Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Thanksgiving

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:00 am

Happy “Don’t Take Things for Granted” Day. Here’s a trick to help you along.

And enjoy the turkey.

15 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”

  1. Worth the re-read and then some.

    steve (516914)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I’m glad you’re reading, too, steve. You help keep me on my blogging toes.

    DRJ (dee47d)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving from the mountains in Utah. Best wishes to all of you, even the hatey angry hateful ones. Especially them, they need the most love ;-).

    JD (0a78bf)

  4. Hey, I’m not that hatey or angry or hateful.

    All the time, that is.

    Patterico (64318f)

  5. The turkey is in the oven, my grandchildren are here, and I just finished John Derbyshire’s book, “We are Doomed.”

    Most things are right with the world.

    MIke K (addb13)

  6. Patterico, your exercise in giving thanks is something that Marcus Aurelius wrote about, using different words. I’m not the Stoic he was (in both senses of the word). But in his “Meditations,” he was reminding himself of his own luck, and to value what he would tend to take for granted.

    So you are in good company, in terms of strategies to enhance perspective, and I appreciate the reminder.

    I am thankful for many things. There are some health issues in my family, which are tough and might make Thanksgiving seem to be a bit of a lie this year.

    But it’s not true. We all seem to focus on the bad. We seem to ignore the good. We do it personally, and we do in the larger world. We sound off when things do not go to our liking. We seldom say “great job!” when things go well—let alone giving Thanks.

    So I am grateful for all kinds of things, ranging from my wife and my children, to several of the cyberfriends I have made here. I am grateful for the ability to see how lucky I am.

    And again, thanks and happy day to all of those here who have been kind to me, and from whom I have learned a great deal. We all take so many things for granted.

    Enjoy the day.

    Eric Blair (bc43a4)

  7. Oh, and Dr. K.? Derbyshire has now trademarked the term curmudgeon. It’s getting tough for me to see what he really believes, versus his “official” position.

    But I enjoy his essays and books very much. His books on mathematics are surprisingly elegant and clear. I got to meet the man and his wife once, and he was very different in person.

    Dinesh D’Souza’s new book is interesting, too. I’m not saying I agree with him, but he is a very smart person.

    Eric Blair (bc43a4)

  8. Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Out east with my sibs and a father now on the mend in a hospital. Plenty to be thankful for this year on a personal basis.

    Don’t get me started on our unqualified empty-suit little socialist president man, though.

    daleyrocks (62b617)

  9. Eric Blair,
    May you and your family have a blissful, blessed, Thanksgiving.

    As for “tricks,” I’m thinking of another kind of trick – and not from ACORN!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  10. An appropriate day to thank you for the pleasure of your written company throughout the year, and for the fact that we have this mutual access. Many have shown great courage, and do so yet today, to assure this and other freedoms for us. I am grateful.

    Richardson (5a94e1)

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. May Blessings abound. Patrick, thank you for the link to your Thanksgiving post about taking things for granted. It was an eye opener. My daughter always wondered why I reveled in her most mundane tasks or accomplishments. Good, bad, or indifferent, I knew that moment, that event, would never be repeated. Ever. I relished each one.
    I learned it from my Grandmother. See, she only had an 8th grade education, so it was never some profound readings of hers from which I learned, but, as her keenest observer, and biggest fan, I learned from her actions. I was Blessed.
    God Bless You All.

    sybilll (2125e3)

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

    htom (412a17)

  13. Y’all have a great Thanksgiving. Black Friday awaits.

    Old Coot (166f79)

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, even those I disagree with from time to time. I spent a few minutes at the table tonight just looking at my middle son and trying to drink in every essence of that time. Where I will be in 20 years is anyones guess, where I was today would have been mistaken by your average 12th century type as heaven. Seriously. Indoor plumbing with hot running water. Heaven.

    tyree (124934)

  15. Eric Bliar

    God bless, take care, best wishes very sincerely this day and every day. as well for everyone.

    EricPWJohnson (d5e36d)

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