Patterico's Pontifications


How Low will he Go? (Updated x3)

Filed under: International,Obama — DRJ @ 2:40 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

President Obama bows to Japanese Emperor Akihito:

LA Times Top of the Ticket: “Very low bows like this are a sign of great respect and deference to a superior.”

It looks like Obama has a thing for royalty, especially in certain countries.


UPDATE: Compare and contrast Obama’s bow with other world leaders. H/T GatewayPundit.

UPDATE 2: Obama may not be the first Pacific President but he might be the first President to pose for photos in a Chairman Mao jacket. H/T Dana.

UPDATE 3: Jake Tapper says this a tradition begun by President Clinton, and President Bush apparently donned a similar jacket in China. Is this what passes for American diplomacy today — we can’t even wear our own clothes?

82 Responses to “How Low will he Go? (Updated x3)”

  1. Like Ace says:

    Obama has no problem bowing to Saudis and Japanese leaders but can’t find it in him to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance.

    Guess it depends on where your loyalties lie.

    Baxter Greene (af5030)

  2. I STG that Bush is such an igonoramus; doesn’t he know that in Japan, your not supposed to touch when you bow?
    …hmmm? not Bush?….Oh, nevermind.

    Bohemian (17f1ff)

  3. What Baxter Greene said. Here’s something everyone should watch.

    Bleen Bleenwaldo (166f79)

  4. He’s not very sophisticated, our little president man. When he bows like that by definition he ceases to represent America I think. He seems comfortable with that.

    happyfeet (b919e7)

  5. I hope is bow was a sign of respect for the elderly. I intend to bring this up during my interview with my medical death panel on my 65th birthday.

    Huey (b957d9)

  6. Heh. Good idea, Huey.

    DRJ (dee47d)

  7. The All Me All the Time President shows his narcissism by telling us that he is the first “Pacific” president. A silly claim since many of our presidents have had connections to the Pacific region of far greater significance than Obama’s.

    What a fatuous tool.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  8. When he bows like that by definition he ceases to represent America I think. He seems comfortable with that.

    …at least the America we have always known. I suspect this is part and parcel of his personal remaking and redefining of our country – because who we once were is no longer good enough.

    Dana (e9ba20)

  9. Obama has no problem bowing to Saudis and Japanese leaders but can’t find it in him to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance.

    Ah, but it goes beyond just that.

    There was a minor stir awhile ago when he visited the British royals at Buckingham Palace and made absolutely no effort to bow before Queen Elizabeth. And good for him, and appropriate etiquette on his part. But his deep bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, not to mention his very, very friendly handshake with Hugo Chavez, combined with his wanting to give the benefit of the doubt to Henry Gates but not to some cops in Massachusetts, his desire to give wide latitude to ex-president Zelayo of Honduras but not the law-abiding people of Honduran society, his desire to do just the opposite regarding the killer at Fort Hood, all point to what makes Obama tick. And what that is is not pretty.

    When Obama listened to the many years of Jeremiah Wright spouting off “goddamn America” rhetoric, that should have been seen by most people as a very large, very loud canary in the coal mine.

    BTW, if Obama had bowed before Queen Elizabeth, that would nullify some of the meaning of his behavior in front of Saudi Arabia’s king and Japan’s emperor. Even more so since the latter conforms with the fact that Japanese custom dictates greeting a person, emperor or not, with a bow. But I have no doubt that etiquette in such matters is not the main thing (or even one of the things) influencing Obama’s behavior.

    Mark (411533)

  10. I’ve updated the post with an interesting photo comparison of world leaders with the Japanese Emperor.

    DRJ (dee47d)

  11. Hope he is stooping to conquer. If not I want my money back!

    The Emperor (82e13a)

  12. One of two things needs to immediately happen: either the White House Protocol Officer (or whatever the State Department equivalent is if that department is in charge of overseas etiquette) needs to resign in disgust, or he/she needs to be fired for incompetence.

    JVW (d32e06)

  13. The White House/State Dept. protocol department isn’t to blame, it’s the president. He is more comfortable showing respect to foreign leaders than to his own flag.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  14. How low can Obama go? Well as my old drill sergeant used to shout at me, nothing is lower than whale feces on the bottom of the ocean–and Obama is going to get lower than that.

    Mike Myers (710e8b)

  15. Obama has no problem bowing to Saudis and Japanese leaders but can’t find it in him to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance.

    Ah, but it goes beyond just that.

    There was a minor stir awhile ago when he visited the British royals at Buckingham Palace and made absolutely no effort to bow before Queen Elizabeth. And good for him, and appropriate etiquette on his part. But his deep bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, not to mention his very, very friendly handshake with Hugo Chavez, combined with his wanting to give the benefit of the doubt to Henry Gates but not to some cops in Massachusetts, his desire to give wide latitude to ex-president Zelayo of Honduras but not the law-abiding people of Honduran society, his desire to do just the opposite regarding the killer at Fort Hood, all point to what makes Obama tick. And what that is is not pretty.

    When Obama listened to the many years of Jeremiah Wright spouting off “goddamn America” rhetoric, that should have been seen by most people as a very large, very loud canary in the coal mine.

    BTW, if Obama had bowed before Queen Elizabeth, that would nullify some of the meaning of his behavior in front of Saudi Arabia’s king and Japan’s emperor. Even more so since the latter conforms with the fact that Japanese custom dictates greeting a person, emperor or not, with a bow. But I have no doubt that etiquette in such matters is not the main thing (or even one of the things) influencing Obama’s behavior.

    Mark (411533)

  16. “Oh look, is that a shiny penny on the ground?

    tmac (5559f7)

  17. Fatherless child, nobody taught him to shake hands like a man.

    Dear Mr. President:
    There is a way to show respect when shaking hands. I do it with everybody, from Illinois Supreme Court Justices to the guy who cleans my gutters. I stand up straight; feet close together; look them in the eye; extend my hand to theirs; firm, warm, dry grip; no pumping; a three-second grip; and a very slight incline of the upper torso, just by tensing the stomach muscles; while maintaining perfect posture and eye contact.

    When you shake a man’s hand, look at his eyes not his feet, jerk.

    nk (df76d4)

  18. BTW, Karzai’s left-handed hand-shake was a deadly insult.

    nk (df76d4)

  19. Yep. It’s a good thing we didn’t get that Old Guy and Vapid Cheerleader Babe a year ago, right?

    Instead we got smart diplomacy, historical knowledge, and “cool” under fire. Like this:

    Seriously. Watch the vid, and cringe.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  20. Oh, and NR has a great fisking of BHO’s fatuous claim of being America’s “First Pacific President.”

    Tell me how smart this guy is, again?

    Maybe he did have Biden as his first choice for VP after all.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  21. The Japanese Emperor seemed to have a look of disgust watching Obama bow. I guess he did not like Obama offering to be his Salad Tosser for the meeting.

    Sanmon (319c0c)

  22. It would be more appropriate for our Boy President to stand on his head,
    since his world-view, as an American, seems to be up-side down.

    AD - RtR/OS! (32db6a)

  23. A Pacific President?
    Herbert Hoover had better creds before he ever entered govt service.

    AD - RtR/OS! (32db6a)

  24. Why doesn’t Obama put his hand over his heart during the anthem?

    He is thoughtful of the fact that he is taking the USA down a few notches.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  25. How low will he go? Apparently low enough to don a Mao jacket. America be damned, but let us never offend those whose ideals and ideologies are contrary to ours and whose historical humanitarian behavior has been deplorable. Because these are the people whose opinions America now cares about.

    Dana (e9ba20)

  26. So much for that “All men are created equal” bit in the Declaration of Independence, which many credit for the precedent of Americans not bowing to royalty and such.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  27. The Akihitos only produced a daughter. It will be fun to see Japan with an Empress for the first time since some sea-goddess gave it birth. I am not all that big a fan of James Clavell but his “King Rat” allusion was right on spot. Japan is an overpopulated nest, just waiting to explode.


    nk (df76d4)

  28. Why should anyone be surprised? As Rush often says, “the man-child” just is too inexperienced to lead a super power. If he has to bow to royalty, then what was the purpose of our revolution with England in 1776? And I thought Jimmy Carter was bad. I can only hope that whomever runs for President against him in 2012 will show this video long and often along with the bow to the Saudi King too. Americans deserves so much better.

    Mike H. (4be787)

  29. Dana,

    Thanks for the link. I’ve added Updates 2 and 3 to the post.

    DRJ (dee47d)

  30. nk – Is that the Princess who has been abducted by aliens?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  31. Japan’s got crises but tomorrow’s wonderful even if somebody’s mean to us, we just go to bed and Snore! Snore! Snore! Snore!


    happyfeet (b919e7)

  32. Oh DRJ, perhaps they only look like Mao jackets. I just read this at Tapper’s place.

    This year’s [APEC] outfit is a specially-designed Peranakan-inspired blouse with a mandarin collar, a mélange of Chinese, Indian, and Malay styles befitting Singapore and designed by local style guru Wykidd Song. The shirts come in blue, green, and red. Female world leaders, such as President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines, have silk embroidered V-necked blouses with lace.

    Dana (e9ba20)

  33. It’s kind of a party favor. I hope they had balloons and clowns, too.

    DRJ (dee47d)

  34. He keeps bowing as he walks in the door!

    The Empress is looking at him like, what’s with this guy, he’s a president!

    Patricia (b05e7f)

  35. Obama bad.

    Palin/Prejean in 2012

    (Prejean is aging so fast these days she’ll probably be sufficiently aged, per the Constitituion, by then.)

    BTW… it when you guys bow to Rush Limbaugh. Very becoming.

    Larry Reilly (45c8f2)

  36. Larry, you really don’t realize that Prejean is a very youthful and beautiful woman?

    WOW, you are really really really partisan, pal!

    And it’s a lot different to show deference to Rush or some other person who earned whatever fanbase they have, than to bow to a king or emperor. Guess you would change your mind if Palin was bowing to a Saudi prince, right?

    Lordy… that Prejean… she’s so ugly!

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  37. Can’t he just stay over there?!

    Matador (e01f85)

  38. Dustin – Larry is not into women. Don’t waste your time.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  39. Wouldn’t you like to see what he would have done greeting the leader of Germany circa 1938 at the Olympics?

    MD in Philly (227f9c)

  40. Akihito has spent most of his time as emperor not acting much like one. He apologized for Japan’s mistakes in WWII, remembered the US soldiers who died stopping the horrors, but mainly spends his time writing research papers about ancient marine life.

    This is not the kind of guy who wants even ordinary men to kiss his boots or rings. To have the leader of the free world kiss his ass must have been quite disturbing.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  41. I really fear Obama will ‘express remorse’ for our nuclear weapons use in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Such acts saves many lives and showed the true horror of WWII. We have nothing to apologize for, and if Obama disrespects the memories of those who did not pass on hard decisions, I will be displeased.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  42. Dustin — 11/14/2009 @ 8:51 pm

    At this point in time, I think we should expect it.

    Dana (e9ba20)

  43. And the funny part, Dana, is the egotism that this character also seems to display, despite everything else. Jeff Jacoby has a great column about it. It’s easy to take things day by day, week by week. Jacoby’s column gives more perspective:


    Eric Blair (711059)


    Normally I would shake my head at the absurdity of this… but not so much anymore.

    Dana (e9ba20)

  45. Barack Obama bowed to Japanese emperor as ‘protocol’

    SINGAPORE – A senior administration official said President Barack Obama was simply observing protocol when he bowed to Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko upon arriving at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on Saturday.

    “I think that those who try to politicize those things are just way, way, way off base,” the official said. “He observes protocol. But I don’t think anybody who was in Japan – who saw his speech and the reaction to it, certainly those who witnesses his bilateral meetings there – would say anything other than that he enhanced both the position and the status of the U.S., relative to Japan. It was a good, positive visit at an important time, because there’s a lot going on in Japan.”

    The Drudge Report gave a banner headline to a photo of the encounter: “OBAMA BOWS BEFORE JAPAN’S EMPEROR.” Drudge linked to a Los Angeles Times blog post that headlined the photo: “How low will he go?”That led to a raft of e-mail to POLITICO asking why we weren’t covering this big story. – source, 11/14/09

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  46. It would be interesting to see if other heads of state bowed to the Emperor.

    Say, Russia and China’s heads of state. Did they bow?

    Well, turns out that they didn’t. Did this unnamed official speak out then?


    Why is that?

    steve miller (81db43)

  47. Americans don’t bow to demented royal trash. We fought something of a little war over the issue.

    happyfeet (b919e7)

  48. Protocol. From the Greek proto “first” and colon “excretory intestine”. The First Asshole.

    nk (df76d4)

  49. Unabashed Obama bashers, all.

    If he’d stood up straight and extended his hand, you guys would ridicule him for not knowing the proper protocol.

    mikeb302000 (bb6117)

  50. mike I have to admit, I have tried to reply to this piece of garbage (your comment at 50) and have had to erase my words each time. There are just some lines I won’t cross.
    I fear that I will never have to refrain from criticizing Obama simply due to the fact that he is showing over and over that he can not acomplish the most basic functions of his office with even a modicum of class or the slightest distinction. 52% of us have saddled us with a dunce.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  51. “I really fear Obama will ‘express remorse’ for our nuclear weapons use in Nagasaki and Hiroshima…”

    I’m surprised he hasn’t apologized for us shooting their planes down at Pearl Harbor.

    “A senior administration official said President Barack Obama was simply observing protocol…”


    Dave Surls (fa9788)

  52. Looks like Barry is pleading to keep his administration’s bungling secret until after he turns America into a socialist country with no means of turning him out of office.

    PCD (74f8a9)

  53. Actually, that isn’t a Mao suit. The Mao suit has a turned down collar, where President Obama and the others are wearing a version of the Nehru jacket, which has a stand-up Mandarin collar.

    The interpretation shown appears to be a lighter-weight material than either the Mao or Nehru jackets, possibly silk, with embroidery.

    The Dana who gets his suits from Saville Row (474dfc)

  54. Crumb! Late to the party; I just saw the better-dressed Dana’s comment here.

    The Dana who's a day late and a dollar short. (474dfc)

  55. Most of you commenters are just plain scary.

    Em Tae (41587b)

  56. Em Tae, nothing substantive to say, eh?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  57. Oh crap! Our President is being cordial to world leaders! BRB… I have to go stop up on items for my bomb shelter.

    antibody (936216)

  58. 57.Em Tae, nothing substantive to say, eh?

    Comment by SPQR — 11/15/2009 @ 9:36 am

    It was either “scary” or “racist.” I’m actually surprised that “teabagger” was not incorporated into it’s comment.

    President Mop (44bf37)

  59. It’s stock up, not stop up. And yeah, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have some nonperishable food and maybe a bit of water.

    The idea that Obama will continue to cause global crisis and potential food shortages or war is not crazy at all.

    50 Pounds of rice is $20.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  60. As soon as people like us start buying up all of the rice for our padded cells (I mean, bomb shelters) the price is going to sky-rocket. I am going to buy mine this afternoon.

    Yes, yes. Thank you for the correction. Stock up. I am going to stock up on all of the essentials. I just hope we can send a satellite into orbit that will beam us re-runs of Joseph McCarthy speeches to our radios while we’re hiding out.

    antibody (936216)

  61. Did one of our resident trolls just take another name?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  62. Obama votes present on the Hiroshima/Nagasaki question. No surprise.

    Dana (e9ba20)

  63. antibody, if you read some history, you’ll see that food supplies are kinda tricky things. It wouldn’t take an awful lot to drastically increase the cost of food and create a run on basic supplies.

    I happen to love rice, and eat it almost every day, so having a lot of it is a cheap way to ensure that may family will survive basic problems. I think every home should have about 2 months of food, in cans and grains. It’s not hard to do.

    You expect the government to save you, if there’s such a shortage? They won’t be able to. Look back to Katrina… Louisiana democrats killed people by making them think the government would save them, and blaming the federal government when their lies fell flat. Never did they actually try to help their people… it was just ‘blame Bush!’.

    I’ve decided that it’s not all that hard to protect myself. If I could have a storm shelter, that would be wonderful, but it’s not practical for my location. You seem to think this is some sign of paranoia. And of course, when Iran knocks out oil supplies in response to Israel striking them, or Chavez does something insane, or a weather crisis really occurs, your growling stomach will blame Bush while I enjoy dinner.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  64. Em Tae – Haven’t I seen you somewhere else?

    Em Wolb (718861)

  65. Dana, thank God that Harry Truman, one of the greatest US Presidents, was in charge when the decision came to protect millions of lives. If Obama had that responsibility, he would have let the generals make plans for months and months and months… we’d never have even rebuilt our Navy.

    Truman also had a better approach to integrating the military than Obama has had on DADT. Obama thinks he can pass on moral judgments that carry political cost. Truman knew he could only do that at great cost to everyone else. Truman saved Japan by stopping them. Obama condemns Afghanistan (an easier war with much less painful decisions) by voting ‘present’.

    But this is what America wanted. They saw Bush make choices, and bashed him for the downside while ignoring the upside. That’s what we are now… blame the government for not fixing everything, while simultaneously expecting them to fix everything from my paycheck to my dental care.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  66. I can’t believe you wrote that long of a reply to me, Dustin. At the beginning of your four paragraph post you suggest I don’t read enough. If that is the case, what makes you think I am going to read your rambling anti-government, backwoods crazy manifesto about the prices of rice?

    antibody (936216)

  67. You thought that was a difficult length to read?

    Wow… you sure made me look dumb, professor.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  68. That is not what I wrote, Dustin. Read it again.

    antibody (936216)

  69. I’m going to go enjoy what’s left of my weekend, but please continue trying to get under my skin by calling me a whacko anti-government nut because I don’t ask much of my government. I just hope other people take a second to think about their emergency supplies.

    If you had kids, or a spouse, or a life, you would understand. There are more important things than emperors and political signs. Knowing your family will eat, for the next few months, no matter what, is a desire that should come naturally to every man.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  70. “That is not what I wrote, Dustin. Read it again.”

    Read what again? You come to a discussion thread, and get upset when people make arguments? You make absolutely no points… you have nothing to say. You’re just a loser who has nothing better to do with your life. I’m not worried about it. There’s a really good chance Israel will strike Iran in the next year, which will have a tremendously negative impact on food supplies, energy, etc. Our economy is already in terrible condition, and our president is simply unable to prevent the kinds of disasters that good presidents were able to.

    I presented you with a very abbreviated explanation of the general history and food supply situation that warrants people having some supplies. You complained those 150 words were too long for you to understand, which is obviously the truth, and then get upset when I point out that this is because you are dumb. OK… maybe if I read it again, the fact that you explain you are dumb will go away?

    Like I said, I have a weekend to attend to. I might even buy some food or ammunition or even a long book. You, my friend, need the books even more than the food. GO READ HISTORY. I order you to do so.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

  71. I will assume that you will come back here and acknowledge you were wrong if in the next few months there is plenty of food in the United States. Otherwise you’re a lying wingnut alarmist.

    antibody (936216)

  72. I wake up every day astonished and sickened that this weak poseur is President of the United States.

    Kevin Stafford (5d18a5)

  73. Maybe we shouldn’t get too worried about this. It wasn’t that the President was deferring to the Emperor as outranking him, but simply a recognition that the Emperor is a whole lot classier.

    The snarky Dana (474dfc)

  74. American officials don’t bow to the Emperor of Japan (for a primer, you might want to review pix of MacArthur when he was “viceroy”, or even newsreel footage of visits by contemporary officials – VP Cheney, for one – shown today on Chris Wallace’s show).
    On top of that, you do not attempt to shake-hands while bowing – it’s one or the other.
    Westerners (Euro’s and their offspring) shake hands (it kind of goes back to Medieval days to signify that “I’m not armed – this is a friendly meeting”), Easterners (in particular, the Japanese) bow, but nothing as ridiculus as BHO did.
    Right from the get-go, this Boy-President has been a protocol disaster of the first magnitude!
    This is proto-typical of someone who is “the smartest person in the room”: Joe Biden with his nose in the air.

    AD - RtR/OS! (603f4e)

  75. “Oh crap! Our President is being cordial to world leaders!”

    Is he now?

    That’s funny, because he bowed to Abdullah of Saudi Arabia even though Abdullah has REPEATEDLY stated that he doesn’t want people bowing to him. He says that acts like are degrading to the person doing it, that NO man should have to bow to another, that men should only bow down to God. In point of fact, the Saudi monarch detests the very idea that men should have to bow to him.

    So what does our little boy president do?

    Why he bows down to him anyway, like the halfwit that he is.

    ‘”Kissing hands is something alien to our values and ethics, and is refused by free and honest souls,” he said, quoted by the official SPA news agency. “Moreover, it leads to bowing, which violates God’s law as the faithful bows only to the one and only God.”‘–Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, 2005

    Barack Obama…idiot in chief. Way to go, doofus, bow to a guy that believes men should only bow to God.

    What an absolute ass this guy is.

    Dave Surls (13e382)

  76. “Moreover, it leads to bowing, which violates God’s law as the faithful bows only to the one and only God.”‘–Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, 2005

    Sheesh. I wasn’t even aware that the person Obama first bowed to didn’t care for that type of greeting. It makes President “Goddamn America” look even more ridiculous and idiotic. But his ridiculousness and idiocy are very much calculated on his part, which I truly believe is the case in light of the situation with Japan’s emperor.

    IOW, Obama has to be fully aware of the controversy created by his bowing before the Saudi king, and which White House staffers even tried to deny was a bow. So for Obama to try the same stunt all over again indicates he’s purposefully attempting to display a sign of apology and supplication to Saudi Arabia (ie, “the sad, beleaguered, Israel-pressured Middle East) and Japan (ie, “horribly, ruthlessly bombed in 1945, and, with Asia in general, exposed to the Commodore Perrys of the Western word!”), to the onlooking world in general (ie, “America must atone for its cruelty, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, militarism and imperialism!”).

    Again, if he had bowed before the Queen of England, I wouldn’t assume his behavior was loaded with political meaning—certainly in his convoluted, twisted mind. But any doubt I had why he would act like a buffoon in such matters disappeared in light of his latest absurd behavior in Japan. He’s really trying to demonstrate a puffed-up, extreme version of so-called white-liberal guilt.

    Mark (411533)

  77. ‘”Kissing hands is something alien to our values and ethics, and is refused by free and honest souls,” he said, quoted by the official SPA news agency. “Moreover, it leads to bowing, which violates God’s law as the faithful bows only to the one and only God.”‘–Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, 2005

    What’s alien to Arab values and ethics is likely a good thing to the rest of us.

    As a boy, I kissed every older relative’s, and my teacher’s, hand. I kissed my soon-to-be-father-in-law’s hand when I was thirty-five. And I bowed to my Iaido sensei and opponents as a matter of course when I was doing that nonsense.

    It’s a matter of context. Is this guy the President of the United States or still Barry Soetoro in an Indonesian madrassa?

    nk (df76d4)

  78. antibody, if useless liberals like yourself actually did do some preparation rather than live your entire lives expecting government handouts, then you would not have made such a disgusting spectacle of yourselves during Katrina.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  79. “What’s alien to Arab values and ethics is likely a good thing to the rest of us.”

    Maybe to you, not to me. I think King Abdullah hit the nail right on the head, and he’s obviously an Arab.

    As for our president, who bowed to Abdullah, even after Abdullah has made a big deal about NOT doing it…he’s a witless oaf.

    Dave Surls (13e382)

  80. “Obama has no problem bowing to Saudis and Japanese leaders but can’t find it in him to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance.”


    That video in question was of the NATIONAL ANTHEM, not the Pledge.

    You are expected to stand during the anthem, not put your hand over your heart.

    Fake patriots like you of course would not know this.

    Mark in SF (02a5a4)

  81. What I find so interesting about antibody’s hostility is that my POV is exactly what the government wants of me. They want me to have a store of food, because if folks have food, the risks of food crises and rushes go down quite a lot.

    My state, Texas, has a commercial telling me to stock up on food in case of emergencies. But when I stock up, or if I had a storm shelter, or if I am otherwise prepared for the government to not be there when I have problems, I’m some kind of alarmist nut? No… I’m just someone who knows what’s happened in the past in this country and throughout the world. I know my point is so correct that it’s banal and kinda boring, but people should never expect much out of their government. So if you really need something, like safety, or food, or shelter… you better figure out how to get it on your own.

    Dustin (bb61e3)

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