Patterico's Pontifications


NYT Story Mentioning Obama, Ayers, and Chicago Annenberg Challenge All Lost In A Sea of Lipstick Coverage

Filed under: General — WLS @ 9:11 am

[Posted by WLS]

I’m stunned to awaken this morning and not find a post in most mainstream conservative websites mentioning that the NYT has touched the story of Obama, Ayers, and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — albeit with a ten foot pole.

The story focuses on Obama’s speech yesterday taking on McCain over education policy. Amazingly, the author claims that Obama intends to bring to bear on the nation’s educational system the “lessons” he learned in Chicago. It glosses over the fact that his time running the CAC in Chicago turning into an abject failure. Here is the first paragraph:

Senator Barack Obama learned how hard it can be to solve America’s public education problems when he headed a philanthropic drive here a decade ago that spent $150 million on Chicago’s troubled schools and barely made a dent.

Everything after the first paragraph is made to sound like Obama’s time at the head of the CAC was a great success.

But more than most campaign blueprints, Mr. Obama’s education plan reflects his own work with Chicago’s public schools, campaign staff members and people who have worked with him said in interviews. His plan signals that he is looking to apply those lessons nationwide.

Actually, that’s pretty consistent with the overall approach of public school administration — no failures are too significant to preclude the perpetrators from being put in charge of something else important in the future.

But more significantly, the author of the piece shows absolutely no curiosity in some of the more curious aspects of Obama’s involvement with CAC.

Mr. Obama’s interest in education extends back to his work as a community organizer here in the mid-1980s. In his memoir, “Dreams From My Father,” he describes a school system plagued by textbook shortages and teacher strikes. He carried those experiences with him to Harvard Law School, where he took courses on school issues taught by Christopher Edley Jr.

“Barack became committed to the notion that progress in school reform can’t come through volunteerism and professional aspiration alone,” said Mr. Edley, now dean of the law school at the University of California, Berkeley. “It has to be undergirded with a legal and regulatory structure that rewards success and goes after failure.”

Mr. Obama immersed himself in education issues after his return to Chicago, where he began lecturing at the University of Chicago Law School and joined the boards of two education foundations.

Chicago received $49 million from a $500 million endowment by Walter H. Annenberg, the billionaire publisher, for school reform efforts nationwide, and the city added $98 million in matching funds for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a philanthropic campaign that financed enrichment projects at a third of the city’s 600 schools.

Mr. Obama was nominated to the Challenge board and was elected chairman in 1995, said Ken Rolling, executive director of the group, which operated through 2001. Mr. Obama continued to teach law during his five-year unpaid tenure as board chairman, and he was twice elected to the Illinois Senate.

Several board members, including two university presidents, far outranked Mr. Obama in education experience.

“Let me say the room had no shortage of egos, including my own,” said Stanley O. Ikenberry, a board member who at the time was president of the University of Illinois. “It was unusual: here you had a person trained in the law chairing a board on school reform.” Still, he said, Mr. Obama won his colleagues’ respect.

Who nominated Obama to the Board? It’s more than little puzzling that a third year associate in a small Chicago law firm would be named to the board of a foundation with $50 million in grant money, AND an obligation to raise another $100 million in matching contributions under the terms of the grant.

And about those enrichment programs — “enrichment”?? Indoctrination more likely.

This is the most interesting point of this article — it’s not until the 22nd paragraph in the article, after the jump in the internet version of the story, that the name “William Ayers” makes it into the story. And even then he’s just another guy involved in some nondescript fashion.

Supporters of Mr. McCain have been trying to taint Mr. Obama by highlighting his ties to William Ayers, a member of the violent Weather Underground in the 1960s, by pointing out that they worked on the Challenge project together. Mr. Ayers was indicted on conspiracy charges that were later thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct.

Mr. Obama has acknowledged that he is a friend of Mr. Ayers but has sought to minimize their interactions. Records show that Mr. Ayers, now a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, helped write the Challenge proposal. The records also show that he and Mr. Obama worked on the Challenge project together and that they attended some of the same meetings.

That’s it.

I said above that I hadn’t found any blogs or online news sites that had jumped on this story in the NYT. But I just found that Global Labor and Politics has a post up on it, and Steve Diamond there has done the most work on digging out the Obama-Ayers connection through the CAC. He’s got up some of the same questions as I have here.

More to come later.


117 Responses to “NYT Story Mentioning Obama, Ayers, and Chicago Annenberg Challenge All Lost In A Sea of Lipstick Coverage”

  1. A ten-foot pole is better than treating the story like plutonium (Rolling Stone).

    Icy Truth (7d3d6d)

  2. But now if you Lexis-Nexis “Ayers Obama and the Times”, you’ll get a hit. That’s all they’re trying to accomplish. They tagged the base and can now say it’s been covered and it’s time to move on.

    spongeworthy (9b4e06)

  3. Excitable Andrew and the Quest for Honesty

    Given his lies about Trig’s birth, Andrew really is in no position to call anyone a liar. Especially hypocritical given how Democrats do this to Republicans and Conservatives all the time (and Team Obama does it all the time too). Now they cry foul? I am calling BS on that nonsense.

    As for Obama’s incredibly sloppy and stupid comment about lipstick, it was an incredibly sloppy and stupid comment. Was he calling Sarah Palin a pig? No, not intentionally. But he said something that his audience took as a dig on Sarah Palin. So if Obama’s own supporters thought it, it is fair game for Team McCain to raise the issue.

    But I agree it is a minor point and it is time to move on. There are plenty of substantive issues to challenge Barack Obama on–Bill Ayers being the primary one. Did you see Barack poo pooing any connection with O’Reilly last night? Well that is simply untrue.

    As for Sully’s fake outrage, Perhaps Andrew will realize that he hurts Obama more than he helps with this crap. Perhaps another visit to the beach is in order?

    And linking Sarah Palin with Audrey Hepburn is probably something Team McCain will welcome. Perhaps you forget how My Fair Lady turned out? Eliza Doolittle won the hearts of all the elites at the ball.

    Joe (dcebbd)

  4. Who nominated Obama to the Board. Its more than little puzzling that a third year associate in a small Chicago law firm would be named to the board of a foundation with $50 million in grant money, AND an obligation to raise another $100 million in matching contributions under the terms of the grant.

    While the results of this board’s efforts speak for themselves, I don’t see anything unusual about Obama ending up as chair of this board.

    Law firms are always putting young associates on various boards, so that they can hook into the social network between business, acadamia and government otherwise known as “charity.”

    He was probably elected chair because, as the youngest member, they wanted him to do all the work.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  5. Phi — blah, blah, blah.

    Its an easy enough question to answer — unless the answer is Bill Ayers.

    WLS (4b7095)

  6. This is classic guilt by association from the Republicans, and is nothing but a diversion from the important issues we should be focusing on.


    JD (5f0e11)

  7. Obama:
    “Bill Ayers is a friend of mine”.

    They worked together and know each other. That’s about it.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  8. Although Steve Diamond is tha man on the CAC story, Tom Maguire is still on it — and his traffic is pretty close to what Patterico gets.

    Karl (f07e38)

  9. Andrew Sullivan returned from the beach and called McCain a liar about the lipstick comments. Given Sully’s lies about Trig’s birth, Andrew Sullivan really is in no position to call anyone a liar. Especially hypocritical given how Democrats do this to Republicans and Conservatives all the time (and Team Obama does it all the time too). Now they cry foul? I am calling BS on that nonsense.

    As for Obama’s incredibly sloppy and stupid comment about lipstick, it was a stupid comment. Was he calling Sarah Palin a pig? No, not intentionally. But he said something that his audience took as a dig on Sarah Palin. So if Obama’s own supporters thought it, it is fair game for Team McCain to raise the issue.

    But I agree it is a minor point and it is time to move on. There are plenty of substantive issues to challenge Barack Obama on. The Bill Ayers issue being the one that definitely deserves attention.

    ”I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. ”I feel we didn’t do enough.” Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970’s as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago.

    Yes Obama was less than truthful with Bill O’Reilly on the topic, because Obama used Unrepentent Terrorist Ayers as a stepping stone to get his foot in the door of Chicago Democratic Machine Politics.

    Perhaps another visit to the beach is in order?

    Joe (dcebbd)

  10. JAR – How many domestic terrorists have you knowingly associated with? They were more than friends. Baracky’s political career was launched in Ayers’ living room.

    JD (5f0e11)

  11. 7, JAR, you are full of partisan crap. How do you explain the fundraiser and announcement party for Obama in Ayers’ home?

    PCD (1df2b5)

  12. Let’s hope there’s a McCain ad coming up about this.

    “His leftist policies failed in Chicago, yet he wants to try them out on the whole nation. Why?”

    Patricia (ee5c9d)

  13. “How do you explain the fundraiser and announcement party for Obama in Ayers’ home?”

    By your logic everyone who hosts a fundraising party for any politician is a friend. Politicians are whores, it’s the nature of the game. I’d prefer to talk about issues, but you seem uninterested, so we’re talking dirt.
    Not that I’m against talking dirt -that discussion has its place- but McCain and the republican party seem to be doing little else

    JAR (08f6d2)

  14. Which candidate has his or her kids in public school?

    Bambi? Nope
    Biden? Nope
    McCain? Nope
    Palin? YEP

    So who has the bona fides to talk about public education?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  15. JAR – The brilliant Baracky just did not know about Ayers, or did not care?

    JD (5f0e11)

  16. Though aren’t McCain’s kids out of school?

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  17. When former Illinois State Senator, Alice Palmer, wanted to step up to the US Congress in 1995, she designated Obama as her successor.

    She introduced him to the leftwing Chicago elite in Bill Ayres’ living room, and thus was lauched Obama’s political career. Ayres and Obama were already well known to each other from their cooperation on the CAC board.

    However, she lost in the Congressional Primary election to Jessie Jackson Jr and then decided to challenge Obama for her old seat. But, an ambitious and ungrateful Obama cynically found a way to avoid having to run against his former parron. He hauled her into court and got her kicked off the ballot.

    Ropelight (921f6e)

  18. Yeah, they are, as are Biden’s.

    Palin puts her kids in public school. Bambi puts his in private school ($20k/year) but cries how he supports public education. Just not for his kids.

    Good enough for everyone else.

    That’s his motto.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  19. Oh back to this old horse, eh? Gawd, I’m really sorry this election cycles “swift-boat” campaign by the GOP via the usual host of sleazoid Texas Billionaires (Harold Simmons put up $2.8 million dollars for this Shite) just fell…..






    Boo “effin” hoo.

    I’m glad, but boy are you guys trying to light a fire under this dead horse every chance you get.

    This guilt by association stuff is so weak.

    Steve Diamond there has done the most work on digging out the Obama-Ayers connection through the CAC.

    I have read Mr. Diamond’s over wrought analysis of the CAC papers and I can easily say it’s as hyped up and sensationalistic and reeking of a great load of nothin’ as the work of the estimitable Stanley Kurtz from NRO: Librarian bully extraordinaire. Boy, did he teach those librarians at UIC a lesson or two, about on- demand access to “special collections”. The ALA is quaking in it’s liberul fascist, information suppressing, book-banning, sensible shoes. Or not. At any rate Mr. Kurtz is a blowhard and an asswipe who didn’t have professional courtesy or demeanor to act like a polite human being and had to go and get all self-righteous on their asses about a possible deep and evil conspiracy and cover-up being perpetrated by the Obama campaign via it’s deep ties to the special collections dept. at UIC.

    Anyhow, we’re stil waiting to see what you’ve cobbled together Mr. Kurtz. Taking you a while, no?

    As for Steve Diamond, other than him making some interpretations of various CAC programs somehow being inspired by Chairman Mao and some monies that went to Ayers’ Marxist compadre Mr. Klonsy, now an educator (oh the horror..the horror…he’s a teacher!!) he’s got othing but Bumpkis, except from the arch tone of his analysis makes it seem like he’s uncovered exactly who was on that grassy knoll.

    Wake me up when you guys are done with this dead horse abuse.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  20. He was probably elected chair because, as the youngest member, they wanted him to do all the work.

    — Typical lib thinking, Phil. The second half of your sentence makes all the sense in the world; in combination with the first half it makes no sense whatsoever. The way that you get the youngest member to do all the work is to have the chair say, “This is what you have to do to get where I am,” and then let the person’s youthful enthusiasm and drive take it from there.

    Oh, and wasn’t that “youngest member” already 34 when this happened?

    Icy Truth (e6cefc)

  21. “I’d prefer to talk about issues, but you seem uninterested”

    JAR – Aren’t you the one who keeps dropping irrelevant turds about Cindy McCain’s family? Or is that another troll?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  22. Where did the $150 million go?
    The Swiss bank accounts of local lefties under the guise of grants?

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  23. Steve Miller, you supply a link You should read it.

    I agree with the author: if you’re going to defend public education, it would help if you made use of it.
    On the other hand for McCain, education is barely an issue. And remember he used to be in favor of abolishing the department of education.

    FRANK SESNO: Senator McCain, would you favor doing away with the Department of Housing and Urban Development or the Department of Energy?
    Sen. JOHN McCAIN: I would certainly favor doing away with the Department of Energy and I think that given the origins of the Department of Education, I would favor doing away with it as well.

    John McCain: Serious about wanting to be president, and not much else.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  24. 12, JAR, the issue is not only Obama’s appalling shallowness in selecting the KEY people around him, it is his tone deafness to the offensive behavior and beliefs of those same people. That is germain, and an issue to discuss.

    Too bad this issue is such a loser for Obama that you can’t discuss it honestly, but then again, you can’t discuss anything honestly and without your talking points printed out in front of you, just like Obama.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  25. Hey Jarhead, I read it.

    I read that Palin sent her kids to public school, and Bambi, champeen of public school, sends his kids to a $20k/yr private school

    Good enough for other people, that’s Bambi’s motto.

    He can talk, but does he walk the talk? No.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  26. JackAssRegurgitator –

    Obama: “Bill Ayers is a friend of mine”.
    They worked together and know each other. That’s about it.

    — Brilliant! The Messiah is the way and the truth and the life. How . . . DARE we question what he says!!!

    By your logic everyone who hosts a fundraising party for any politician is a friend. Politicians are whores, it’s the nature of the game.
    — So much so that they attend a fundraising event put on by people that do not share their ideology? Why would the people having the event want them there? And why are you even trying this pathetic line of attack after YOU quoted Obama saying, “Bill Ayers is a friend of mine”? Having trouble keeping your bullshit straight today?

    I’d prefer to talk about issues, but you seem uninterested, so we’re talking dirt.
    — Gad! It’s scary, how predictable you are. Within the space of one comment you realized how lame your argument was and so you pull out lib-trick #1: when losing an argument try to change the subject by claiming that the current topic is not worthy of discussion. [For examples, see posts by Oiram (“move on”) and love2008 (“this is meaningless”).]

    Not that I’m against talking dirt -that discussion has its place- but McCain and the republican party seem to be doing little else
    — Not against it? You revel in it! You wallow in it; the only exceptions being your endless string of quotes and links to other discredited sources, or when you run away — like you did to me a couple days ago.

    Icy Truth (e6cefc)

  27. “JAR, the issue is not only Obama’s appalling shallowness in selecting the KEY people around him”

    What? You’re joking, right?
    Obama’s policy team loaded with all-stars
    A Cast of 300 Advises Obama on Foreign Policy

    I may not like many of them -after all I’m as far to the left as you like to pretend the democratic establishment is- but they’re professionals. And I prefer Chuck Hagel to Joseph Lieberman, if only because Hagel’s not a whiny moralizing putz.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  28. “discredited sources.”

    The Wall Street Journal?

    JAR (08f6d2)

  29. One of Reagan’s failures was not keeping his promise to zero out the Department of Education. Parents and principals lost control of the schools about 30 years ago. The decline began then.

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  30. Wrong AGAIN, dishrag! He’s still in favor of abolishing the Department of Education.

    Icy Truth (e6cefc)

  31. And now we know why The One went off script yesterday afternoon to rile up the Elephants with remarks about lipstick and fish.

    htom (412a17)

  32. Oh my fucking gawd, rag! I was speaking in general, not about one particular post. Plus, if it happens to be an opinion piece it doesn’t matter where it came from. Get back to me when you actually try to refute my discrediting of you on the commander-in-chief topic.

    Icy Truth (e6cefc)

  33. #’s 29&31 were for the JARgonologist

    Icy Truth (e6cefc)

  34. This blog is really silly. Any of you interested in things like all the stuff we already have in Canada? You know, stuff that actually makes a difference in people’s lives: Health insurance, better public transport, fewer prisoners, lower violent crime, not being at war. We’re having an election now, and our candidates actually talk about these things, like Obama is trying to. Of course, Canada has been run mostly by Liberals for the past 100 years, which helps explain why we do better at these things.

    BruceM (007a23)

  35. “commander-in-chief ”

    You’re referring to Palin and the Alaska National Guard.
    I’ll put it this way: When Russia invades (or Canada for that matter) Palin will not be in charge of the defense.

    Sorry dude, that was settled long ago.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  36. “This blog is really silly.”

    Basically, yes.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  37. BruceM – Kudos on your marvelous society. I think your big brother speech codes are the shit. Waiting months on end for routine medical procedures, to die for.

    JD (5f0e11)

  38. Yeah, props to Canada, a force in world politics.

    Jealousy is such an ugly thing. It makes grown men (and Bambi, too) compare opponents to pigs.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  39. #33~

    Any of you interested in things like all the stuff we already have in Canada?

    Not really. The only thing you got that we really need are curling rinks.

    EW1(SG) (da07da)

  40. JAR – If we are so silly, why bother?

    JD (5f0e11)

  41. You’ve already tried to send us poutine. Heart-attack-in-a-bowl.

    Thanks, but we already have KFC.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  42. 26, JAR, Hagel IS A PUTZ! And so are YOU!

    PCD (1df2b5)

  43. Bruce – If we wanted your society, we would move to France.

    JD (5f0e11)

  44. BruceM, the only thing Canada may have that I want are odd, various parts and metric fasteners to my Thunderbird. Otherwise, the only interesting thing about Canada is the Ice Road Truckers.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  45. NYT: CYA

    mojo (cdcbe0)

  46. 26, 300 Socialist Putzes are not my idea of All-Stars.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  47. #43 PCD:

    Otherwise, the only interesting thing about Canada is the Ice Road Truckers.

    Isn’t it odd that Oh, so politically correct Canada has no trouble DRILLING DRILLING DRILLING in their Arctic areas, while our homegrown liberals are aghast that we might do the same thing in one tiny little piece of our own Arctic?

    Funny that. I attribute it to nationists.

    EW1(SG) (da07da)

  48. Bruce — we’ll get around to making Canada the 51st state when we’re ready. Pres. Palin is probably going to want that landbridge to her home.

    WLS (26b1e5)

  49. “JAR – If we are so silly, why bother?”

    Because the readers who come here for looking for information should leave knowing more then they did when they arrived.
    And they won’t learn anything from you.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  50. Let the Dems whine and grumble over this or that, who cares what those morons say? You’d be testy too if the election you were once so cocksure was already in the bag, now was slipping away a little bit more every day.

    Truth is it’s Hillary’s fault, she blew it, big time, she blundered badly in presenting herself as The Inevitable Nominee. Hillary then compounded the error with a lackluster and presumptuous campaign, and did so little advance planning that an upstart freshman Senator whipped her like a rent horse in the early caucus states.

    So, after the smoke cleared, Dems were stuck with an inverted ticket. They’ve got an obvious beginner inappropriately perched at the top position. It really isn’t his fault either, he’s just a new kid on the block who isn’t up to the job. And in his defense, he started out thinking Hillary was inevitable too. Obama was really only going through the motions, setting himself up for a shot somewhere down the road. But, since Hillary blew it, he’s stuck, he’s got to step up and do the best he can, it’s too late to bail out now.

    Unfortunately for Dems, he’s bouncing around, back and forth, trash talkin’ to the GOP’s second banana, making silly sexist comments, and disrespecting women, which just happens to be one of his party’s most important constituencies.

    Dems have a right to whine about the mess they’re in. Cut ‘um a little slack, but do pop a cold one and sit back and enjoy the show. You’ll tell your grandchildren stories about this election and the way cagey ‘ol John McCain and Super Sarah rode into the White House on the backs of a couple of dumb Jackasses.

    Ropelight (921f6e)

  51. Here’s a scary thought: can you imagine the sort of dirt that the Chicago Polical Machine has on Obama? Those power brokers could destroy his career in a nanosecond if they let a thing or two slip out. Obama may just be the walking talking apotheosis of a candidate that will be controlled through the threat of blackmail.

    Godzilla (5ba674)

  52. Mking my g’damn day,

    WASHINGTON — Government officials handling billions of dollars in oil royalties engaged in illicit sex with employees of energy companies they were dealing with and received numerous gifts from them, federal investigators said Wednesday.

    The alleged transgressions involve 13 Interior Department employees in Denver and Washington. Their alleged improprieties include rigging contracts, working part-time as private oil consultants, and having sexual relationships with _ and accepting golf and ski trips and dinners from _ oil company employees, according to three reports released Wednesday by the Interior Department’s inspector general.

    The investigations reveal a “culture of substance abuse and promiscuity” by a small group of individuals “wholly lacking in acceptance of or adherence to government ethical standards,” wrote Inspector General Earl E. Devaney.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  53. “Bruce – If we wanted your society, we would move to France.”

    Actually, I sometimes wish we were more like France, with their 7 weeks paid vacation and better cheese. How come the US can’t manage that?

    Our health care system is no worse than yours, no, we don’t “Wait months on end for routine medical procedures” anymore than you do. And we still live 2 years longer. We spend 9% of our GNP on health care, you spend 14% and can’t even cover everybody.

    I haven’t seen any “commies” or “big brother” here either, but I’m not that into paranioa. I tried the left wing variety when I was younger, didn’t like it.

    BruceM (007a23)

  54. Because the readers who come here for looking for information should leave knowing more then they did when they arrived.
    And they won’t learn anything from you.

    And you’ve actually given any (truthful) information in your time here? People end up feeling dumber every time they read one of your comments

    Lord Nazh (ce25e3)

  55. #49



    *High fives JAR*

    Peter (e70d1c)

  56. Because the readers who come here for looking for information should leave knowing more then they did when they arrived.

    So again… Why do you bother?

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  57. Karl Rove referred to right wing christians as “the Nuts.”

    What you’re reading in the WaPo link above is everything Rove, Limbaugh et al. strand for: 24 hour republican party people.
    Democrats are corrupt, but the level of corruption among the people you celebrate is beyond obscene. And while I’m laughing my ass off I’ll just add this

    [D]uring her convention speech, Sarah Palin quoted an anonymous writer who, it turns out, once lamented that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s would-be assassin hit the wrong man.

    Republcans, building a bridge to the 19th century, as governed by the Marquis de Sade.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  58. in Denver and Washington.

    So this would be Palin and McCain’s fault how?

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  59. #4 Phil

    He was probably elected chair because, as the youngest member, they wanted him to do all the work.

    Bing! Give that man a cigar!

    Exact-o-mundo. I think you’re completely on the money.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  60. BruceM – Have you become a Canadian citizen?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  61. Bruce, actually the French health care system is probably the best in the world with the care of average persons equal to ours. The system you got is badly flawed. That’s why hospitals in the northern states are full of Canadians. The British ex-patriates living in France DO NOT go back to Britain for medical care. They are all lining up for the free part of the French system but the French are starting to restrict access because the Brits have not paid in like French citizens have. Nothing’s perfect.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  62. Unexplored was why Obama seems to have left out this job from his resume. Considering Obama has been taking a pummeling for not having any executive experience, this would be an excellent comeback for Obama to all those complaints by McCain and Palin.

    Neo (cba5df)

  63. BruceM can’t be Canadian. He didn’t say, “eh?” once.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  64. 53 & 57, JAR, You are predictable. You are trying to change the subject once again.

    Thank you for admitting that Obama is a Putz, chooses enemies of the US to schmooze with, and his best friend is a terrorist.

    Some piece of work you both are.

    PCD (1df2b5)

  65. He was probably elected chair because, as the youngest member, they wanted him to do all the work.

    I guess that also explains why Democrats want Obama to be elected President.

    DRJ (7568a2)

  66. I’m just wondering if BruceM has put his money where his mouth is and switched citizenship yet.

    BruceM – With that wonderful Canadian healthcare, why do Canadians have to buy supplemental policies when they travel outside the country?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  67. Actually, I sometimes wish we were more like France, with their 7 weeks paid vacation and better cheese. How come the US can’t manage that?

    Buy a clue Bruce. The reason the French, and other Europeans have long vacations is because they pay such high taxes. So instead of getting additional pay which is heavily taxed, they get time off, which is not taxed.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  68. Where did Bruce go?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  69. “And remember he used to be in favor of abolishing the department of education.”

    And you actually say this like it’s a bad thing?

    As for Cousin Brucie from the Great White North, you have to forgive the man his delusions. I used to hear all that crap about “free healthcare! Horsey rides for the kiddies! Abortions for some, Canadian Loons for others!” – but over the last five years, I don’t hear that anymore during my travels to Vancouver and Montreal. They’re more than happy to tell me what an unmitigated disaster their healtcare industry currently finds itself in, and how people wait months (sometimes years) for critical care – so they all hightail it to the lower 48 when their lives are in mortal danger.

    And let’s not even discuss the so – called “environmental movement” in Canada, which started about 20 years later than ours, yet still allowed huge swatches of pristine forests in British Columbia and upper Alberta become clear – cut monstrosities, replete with huge water run – off problems and attendant fouling of the watersheds there. Yep, it’s a veritable paradise there, no question.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  70. “…has put his money where his mouth is and switched citizenship yet.”

    He couldn’t affort it, most likely – their tax rates are more onerous than most of Europe. I believe only Sweden’s is higher at present.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  71. “So this would be Palin and McCain’s fault how?”
    Of course it’s not their fault. And it’s not George Bush’s fault either. it’s nobody’s fault: shit happens.

    As with finance and the rest, privatization and deregulation.
    The republicans wrote the script, and the democrats followed it. And they did: Clinton signed the bill repealing Glass-Steagall. But to idiots like you Clinton was a Commie.
    Democrats swim in the muck. Republicans these days are made of it.
    McCain and Palin have done nothing for the past week but lie.
    Most of the major pundit class have begun to call them on it. Even FOX!

    This administration has been the most incompetent administration in the history of the country. Not corrupt, simply incompetent. They made “their own reality.”
    Well if it’s reality why aren’t we living in it?
    Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina… total incompetence.

    This is the future you bloviating putz.
    What’s your plan!!? What’s McCain’s plan!!!
    “WMD’s!!” “Saddam=Al Qaeda!”
    “I said no thanks to the bridge to nowhere!”
    “We’re on your side!!”



    You don’t want responsibility. You don’t want to be able to make educated decisions; you want others to take responsibility for you, and lead you. And what disgusts me is that to you anyone who questions the leaders you support is only doing it to insult you.

    So I will insult you, You don’t want a democratic form of government, you want Daddy. And those of us who’ve chiosen to accept the responsibilities of citizenship have to argue with people who don’t even know what the word means in a republic.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  72. Im sure if MICHEAL AYERS ever went down to davey jose locker he would be rejcted becuase of his own stench

    Krazy Kagu (cb0b17)

  73. France’s health care – great 11 months of the year!

    USA Today 9/25/2003: “The death toll in France from August’s blistering heat wave has reached nearly 15,000, according to a government-commissioned report”

    Bel Aire (2fd7f7)

  74. #66 DRJ

    I guess that also explains why Democrats want Obama to be elected President.

    Exactly right. The man has worked his ass off to be where he is, for the last 19 months, he’s taken on the whole Democratic candidate field and overcome the heavy well oiled and funded machinery of Clinton. He doesn’t take weekends off, like McCain does and will as president, and didn’t have a coupla months of downtime to muck around aimlessly as McCain did.

    I think anyone would be hard pressed to keep it together after 19 brutalizing months. And yet he’s shown extraordinary grace and intelligence and strength that comes from something much deeper than what McCAin is tapping into, which is a sense of entitlement: He’s running on fumes and expects to be president (as did Clinton) and has put his fate in the hands of the ROve slimeball election system, he’s obviously no longer in the drivers seat and will say and lie about anything he’s told too. A mere shell of the politician he once was…I guess the word would be: Passive.

    And we don’t need a passive president who lets the machinery just gift him with whatever is necessary and make the right noises. We need someone who actually speaks like he’s thought about what he’s saying not just blurting out the focus group tested pap.

    Anyhow, Obama keeps going and going…

    Also, anyone who’s a passive around a manipulative fake like Sarah Palin, is begging for trouble. Anyone familiar with the classic Bettie Davis film All About Eve?

    Peter (e70d1c)

  75. You have a remarkable ability to see into other people’s lives and thoughts, Peter. If Obama is elected President, hopefully he won’t be too burned out.

    DRJ (7568a2)

  76. “McCain and Palin have done nothing for the past week but lie.”

    JAR – ‘Splain that Lucy. Your own words, not Stinkprogress or WaPo.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  77. Canada — America’s Hat

    Icy Truth (6273ad)

  78. The man has worked his ass off to be where he is


    Please… He’s mostly campaigned against NO ONE his entire political career, and the only reason the Dems made him their nominee is because they are easily distracted by shiney objects…

    He doesn’t take weekends off

    Well, unless you count day 148-present of his US Senate career…

    Seriously… Guy couldn’t even wait half a term…

    yet he’s shown extraordinary grace and intelligence and strength that comes from something much deeper than what McCAin is tapping into, which is a sense of entitlement:

    I agree. Sen Obama is currently running on a sense of entitlement…

    And we don’t need a passive president who lets the machinery just gift him with whatever is necessary and make the right noises. We need someone who actually speaks like he’s thought about what he’s saying not just blurting out the focus group tested pap.

    Then would he mind start doing that?

    Christ, read a word for word transcript of one of his speeches, and TELL me how the hell that counts as a guy who speaks like he’s thought about what he’s saying…

    57 states, New Pensylvania, My muslim faith, the next President, etc

    The guy has no idea what’s coming out of his mouth 3 seconds from now, let alone tomorrow…

    Also, anyone who’s a passive around a manipulative fake like Sarah Palin, is begging for trouble.

    Please. List for me the ways in which Gov Sarah Palin is either manipulative, or fake. I’ll wait.

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  79. JAR – If Palin didn’t kill the Bridge to Nowhere, who did?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  80. The Democrats are mesmerized by Rove. I think it’s hilarious. Rove and McCain are no friends and Rove is doing his pundit thing and writing a book. The McCain campaign people are far more skilled right now than Rove ever was. Bush was fortunate to run against Gore and Kerry.

    To credit Obama with this:

    he’s taken on the whole Democratic candidate field and overcome the heavy well oiled and funded machinery of Clinton.

    this is to drink the Kool Aid straight with a rum chaser. She ran a terrible campaign, was overconfident, did not see how the Obama people had organized the ACORN folks in the caucuses, and only woke up when it was too late. IF they had nominated her, with Obama as #2, I think we would be getting ready for a President Hillary.

    It was Obama’s ego trip that gave McCain the opening to choose Palin. Even now he can’t believe how they are impaling themselves on her story. It’s a bit like a coyote in a trap that will bite off it’s own foot to get free.

    Peter is going to find out what a “manipulative fake” she is in 2012.

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  81. I am a dual citizen, no need to “switch.” My US passport is expired though, as I don’t really need it, just use it to show US immigration I am actually a citizen there too, in case they are interested.

    The reason Canadians have to buy insurance when they travel is that US health care costs so much, and Canadian governments wisely avoid wasting Canadian taxpayer money on the expensive US system. Example: someone I know went to Atlanta, without insurance, and had to go to emerg/ICU for one overnight. Total cost: $12,000! This would never happen here. You’ve also got millions of US citizens filing for bankruptcy due to health costs. Again, never happens here.

    I agree with DMac that Canada’s environmental record is shameful. I didn’t say everything here is better than the US, and certainly never claimed it was “paradise,” as he misquoted, but Canada does a better job in most areas.

    As for Canadians’ complaints about the h/c system, take it with a grain of salt. Almost no Canadian wants your system, even the Conservative Party has to assure us they won’t give us a US style system. You have to understand that Canadians have two hobbies: hockey and whining.

    BruceM (007a23)

  82. The man has worked his ass off to be where he is, for the last 19 months…

    Yes, he’s sure worked hard at his Presidential campaign, hasn’t he? Funny thing, though – he hasn’t worked at all at actually being the Senator from Illinois. Must’ve been all that pesky fundraising.

    He doesn’t take weekends off, like McCain

    Yeah, that old lazy McCain, taking time to actually do work on behalf of his constituents in Arizona. What a lame – oh!

    I think anyone would be hard pressed to keep it together after 19 brutalizing months

    Yes, no doubt those brutalizing months spent being feted by adoring crowds, traveling in a private plane to Europe, and staying at 4 – star hotels – oh, the humanity!

    Petey, you sound like someone who’s never actually had to travel during the course of his career, let alone had to work late hours, been under intense pressure to get your sales targets on the books before your company’s quarterly statements are due, or basically having to undergo anything more stressful than being forced to sit in a comfy chair, surrounded by tea and crumpets.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  83. #36 – JARry was a race car driver

    I’ll put it this way: When Russia invades (or Canada for that matter) Palin will not be in charge of the defense. Sorry dude, that was settled long ago.

    — That’s right. I kicked your lying-shit ass on that one, and you ran away like the little mama’s titty baby that you are.

    Icy Truth (6273ad)

  84. “JAR – If Palin didn’t kill the Bridge to Nowhere, who did?”


    Palin: “Despite the work of our congressional delegation, we are about $329 million short of full funding for the bridge project, and it’s clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island.”

    But she kept the money they’d given already and spent it on other things.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  85. I am a dual citizen, no need to “switch.” My US passport is expired though, as I don’t really need it, just use it to show US immigration I am actually a citizen there too, in case they are interested.

    The reason Canadians have to buy insurance when they travel is that US health care costs so much, and Canadian governments wisely avoid wasting Canadian taxpayer money on the expensive US system. Example: someone I know went to Atlanta, without insurance, and had to go to emerg/ICU for one overnight. Total cost: $12,000! This would never happen here. You’ve also got millions of US citizens filing for bankruptcy due to health costs. Again, never happens here.

    I agree with DMac that Canada’s environmental record is shameful. I didn’t say everything here is better than the US, and certainly never claimed it was “paradise,” as he misquoted, but Canada does a better job in most areas.

    As for Canadians’ complaints about the h/c system, take it with a grain of salt. Almost no Canadian wants your system, even the Conservative Party has to assure us they won’t give us a US style system. You have to understand that Canadians have two hobbies: hockey and whining.

    Oh, and Dmac is wrong about taxes. Our taxes are higher than yours, but not by much, and lower than Europe.

    BruceM (007a23)

  86. oops, sorry to post twice, mis-mouse

    BruceM (007a23)

  87. “Yes, he’s sure worked hard at his Presidential campaign, hasn’t he? Funny thing, though – he hasn’t worked at all at actually being the Senator from Illinois.”

    John McCain has missed 408 votes (63.8%) during the current Congress.

    Barack Obama has missed 291 votes (45.5%)

    JAR (08f6d2)

  88. “JAR – If Palin didn’t kill the Bridge to Nowhere, who did?”


    JAR – Congress doesn’t kill an Alaskan project.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  89. BruceM –

    someone I know went to Atlanta, without insurance, and had to go to emerg/ICU for one overnight. Total cost: $12,000! This would never happen here.
    — Tell me about it! Someone getting a hospital bed the same day? without an appointment? or a lottery to be chosen as a new patient? Impossible!

    You’ve also got millions of US citizens filing for bankruptcy due to health costs.
    — Really? Either prove it or retract it.

    Almost no Canadian wants your system, even the Conservative Party has to assure us they won’t give us a US style system.
    — Of course! Once you institute a welfare project it’s almost impossible to rescind it.

    Thank you for RUSH, and “Blame Canada” for Celine Dion.

    Icy Truth (6273ad)

  90. “The reason Canadians have to buy insurance when they travel is that US health care costs so much, and Canadian governments wisely avoid wasting Canadian taxpayer money on the expensive US system.”

    This makes absolutely no sense – we’re not talking about vacationers traveling to the US, we’re talking about the hundreds of thousands of Canadians who elect to go to the US for medical treatment, both for our expertise and ability to perform surgeries and other critical care on a timely basis. Not to mention that the majority of top medical graduates from Canada’s schools come here (and stay here) after completing their residencies.

    You’re using a strawman argument – stick to the original point you made.

    “Example: someone I know went to Atlanta, without insurance…”

    Oh, come on – someone you know? Why don’t you tell us a few things about this alleged someone? Things such as:

    – what was the medical emergency?
    – what procedures were involved?
    – why on earth were they traveling outside of their home country without insurance?
    – what makes you think that the hospital won’t negotiate their costs downward after a few phone calls from this person?

    While I agree that many hospital treatments here are truly ridiculous regarding their costs (I’m talking about “rack rate costs” not the greatly reduced costs an insurance company gets subscribers via previously negotiated rates), this doesn’t pass the smell test – at all.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  91. Jar – Jar, I’m talking about actually passing.enacting something of tangible value during his time in the Senate. Sitting there and voting “present” means jack sh-t to any reasonable thinking person.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  92. “JAR – Congress doesn’t kill an Alaskan project.”

    No it refuses to pay for it.
    Alaska lives off federal pork. More so than any other state.

    “Lipstick on a pig, man. Lipstick on a m-f pig”

    JAR (08f6d2)

  93. “we’re talking about the hundreds of thousands of Canadians who elect to go to the US for medical treatment, both for our expertise and ability to perform surgeries and other critical care on a timely basis.”

    data please.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  94. “JAR – Congress doesn’t kill an Alaskan project.”

    No it refuses to pay A SHARE OF it.

    JAR – Fixed that for you. Now, who killed the Bridge to nowhere?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  95. “This makes absolutely no sense – we’re not talking about vacationers traveling to the US, we’re talking about the hundreds of thousands of Canadians who elect to go to the US for medical treatment, both for our expertise and ability to perform surgeries and other critical care on a timely basis. Not to mention that the majority of top medical graduates from Canada’s schools come here (and stay here) after completing their residencies. ”

    Neither of these statements are true. There are not “hundreds of thousands” of Canadians going to the US for treatment. And most of our medical graduates stay right here in Canada.

    “– Tell me about it! Someone getting a hospital bed the same day? without an appointment? or a lottery to be chosen as a new patient? Impossible! ”

    I work in a hospital. Most people get a bed the same day. There is no lottery. The millions of bankruptcies due to medical costs is an issue in the US that is well-known. You can look it up; you seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

    And we still live two years longer than you, and spend less for it, too. The obscene amounts you waste on health care, you damn well better get a bed the same day!

    BruceM (007a23)

  96. Most Canadians pay in cash, not through their insurance – so records and summary data are somewhat unreliable; however:

    This details how one of the heads of Canada’s health foundation came to the US last year for urgent medical care:

    Here’s a study that was done to understand why so many Canadians come to the US for medical care:

    Here’s a report from the Heritage Foundation:

    More to follow.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  97. Bruce – Does the M after Bruce stand for Moore? Are you related to Michael Moore? How do you feel about Cuban health care?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  98. I work in a hospital. Most people get a bed the same day.
    — Well sure; it’s easy when you’re on the inside! [Did you notice how he said “most people”? Very telling since we were talking about “emerg/ICU”.]

    The millions of bankruptcies due to medical costs is an issue in the US that is well-known. You can look it up
    — We’re not having a debate at this point, Mr. BruceM. Either come up with the statistics or shut the fuck up about it.

    And we still live two years longer than you, and spend less for it, too.
    — It’s easy to live longer when you spend the winters in suspended animation at 20 or 30 below! And let’s compare what the average American and the average Canuck spends for health care plus taxes.

    Icy Truth (6273ad)

  99. #76 DRJ

    You have a remarkable ability to see into other people’s lives and thoughts

    It’s called keeping your eyes open and watching people deal with various challenges over an extended period of time. Obama has come through adversity again and again and again. His judgement has proven correct on all the important issues. And he’s a class act. He’s real. Unfortunately the McCAin campaign won’t allow us to see Palin for long, only 8 weeks, and at the moment won’t even allow her to answer any questions. And all I have is my intuition in regards to her and my intuition is saying this woman has the potential to be a bloody nightmare. Literally.

    As for McCain, it’s not difficult to see he’s completely given himself over to his campaign managers machinations. There’s no there there. Only desperate want. Palin was not vetted properly and he let it happen. He’s a passive figure in this election now and we don’t need a president who lets campaign managers make their policy decisions for them. WE’ve had eight years of that and the attendant mess. We cannot go through that again, but whereas Rove to some extent had W.’s best interests in mind McCAin does not have that and I expect his drive for president to implode any minute when Palin proves to be the wrong choice.

    # 79 Scott Jacobs:

    Please. List for me the ways in which Gov Sarah Palin is either manipulative, or fake. I’ll wait.

    -Requiring loyalty letters
    -Threatening to ban books and testing the loyalty of her town librarian (even if it was a rhetorical exercise it was highly in appropriate.)
    -She preaches abstinence, yet her daughter becomes pregnant. You don’t see a serious disconnect there, in the form of do what I say not as I do?
    -Creaionism in the school curriculum. Again, highly inappropriate for a mayor or governor to make such a request even rhetorically.
    -The non stop lies about the Bridge to nowhere she originally supported before it became politically charged by naitonal disgust with it. Obviously an exception to the earmarks and reform she lauds.

    – The nasty and repellent display gave at the RNC during her acceptance speech. Okay, she obviously is just a soldier doing her job, but she relished it a bit too much didn’t she?

    Her whole ridiculous resume is suspect really, from the phony religiosity to the killing of wolves for sport, to the moose dressing BS. This woman has been seeking GOP attention from Day one…and made all the right noises to put herself on the national stage.

    And I expect that in the next few weeks we’re going to see more interesting things from her. And I’ll admit she makes my skin crawl on a gut level and my gut feeling is usually right.

    I just think the McCAin campaign has turned into something monsterous and sick. There’s no other way to put it.

    HAve you seen this ad:

    relying on findings by, that has immediately released a statement saying that they distorted what they actually wrote:

    The McCain campaign is quickly exiting the realm of reality. It’s grotesque on a level that I cannot believe.

    Sheesh…I think I need to go take a shower just thinking of it.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  100. #83 Dmac

    Petey, you sound like someone who’s never actually had to travel during the course of his career, let alone had to work late hours, been under intense pressure to get your sales targets on the books before your company’s quarterly statements are due, or basically having to undergo anything more stressful than being forced to sit in a comfy chair, surrounded by tea and crumpets.

    I have nothing I need to prove to you, friend. Ever.

    But since you’ve asked I’ve done all those things (although I’m not in sales) and would bet money I’ve worked much harder in my life than you. I’m working class and proud of it. I’m also the first in my family to speak English (better than most native speakers), finish high school, college or graduate school and with honors. And proudly work for a high tech corp who’s yearly profits exceed Microsoft and Google combined. And make about 10 times what my immigrant parents made yearly working the most menial of terrible jobs. Immigrant jobs so they could provide for out family. And their union was a godsend.

    And yes, God Bless America. I will happily give back to it to see others achieve their dreams and a good life. I’m not going to act like an arrogant entitled shithead who goes on and on and on about how everything he’s ever earned he did it himself and he doesn’t owe anyone anything. I say bullshit. If you’re successful you owe the whole society everything you fucking have. Your gifts and your mind and your body are your own, but otherwise don’t be a pig. (That term again, amazing how useful it is.)

    What a load of right wing libertarian hogwash.

    I still can see the difference between a sociopathic manipulative B*tch and someone who had to deal with two cultures and being different and still worked himself to where he is w/o selling his soul and retaining the ability to feel compassion for others.

    And that almost diametric attitude is what repulses me most about Sarah Palin, there’s nothing there from what we’ve seen so far. No empathy, no attempt at understanding people, just empty rhetoric, meanness, cold calculating manipulation and a willingness to play any game for power. Show me one place or time so far where she’s shown any real compassion, not phony saccharine contrived play acting. All I see is naked selfishness and hypocrisy.

    Man, screw Sarah Palin and the moose she rode in on.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  101. You can always tell when Baracky is doing poorly in the polls. The trolls get hyper-hostile.

    JD (5f0e11)

  102. Peter –

    I just think the McCAin campaign has turned into something monsterous and sick. There’s no other way to put it.

    I want you to cry
    (Cry me a river)
    Want you to cry
    (Cry me a river)
    All over me
    (Cry me a river)
    I want you to cry
    (Cry me a river)

    Icy Truth (6273ad)

  103. Petey – it’s always indicative when you see the absurd length of your last responses (coupled with copius amount of insults) that it displays an overweening sense of inadequacy regarding your numerous over – the – top claims of superiority. Bad form, Petey – your dress slip is showing.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  104. “Neither of these statements are true.”

    I just gave you sources that supported my statements, Brucie. Time for you to step up – or else go somewhere else to entertain others with your flights of fancy.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  105. Are we going to get a new thread for what Biden said today?

    He said, knowing that it was being recorded, that Hillary would make a better VP than himself!

    Icy Truth (94cc06)

  106. -Troopergate

    You mean her wanting to get fired a guy that starts bar fights, drives his police car drunk, tasers his stepson, and threatens people’s lives?

    Yeah, how dare she.

    -Requiring loyalty letters

    Would you mind linking me to a mainstream media site talking about this? I’m afraid sullivan, DKos, Huffington, those sorts of places won’t quite work…

    -Threatening to ban books and testing the loyalty of her town librarian (even if it was a rhetorical exercise it was highly in appropriate.)

    Are you basing your belief in this on the list that has circulated the net? That merely someone saying “she asked what I would do” doesn’t convince you?

    -She preaches abstinence, yet her daughter becomes pregnant. You don’t see a serious disconnect there, in the form of do what I say not as I do?

    Actually, she’s on the record (back before she was the VP canidate) as supporting teaching about contraceptives in sex-ed, but that Absenence should be taught – you must admit that baring serilization “not having sex” is the only 100% way to not get knocked up/knock someone up.

    -Creaionism in the school curriculum. Again, highly inappropriate for a mayor or governor to make such a request even rhetorically.

    You mean it’s not appropriate to say “you don’t havce to teach it, but if a student brings it up it should be ok to debate it in class”? Seriously? She doesn’t want it TAUGHT, just ok to be talked about if a student brings it up. Why are you so very against an open discussion of ideas?

    -The non stop lies about the Bridge to nowhere she originally supported before it became politically charged by naitonal disgust with it. Obviously an exception to the earmarks and reform she lauds.

    Ignoring the fact thaat Alaska Dems credit Palin for killing the project, at no point on any budget of her’s once Gov had ANY money for neither the bridge or the road to Juneau…

    – The nasty and repellent display gave at the RNC during her acceptance speech. Okay, she obviously is just a soldier doing her job, but she relished it a bit too much didn’t she?

    So she’s a bad person because of something other people said… So is Obama swine (pardon the pun) for the crowd’s reaction to the lipstick line?

    to the killing of wolves for sport, to the moose dressing BS

    You mean the wolves that are over-populating and killing off the populations of animals that Alaskans kill and eat for food, or the pictures of her field-dressing a moose? Dude, you have SERIOUS issues if you don’t believe that a woman can field-dress an animal…

    relying on findings by, that has immediately released a statement saying that they distorted what they actually wrote

    So… Ummm… What do YOU think they were sent there for, if not for ammunition to use against her?

    Really… Would you mind picking something that’s actually an issue?

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  107. BruceM

    Thanks for sending your soldiers to Afghanistan and for the wonderful job they are doing fighting the Taliban.
    I want to express condolences to you and your fellow citizens for the recent casualties they have taken and additionally to those who have paid the ultimate price.
    I saw some video of the Canadian Army in a firefight and was impressed with their professionalism and willingness to get into the face of danger and kick butt.
    I am assuming these guys aren’t from your circle of friends, but thanks to Canada for sending it’s sons and daughters to help us out in a difficult corner of the world.

    SteveG (71dc6f)

  108. Peter supports people who taser their stepchildren.

    Well, that’s a winning position, Peter. Your competence at this debate thing isn’t improving from your recent debacles.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  109. But Petey will win the day with his incessant use of extreme bandwith to prove his idiocy.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  110. And who drink and drive…

    Hell, I’ve done the drink and drive thing, and *I* don’t support the guy!!

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  111. Dmac, too many words on the screen hurt your brain don’t they.


    Also, easy to be a dick with someone who can’t really respond cos he’s in moderation, Yet, continues to regularly kick the BS out of you dorks so you don’t get too high on the smell of your own crap.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  112. Please, get the link corrected to the NYTimes.

    Still don’t get what the problem is. Education in a large city can be a huge sinkhole, Obama or no Obama. Where’s the corruption?

    datadave (eb12a5)

  113. It gets worse.
    Annenberg introduced Ronald Reagan to Margaret Thatcher. See his Wikipedia page.
    I’m really scared now.

    Barbar (5fcc68)

  114. Surely you’re aware that Walter Annenberg was one of THE biggest friends of the Republican Party in the 20th century — aren’t you? That he was a close personal friend of Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan?

    And that educational enrichment program? Know where some of that money went?

    The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.

    So what you’re saying is that Reagan had terrorist associations since he was only two degrees of separation from Ayers — and, therefore, Obama.

    Hemlock for Gadflies (71657c)

  115. Ayers and Obama were successful at dispersing huge sums of money from the CAC. If their intent was to fund radical groups, they were successful.

    If they weren’t out to raise math scores and they were out to fund those who would further radicalize schools as a political entity, they were successful.

    Remember where Ayers got his training, remember he’s an unapologetic radical/revolutionary to this day. Remember by the politics he declares, all things are political. Remember he exists within the radical academe. Remember his family is wealthy, powerful, manipulative, and bulletproof.

    Diverting grant money to those Ayers finds politically worthy is far more effective for his purposes than bombmaking.

    Obama was right there with him..

    gbnyc (a20411)

  116. Just One Minute covered this story, on of the best conservative blogs on the web.

    PrestoPundit (ff5e16)

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