Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Uses Skewed Sample to Show Fiorina Way Down

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 3:47 pm

If you believe the poll, it shows Boxer up 51 to 43. The problem, as Allahpundit explains, is that the sample is completely skewed. Exit polls from Obama’s 2008 win showed Californians breaking down 42% (Dems), 28% (Ind.), 30% (Rep.). The L.A. Times‘s breakdown? 55% (Dems), 9% (Ind.), 35% (Rep.)

You would have to believe in a higher Democrat turnout in 2010 than 2008. Absurd.

I did some quick and dirty math to try to figure out how the poll would have looked if they had done the breakdown according to 2008 turnout numbers — which, even those are ridiculously skewed towards Democrats — and I got a result of 50-47 with Boxer in the lead. Feel free to check my math.

The poll seems designed to discourage Fiorina supporters. Luckily, we are smarter than that — and our recognition of the need for Unity means there is nobody who is going to prefer Boxer to Fiorina just because Fiorina isn’t pure enough.


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