Now You Tell Us™ (Part 3)
(Note: “Now You Tell Us”™ is a semi-regular feature of this site, documenting examples of the Los Angeles Times’s disclosure of negative information about Barack Obama that didn’t come out during the election.)
The L.A. Times reveals a truth many of us already knew, but that the electorate at large evidently did not — namely, that Obama’s course is not likely to be centrist:
Labor unions, environmentalists and other liberal groups are eagerly preparing for new confrontations with business and conservative interests. They feel secure in having allies in Washington’s power centers, 14 years after Democrats last controlled Congress and the White House. (And some consider the exile even longer, dating from Ronald Reagan’s 1980 election, because President Clinton’s course was largely centrist and he had only two years with a Democratic majority in Congress.)
It’s OK to say . . . now that he’s safely elected.
Who ever said The Obama was a centrist? With birds like Bill Ayres, Tony Rezko, Reverend Wright, and Louis Farakhan flocking around, and seen in context with BO’s exceedingly leftist voting record, and then capped off with his work as a Community Organizer as a Saul Alinsky disciple, it would require the journalistic skills of Walter Duranty to portray The Obama as anything but a collectivist of the first order.
Ropelight (5b609a) — 11/30/2008 @ 11:22 amDoes that mean I can keep my Obama ‘heart’ Marxism bumper sticker on my car?
SeniorD (420a98) — 11/30/2008 @ 11:30 am_____________________________________
that the electorate at large evidently did not
I can’t totally blame their naivete and foolishness, because the following is another truth that I myself haven’t been very aware of or clear about. That’s because over the years I too have fallen for the myth that the do-gooder, “big mommy” philosophy and policymaking of Franklin Roosevelt (ie, his pro-labor liberalism, among other things) helped lessen the effects of the Great Depression.
Moreover, I also have been under the impression that FDR’s predecessor, Herbert Hoover, had been too much of a laissez-faire capitalist/conservative, resistant to ruffling the feathers of the “greedy” corporate fat cats, long stereotyped as the key pillar of the Republican Party. And that he had been too apathetic and hesitant about pursuing a nanny-state approach to offsetting the effects of the great stock market crash of 1929 and ensuing depression.
So I do admit that even I’ve been affected by decades of propaganda, encouraged by the left (and a lot of American voters in the 1930s/40s, with their adoration of FDR), that a quasi-socialist, do-gooder policy to stem economic problems was a Godsend over 60 years ago, and consequently will make sense all over again — based on the simpleminded sentiments of far too many voters a few weeks ago.
So with both Bush and Hoover having allowed government spending to rocket during their time in office, and with both Obama and FDR riding to fame because of their smooth-talking (oratorical) skills — in which Roosevelt ultimately was more “charisma” than results — I sure hope history isn’t repeating itself.
Mark (411533) — 11/30/2008 @ 11:48 am_____________________________________
I wonder if the fact Obama had one of the most liberal voting records in the Senate would have been an indication he was not a centrist.
But I guess the followers of the Peoples Temple of Obama would have to actually have researched and looked beyond chanting “hope and change” to come up with an objective profile of their failed community organizer.
Obama’s voting record,policies,friends,and associates show him to be nothing more than a Socialist.
Obama’s base showed time and again that they thought he was lying on the campaign trail to get the “bitter people hanging on to their religion and guns” to vote for him.They are counting on him
to follow the move-on/code pink route.
In less than a year,there will be a lot of people staring up at the sky wondering where all that “hope and change” went to.
Because raising taxes,bankrupting the energy industries,bowing down to the unions,and appeasement to our enemies is a recipe for disaster.
Baxter Greene (8035ae) — 11/30/2008 @ 12:19 pmIt also helps that the people gave the dems big congressional and senate majorities. I think they’re even larger than the GOP ones in recent memory. That wasn’t guaranteed before the election.
imdw (de9ac8) — 11/30/2008 @ 12:35 pmCan’t there be a class action lawsuit from subscribers for misinformation and fraud ?
Vermont Neighbor (5ea336) — 11/30/2008 @ 12:47 pmOMG — IT’S GOING TO BE A COMPLETE COMMUNIST TAKE-OVER!!!!
David Ehrenstein (15795c) — 11/30/2008 @ 1:55 pmFWIW, I don’t think this one qualifies for the “Now You Tell Us”™ series — it’s really about liberal groups’ expectations and doesn’t have any different info about Obama himself.
Personally I suspect he’s just as much a triangulator as Clinton was — liberals are apt to be disappointed if they’re expecting anything more than a few gestures towards their causes.
kenB (88b394) — 11/30/2008 @ 2:49 pmI think he is going to concentrate on changing the country from within. The external issues will be controlled by centrists like Hillary and Gates; the nuts and bolts will be driven by people like (shudder) La Raza’s Cecilia Munoz. Who will the Acorn rep be?
Patricia (ee5c9d) — 11/30/2008 @ 6:19 pm