Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Story on Sarah Palin’s Governing Style: A Mixed Bag

Filed under: 2008 Election,Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 12:17 am

The L.A. Times has this article coming out in this morning’s edition about Sarah Palin’s governing style. It portrays Palin as a mixed bag, with both admirers and detractors. But in reality, the story itself is something of a mixed bag — with some complimentary material, but other portions that only give half the story.

Let’s take the good in the piece first. It opens with a complimentary enough story:

Three years ago, when a Democratic state legislator tried to get bipartisan support for investigating charges of unethical conduct by a senior Republican official, only one member of the GOP answered the call: Sarah Palin.

Palin pursued the allegations — as well as ethics charges against another top GOP official — so vigorously that both had to leave office.

The public acclaim that followed helped propel her into the governor’s office a year later with promises of reform and a more open, accountable government that would stand up to entrenched interests, including the big oil companies.

And early on we are told:

Even her critics credit Palin with a major role in pushing a state known for its relaxed approach to political ethics into a long-overdue housecleaning. And Palin has pushed hard to make oil companies pay more for access to the state’s oil and gas reserves.

That’s odd for a candidate that some of the goofier liberals have been trying to label as a “Big Oil” candidate. The article also says:

No one questions her readiness to fight for cleaner government either. After she agreed in 2005 to help Democratic legislator Eric Croft get an independent investigation of state Atty. Gen. Gregg Renkes, she immediately incurred the wrath of the party establishment. The same thing had happened a year earlier, when she raised conflict-of-interest allegations against the state GOP chairman, Randy Ruedrich, who had sat with her on the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Palin was vindicated in both cases: Ruedrich resigned from the commission and paid a $12,000 ethics fine. The attorney general also resigned and received a reprimand.

. . . .

Croft, who is running for mayor of Anchorage and backing the Barack Obama-Joe Biden ticket, said he was impressed with Palin’s willingness to join him in the case involving the attorney general.

“She got it right away” and never backed down, Croft said. “Her sense was that this was wrong and that she had to speak out.”

So when the Andrew Sullivans of the world ask for evidence that Palin is a reformer, well — there you have it, straight out of the neocon right-wing mouths of the L.A. Times.

But of course, the editors feel the need to attack Palin as well. That’s fine — if they’re going to back up what they say and provide the whole story. Unfortunately, the article falls short in this respect.

For example, with respect to Tasergate, the article claims that “last week she moved to hobble a legislative inquiry into her role in the firing of a state public safety official” and adds later in the article that “Palin has started a legal maneuver to prevent that inquiry from going forward.”

What the article fails to disclose is that Palin has sought to have the inquiry conducted by the body authorized to do so by statute. Let’s go to the local paper:

Gov. Sarah Palin wants a state board to review the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan — taking the unusual step of making an ethics complaint against herself.

Her lawyer sent an “ethics disclosure” Monday night to Attorney General Talis Colberg. The governor asked that it go to the three-person Personnel Board as a complaint. While ethics complaints are usually confidential, Palin wants the matter open.

The lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, also asked the state Legislature to drop its own investigation into the Monegan matter. He says the Personnel Board has jurisdiction over ethics.

Ah. So, she wants the investigation taken away from a partisan Democrat who has already declared, well before the probe is over, that 1) it is going to end badly for Palin, and 2) it will be an “October surprise.” Instead, she wants the probe conducted by the panel authorized to do so by statute — a panel peopled by three persons appointed by the previous Governor (one of whom was re-appointed by Palin).

That’s not quite the same thing as trying to block any investigation. It sounds to me more like someone trying to stop from getting railroaded by a partisan who has already made up his mind and is acting extralegally to target a political opponent. Regardless of personal views, however, it would be nice for the paper to tell readers that Palin has sought the opening of an investigation, and argues that it is the only legal way to proceed.

The article also claims:

She used the line-item veto this year to cut funding for $268 million in capital projects from spending bills, including money for a senior citizens center and batting cages for the Ketchikan Little League. At the same time, the Anchorage Daily News reported, she preserved $2 million for an academic conference highlighting arguments that global warming isn’t threatening the survival of polar bears.

Hm. Sounds like she supports the conference. At least, that’s what you might think if you didn’t read the Anchorage Daily News article in question:

She also didn’t veto a controversial $2 million for an “academic based” conference meant to highlight arguments that global warming isn’t threatening the survival of polar bears.

Palin didn’t think she could legally veto that money because it’s a “reappropriation” of money left over from another project. But she doesn’t support the conference and wants to get legislative leaders to use the money for the state’s lawsuit against the listing of polar bears as threatened.

By the way, anyone concerned about Gov. Palin’s willingness to cut excessive spending should read through that article, start to finish. It’s full of liberal handwringing about how her cuts went too deep — why do we need these cuts if we have a surplus? goes the cry. That’s exactly the sort of person I want in Washington — and it counters the portrayal of her in recent days as an earmark-grabbing, debt-incurring fiscal disaster. Read the article, and feel heartened at the idea that true fiscal conservatism may be coming to Washington.

The bottom line here is simple: just the facts, L.A. Times, OK? I understand you said a few nice things about Palin, since apparently a lot of people had nice things to say. But in the places where you want to criticize, just give us both sides of the story. Is that really asking too much?

Don’t answer that.

67 Responses to “L.A. Times Story on Sarah Palin’s Governing Style: A Mixed Bag”

  1. Whatever one’s views of the cause of global warming–whether we are in one of the natural cycles, or that carbon emissions have played a part–it is wrong to view every part of the earth as a loser. Areas that are cold generally benefit from a human perspective. Greenland was named Greenland because when the Vikings found it, it was full of greenery. Sweden, where my ancestors are from, was once a much warmer place, and likely even more beautiful.

    It is therefore hard to fault the governor of Alaska from taking a position somewhat hostile to those insisting that combating global warning should be a top priority.

    The other theme of the LA Times article, which you did not deal with, is the criticism that Palin was not good at finishing off the legislation. That may be true, but it takes two sides to fail at that–the executive and the Legislative.

    Portraying her as quick to fire is hardly a negative–only look at the disaster Don Rumsfield became when his lean forces strategy became a failure after Iraq was occupied.

    Finally, the LA Times description of what Palin is trying to do on the investigation is accurate–she is trying to cut off the Legislative inquiry. That’s just playing tactical forum shopping, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    The overall impression I think that is left from the article is that she is a conservative who has moved Alaska to a less corrupt status quo, that is quick to terminate those who are screwing up, she has started a lot of good initiatives but has had trouble figuring out who to grease and cajole and the proper way to get stuff effectively passed. That’s not a bad record of accomplishment for a first two years, and shows more legislative accomplishment than Obama during his entire career.

    As I wrote in my earliest posts, and now has been picked up by many others, the greatest asset of Palin is that she puts Obama’s record of non-accomplishment as a legislator into stark light. In two years, Palin accomplished some important things, and made initiatives that might need more work. Obama gave speeches and set up his formidable Chicago style presidential operation. Those are the accoplishments of a formidable politician but weak leader.

    Cyrus Sanai (4df861)

  2. You don’t “govern” as a Mayor, silly.

    She must have “Mayored” or something.



    She was a Governor? Of a state?

    Who knew?

    Natalie (08d9f5)

  3. Now that there is some powerful projection, Cyrus. I didn’t have a strong opinion one way or another about you after the judge flap, but now you done ticked me off boy.
    How about “she knows there is a proper forum for this type of complaint and wants to see the tools put in place by the people of Alaska used properly”
    /smarter Sanai

    rhodeymark (6797b5)

  4. Another dirty liberal smear campaign by the L.A SLIMES a liberal birdcage linner which no bird would want at the bottom of his cage

    Krazy Kagu (001cfd)

  5. She was the mayor of town of 9,000 that she left $22 million in debt fer chrissakes.

    You guys proud of that.

    And then governor for 18 months over 600,000 folks.

    Yes siree. That is some record!

    jharp (ef54fc)

  6. harpy, as opposed to a Community Organizer who has nothing to show for all that time organizing, except a fat bank account and an association to William Ayers that both you and Obama are trying to desperately hide.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  7. I keep seeing this $22 million in debt talking point from the lefties. Do you have a link, jharp? I trust you implicitly, of course, but I’d just like to see for myself.

    The NY Times story this morning on the baby and Sarah was very positive. Interesting. Maybe they’ve figured out that this temper tantrum is hurting The O.

    Mike K (155601)

  8. Patterico: You’ve put your finger on it: Claiming credit as a “fiscal conservative” is easy when you’re running a surplus anyway, whether it’s true or not. Bill Clinton has made that claim, without much supporting evidence, because the tax revenues from the information economy suddenly put the government in the black. Hold tough on expenditures in times of plenty, though, is the mark of a true fiscal conservative, and that’s not only what Gov. Palin has promised, it’s what she’s actually done. (She made the vetoes stick, too.)

    Beldar (8a23eb)

  9. This looks like the story:

    Total Government Expenditures Increased 63 Percent Under Palin. In
    fiscal 2003-the last fiscal year Palin approved the budget-the total government expenditures of Wasilla, excluding capital outlays, were $7,046,325. In fiscal 1996-the year before Palin took control of the budget-the expenditures were $4,317,947. The increase was 63 percent.
    [Wasilla Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2003, Table 1]

    Palin Supported Increasing Wasilla Sales Tax From 2 to 2.5 Percent to Build $14.7 Million Sports Center. “Wasilla residents have given the go ahead to building a new multiuse sports center in town and to raising the city sales tax to pay for it. With the final votes counted Friday, residents voted 306 to 286 in favor of a measure to raise the city sales tax from 2 percent to 2.5 percent to pay the estimated $14.7 million cost of building the center…Mayor Sarah Palin, who supported the measure, said the tight vote will motivate city officials to keep a close eye on the budget for the center.” [Anchorage Daily News, 3/9/02]

    Palin Left Behind Almost $19 Million In Long-Term Debt, Compared to None Before She Was Mayor. In fiscal 2003-the last fiscal year Palin approved the budget-the bonded long-term debt was $18,635,000. In fiscal 1996-the year before Palin took control of the budget-there was no general obligation debt. [Wasilla Comprehensive Annual Financial
    Report 2003, Table 10]

    So she had a vote and the residents voted to build a sports center and assessed themselves and raised the sales tax (notice how much it is ?) to retire the bonds. That sounds like governing to me.

    Thank you jharp for pointing out what good local government looks like. By the way, have you ever been to Wasilla ? I have. It is an upscale suburb of Anchorage. Well able to afford a new sports center.

    Mike K (155601)

  10. jharp: You’re counting bond issues. That’s debt secured by roads and a sports arena. It’s not in default, and it’s not costing taxpayers any current revenue to service. Her property tax cuts brought so much new business to Wasilla that the bond debt is easily serviced, and she was continuously able to increase city services as well. In fact, being able to issue the bonds is a sign of fiscal health, and it’s smart government to use them to finance capital assets and improvements.

    Not that you care about that. You’re just repeating someone else’s talking points, aren’t you?

    Beldar (8a23eb)

  11. See, jharp, as Mike K’s and my simultaneous rebuttals demonstrate, this time there are enough people who have the actual facts, and the enthusiasm to keep ramming them back down the throats of liars and distorters, that you won’t be able to fool all of the people even some of the time. The only ones who will buy into your deceptions are the willfully ignorant who get their “news” exclusively from moonbat sources.

    Beldar (8a23eb)

  12. Mike K: That NYT story is interesting, but one thing wrong with it is the implication that her having Trig with her in public is something that was new at the RNC. If you flip back through the photos section of the official gubernatorial website, there are dozens of pix with her and Trig, and before that, her and Piper, at bill signings and meetings and all sorts of public appearances.

    Beldar (8a23eb)

  13. Well, bah, they’ve retired some of the older photos from the website, but here’s one, from the Barrow Whaling Festival in June. I re-printed another on my blog here, of her, Piper, and Trig at a bill-signing on June 5, 2008.

    Beldar (8a23eb)

  14. Beldar:

    the implication that her having Trig with her in public is something that was new

    Of course! How else could they push the line that Gov Palin is “using” her children to support her candidacy while the O!ne is above that?

    EW1(SG) (da07da)

  15. More on your hero, Palin. She lies.

    “In a written questionnaire for the Anchorage Daily News October of 2006, Palin was asked directly, “Would you continue state funding for the proposed Knik Arm and Gravina Island bridges(bridge to nowhere)?”

    “Her answer: “Yes. I would like to see Alaska’s infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now — while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist.”

    jharp (ef54fc)

  16. Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, Palin claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.”

    Nice. We have McCain who openly admits he is weak on economic issues and Palin who has no idea about 2 of the biggest companies in U.S. history to fail.

    But don’t worry. She anti choice, hates gays, and believes our slaughter of Iraqi’s is a mission from God.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  17. jharp…

    You IGNORE when you get hammered, and come with something new…..

    Ok, I’ll play….

    YOUR WORDS: Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, Palin claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.”

    Nice. We have McCain who openly admits he is weak on economic issues and Palin who has no idea about 2 of the biggest companies in U.S. history to fail.

    My statement: You contradict yourself in these two segments. Gov. Palin says FM and FM are too big and expensive, and your rebuttal is that she has no idea of their closeness to failure. That is a contradiction; she says they are too big, which says she knows there is a problem.

    Thanks for pointing out she is on the ball with the two FM’s…..

    reff (959425)

  18. jharp…

    read and enjoy being hammered again…

    Learn about Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae if you dare….

    reff (959425)

  19. You said.

    “Gov. Palin says FM and FM are too big and expensive”

    Palin said.

    “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.”

    You se the difference I’m sure but choose to lie and distort.

    Fannie and Freddie are private companies. Owned by their shareholders. Not taxpayer funded.

    So too big and too expensive for the taxpayers clearly points out she doesn’t have any idea what she is talking about.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  20. I am a taxpayer and FM and FM are about to get pretty expensive for me.

    Natalie (0f0f46)

  21. Well, this looks like taxpayer funded to me

    Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced plans Sunday to take control of troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and replace the companies’ chief executives. The Treasury will acquire $1 billion of preferred shares in each company without providing immediate cash, and has pledged to provide as much as $200 billion to the companies as they cope with heavy losses on mortgage defaults. The Treasury’s plan puts the two companies under a conservatorship, giving management control to their regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, or FHFA.

    But I’m just a silly Australian, so these big words might confuse me.

    Bryce (1decd0)

  22. Most news reports about the mortgage crisis imply much the same thing: too big, too costly to taxpayers. Perhaps we should not trust the media to educate the voters about such important matters.
    Seriously though, aren’t the shareholders of FM & FM taxpayers as well (corporate or individual)? Won’t any government bail-out be taxpayer funded? Aren’t home-buyers who facing increased costs because of the mess also taxpayers?
    Seems to me the taxpayers always end up paying one way or another.

    Kate0 (b16338)

  23. harp…

    If you can’t figure out how the taxpayers subsidize these two, then I give up.

    On another note, polar bears are much more well liked by those of us who get to watch them on TV and in documentaries.
    The indigenous people that live with them on a daily basis sometimes feel there are too many polar bears as it is…. like when they eat their dogs and stuff.

    SteveG (71dc6f)

  24. Howie Kurtz on your hero, Palin.

    Don’t you GOP bootlickers have any scruples whatsoever.

    An out an out lie. A major talking point to sell you bozos. And you just lap it up. No need for any questions, she’s a republican.

    “…but the whopper here is that Palin opposed her state’s notorious Bridge to Nowhere. She endorsed the remote project while running for governor in 2006, claimed to be an opponent only after Congress killed its funding the next year and has used the $223 million provided for it for other state ventures. Far from being an opponent of earmarks, Palin hired lobbyists to try to capture more federal funding.”

    jharp (ef54fc)

  25. Good God. Is this the best republican you could come up with? I’d say your party is in quite a sorry state of affairs.

    What is it 5? 10? Senate you’re about to lose.

    10? 20? House seats.

    And you gents are excited over one poll. Too funny.

    From WSJ.

    WASILLA, Alaska — The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters.

    The only catch was that the city began building roads and installing utilities for the project before it had unchallenged title to the land. The misstep led to years of litigation and at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. What was to be Ms. Palin’s legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  26. Is everyone certain that this person is NOT our histrionic friend Levi? Same eloquent style, same…bitterness. Same faux-superiority. Same hypervigilance regarding those eeevvvviiiilll Republicans, while riding on the “C’mon Get Happy” bus with the Obama Campaign.


    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  27. at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget

    That $1.3 million number sounds familiar. I’ll have to Google it.

    nk (21731d)

  28. My mistake. The Obama/Rezko mortgage fraud was for $1.65 million.

    nk (21731d)

  29. jharp –

    She anti choice, hates gays
    — 1) Look: you type “anti”, then without hitting the space-bar you type “-“, then (again without hitting the space-bar) you type “choice”.
    2) When and where did she EVER express hatred for gays?

    I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Where did she say she hates gays?

    Fannie and Freddie are private companies. Owned by their shareholders. Not taxpayer funded.
    — 1) They have always had the fed as a backup, from the day of their creation. 2) Read the news lately?

    the whopper here is that Palin opposed her state’s notorious Bridge to Nowhere.
    — Ya know, if that bridge had actually been built you might have something to say. What does this mean next to Obama inserting an earmark specifically designated for his wife’s place of employment?

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  30. Fannie and Freddie are private companies. Owned by their shareholders. Not taxpayer funded.
    – 1) They have always had the fed as a backup, from the day of their creation.

    WRONG. And just curious, if they’ve always had the fed as a backup why are they in receivership today?

    You’d better quit while you’re behind. You might hurt yourself trying to learn too much in one day.

    2) Read the news lately?

    Yes. I do try to keep up.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  31. Eric Blair,

    There was a Levi moment this morning that you were fortunate to miss.

    DRJ (7568a2)

  32. They’re in receivership due to the changes in their charter by Congress this year (they both were chartered by Congress – you did know that right?). They have been subsidized by the U.S.Government due to the fact that they are allowed to borrow money using the Treasury as, in effect, a co-signer. In that way they are able to borrow at a much lower rate than a comparable company, such as the late, lamentable Bear-Stearns.

    Another Drew (b82034)

  33. Oh, no, DRJ: I got to witness the “Speak Profanity to Adults” tour.

    Did he really get all nasty via different IPs? Why not just move on?

    So to speak.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  34. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin vetoed a bill Thursday that sought to block the state from giving health benefits to the same-sex partners of public employees, the Anchorage Daily News reported.

    In the first veto of her new administration, Palin said she rejected the bill as unconstitutional despite her disagreement with a state Supreme Court order that directed the state to offer the benefits.

    “Signing this bill would be in direct violation of my oath of office,” Palin said in a written statement Thursday night.

    The anti-gay bill was passed by the Republican-controlled legislature during a special November session.

    29 Dec 2006, from; quoting the ADN.

    Attempts to portray Palin as some kind of fundamentalist wacko are entertaining, but they don’t hold up in the daylight.

    Hates gays? I dunno. But vetoing a Republican controlled state legislature to stand firm for the constitutional rights of same sex couples sounds like an odd way to hate somebody.

    Of course, you wanna some hatred…take a look at the lefties attempting to torpedo Gov Palin’s Vice Presidential candidacy.

    EW1(SG) (da07da)

  35. By the way, I think one of my comments is in moderation. And I haven’t even used any dirtybird language!

    Obama has been saying some very Messianic things again….

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  36. “They’re in receivership due to the changes in their charter by Congress this year”

    You are a complete buffoon.

    They are in receivership because they are insolvent. And it was done to protect the holders of the debt. And to protect the banks who had their loans guaranteed by FRE and FNM.

    The shareholders (think privatization of social security) get nothing. (maybe a buck)

    George Bush’s ownership society has really been something huh?

    jharp (ef54fc)

  37. And some right wing jackass her the other day was comparing the FRE and FNM losses to past debacles.

    I don’t think anyone here as any idea of the enormity of what has just happened.

    “Financial expert Zuckerman appeared on Morning Joe to talk about the Federal bailout of Fannie and Freddie Mac – a move that he estimates will cost the taxpayer upwards of $500 billion added to an already record federal debt”

    Heck of job, George Bush and you GOP enablers.

    Now get out your wallets.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  38. just curious, if they’ve always had the fed as a backup why are they in receivership today?
    — Conservatorship; do try to get the terminology straight. Oh, and that would be said backup kicking in.

    When and where did she express a hatred of gays?

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  39. When Gibson interviews her I want to see her eyes without those glasses when he asks her if she called Obama Sambo. He probably won’t because from what I saw in at the Hillary/Obama debate, Gibson has used the name Sambo himself a few times. Nevermind the earmarks and such. The chick is a racist. We don’t need the KKK in the White House. Even Bush went to Africa and danced. You won’t see Palin doing that. What about the way she treats the native Alaskians? She has no more right being president than George Wallace did. If something were to happen to Obama, we would have Biden. If something were to happen to McCain we would have…hockey mom? Putin would laugh us out of the meeting! I don’t want to put my children and grandchildren’s lives in the hands of a man who makes bad decisions and a woman who hasn’t given her little daughter basic home training, and I’m not talking about Bristol. Spit shining the baby’s hair was not cute, it was gross.

    Johanna (4a66dd)

  40. What about the way she treats the native Alaskians?
    — Well, she’s married to a native Alaskan (“Alaskians” . . . fucking-A!), so it looks like she has no problem with them. Just as you ( a liberal?) have no problem playing the race card, whether it’s in service of the truth or a lie.

    Putin would laugh us out of the meeting!
    — Pukein laughs now. What’s the fucking point?

    Spit shining the baby’s hair was not cute, it was gross.
    — Good luck on your trip to rehabilitate the gorillas. Maybe while you’re there you will find some more straws to grasp at.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  41. The problem with having the press in the tank for you, is that you don’t expect them to ask you about your own record…when you criticize other people’s records.

    So many people, including my esteemed colleague Bradley Fikes, get all hot and bothered about “lies” told by Governor Palin regarding the Bridge to Nowhere.

    Senator Obama has piled on, when he should have stayed quiet and let the blogosphere and MSM go after the Governor. Instead, he said:

    “I know the governor of Alaska has been saying she’s change, and that’s great,” Obama said Saturday. “She’s a skillful politician. But, you know, when you’ve been taking all these earmarks when it’s convenient, and then suddenly you’re the champion anti-earmark person, that’s not change. Come on! I mean, words mean something, you can’t just make stuff up.”

    Unless Senator Obama is defending the use of earmarks.

    The problem is that both Senator Obama and Senator Biden voted for the Bridge for Nowhere, and were against using that money for Katrina Relief.

    Once again, the junior Senator from Illinois is just letting this kind of thing draw attention to his own problems.

    As I wrote before, who is his chief of staff? Karl Rove?

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  42. To comment on something Icy Truth said below: I believe Greenland was named ‘Greenland’ to entice people to immigrate there. They gave it a name that implied ‘beautiful, settleable land.’ The huge area covered in ice has always been that way. That is not a global warming/cooling thing.

    Joel Chicago (8052dd)

  43. just curious, if they’ve always had the fed as a backup why are they in receivership today?
    – Conservatorship; do try to get the terminology straight. Oh, and that would be said backup kicking in.

    You obviously have no clue as to what you opine on.

    Let me get this straight.

    Shareholders get nothing.

    Taxpayers are on the hook for $500 billion.

    Foreign governments who hold most of the debt. Paid in full.

    Heck of job, Bushie,

    And you Icy, that’s you and your family. Get out your wallet.

    That is one hell of a fed backing. Correct me if I’m wrong but I always thought they worked for us.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  44. Better be careful. Patterico might ask you to do some PayPal style betting pretty soon. Since you are so very certain of so very much, and are so well educated on a wealth of issues.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  45. 39~

    We don’t need the KKK in the White House.

    First and foremost reason not to vote for Obama.

    a woman who hasn’t given her little daughter basic home training,…Spit shining the baby’s hair was not cute, it was gross.

    Good freakin’ zebras…wonder how ‘Johanna’ would handle the mayhem at my Chabad Rabbi’s house?

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  46. #39 Johanna- I dare you to take your trollish ass over to and see what sort of reception you’ll get with your nonsensical talking points filled with lies and distortions. YOU are the epitome of a fecking racist, misogynistic misanthrope. I recommend you see a mental health professional and also try a sulfuric acid enema and douche because all your orifices are full of kaka.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)


    Take a look at how a real VP looks acts.

    No PTA member nor a hockey Mom just a good hard nosed politician who, get this, actually talks about the issues.

    You’ve got George Bush II and a PTA hockey and somehow feel good about it.

    Good God. The GOP has sunk to an all time low.

    jharp (ef54fc)

  48. songs in the key of j sharp –

    And you Icy, that’s you and your family. Get out your wallet.
    — When did I ever say that I supported this move?

    Hint: You’ll have as much luck finding proof of that as you will of finding proof that Sarah Palin hates gays.

    BTW, where is that proof? Have you found it yet?

    Correct me if I’m wrong
    — I already have a full-time job.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  49. jharp seems to be making every second comment on this thread. Is anybody reading them? I can tell you, I’m not.

    nk (21731d)

  50. This is what we have from Harpy – on just this thread:

    “You are a complete buffoon.”

    “And some right wing jackass…”

    “Don’t you GOP bootlickers…”

    You either have a serious case of Tourette’s – or you really are a vile human being.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  51. jharp, #19…

    “You said.

    “Gov. Palin says FM and FM are too big and expensive”

    Palin said.

    “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.”

    You se the difference I’m sure but choose to lie and distort.

    Fannie and Freddie are private companies. Owned by their shareholders. Not taxpayer funded.

    So too big and too expensive for the taxpayers clearly points out she doesn’t have any idea what she is talking about.

    These are all your words….the first two lines are from YOUR posts, not mine…

    As for whether or not she knew when she said that that the two FM’s are taxpayer liabilities, I’ll leave for the experts, but, since they have always been taxpayer liabilities, I’ll just assume you knew it too, before you said they are not “taxpayer” funded…

    Taxpayer liabilities, whether or not the taxpayers put up the first dimes, still means when the loans fail, or the companies fail, the final costs are paid by the taxpayers, which makes them taxpayer liabilities.

    That is not a lie or a distortion, is it???

    I’ll await your response to the last question….

    reff (b68a4f)

  52. Oh, harpie…

    You blame President Bush for this loss, the FM’s losses…

    Please explain how that is his fault, for a DEMOCRAT PROGRAM STARTED IN THE 50’S….and the losses assumed by a DEMOCRAT CONGRESS……

    reff (b68a4f)

  53. Don’t bother to educate jharp, reff, he’s already shown his ignorance of these topics in other threads where he’s run away from his silly and ignorant comments.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  54. SPQR….

    My apologies….I have failed in my ability not to feed the troll….

    Mea culpa…

    “whacks self with flog”

    reff (b68a4f)

  55. Didn’t mean it that way, reff. I just meant that he had abandoned the other thread, where the same themes were refuted in great detail, to spam another thread.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  56. Can you imagine how hysterical Johanna and jharpy will be on Nov. 5th?

    JD (5f0e11)

  57. #56 JD:

    Can you imagine how hysterical Johanna and jharpy will be on Nov. 5th?

    Something like this?

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

  58. JD, ought to be good for some giggles.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  59. EW1(SG), you are an evil evil man.


    SPQR (26be8b)

  60. Nov. 5th?

    Isn’t that the date Democrats vote in this election, while Republicans vote on November 4? Do you think we’ll have the results that fast?

    nk (21731d)

  61. Sure, why not, nk? After all Saadam got 100% of the eleven million votes cast in ’92 and they tallied them before nightfall. Piece of cake.

    Dana (084de8)

  62. SPQR…no offense taken, believe me….

    Harpy can’t rebutt anything but it’s own ass…and then only after the appropriate diaper change…

    EW1(SG)…for your #57….listen for your praise at the end….


    reff (b68a4f)

  63. Mccain/Palin…lying machine
    Mccain/Palin…repeat same theme over n over
    Mccain/Palin…won’t talk on issues
    Mccain/Palin…no change express
    Mccain/Palin…wants killing polar bears legal
    Mccain/Palin…more jobs losses
    Mccain/Palin…will ship jobs to foreign countries

    rita (01cbab)

  64. Hey! Clean up your spew.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  65. rita – Do you have a newsletter? I would like to subscribe.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  66. Putin would laugh us out of the meeting!

    But Sarkozy’s ready, willing and able!

    “Basic home training”–in Alaska, people raise children and train dogs. Actually, just about everywhere but Moonbatville, they do the same.

    Rachel (dae381)

  67. #59 SPQR & #62 reff: Why, thank you! Thank you very much!

    And for our encore entree this evening, we’ll be having live roasted Democrats over hardwood coals from several species of timber on the brink of extinction…

    Drill, baby! Drill!

    EW1(SG) (3f9181)

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