Patterico's Pontifications


Your Daily Palin Links

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:19 pm

Memo to the John McCain and Sarah Palin campaign:

Enough with the allegations of sexism already. Palin herself declined the opportunity to declare herself the victim. But your campaign speaks for her, and when you scream sexism — even at a comedy bit — it reflects badly on her.

Also, start being more careful with the facts. I don’t see any evidence that Palin has claimed that she went to Iraq. She told Charlie Gibson she went to Germany and Kuwait, and that’s accurate. But your campaign has said she went to Iraq — creating an opening for RAWMUSLGLUTES to claim that she lied. Sure, that’s a lie by Sullivan, since Palin and her campaign are not the same thing. But you create stupid openings for such accusations by being careless with the facts.

By the way, I was talking to a colleague today about whether the general public had gotten savvy regarding the extent to which Palin is getting boned by the media. He said he thought the public understands. I said I hadn’t seen polling, but that I was suspicious that the general public is getting it.

I hate to say I told you so . . .

(Regular readers know that’s a blatant lie. And I didn’t even get my campaign to tell it!)

Ah hell, that’s too serious. How about some fun pro-Palin videos?

I feel better. How about you?

44 Responses to “Your Daily Palin Links”

  1. Is it my turn to gloat about the latest news cycle, like you were doing a couple news cycles ago?

    Actually, and no funnin’ — I feel for you guys just a little bit, because this stuff is going to go on for a lot longer and we’re all going batty. It’s like watching the lead change every inning in Game 7 of the World Series, only there’s like 4,000 innings and the game goes on for two months.

    D. Aristophanes (d0913a)

  2. D.

    The lead hasn’t changed again (yet, it may, and probably should a few times in this election).

    This is still a bad week for Mr. Obama. He is facing real threats in states that he should be able to consider safe (PA for example). Taken along with his well documented need to shore up his fund raising efforts, this is a sign that he has more places that he needs to spend money than he can afford come crunch time.

    I’ll take that any day over the news that only 43% of poll respondents think that the news coverage of Sarah Palin is unfair or have no opinion. That is a pretty big number of people who are unhappy with the state of the news coverage.

    bskb (632eb1)

    The first time I read this quote, I thought it was dangerously true. Then I really started pondering it and thought how would this apply to our own lives/careers? Let’s look at it again to see how absurd it is.

    You couldn’t get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
    You couldn’t become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
    You couldn’t get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
    You couldn’t join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
    You couldn’t get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
    ‘From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate.
    That’s how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.
    After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days?

    We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that’s all it is – a start.

    AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public seems to feel comfortable with this and campaigning for him.

    We wouldn’t accept this in our own line of work, yet some are OK with this for the President of the United States of America?

    Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol.


    Found on the web in a forum. No idea its actual source. But it’s rather telling.

    TC (f398ed)

  4. By the way, I was talking to a colleague today about whether the general public had gotten savvy regarding the extent to which Palin is getting boned by the media.

    Anyone who’s picked for VP who is as little known as SP needs to get asked some real questions. Period. Are you suggesting she should be treated with kid gloves? Exactly when is it okay to finally get to know who this woman is and what she can do w/o the RNC and McCain Campaign hubris?

    Or is that NOT okay and we should just go by what we’re being told? I mean I think Charles Gibson is just about one of the lamest Hallmark card type reporters from any media anywhere, yet he was too rough w/ Palin? Whoa. If you guys think he was tough, just wait until she’s put in front of some real reporters.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  5. heh, bad week for Obama. Wall Street and Gramm/McCain just handed Obama 10 points.
    Palin’s lying about the Bridge to Nowhere doesn’t help.

    Obama, “if you believe McCain’s fundamentals of wall Street being sound then I have a Bridge in Alaska to sell you.”

    Palin: most federal handouts per person of any State governor…..and wait ’til we found out how she bought herself with taxpayer’s money a MayorMobile (a new white Suburban) as Mayor of a 5000 person berg.

    AIG is going down and Republicans are spending money like drunken sailors proping up Wall Street. Good week for McCain??

    datadave (eb12a5)

  6. I’m trying to assume you’re punning us over this poll. You’re not very clear as to how you’re taking this information so I’m trying to determine that from the “I told you so”.

    This is the way I read the poll:

    69% think Palin is being treated fairly or slightly negative by the press.

    Why is everyone giving it the other spin?

    Gallup’s headline is “Republicans cry Foul … ”
    when it should read “Republicans and Democrats cry Foul …. ” because, as Gallup admits in the text, the results are “highly partisan” — as one might expect from the current political climate.

    So, I ask again — what’s the significance of this poll and in what way does it bode ill for the GOP? I see nothing like that at all.

    McCain-Palin’s numbers are still holding well and even improving in battleground states.

    Arnold (1a3b0c)

  7. Palin is getting boned by the media

    Heh. Lucky media.

    sauropod (b38788)

  8. You could have gone a bit farther. Palin’s statements on the Bridge to Nowhere have been justly criticized as misrepresenting the facts. (And yes, I know that Obama has told even bigger whoppers. But as you pointed out, the issue here is not needlessly handing a gift to your opponents). And I don’t think Sullivan told a “lie” about Palin claiming to go to Iraq. As you said to the Palin campaign, “your campaign speaks for her.” Whatever his other faults, Sullivan shouldn’t be criticized for assuming that statements by the Palin campaign represent’s Palin’s views.

    Having said that, the Hot Air piece you linked to had a misleading headline. The same poll numbers show those thinking coverage of Palin is unfairly negative number 33 percent, while only 21 percent think it is unfairly positive. So more of the public is with Palin than against her.

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  9. That Palin trip to Iraq – Isn’t the original sourcing for the Globe article unnamed sources in the Palin campaign? Again, how do we know the reporters didn’t just assume Palin visited Iraq when she visited the troops or actually talked to somebody in the campaign since they never named a source. I’m less convinced on the honesty or thoroughness of the Globe reporters than you Patterico.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  10. Obama, “if you believe McCain’s fundamentals of wall Street being sound then I have a Bridge in Alaska to sell you.”

    That, in keeping with Obama’s standard practice, s a misquote. McCain said “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” , not “Wall Street.” One more Obama lie to go with “100 years of war in Iraq.”

    Mike K (2cf494)

  11. I agree about the sexism complaints but they must be polling this and getting some numbers that encourage them to keep it up. Lots of people don’t read the papers and it may take a while to reach all of them.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  12. Here’s an example of what I meant on the lipstick story. Look at all those women holding up lipsticks. I think this theme is poll driven. Note that huge rally was in Colorado, a swing state leaning blue. Also note the empty Biden campaign plane and small crowds. I think they know what they are doing even if it annoys us. The McCain campaign has been amazingly quick for a guy who doesn’t use a computer.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  13. I think the significience of the poll numbers is they show how few people are actually watching or reading MSM’s pervasive hatchet jobs on Palin. If more people paid attention the numbers would reflect higher concentrations in the “unfair to Plain” categories.

    The reason MSM is now exposing its bias so blatently is because they haven’t yet suceeded in sufficiently trashing Palin to turn “undecided voters” into a howling mob with pitchforks and flaming fagots on the march to burn Palin at the stake.

    Prior to the debates, polls are useful only when compared over time as indicators of broad, general trends. Sequential polls can detect movement, but you can’t ascribe actual levels of likely voter support. It’s too soon, and MSM hasn’t completed its dirty work yet.

    Ropelight (b9f273)

  14. #3 TC. +1,000,000. Sarah and the McCain campaign should just ignore the attacks, or do what she did today by releasing email and memos on Troopergate (Tasergate) that clearly and convincingly demoastrate how insubordinate the guy she fired had been over the course of several months. Don’t fret the little BS and rabid, insane attacks, don’t give them creedence. Rise above them and She’ll come out a winner.
    My $.02

    J. Raymond Wright (d83ab3)

  15. Why not point out the sexism when it exists? No one likes a sexist and the MSM has been desperately clinging to any smears they can. Why should we let them get away with it?

    KatAttack (edae44)

  16. There are some Caucasian Americans who are willing to let our country go down the drain because they don’t want an African-American president. Move. Leave. Good riddance to bad rubbish. We don’t your racist butts here any way. Your racist ancestors stole the country from the Native Americans. Go somewhere and start your own country. But don’t stay here and take our country down with you by voting for two people who between the both of them are incapable of stringing two truthful words together.

    Johanna (4a66dd)

  17. We can always count on Johanna to bring teh krazy.


    JD (41e64f)

  18. Oh Johanna, give it a rest. When you paint with such a ridiculous broad brush your canvas becomes an incoherent painting of emotionalism and vitriol. Please try to wrap your mind around this: there are those of us who are not bound by prejudice like you obviously are and therefore, we don’t give a fig about the color of a candidate when we vote. Take it from this Native American who received $600 from the government 40 years ago to account for that stolen land, I will vote for those two people because they understand that socialism does far more harm than good and contrary to strengthening a nation, it weakens and depletes its resources and more importantly, its citizens. If you vote for O & Biden, what we will reap is an illusion of feel-goodism that in the end profits none.

    Also, I suggest you read through Patterico’s archives for the past six months to get a straight scoop on lies being told…and by whom.

    Dana (b4a26c)

  19. Dana – That was one of the most offensive racist comments you have ever typed. I am gobsmacked. Consider yourself denounced.


    JD (41e64f)

  20. Sigh. I’ll try harder next time, JD. I stand in the corner rightfully denounced.

    Dana (b4a26c)

  21. Unless you know more then any other Alaskan, you may want to explain yourself.

    As for Wooten, he is STILL working.

    Now here is something for you all to chew on if you decide to come back to read this.

    Hollis French, Monegan and Branchflower are ALL Friends. Who do you think told Monegan to say he was fired due to Wooten? French told Monegan. Branchflower is a friend of both French and Monegan… who the hell is paying for this investigation.


    Joe Cnn (6d67c1)

  22. Dana: I denounce the denouncing.

    By the way, since you (actually, I am 1/4 Pawnee) are Native American, I recommend you tell Johanna to leave.

    Unless she, too, is of the First Nations (as the Canadians now call them).

    By the way, what happened to all the big animals in North America about 10,000 years ago? Seems to me that not just eeevvvviiiil whites are responsible for environmental changes and extinctions!

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  23. I agree. I can’t believe that the campaign can be so stupid as to make up stories. Please, nowadays, it’s really easy to fact-check. Don’t provide ammunitions to your enemy, that’s all I can say.

    Veridico (cd7d05)

  24. after that Johanna and Dana exchange, I’ve never felt so white as I do at this minute.

    //Please look away. I’m having a caucasion moment.

    papertiger (6b3828)

  25. Dear papertiger. Go to YouTube (I can’t post the link; every time I do here, the post goes in moderation!).

    Look at Vanilla Ice singing “Ice, Ice, Baby.”

    Then go to Jim Carrey’s parody of that song from his “In Living Color” days: “White, White, Baby.”

    You’ll feel much, much, MUCH less white after that.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  26. I pre-emptively denounce myself, incidentally.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  27. Women of America wake-up and denouce being imposed by a woman who does not know your WOMEN’S RIGHTS. This Sarah Palis has ridden too high in money and power, she does not know how life is there in major American Cities especially in the ghettos for women. Sarah Palis will not be there for our children unless they are rich disbles children.

    Joan (ccddff)

  28. Lord love you, Joan, but your grammar and syntax do not help your cause.

    On the other hand, this level of unusual spelling and sentence structure may be a sign of Politobot activity.

    Or performance art.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  29. Or as the immortal Leonard Pince Garnell (as played by Dan Akroyd in SNL) stated in his one – sentence review of Bad Theatre, “awful! Couldn’t be worse! Simply terrible! Encore!”

    Sarah Palis will not be there for our children unless they are rich disbles children.

    Translation: “Palindrome don’t away chillen not mmmmph…muggawhomp….arrrghhhh…”

    Dmac (e639cc)

  30. Well, at least as performance art it might make sense.

    Maybe. In a performance-art way.

    PCachu (e072b7)

  31. Hey, Dmac. Hope you are doing okay. Haven’t seen you post much here and elsewhere. Great humor, as always.

    I don’t know if that poster is genuinely has such disordered thinking, or if it is intentional, or if it is some kind of weird astroturfing (all the rage these days).

    Or if it is another example of PWI (posting while intoxicated).

    But the “Sarah” with an “h” linked to the weird spelling of “Palin,” not to mention the unusual spelling of “disabled” suggests a mask to me. Which is fine. Because that sort of approach convinces no one, and does provide a bit of seemingly beery humor.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  32. Joan (sister of Johanna?) #27, this Woman of America is quite awake and perhaps if you were inclined to think for yourself instead of looking toward other contentious women for their leading, you too would know the contentment I do. Quite happily Palin’s views do indeed represent an enormous sector of the population. I know, I know, its a stunning idea isn’t it?

    And by the way, I do not expect Sara Palin to be there for my children, able-bodied or disabled. Last I checked, I gave birth to them and am their mother, not Mrs. Palin.

    Dana (b4a26c)

  33. The McCain and Palin Ticket have torn this country a part. McCain is selling his soul to the devil and Palin is off talking as if she’s running for President. It’s so sad McCain wants to win by any means necessary. Why would any one want another incompetent president in the White House is just crazy. The crowds are getting into Palin head and people are excite about someone who knows how to entertain people, but have no idea on how to run government. In Alaska people get a check once a year for oil and a rebate. Her family of 7 will get about $24,000 this year. If other states gave their people (on the average) of $3,000 per family member once a year, the states would be in good shape like Alaska. Trust me Gov. Palin doesn’t have a problem because the lower 48 of the US is taking care of Alaska with the oil we buy. The crowds have her in awe of herself but happens when you have to do the job. There will be no kids in the office and no folksy type conversations or talking around answers when she is conducting business in Washington. Oh, I forgot no one is going To care if the lipstick is on the hockey Mom or pit bull! Wake up people, don’t get fooled by being energized. It’s like a concert when all Is said and done you will have a ticket that you will continue to pay for (over and over again) for everyday over the next 4 years.

    Renee (259e0d)

  34. Renee – funny I thought you were talking about Obama supporters. You should see an opthamologist about that projection

    HusseinWillFail (4d0a06)

  35. Oops .. Optometrist ..

    HusseinWillFail (4d0a06)

  36. This looks like an Astroturf campaign, something that Axelrod makes his living doing when not running political campaigns. Given the way he has run this one, he might be backing Astroturfing for Commonwealth Edison by spring.

    At least the spam comment on my blog are about naked Russian women. Don’t worry, I delete them as soon as I check them out.

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  37. Palin is a Maxist who is only interested in the redistibution of wealth from the American people to her beloved Alaska. Her and her Anti-American husband just love their Alaska First. America does not need a VP who was nursed on the teat of Lenin!!

    stu (a7f174)

  38. stu, you got it!!! When are the ‘Classical Liberals’ going to see what a Socialist McCain is??? Many houses for Everyone!

    datadave (eb12a5)

  39. Anyone who’s picked for VP who is as little known as SP needs to get asked some real questions. Period. ”

    OK. Been there done that. The New York Times picked through the minutae of her mayorship terms, we got low down on her personnel decisions, we know her teenaged daughters boyfriend’s name, her favorite recipe (moose chili) and weve gotten to see videos of her at church as a sportcaster. We know her position on abortion, Russia/Georgia, spending, reform, Israel, working women, and a lot more besides.

    Now, can we PLEASE get to the real questions in this election? What qualifications does Obama actually have to be President?

    So far the answer is …


    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  40. The McCain and Palin Ticket have torn this country a part.

    LOL. The McCain and Palin Ticket have torn a new rear end on the leftist lunatics in this country. So much so that they/you are gibbering nonsense.

    It’s so sad McCain wants to win by any means necessary.

    Translation: Dangit, why didnt Obama pick Hillary and leave McCain open to making such a game-changer pick? I hate it when the Repubs outsmart us.

    Why would any one want another incompetent president in the White House is just crazy.

    OBAMA=CARTER. Why anyone wants a new Carter is just nuts, true. There is no reason to support Obama unless you are a socialist or insane.

    The crowds are getting into Palin head and people are excite about someone who knows how to entertain people, but have no idea on how to run government.

    Translation: The crowds are getting on the lefties nerves. They thought BHO had a monopoly on the big crowd thingee. Obama supporters are excite about someone who knows how to entertain people, but Obama has no idea on how to run government. Now a Republican is pulling that trick!?? How DARE Palin steal Obama’s MOJO!

    In Alaska people get a check once a year for oil and a rebate. Her family of 7 will get about $24,000 this year. If other states gave their people (on the average) of $3,000 per family member once a year, the states would be in good shape like Alaska. Trust me Gov. Palin doesn’t have a problem because the lower 48 of the US is taking care of Alaska with the oil we buy.

    Translation: It’s horrible up there! Big families! Churches! Hunting! Oil! And the latte is never hot enough!

    The crowds have her in awe of herself but happens when you have to do the job.

    Translation: I am projecting Obama’s arrogance and hubris on her since I have no way of believing that a woman could be so genuinely down-to-earth, humble, and approachable … and conservative. Damn, did Rove invent this Rasputin-genie-demon!?!

    There will be no kids in the office and no folksy type conversations or talking around answers when she is conducting business in Washington.

    Translation: I’m going to all Charlie Gibson on her and pretend she’s came off a turnip truck yesterday and is not the most popular governor in the country, and is not the governor of the largest state in the union. She’s so ignorant she knows *nobody* we know. At least nobody we know knows her.

    Oh, I forgot no one is going To care if the lipstick is on the hockey Mom or pit bull! Wake up people, don’t get fooled by being energized. It’s like a concert when all Is said and done you will have a ticket that you will continue to pay for (over and over again) for everyday over the next 4 years

    Translation: Let me try to pretend the whole Obama change-thingee was a big put-on,cause it was. Sure its fine for you redneck conservative bible-thumpin hicks to support her, but a popular VP in the White House that is a woman, hunter, working Mom, reformer, pro-small-Govt, prolife, is a disaster that will make me pay thousands in therapy bills. She CANNOT be elected VP and be the lipstick on the mcCain administration or my world-view will collapse!! Acccck! Spare us!

    (Brain explodes like that “The Kirk has spoken” computer in Star Trek.)

    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  41. That, in keeping with Obama’s standard practice, s a misquote. McCain said “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” , not “Wall Street.” One more Obama lie to go with “100 years of war in Iraq.”

    The Obamaniacs are CREEPY LIARS are they not?

    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  42. Also, the hand rubbing over wall street falling is something that exposes the Democrats as UNFIT to win, not FIT to win. For the obvious reason that (1) They should be for America succeeding (2) The Democrats are the majority in Congress (3) Many leading Democrats are in the pocket of Fannie Mae and hip-deep in with the wall st firms. Obama’s VP vetter was the infamous Fannie Mae ex-CEO.

    For 99.999% of Americans, Lehman going under is just news. I am a LEH stockowner/bagholder, I am actually hurt by this. Empoyees will be hurt by those. I dont expect anyone personally effected would suddenly like the bad economic and foreign policies of the Obama Democrats any better.

    Obama saw the Iraq problems as a political opportunity, blamed Bush and then proposed the wrong answer and made the wrong predictions. Now Obama sees the economic problems we face as a political opportunity. He again blames Bush and then proposes the wrong answers and makes the wrong predictions.

    Congress needs to rejuvenate the investment horizon by making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Without that, Congress is doing more harm than good. If we want change and a new direction and a fix to the problems, we need to fire the Pelosi Democrat Congress.

    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  43. #3 TC. +1,000,000. Sarah and the McCain campaign should just ignore the attacks, or do what she did today by releasing email and memos on Troopergate (Tasergate) that clearly and convincingly demoastrate how insubordinate the guy she fired had been over the course of several months. Don’t fret the little BS and rabid, insane attacks, don’t give them creedence.

    Yeah, dont fret, but the Obamedia just keeps up the drumbeat on this non-scandal non-story … meanwhile the #1 SCANDAL OF THE SEASON is Rep Charlie Rangel, tax cheat, writing our tax laws, and its getting the brushoff!!

    Media bias is one thing but the bias is now at the level of malfeasance and malicious intent.

    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  44. Rangel’s story sounds like something from The Onion – “Congressional Tax Expert Can’t Mind Own Taxes.”

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

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