Patterico's Pontifications


Orlando Police Hunt Suspect in Office Shooting (Updated)

Filed under: Crime — DRJ @ 10:06 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

Another day, another mass shooting:

“The Orlando Fire Department said two people were killed and eight injured in a shooting Friday at an office building in Orlando, reported.

Police have surrounded a Florida high-rise after gun shots were reportedly fired.

The Legions Place office building in downtown Orlando was ordered on lockdown Friday afternoon as officers began a floor-by-floor evacuation.”


UPDATE: The suspect has been caught. It was reportedly a workplace shooting committed by a former employee with money problems.

8 Responses to “Orlando Police Hunt Suspect in Office Shooting (Updated)”

  1. This looks like a workplace shooting, not Islamic terrorism according to early reports.

    ropelight (db98cc)

  2. rope

    given the bs the media pulls we can’t be sure.

    A.W. (e7d72e)

  3. fyi, supposedly they got the guy.

    A.W. (e7d72e)

  4. Given the frustration levels and employment uncertainty adding stress for so many people, should we be surprised when more people ‘go postal’ ?

    Alasdair (205079)

  5. One of my cousins apparently. **Ethnic joke **

    HeavenSent (01a566)

  6. You know (and this is a bit on a non-sequiter), I _really_ depise the term “lockdown” when applied to anything except prisons and those who dwell in prisons. “Ordered on lockdown” – OK, maybe for schools, but then the little buggers are consigned in loco parentis to their teachers so I guess locking them down is parental / guardian perogative. A neighborhood or private residence with free adults, not so much.

    JSinAZ (ee1d62)

  7. Caught…

    [Thanks for the link, Steve. I’ve updated the post. — DRJ]

    Steve (CT) (0d2086)

  8. Was the guy a legal resident or citizen?

    Jack (2ff693)

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