[Guest post by DRJ]
Via the Instapundit:
“WALTER REED OFFICIALS ASKED, Was Hasan Psychotic? NPR’s Daniel Zwerdling has owned this story from the beginning. And this is damning:
“Put it this way,” says one official familiar with the conversations that took place. “Everybody felt that if you were deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, you would not want Nidal Hasan in your foxhole.”
Not that they did anything to prevent someone else from finding themself in that position.”
This story is more unbelievable every day, but was it the result of a PC military or something more specific — like a PC medical-psychiatric profession?
[Guest post by DRJ]
Lou Dobbs has quit CNN effective immediately:
“Sitting before an image of an American flag on his television set, [Dobbs] said ‘some leaders in media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem solving as well as to contribute positively to the great understanding of the issues of our day.’
‘I’m considering a number of options and directions,’ Mr. Dobbs added.”
I’m guessing Dobbs’ position on immigration led to his departure. The article speculates he may be headed to Fox News or Fox Business, which may explain why CNN’s President added this little dig:
“Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN/U.S. said in a statement that “Lou has now decided to carry the banner of advocacy journalism elsewhere.”
CNN will announce Dobbs’ replacement on Thursday.
UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds wonders if Dobbs plans to “go Perot” or run in the Democratic primary.
[Guest post by DRJ]
The AP reports President Obama held his last-scheduled Afghanistan strategy meeting and has rejected all military recommendations:
“A senior U.S. official told The Associated Press that Obama rejected all four options presented to him at what had been expected to be the last of those sessions Wednesday. Those options started from the premise that some addition of U.S. forces is necessary, and included ways that Obama could meet or nearly meet war commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s preference for about 40,000 additional troops.”
The AP report also highlights cabled objections to President Obama from Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, the current U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and the former military commander in the region:
“The U.S. envoy in Afghanistan, a former Army general who once commanded troops in the country, has objected strongly to emerging plans to send tens of thousands of additional forces to the country, a senior U.S. official said Wednesday.
Eikenberry made the point that the administration should step cautiously in planning for any troop buildup while there are still so many questions surrounding Afghan President Hamid Karzai, the official said. Eikenberry is the front line U.S. official dealing with Karzai, the U.S.-backed leader whose administration was stained by corruption and mismanagement.”
I don’t know what this means. My guess is it’s another tactic to delay the public release of Obama’s decision, probably until the Thanksgiving holidays when it will get less attention. Alternatively, maybe Ambassador Eikenberry just realized Afghanistan is a fragile war zone and the current American commander has requested more troops.
[Guest post by DRJ]
From the weird Hollywood file, it seems the area around Grauman’s Chinese Theatre is the home of movie characters and celebrity lookalikes who vie for the attention of tourists. Unfortunately, some aren’t always on their best behavior:
“The incident unfolded when LAPD patrol officers received a radio call reporting a battery by a man in a Spider-Man costume. When they arrived, they encountered four different people dressed as the web-slinging crusader.
“They stopped one, it wasn’t him,” LAPD Lt. Beverly Lewis said. “They stopped the second, and it was the suspect.”
The suspect and victim reportedly knew each other and the victim refused to press charges. Nevertheless, Spidey was being held on outstanding criminal warrants. But it’s not just Spiderman:
“Costumed impersonators portraying the likes of Elvis, Superman, SpongeBob SquarePants and others have worked on Hollywood Boulevard for years. They collect tips from tourists by posing for pictures or performing in front of the theater.
But sometimes the fun has turned violent. Tourists have complained that some costumed characters turn abusive when the tourists refuse to pay them to pose for pictures. And there have also been brawls. Two years ago, authorities convened a “super-hero summit” designed to reduce tensions among the performers.
The meeting was prompted in part by an incident in which LAPD officers arrested a “Star Wars” street performer in his furry brown Chewbacca costume for allegedly head-butting a tour guide who complained about the character’s treatment of Japanese tourists.”
The article describes other run-ins with tough guys like Mr. Incredible and Elmo. (Say it ain’t so, Elmo!) Meanwhile, Lt. Lewis says this is just “typical Hollywood.”
[Guest post by DRJ]
Several commenters in the Veterans Day post mentioned that Applebee’s restaurants offered free meals to veterans and military personnel today. Here’s the rest of the story:
“The veterans’ meals program was pioneered at a handful of Applebee’s on the East Coast in 2008, focusing on locations near military bases, [Applebee’s Vice President of Marketing Joseph] Herrera recalled.
“The response was so overwhelming, we decided to extend it to the entire nation,” he said. “We’re expecting a big turnout.”
When queried why a restaurant chain should make such a large commitment, Herrera seriously answered with a question of his own.
“Why shouldn’t we?” he rhetorically asked. “These men and women are fighting and dying for our country. They’ve fought for our country. They’re making our neighborhoods safe to live in and protecting our freedoms as a democratic people.
“This is a small opportunity to thank them for their sacrifice and service,” Herrera stressed. “Veterans Day is a perfect day to honor them.”
Well done, Applebee’s.
NOTE: A valued reader points out that McCormick and Shmick’s Seafood Restaurants also offers a Veterans’ Appreciation Day. Kudos to these folks as well.
An amusing post by Claire Berlinski about writing for Penthouse. Thanks to Eric Blair.
UPDATE: And apparently, Eric got this from Instapundit.
[Guest post by DRJ]
John J. O’Connor III, spouse of retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, has died at the age of 79.
My condolences to his wife, sons, family and friends.
[Guest post by DRJ]
Texas Governor Rick Perry is running for re-election to a third consecutive term but he may face a primary challenge from Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Hutchison is generally viewed as a more moderate Republican than Perry. Maybe that explains why Perry is making the Obama Administration an issue, or maybe Perry genuinely believes Obama is the issue.
You be the judge:
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Perry: “This is an Administration hell-bent on taking America towards a socialist country. And we ought not be afraid to say that because that’s what it is.”
Perry also called on Texans to participate in the Tea Parties and work to “stop this Administration using whatever tools we have at our disposal” including the courts, the bully pulpit, elections, and the Tenth Amendment. Perry’s message to Obama?
“Washington, we don’t want you to tell us how to run our State.”
[Guest post by DRJ]
A 20-year-old suburban Houston resident — the victim of a daytime home invasion — turned the tables on the robbers:
“The [three] men drove up to the man’s home on Glenwild at Hickory Glen at about 3 p.m. and two of them forced the resident, who as [sic] in the driveway, inside, police said.
As the robbers were demanding money, the 20-year-old resident grabbed a pistol and began shooting, police said.
He shot one attacker several times. That man collapsed in the driveway. He was taken by helicopter ambulance to Memorial Hermann hospital in critical condition, officials said.”
The other attacker fled with a driver.
UPDATE: Much more information in the video at the link.
UPDATE 2: KPRC has another video report. The police found marijuana in the house but don’t know whether it was related to this incident.
[Guest post by DRJ]
FLDS member Raymond Jessop has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of $8,000 for sexual assault. Jessop faced a maximum term of 20 years and a $10,000 fine. Jessop’s attorneys plan to appeal but if the appeal is unsuccessful, Jessop will be eligible for parole in 5 years.
Another FLDS trial is set to begin in the next 3 weeks. Eleven other FLDS members “face charges ranging from aggravated sexual assault to failure to report child abuse.” Jessop also faces charges of bigamy.