Patterico's Pontifications


Republican National Convention, Day 2

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 1:01 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The second day, but the first full day, of the GOP Convention has begun. Feature speakers this evening will be former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson, Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, and reportedly a brief speech from President George Bush via satellite.

The theme is “Country First” and the full Tuesday schedule is here.


One Response to “Republican National Convention, Day 2”

  1. Just watched a clip of Obama’s interview with Anderson Cooper in which he sloughs off Palin’s executive experience:

    “My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wasilly (sic), has I think 50 employees. We’ve got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month…”

    Yes, you read right: He referred to Wasilla, AK as “WaSILLY.” Don’t believe me? Take a look, and listen closely. Of course, nobody will accept that this was deliberate; he’s Mr. New Politics, Captain Hope n’ Change! He wouldn’t do that!

    Sarah Palin didn’t have the advantage of people sending millions in cash to her town — she had to work with what was given her, and had to work on staying within those means. And I can tell you as a resident of Northern California, there are a lot of people who have a difficult time doing that, almost all of them Democrats (hello, bankrupt Vallejo! Hello, Gavin Newsom!) To compare running a municipality with running a campaign is ridiculous.

    Even by his own standards, “Mayor” Obama falls short: He can’t keep his campaign workers in check! Remember Friday how he gave a mealy-mouthed excuse for the nasty press release after the Palin announcement by talking about some of his flack’s “hair trigger”? And thanks to Joe Scarborough, we know an Obama spokesmouth falsely claimed Palin supported “Nazi sympathizer” Pat Buchanan.

    Weak, lame, pathetic, supply your favorite synonyms. I’m running out of them after the past four days of the Pulverize Palin Punks.

    L.N. Smithee (b048eb)

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