Leftist Issues Death Threats to Palin and Family on Twitter
There is justifiably some concern relating to the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and violent threats. It’s just not quite what you’ve been hearing in Big Media.
On Twitter, a fellow calling himself Jason Brown has been posting since May 10, 2009, and has a total of 379 messages posted so far. He is a fan of Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. Typical of his leftist political beliefs are messages like this:
@maddow doesnt Cheney seem like this weird dark evil prince hmm say like Mr. Burns and i guess ol’ George was Smithers
and this:
goin 2 watch keith olbermann and laugh at the latest heartless basterds of the world
and this:
@carloswatson why does G.O.P. leaders endorse racism,hatred,fearmongering,and falsehoods dont they know the world is witnessing this tactic
and this:
their no racist people in the dem.party they all come from the south and they are republican which is why we still see promotion of hatred
In recent days, Brown has been saying that he is concerned about the violence that he believes Sarah Palin is fostering.
So, he is threatening to kill Sarah Palin and her family.
I had hoped to post about 20 screenshots from this guy’s Twitter account, but with the technical work being done on the site I find myself suddenly unable to upload images. So I will just quote you the messages. He posted most of them tonight, and they include messages like this:
@sEaTtLe_MeTrO Death 2 Palin family them retarded hillbillies take teabaggers w/ you hateful bitch
and this:
We cant expect gov to intervene we must shoot Gen. Palin on site be 4 her troops strike again!
and this:
@interactionswst one word racism choose sides plain and simply that bitch Palin launch an attack, she need 2 b shot on site!
and this:
@Palin360 you need 2 b assassinated soon we ll settle 4 one of the family if not u!
and this:
maybe it takes a murder or 2 2 get the point across take aim at radical TP members
and this:
@BRIANGLAD Palin will b met with gunfire her or her family
and this:
@SarahStormRpt u need 2 be shot on site startin that racist Tp shit, all you all do is promo violence dont cry when some kill u basterds
and this:
IS Sarah Palin still alive, please feel free 2 domecheck that bitch! she will look good in tha box the TP left on someones lawn
and this:
Yeah shorty i know soon as a bitch get killed bout a lie then ppl gone realize how stupid n lack info can get u hurt TP fuckin wit fire
and this:
@Southfive her map w crosshair need to b put on her family she that bitch can die or a TP supporter
and this:
Does Palin really want what she ask 4? we ll see after death strikes i guess no pose 2 see her rhetoric,it can b dangerous. but who cares!
and this:
i got 2 go see how many more targets Gen. Palin got mapped out that bitch gone get or someone i hope its GOP one of them racist fuckers
and this:
THe street gangs of america can take on the teabaggers and Palin. TP is callin 4 war just shoot any TP associates and family MS13 BITCHES!
and this:
I cant wait till someone serious hurt that bitch Palin or one of her children soon she out of control!
and this:
@Oplis the ppl of color have been wait n 4 no one can agree on history so suggest the Palin plan let roll!ms13 will take care of that bitch
and this:
Palin came 2 lower 48 2 start a civil divide this could b the moment of truth 4 americans 2 put her down
and this:
i encourage ppl 2 meet the TP wit the same acts of violence Palin instructs them 2 do we need 2 harass them 2 their racist graves
and this:
#hcr proof that Palin targeted Va. rep. w/ her map and someone followed up we have 2 stop this terrorist name Sarah someone please kill her!
Damn violent teabaggers!
For some reason this one seems particularly ominous:
Does anyone have that alaskan address 4 the Palins?
Thanks to Sharon.
UPDATE: Thanks to Instapundit for the link. I discuss how pleased this nut (who appears to be from Virginia) was about the bullet that went through the window of Eric Cantor’s Richmond office in this post.