Patterico's Pontifications


Clinton: “We think it’s Time to Move Forward”

Filed under: International,Obama — DRJ @ 10:00 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Obama Administration may have finally given in on Honduras:

“After trying in vain to keep Manuel Zelaya in power, imposing sanctions on Honduran politicians and goods, and falsely labeling the constitutional effort to preserve democracy as an illegal “coup,” the Obama administration finally is calling it quits.

Hillary Clinton is seeking to convince other nations to recognize the current Honduran administration which was elected in November.

The U.S. also is taking steps [to] end the economic sanctions against Honduras.”

Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion has the details at the link.

I doubt it will be easy for Honduras. Six months of economic sanctions have undoubtedly taken a toll and some neighboring countries still refuse to acknowledge the Honduran government, but hopefully Honduras’ future just got a little brighter.


23 Responses to “Clinton: “We think it’s Time to Move Forward””

  1. this is an unexpected exercise of “smart power”, which is the Obama Administration’s unprecedented rethinking of American diplomacy.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Better late than never.

    Soronel Haetir (ed9110)

  3. How will Gibbsy spin this latest victory ?

    Vermont Neighbor (1a9eb2)

  4. Can someone explain to me why we are messing around with other countries except to aid globalism? The attempt to influence other countries to let our companies make cheaper products?

    If we still had a manufacturing base in this country, sure a few people couldn’t maximize our dividends and make George Soros happy…but

    We talk about national security at a time when we are not just dependent on foreign sources of oil or foreign manufacturing for our cheap Walmart stuff…

    If we made things here instead of overseas we could stop worrying about Honduras/Venezuels/China politics…


    Jeff Barea (eff5e1)

  5. Time to move forward, and stick their ignorant snouts into the Falklands situation.

    Glen Wishard (2167a4)

  6. we could stop worrying about Honduras/Venezuels/China politics…

    These places are making alliances, selling planes, oil or materials to smaller, hostile countries. We can’t manufacture at home and ignore the plans of China, Venezuela… Obama’s not so hot on Europe, he’s cozy with the third world concept. Soros, too.

    Vermont Neighbor (1a9eb2)

  7. #6 That doesn’t explain to me why their wars are our wars.

    Make no mistake, I’m not holy enough to turn the other cheek and have enjoyed a good St.Paddy’s Day brawl when the other person swung first.

    Just not sure why I should be spending my day playing Risk as geopolitics when I just want to dance awkwardly to music instead of living my life in fear…

    Jeff Barea (eff5e1)

  8. I guess I should add. We’ve been attacked multiple times when we were “unprepared” and I think we did an awesome job at responding each time.

    I’m just not scared. Trying to figure out why other people are. Especially after our great history of responding when need be.

    Jeff Barea (eff5e1)

  9. I don’t know. War will always be debated as far as proactive, protection or retaliation.

    As for Honduras, its vulnerability affected us what with Hugo Chavez teaming up with Obama to get the former head back in power.

    Vermont Neighbor (1a9eb2)

  10. It’s also concerning that more is on the way, according to various warnings. The underwear bomber didn’t blow up the plane. It was his incompetence that saved us.

    Vermont Neighbor (1a9eb2)

  11. Well it’s about bloody time!

    Good for Honduras, hopefully now they can get to work beating back the influence of that corpulent bloviator, Chavez.

    This had to be the stupidest use of sanctions ever! The USofA imposing sanctions against a country that used it’s constitutionally provided mechanisms to oust a politician making a play at dictatorship. Asshattery in the White House.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  12. It is a useful window on Obama’s politics. He seems to be happy with every leftist dictator. Wishful thinking ?

    Mike K (2cf494)

  13. I see the next generation’s Obama down there apologizing for this.

    Amphipolis (b120ce)

  14. When you look at the tally of incredibly shameful foreign policy actions taken by this administration, this has to rank right up near the top – and just think, we’ve still got over two years to go.

    War will always be debated as far as proactive, protection or retaliation.

    I’m not sure who said this, but the axiom that “war is just politics by other means” was more prescient than he knew.

    Dmac (ca1d8c)

  15. President Palin’s first foreign trip on her “What Were we Thinking?” Tour.

    Or maybe second after the UK, depending on how badly Obama wants to help the socialists running Argentina.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  16. So, once all of the spotlight has been focused elsewhere, Barcky decides to take his foot off the throat of the peaceful democratic people of Honduras. He really is not a good man.

    JD (5e5cad)

  17. The despicable two-faced liar, and Obama barking dog, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton insulted the proud and democratic people of Honduras. She did it Thursday in Costa Rica because the cowardly Clinton didn’t have to personal and professional integrity to come to San Jose and face the people she tried to betray.

    At a meeting of foreign ministers held in Costa Rica, Secretary Clinton, the enemy of peace and freedom in Honduras, was boldly pretending Obama’s attempts to undermine democracy and to impose a communist dictatorship on Honduras was actually quoted as saying, “We think it’s time to move forward and ensure that such disruptions of democracy do not and cannot happen in the future,”

    Clinton neglected to mention that it was she and Obama who were responsible for the “disruption of democracy” in Honduras and that the best way to prevent similar disruptions both at home in the USA and in other countries is to remove the Obama Administration from office.

    ropelight (eb81c9)

  18. Can someone explain to me why we are messing around with other countries except to aid globalism? The attempt to influence other countries to let our companies make cheaper products?
    #4 — Comment by Jeff Barea — 3/10/2010 @ 1:15 am

    Jeff, IMO, President Obama sided (with the would-be dictator and former President of Honduras) Zelaya because of ideology, not economics. Zelaya was a leftist who was attempting to reenact an old Latin American tradition of installing a dictatorship in a Leftist fashion (typically, violent and tyrannical).

    The Honduras Constitution, Congress, Supreme Court, Military and People stopped him cold. Zelaya was removed from power in a non-violent manner, and a temporary President (from Zelay’s own party, and in the Constitutional line-of-succession) assumed power until the normally scheduled elections occurred (then a new guy was elected the temp President stepped down — peacefully and orderly).

    President Obama was against this and wanted Zeleya reinstalled, as did Chavez and Castro.

    The People of Honduras rejected President Obama’s wishes (as well as the wishes of Chavez and Castro), stayed true to their Laws and Supreme Court RulingS, held a free election as scheduled and otherwise shamed President Obama and defeated Leftist ideology.

    This was done as the world largely condemned Honduras through economic sanctions. We also put the knife into their back reneging on aid and some valuable governmental contracts. Mostly, though, when our leadership was much needed, we failed. The cost was greatly borne by Honduras and its People.

    The “great” leadership of President Obama was on full display and he was shamed. Now, he really has no choice but to bow to this plucky, courageous nation (good thing the President has had a lot of practice at bowing). The People emerged victorious over Tyranny — to President Obama’s dismay (and to all Leftists rulers, as witness by their reactions).

    Honduras refused the leftist tendency toward Tyranny and held their Constitution above partisanship, economics and even security. They broke tradition with Latin American political cycles that typically end with violence and dictatorships. Liberty prevailed.

    The Leftist philosophy was rejected with the legal removal of Zeleya, and that is what President Obama was against. I truly think it had nothing to do with economics, IMO.

    Pons Asinourm (1f16cc)

  19. Greetings:

    I’m wondering if the Honduras situation will make its way onto President Obama’s lengthy list of things for which America must publicly apologize.

    11B40 (5bd1a2)

  20. Never Mind

    Neo (7830e6)

  21. Dmac…It was Carl von Clausewitz.

    AD - RtR/OS! (190d31)

  22. If the next winner of the Soccer World Cup is someone Teh Won dislikes (you know, like a democratic, non-socialist, capitalistic country such as Chile), will we discontinue diplomatic relations with them and initiate sanctions such as was done to Honduras?

    AD - RtR/OS! (190d31)

  23. We all know which side their hearts and minds side with, and it’s not democracy. These are New Leftists… since the 70’s, they’ve openly sided with America’s enemies and not only in SE Asia. They actively colluded with the Soviet Union (e.g., Jimmuh Carter’s and Teddy Kennedy’s back-handed dealings with the Soviets leading up to the ’80 and ’84 presidential elections, respectively), Cuba (too many Castro ass-kissing Democrats to tally), Nicaragua (John Kerry and the Democrat-controlled Congress doing all they could to keep the Sandinistas afloat), etc..

    Loyal opposition, my ass.

    GeneralMalaise (01c700)

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