Patterico's Pontifications


Unbiased Media Quote of the Day

Filed under: Media Bias,Obama — DRJ @ 9:31 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Great quotes from two TV anchors (I believe they are from CNBC but I’m not certain) commenting on Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ explanation regarding why the White House uses a pre-selected list of reporters to be called on at Obama press conferences instead of taking random questions:

Anchor 1: “I do think Gibbs is right, though. They do notify some people to be in their seats so they can get called on, but I do not believe they pre-vet any of these questions. I don’t think reporters lack the integrity so that they would let the White House vet these questions.”

Anchor 2: “Agreed.”

Here’s something else reporters agree on:

White House reporters stand for President Obama but not for President Bush.

Isn’t it nice that the media agrees how unbiased they are and which President to respect?


14 Responses to “Unbiased Media Quote of the Day”

  1. there is a reason these reporters have risen to the top of their profession.

    shit floats.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. The Democrat Media Complex.

    Alta Bob (e53677)

  3. I’m skeptical. Why would Mr. Gibbs go to all the trouble to notify a reporter if the end result is the same as if the reporter hadn’t been notified?

    I guess the hard question that needs to be asked is where would the White House reporters be other than in their seats if they weren’t informed that they were for sure going to be called upon?

    How did it work in the past? Was there a horrible spate of reporters not being in their seat to where they didn’t get called upon and Bad Things happened?

    For a second I almost thought I understood but something’s not adding up.

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  4. What a bunch of toad-suckers!

    AD - RtR/OS! (ea6a1e)

  5. There’s a weird disconnect in the MSNBC clip though.

    Gibbs says just that the Barack Obama has a list of approved questioners… he doesn’t say that the reporters are notified they’re on the list. The MSNBC above the crawl thingy says WHO GETS TO ASK THE QUESTIONS?

    The MSNBC tool is the one that introduces that idea that reporters are pre-notified as to whether or not they’re on the list.

    Gibbs seems to understand more that the concern is that reporters that ask skidmark uncomfortable questions may risk being dropped from the list.

    The MSNBC tool seems to think the concern is that their reporters will collaborate with Gibbs on what the questions are to be.

    The question the MSNBC tool needs to address is whether MSNBC reporters are savvy enough to know that they need to play ball if they’re going to be on the list or if they’re so abysmally stupid this idea will not have occurred to them. The MSNBC twat sitting next to the MSNBC tool seems like an agreeable idiot so it’s a very real question I think.

    happyfeet (6b707a)

  6. Damn, wouldn’t it be nice if Glen Beck could bet in and ask some of his questions? Gibbs would have a aneurysm.

    krusher (6b6316)

  7. sorry…. “get in” not “bet in”

    krusher (6b6316)

  8. #1- Which may explain why Fox News is flushed with pride, especially now that FBN is going to put Don Imus back on television. Penance paid… all the way to the bank. Anything for a buck, and ratings, eh, Rupert.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  9. Just about any topic can be turned back to Fox or Bush by IMP. Rather pathetic.

    JD (88ca98)

  10. especially now that FBN is going to put Don Imus back on television. Penance paid…

    Exactly what did Imus do that relegates him to sackcloth and ashes for the rest of his life? He made a joke that was at worst in bad taste and spent the time groveling to Al Sharpton and the other race hustlers.

    Compare to Obama making a joke about the Special Olympics. Or just the fact that Obama sat in that church for 20 years. At least he apologized for that. Oh, wait…..

    MU789 (073b8c)

  11. I will never defend anything that Imus did, the guy comes across as a jerk.
    But David Letterman’s comments about Sarah Palin’s daughter were not off the cuff like Imus’. Letterman’s “jokes” were scripted and rehearsed. Anyone who didn’t ask for Letterman to be fired cannot ever complain about what someone said in public.

    tyree (38bc71)

  12. Media Bias? What media bias? You mean like how they seem to know nothing, and are willfully intelllectually incurious, about Van Jones..?

    Why, I have it on good authourity that anyone who doubts the even-handedness of our betters in the media are simply engaging in “MSM Jingo Drumming” and aren’t worthy to be in the parking lot of the Chris “Tingle” ballpark…

    This came from a man with an MFA, who Karl and many of the PW types know well, who used to post under the guise of a certain hammer-weilding norse god…

    Bob Reed (99fc1b)

  13. The International Man of Parody has only one skill – self-parody. This time it is self-parody in showing how he can miss the point of a thread.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  14. DC, what color is the …never mind.

    You know, the bias and bad reporting are terrible, and I think have hurt the country, but it is getting to the point where the denials of same almost make me angrier.

    All together now, let us rise and bow to the one.

    Cue levit coming down with “he didn’t bow; stop believing your lying eyes.”

    kinlaw (304f9a)

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