Patterico's Pontifications


Second Source Claims Mullah Omar Captured

Filed under: War — DRJ @ 10:15 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Patterico posted yesterday on a report by Brad Thor at BigGovernment that Mullah Omar has been captured in Pakistan. To my knowledge, no one in the major media has reported this story. MyPetJawa confirmed Thor’s report today:

“An overseas intelligence source has confirmed to the Jawa Report that Mullah Omar has been captured as originally reported by Brad Thor.

You can wait for the New York Times to catch up if you’d like, we don’t mind.”

There appears to be a third confirmation in an Update.


6 Responses to “Second Source Claims Mullah Omar Captured”

  1. The Jawas usually have good stuff. It’s a good sign they are independently confirming. Their comment section can also be fun reading when jihadi nuts sign in to rant at them.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  2. Ohh, the professional “urnalists” are going to be so very angry when Mullah Omar’s capture is made public that they will all sound like Elmer Fudd, especially Olberdouche.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  3. The principle doubt I have about this story is that this administration is incapable of keeping a secret. Maybe the Pakistanis won’t tell them they have him.

    Mike K (82f374)

  4. Mike K, If you were the Pakistanis, would you tell anyone you had Mullah Omar? You couldn’t win.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  5. Remember back in 2004 when Madeline Albright claimed that the thing that worried her most was the possibility that Bush was concealing Osama Bin Laden’s capture to torpedo Kerry in the the days leading up to the election?

    Cranky (9520fd)

  6. I also remember Madeline Albright making a fool out of herself with that claim. Like others of her ilk, Ms Albright cannot imagine how a person with real integrity would behave.

    BarSinister (edbc1a)

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