Patterico's Pontifications


Did the Palin Pick Come Out of the Blue?

Filed under: 2008 Election,General — Patterico @ 8:08 am

Not hardly. And it wasn’t just Beldar pushing it. Simon at Stubborn Facts gives a link-rich schooling to the media folks who were caught flat-footed, showing them what was right under their noses the whole time.

14 Responses to “Did the Palin Pick Come Out of the Blue?”

  1. The pick was quick. It is typical of the knee-jerk
    decisions of the McCain variety. They are gonna keep palin under wraps (no interviews yet) back in Alaska.

    They need to get a post convention bump for McCain but it’s could get dicey.

    Remember Palins’ repudiation of the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’?

    “The state, however, never gave back any of the money that was originally earmarked for the Gravina Island bridge, said Weinstein and Elerding.

    In fact, the Palin administration has spent “tens of millions of dollars” in federal funds to start building a road on Gravina Island that is supposed to link up to the yet-to-be-built bridge, Weinstein said.”

    Semanticleo (412e34)

  2. His decision doesn’t fit the caricature of a conservative.

    Why should we point at rainbows when the MSM refuses to acknowledge the facts on the ground about this, Iraq, or anything else that contradicts their pre-drawn conclusions?

    w3bgrrl (5b8906)

  3. That the MSM was caught with their knickers showing only reflects the self-absorbed myopic view of themselves and world they have. If they didn’t know about her before hand then no one else could have possibly known either.

    As long as they view themselves as the standard bearers and clearinghouse of all information they will increasingly end up shame-faced and on the attack to defend themselves because how dare any bloggers or worse yet, private citizens dig deep and research and cull information faster and from a variety of sources other than them? And that is their biggest beef -we didn’t need them to make our discovery. And if an empire is no longer needed…..

    Dana (b4a26c)

  4. The Media’s prejudices are stronger than even the caricature of a Republican. That can’t be a shock.

    Al (b624ac)

  5. argh. before hand = beforehand!

    Dana (b4a26c)

  6. 100-years ago, the world watched the decomposition of the Ottoman Empire as it rotted away from within.
    Today, we get to watch media empires self-destruct in the same manner.
    The Best of Times, The Worst of Times.

    Another Drew (faec8a)

  7. The fact that the media is slow, myopic, and one sided, as demonstrated by their vast “Sarah WHO?”, is why I and many others have canceled subscriptions. The internet is much more nimble, far sighted and overall more balanced. Heck, even if you don’t read the other side – e.g. Sullivan – I know I can find out what he is saying in several other blogs that frequently link his latest post.

    If it’s a current event discussed in Patterico for example, I can count on the opposition to appear and defend the other side – occasionally they do it very well and I change my mind. When they don’t defend the other side well they are on par with the LAT.

    quasimodo (edc74e)

  8. The fact is that the Obama campaign didn’t consider her a serious candidate, and didn’t have her on their list of potential picks by McCain.

    Since most of the media get their “strategy” points from talking to people with the Obama campaign, its only natural that the list of people they were prepared for didn’t include Palin since she wasn’t on Obama’s list.

    WLS (26b1e5)

  9. WLS…
    Sure says a lot about the competancy of the O’s vaunted campaign orginization, doesn’t it?

    Does he really think he’s getting his money’s worth for that $2M/day?

    Another Drew (faec8a)

  10. I ought to add – I don’t say this explicitly in the post, but the hint is dropped – that I find it almost suspicious. Given the media’s subsequent treatment of Palin, and given that she was so widely-touted in conservative circles, the media’s presentation of her as a bolt-from-the-blue shock choice seems almost like a consciously-chosen frame, shaping and prefacing their later coverage. Their presentation of her as an unknown provides the reason for the subsequent (and extraordinarily critical) “who is Sarah Palin” articles.

    Simon Dodd (fb192d)

  11. Of course, I’m not suggesting that’s what really happened – one adverts to Hanlon’s Razor in these circumstances. But it is interesting.

    Simon Dodd (fb192d)

  12. Well done, Simon. It’s not suspicious. When you read through the list of paper publishers who had mentioned her, along with cable, radio, and TV, it’s beyond willing incompetency to not know who she is, and that she might be being considered.

    htom (412a17)

  13. Right after the Biden pick, we at Travis Monitor blog endorsed and pushed Palin for VP:

    “She will put an attractive, knowledgeable and strategic face on the “drill here, drill now, and pay less” imperative that the majority of Americans are demanding, and she is poised to duke it out with the AFI-CIO and Biden.”

    we were afr from alone. The gender reason is obvious. McCain could pick Palin and break ground now that Obama passed up on Hillary for his VP pick. The less obvious reason is that Obama’s Biden pick stepped on his change story, and a real outsider/reformer was what McCain needed to change the race dynamics. Her energy experience is a great issue to highlight right now.

    Palin is a bold selection, but for most conservatives, Palin became the obvious “bold” selection – a very desirable and base-pleasing selection that could hit all the right points and hopefully be the ‘game changer’ (which it turned out to be). It only took a few minutes of thought to see this as a bold pick that was masterful:

    “the media’s presentation of her as a bolt-from-the-blue shock choice seems almost like a consciously-chosen frame, shaping and prefacing their later coverage.”

    This is true as well. Palin had multiple conservative news media reviews and in the month prior to getting the VP nomination had interviews with Glenn Beck and Larry Kudlow. We now know from the vetting process that her name was in their since February.

    All this proves is that the liberal MSM DOESNT READ and WATCH THE RIGHT BLOGS/MEDIA! They are a bunch of ignorant yahoos, out of touch on Republican politics and conservative issues. They are useless, worse than useless.

    Travis Monitor (9e3371)

  14. Right after the Biden pick, we at Travis Monitor blog endorsed and pushed Palin for VP:

    “She will put an attractive, knowledgeable and strategic face on the “drill here, drill now, and pay less” imperative that the majority of Americans are demanding, and she is poised to duke it out with the AFI-CIO and Biden.”

    we were afr from alone. The gender reason is obvious. McCain could pick Palin and break ground now that Obama passed up on Hillary for his VP pick. The less obvious reason is that Obama’s Biden pick stepped on his change story, and a real outsider/reformer was what McCain needed to change the race dynamics. Her energy experience is a great issue to highlight right now.

    Palin is a bold selection, but for most conservatives, Palin became the obvious “bold” selection – a very desirable and base-pleasing selection that could hit all the right points and hopefully be the ‘game changer’ (which it turned out to be).

    “the media’s presentation of her as a bolt-from-the-blue shock choice seems almost like a consciously-chosen frame, shaping and prefacing their later coverage.”

    This is true as well. Palin had multiple conservative news media reviews and in the month prior to getting the VP nomination had interviews with Glenn Beck and Larry Kudlow. We now know from the vetting process that her name was in their since February.

    All this proves is that the liberal MSM DOESNT READ and WATCH THE RIGHT BLOGS/MEDIA! They are a bunch of ignorant yahoos, out of touch on Republican politics and conservative issues. They are useless, worse than useless.

    Travis Monitor (9e3371)

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