Patterico's Pontifications


Site Issues? Feedback Requested

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:25 pm

We got an Instalink on the post about Glenn Reynolds’s column. Did the site go down for you? Did it stay up? Any other issues?

Feedback will help us diagnose the issues. Thanks.

33 Responses to “Site Issues? Feedback Requested”

  1. Seems to be loading slowly, but not completely hanging up. Otherwise I haven’t had any problems getting through.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  2. I got some kind of a pale blue login screen that, if I remember right, was for some kind of mail or email server.

    It wasn’t a WordPress login screen at all, and I’m very familiar with them.I don’t remember much else other than that.

    Incidentally, in case the site gets hacked is the reason I don’t use my real email address on many websites.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  3. It’s loading very slowly, and congratulations on the well-deserved link.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  4. Very slow with intermittant failures.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  5. The Instapundit link is a service groaner, every time.

    You need a laxative, a copy of the LAT, and some personal time in the rest room until it passes.

    papertiger (56e157)

  6. Site wouldn’t load at all for a bit, maybe an hour ago.

    It’s better now, albeit slow. For an instalanche, it’s much better than before.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  7. Slow and then moving from the main page to the comments it went down a couple of times.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  8. In the last 15 minutes the site has improved quite a bit.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  9. Slow to load but it linked.

    nk (db4a41)

  10. Everytime I tried for several hours (which was only a few times) I couldn’t load the blog… Until now. I’m sure some of you would consider that a feature, rather than a bug 😉

    Chris Hooten (7fcd81)

  11. it went down, down DOWN

    would not load would not give message

    but, no phinger was shown

    Typical White Person (d6ef8d)

  12. Maybe Rush linked to you?

    Typical White Person (d6ef8d)

  13. yes the site crashed for me earlier. I was going to suggest that the blog switch its focus to all things PIE.

    jONES (72b0ed)

  14. Yes. It crashed and wouldn’t load for over 70 minutes, and then I gave up for a few hours.

    49erDweet (a01cf9)

  15. i’m still seeing a lot of anti-Palin comments here…. can we get that fixed?

    i got the white screen of death the other day, but i assumed it was a one time thing.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  16. Was down earlier, loaded slow this time.

    Jeff M (0204be)

  17. Are you going “Charles Johnson” on us?

    JustJimH (ab4ba7)

  18. Don’t worry. Be Happy.

    Enjoy your day off.

    gnholb (4fbede)

  19. DRJ, we missed you. Where have you been?

    Gazzer (c21e1c)

  20. When a site loads slowly due to
    heavy traffic, you have a good problem

    Jack (e383ed)

  21. Down all day, but then I crashed about 8PM Central time and didn’t check again.

    GM Roper (a0b04a)

  22. You also got a link from Powerline, so that may have contributed to the problems.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  23. There were a couple of timeouts, but I’m on Comcast in New Mexico, so I can never tell whether it’s the website or Comcast.

    docduke (9e8675)

  24. smells good now

    Typical White Person (d6ef8d)

  25. Is this what happened to the Ui2 site. Haven’t been able to access it since Agust 11. I get a message from IE that Ui2 refused to let the page be cached????? Any ideas?

    jeepers (42002d)

  26. It didn’t load after about 2 minutes of waiting, so I gave up, figuring it was swamped with Instalanche traffic.

    ExRat (d82866)

  27. FWIW it’s still loading slow for me today. I generally use Firefox but I also tried IE, and it seemed a little bit faster.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  28. This Thursday, I’m encountering a lot of the old school problems. Such as the site not showing the latest comments.

    I think I remember this being some kind of special mode, meant to keep the site accessible when the site is being viewed by a lot of people.

    Also encountered some kind of access error. I wish I had copied the error message, but I believe it mentioned a database.

    Site is working fine now, so perhaps this was some kind of reboot.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  29. Rather, the site isn’t working fine ‘right now’ for me. Recent comments are not being displayed and I have had to resort to crack rock and Irish cream liquor to stifle my comment withdrawal symptoms.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  30. Works fine if I access the site without cookies. I think this means it’s that special mode.

    No biggie or anything. Don’t interpret the triple comments as complaints. I can quit anytime I want to.

    /breaths into paper bag

    Dustin in IE (b54cdc)

  31. I thought I made a comment earlier but it’s not here nowheres… either that or I forgot to hit the button

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  32. If you really want to comment and continue reading the page, you could do as I do.

    I have one browser that has all cookies and the like completely disabled. It doesn’t even load images, flash, etc (images have nothing to do with the problem here). I use this browser to troubleshoot websites and visit pages I don’t trust very much, but it also is able to overcome this sort of cache problem.

    I use that browser to read the latest comments.

    I still use my normal browser (Firefox) to leave comments, but you could use the cookie-less browser for that, too.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  33. The old cookie bug in comments has shown up again.

    SPQR (26be8b)

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