Patterico's Pontifications


Quote of the Day: Bill Ayers

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 12:07 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

“I don’t think violent resistance is necessarily the answer, but I do think opposition and refusal is imperative.”


39 Responses to “Quote of the Day: Bill Ayers”

  1. What a tired, narcissistic pig. As someone once said here, “I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire.” Ayers and the rest of his ilk from that hideous era will pass into the dustbin where inconsequential losers with delusions of revolutionary grandeur deserve to go. The sad thing is that their insipid faux-dissidence has rubbed off on and gets carried on by miscreant douchebags with black bandanas at political conventions.

    Jack Klompus (cf3660)

  2. I certainly hope that McCain’s campaign staff has an ad in the works with this quote in bold lettering, above a pic of Ayers stomping on the American flag – coupled with the fact that Ayers hosted Obama’s first major fundraising event in his own home…priceless.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  3. …and the ad could end with the final statement: “Obama – with friends like these, who needs enemies?”

    Dmac (e639cc)

  4. 3. Oh come on, Dmac. Stick to the issues! This GOP racist attack machine tactic will not be tolerated!

    Jack Klompus (cf3660)

  5. I denounce myself in advance, Jack.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  6. “Obama – with friends like these, who needs enemies?”

    “America – with enemies like these, who needs Obama?”

    Dana (084de8)

  7. Bush/Cheney and and the rest of the neoconservatives from this recent hideous era of fear and manipulation and lies, will pass into the dustbin where inconsequential losers with delusions of revolutionary grandeur deserve to go.

    Interesting how that statement works so well with the present government.

    (Ohh..outrage…outrage!! Indignation!! Indignation!! How dare you!! POW!! POW!! POW!!! Drill BABY Drill Etc etc….yeah yeah yeah….Yawn.)

    Peter (e70d1c)

  8. Peter – you left your red nose, giant shoes, and seltzer bottle in gym class. Coach is angry.

    Jack Klompus (cf3660)

  9. Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran

    Still, I imagine Ayres, on the phone, responding to a screaming Obama rep: “B-but I was only trying to help.”

    What a fucking idiot.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  10. RNC should remind people of asshat unrepentant terrorist Ayer’s money quote, “When a pig gets iced, it’s a good thing.” I could visualize the “bad” cops in Magnum Force pulling him over and blowing his sorry ass away and feel better for it.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  11. Wait a minute, folks! Who’s that coming in the distance? Is it…could it be…Sister Souljah?

    Don’t put it past them, folks. They know something on the Obama/Ayers connection is coming via Stanley Kurtz et al. That – IMHO – is what’s up with all the “I won’t be smeared” talk.

    L.N. Smithee (0931d2)

  12. “The sad thing is that their insipid faux-dissidence has rubbed off on and gets carried on by miscreant douchebags with black bandanas at political conventions.”

    – Jack Klompus

    Explain how what the Weather Underground did was “faux-dissidence”, if you would be so kind.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  13. Jack – There was nothing “faux” about what Ayers did.

    JD (3f9019)

  14. Basically, yeah.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  15. I’ll do a better job with the spelling, but link again to Jim Lindgren @ Volokh. Read him, his updates, and the link to TPM.
    And I just found out through this link that Ayres is a former aid to mayor Daley!
    Abbie Hoffman is rolling in his grave

    JAR (08f6d2)

  16. Because acts of dissidence that take place in the U.S. never truly accomplish the alleged ends that their perpetrators claim are their goals. They are fashion statements that often take innocents down and achieve nothing of any ultimate revolutionary value. Ayers sits in academe now. Am I supposed to be impressed by his dissident “cred?” He’s in the system he pretended that he was trying to take down proving that his actions were just the lame lashings-out by a bourgeois brat who ultimately accomplished nothing except landing himself a cushy comfortable gig and now minor celebrity status as a relic of a era of alleged groundbreaking turmoil. His tantrums did nothing but aggrandize himself.

    Jack Klompus (cf3660)

  17. Explain how what the Weather Underground did was “faux-dissidence”, if you would be so kind

    See, I usually consider dissent to be civil (if loud). Blowing stuff up? Not so much…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  18. And I just found out through this link that Ayres is a former aid to mayor Daley!

    Hardly shocking, actually…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  19. I’m not trying to downplay the result of his actions. I just find that his posturing as some kind of revolutionary is lame cover for wanton and pointless destruction on par with the losers who go to demonstrations and break Starbucks windows on a more destructive and evil scale.

    Jack Klompus (cf3660)

  20. Jack – Thanks. I understand what you are saying.

    JD (3f9019)

  21. “Hardly shocking, actually…”

    Well I guess you don’t know who his father was.

    JAR (08f6d2)

  22. Why is it that Leftists like JAR and harpo believe that they are intellectually superior to everyone else?

    JD (3f9019)

  23. What I find most regrettable about the weather underground merry hijinks was that ayers and dohrn were not accidentally blown to kingdom come along with the other miscreants. And why should society pay because some official erred in gathering inadmissable evidence? Had I been that kid who survived, I’d surely think long and hard about paying someone to ice ayers and dohrn.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  24. jharp is really losing it over at the other thread pulling out every juvenile, name-calling tactic in the book against those with whom he disagrees. Every post he reveals even more what an unhinged, snotty, dick he is.

    Jack Klompus (cf3660)

  25. It’s a bitch, girl, but you gone too far, but you know it don’t matter anyhow, You can rely on the old man’s money…You can rely on the old man’s money. (Hall and Oates)

    Spook (23ba78)

  26. Well I guess you don’t know who his father was.

    You mean William Ayers’ father, one-time CEO of Commonwealth Edison and friend of Mayor Daley?

    Yeah, that would be why I’m not very shocked Billy worked for the man…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  27. RNC should remind people of asshat unrepentant terrorist Ayer’s money quote, “When a pig gets iced, it’s a good thing.”
    Comment by madmax333 — 9/9/2008 @ 1:20 pm

    “Kill your parents” is another memorable Ayers quote. I wonder how he explained that to his own kids: “No, wait, I meant that quote for all those other people, not for you”

    j curtis (c84b9e)

  28. Daley is the prime reason why Ayers got a job in academia in the first place, despite protests within the university from some faculty. It’s all about the money – and that’s how Bambi got into touch with Ayers as well (via Daley and Emil Jones, current President of the IL legislature). Follow the money trail, and it becomes quite clear why Obama’s strange bedfellows aren’t so strange after all.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  29. I won’t forget that Ayers and his wife raised Weather U member Kathy Boudin’s son, “Chesa”, after Boudin was arrested for driving the getaway truck during the infamous armored car robbery in Nyack NY in the early 1980’s.
    BLA members (or associates?) were Boudin’s co-conspirators that day, and they ended up killing two Police Officers and a security guard.
    One of the Officers was the first Black Officer in Nyack’s history, if I remember right.
    Unrepentant and guilty as all heck…..

    Andrew (8a94e5)

  30. At my school, UCSB, the campus radicals planted a bomb in the faculty club, it was hidden in a cardboard box. However, not one of the professors or staff touched it all day. Later in the evening, the janitor tried to move it as he was cleaning up. It exploded and sent glass shards deep into his chest, belly, and groin. He crawled all the way to the pool and died there from massive loss of blood.

    Domestic terrorism isn’t an abstract topic to me, or to anyone else who saw that poor man’s bloody trail where he dragged himself across the floor to the place of his death.

    Bill Ayres is scum, vicious bloodthirsty scum, and anyone who associates with him, or seeks his approval or support, makes excuses for or defends him in any way shares his guilt. Obama shares his guilt.

    No one was ever prosecuted for the crime, but a few of the students on campus then know who did it, but they remain silent to protect the murderers. That’s what passes for honor and loyalty among the likes of Bill Ayres and his bloody ilk.

    Ropelight (49e412)

  31. And Ayer’s c**t wife ecstatic that the Manson Family stuck a fork in pregnant actress Sharon Tate’s belly after butchering her. …..the magic negro isn’t put off by that but rather that his various friends are questioned about long ago bad acts. Jump on Palin looking in vain for her shortcomings, but totally ignore the favors to and from Rezno and an assortment of other low lifes. Once again, who among Obama’s circle of jerkoffs is clean and relatively patriotic and normal acting?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  32. Interestingly, Bill Ayers has a blog, with open comments.

    Evil Pundit (843b74)

  33. #30, there’s another side to that coin. When student radicals burned the Bank of America branch in Isla Vista (student housing next to the campus), there was a riot and the police killed Kevin Moran. Shot him in the head with a 30-’06.

    The bitter irony was that the police killed a guy who was out front calling for calm and order, and the radicals who wanted to bomb a faculty member only managed to kill a black janitor.

    A Santa Barbara jury let the police officer go. He told them his rifle had a bum safety and he didn’t know the gun had fired, as if you could be within 50 yards of a 30-’06 and not know something pretty powerful happened, let alone be holding it in your hands, aiming it at Kevin’s head, and pulling the trigger.

    Ropelight (49e412)

  34. Oh, I DO who Ayers’ father is. That is the point! He does really on the old man’s money and connections. Ayers is protected. The original Hall and Oates song was written about a guy. But that wouldn’t sell.

    spook (24f777)

  35. Mccain associated with folks who want to bomb terrorists, and Obama with folks who happily recall bombing the USA.

    There’s no getting around that. Reverend Wright and Ayers are only the tip of the iceberg. Mccain can point to dozens of heros and a couple of presidents that shaped him. Obama was shaped by evil people.

    Juan (1a3792)

  36. There’s no getting around that. Reverend Wright and Ayers are only the tip of the iceberg. Mccain can point to dozens of heros and a couple of presidents that shaped him. Obama was shaped by evil people.

    O’Reilly pretty much nailed that down tonight in his interview.

    Patricia (ee5c9d)

  37. I was visiting faculty at UCSB when the black janitor was killed at the faculty club. I wonder why now we are told that the only people killed in the bombings were the 2 killed in the “industrial accident”, as the Israelis call a premature explosion? Would we have forgotten if they had killed the UCSB Chancellor instead?

    J F Levin (2f433f)

  38. You mean he thinks violence might be the answer to certain problems? Wow, maybe he should vote for McCain/Palin. After all, they’re the “fighting” ticket.

    Phil (3b1633)

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