion was accidental (meaning premature), hence the “work accident” line in the title of this post.  You can also see coverage at Cnn and Jpost.

But Reason highlights the “grievances” of the terrorists:

Our actions speak for themselves. As long as you don’t stop your war against Islam, and you degrade the Prophet, and your support for that stupid pig [cartoonist Lars] Vilks.

Vilks is one of the famous Swedish cartoonists who drew Mohammed (pedophilia be upon him) in the ongoing protests against Islamic death threats aimed at speech suppression.  For instance, here is one of his comics:

Yeah, kind of sucks as art, but is gorgeous as a defense of freedom of speech and religion.  And if you think that is awful, then you shouldn’t look at these either.  And you really shouldn’t look at my cartoon.  Yep, it’s a crime against humanity just on artistic merit alone.

Vilks himself as attacked in what I think is best characterized as a “low level mini-riot” when showing the cartoons at a university.  Let me repeat that for emphasis.  People admitted to a university were so idiotic as to think that a cartoon merited violence.  Personally if I was in charge of that university, every single student participating would be thrown out for being insufficiently open minded.  Anyway, Cinema Steve posted video of the incident ages ago and it is still frightening to watch.  And of course Cnn had a nice video on Vilks life dealing with the terror threat, even if they are too much of a bunch of p-ssies to show the actual offending cartoon, instead opting to show a picture of a page showing the cartoon with the cartoon ridiculously blurred out.  I mean how on earth, from a journalistic perspective, can you have an article discussing a controversy brought about by a cartoon without actually showing the cartoon?

So the question is whether this incident or others will dissuade the Swedes from their support of freedom of speech and religion.  Or will they go all Viking on the terrorists?


And, related item, in Pakistan a man has been arrested for blasphemy for, well…  let’s let the AFP explain, because it really is too stupid to believe:

A doctor has been arrested for insulting the Prophet Mohammed in Pakistan, police said on Sunday, in a second high profile case throwing the spotlight on the country’s controversial anti-blasphemy laws.

Naushad Valiyani was detained on Friday following a complaint by a medical representative who visited the doctor in the city of Hyderabad.

“The arrest was made after the complainant told the police that Valiyani threw his business card, which had his full name, Muhammad Faizan, in a dustbin during a visit to his clinic,” regional police chief Mushtaq Shah told AFP.

It’s a brilliant marketing strategy.  Legally change your name to Mohammed, and then give out your cards.  If anyone has the temerity to dispose of that card, arrest them!

This is the kind of stupidity that censorship leads to.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

16 Responses to “Terrorist “Work Accident” in Sweden? And a Connection to the Mohammed Cartoon Controversy”

  1. Riddle me this: they come unglued about a mere image of the prophet, yet they name all their kids Mohammed!

    Patricia (3aa1fd)

  2. Freaking Lutherans are out of control again!

    Can’t trust those Scandis.

    daleyrocks (c07dfa)

  3. Muslims are 500 years behind the West. They know it and it enrages them. That is why so many of the terrorists are educated men with promising futures. They have been taught that Islam is superior to the other religions and societies. It isn’t true and that is a lot of their motivation. The Mohammed cartoons are seen as blasphemy because we, the West, are making fun of the Prophet. Christianity, especially those who are devout, are outraged by the various silly “art” uses of Christian symbols to denigrate religion but they are adherents to a religion that does not advocate violence. Islam was founded as a warrior cult and Mohammed himself participated in war. Their response to insult is violence.

    500 years ago, Christianity was violent and warred on heretics, like the albigensians who were slaughtered by men who expected a plenary indulgence as a reward for killing heretics. That sounds a lot like Islam today, especially the Wahabbi cult. Philip II spent the treasure Spain received from the New World in an attempt to conquer the Protestant lands in England and the Netherlands. The result of his obsession was that Spain has been a poor country since.

    The Thirty Years War exhausted central Europe in an attempt to convert the opposing nations. The result was tolerance and peace which then led to prosperity.

    Islam will hold back its believers until they realize they cannot kill or convert the West and they decide that prosperity is better than religious fervor.

    Mike K (568408)

  4. terrorists are dorks I think

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  5. ____________________________________________

    As long as you don’t stop your war against Islam, and you degrade the Prophet,

    I’ve read innumerable comments, pro and con, about Islam in various forums, and rarely, if ever, does anyone note that the religion’s founder, Mohamed, supported the assassination not just of warriors opposed to him, but also people (women included) who, in his eyes, merely mocked or disrespected him. IOW, I think the fanatics in Islamicism actually are closer to the heart and soul of their religion, by way of the history of Mohamed, than the supposed “moderates” are.

    So, no, George W Bush (per 2001), it’s not necessarily correct to claim that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

    Mark (3e3a7c)

  6. Jihadist only casualty of Sweden bombing….

    One down, many Millions to go!
    They don’t call it The Long War, for nothing!

    AD-RtR/OS! (6dbf61)

  7. Does this mean he is eligible for workman’s Comp.

    John (98859b)

  8. Lacking a heart beat, I think he’s unqualified (except perhaps in Cook Co.).

    AD-RtR/OS! (6dbf61)

  9. The Dreaded Stick Figures of Blasphemy !!!!!!!

    JD (85b089)

  10. “Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm. Failed — but could have been truly catastrophic,” Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said in a Twitter message on Saturday.

    As long as there is still any level of denial or attempts to minimize and/or soft pedal it, Sweden continues to put itself at unnecessary risk. Name and face the enemy. Stop trying to find a middle ground. And when innocent bystanders are injured, it is a successful attack. Yes it could have been far worse but the fact remains that two simultaneous explosions occurred in Stockholm because of terrorists. This was not a failed attempt, it just was not as bad as it could have been.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  11. The AFP link is broken.

    Joshua (906812)

  12. What is the proper way to dispose of the newspaper that has a reference to Mohammed
    1) In Pakistan?
    2) In the USA?

    Ed of Mesa-AZ (1ed450)

  13. @Mark #5

    Actually to translate Islam as peace is not very accurate. A better translation would be peace through conquest. It’s a sin for a Muslim to not live under Islam. Therefore, if Islam is the ruling government, then there is peace.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  14. ‘submission to the will of Allah’ would be the proper translation, and since the 7th century, that has come through conquest

    narciso (6075d0)

  15. Actually, this is Europe. The terrorist was trying to generate 11/12 instead of 12/11/10.

    Sabba Hillel (dd522e)

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