Patterico's Pontifications


An Alaskan on Sarah Palin

Filed under: 2008 Election — Patterico @ 10:47 pm

An anonymous writer who claims to be an Alaskan writes of Sarah Palin:

She reminds me personally of our Alaska wolverine which will fight anything in its path if it sees fit to do so. No respect at all for size or position.

In closing I must tell you that she is the best, most moral and most focused leader I’ve seen since President Reagan. I feel, really strongly that like Alaska, the rest of our country will love her within a few weeks. Put simply, she represents Middle America like no leader we’ve ever had.

I think McCain made a totally brilliant move in choosing her. She’s a maverick who is probably tougher and more focused than McCain himself… and she won’t be a total yes man, or more appropriately, yes woman.

McCain will love her.

In 2012 she will be President.

Well, that might be a bit hasty, but I like the enthusiasm. The handwringers need to remember that Ms. Palin is enormously popular in a state where politicians usually aren’t.

Will that translate to middle America? I think the jury is still out. But it’s my best sense that she will come across as more down to earth than any candidate in recent memory.

And she certainly has stirred up the race, hasn’t she?

Thanks to Eric Blair.

UPDATE: Read this too:

Listening to the Democratic leadership respond to John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, one hears echoes of the Alaska Republican leadership from just a few years ago. Barack Obama’s spokesman, Bill Burton, put it this way: “Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.” Former mayor? If you’re going to skip over her job as governor and, before that, her job heading the commission that oversees production of the largest petroleum reserves in America, why not “former high school student”? Bah, what does it matter: She’s just a small town mayor, just a hockey mom, just a beauty pageant queen. Palin has never shunned these belittling monikers, in part, I imagine, because the camouflage has served her so well. Soothed by the litany, her opponents tend to sleep too late, sneer too much, and forget who it is that hires them.

. . . .

Sarah Palin is a living reminder that the ultimate source of political power in this country is not the Kennedy School or the Davos Summit or an Ariana Huffington salon; even now, power emanates from the electorate itself. More precisely, power in 2008 emanates from the working class electorates of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Sooner or later, the Obama camp will realize that the beauty pageant queen is an enormously talented populist in a year that is ripe for populism. For their own sake, it had better be sooner.

Finally, Ace reminds us that Thursday is the cutoff for donations to McCain-Palin.

You can contribute here.

23 Responses to “An Alaskan on Sarah Palin”

  1. Very kind of you, Mr. Frey. Some folks may not like the cheerleading aspect of the article, but the author has one advantage that Sullivan and his ilk do not: the author has actually met Governor Palin, and actually lives in Alaska!

    I still very much enjoy the comment that the author ascribes to Governor Palin:

    Sarah told the whole Legislature in one of her first meetings with them that, quote; “All of you here need some Adult Supervision!”

    Now THAT is change I would like to believe in!

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  2. Well, this is certainly a baptism by fire. A lot of the chattering class just don’t like this babe!

    And so, she must be destroyed, not with facts, but with smears and innuendo.

    Where was the media vetting Bambi and his hate church? They dropped that just after his speech of a 1000 years supporting Wright.

    Sarah’s husband has a driving conviction 22 years ago – and THAT’s used to disqualify her.


    In a different world, someone would say “Enough.”

    steve miller (3c2c90)

  3. A lot of the chattering class just don’t like this babe!

    And a lot of corrupt politicians – which is almost all of them. A true reformer? Not if they can help it.

    Palin has the capability of not just being a game changer of this election, but of the process itself. That is the only reason I can think of that would explain this onslaught of slime.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  4. I’ve been reading a lot of the attacks against Palin at a lot of the left-leaning sites and news outlets and I’m really getting steamed. I don’t think I’ve felt this angry over something political for many years. Those people are even anticipating Palin being forced out before the election.

    Before the anti-Palin hysteria began I was planning on holding my nose and voting for McCain as the lessor of two evils. But now I’m getting fired up to vote FOR Palin.

    Brad (0704bb)

  5. I just watched Brokaw arguing with Rudy G about why Obama is so darned qualified. You see, he has been running for office, so everyone knows who he is….

    Not that he has done anything.

    Rudy let him have it. A thing of beauty.

    In some ways, I don’t think that the press is aware of how much in the tank they have become. The Palin pick is valuable that way, showing the voters how nutty the press has gotten.

    Heck, there is video of Biden saying Obama isn’t qualified to be President from a few months ago! But now, Biden thinks Obama is the perfect choice?

    Politics as usual. But with a heaping scoop of leftist sexism involved.

    Eric Blair (9847a0)

  6. just watched Brokaw arguing with Rudy G about why Obama is so darned qualified. You see, he has been running for office, so everyone knows who he is….

    Not that he has done anything.

    Rudy let him have it. A thing of beauty.

    In some ways, I don’t think that the press is aware of how much in the tank they have become. The Palin pick is valuable that way, showing the voters how nutty the press has gotten.

    Heck, there is video of Biden saying Obama isn’t qualified to be President from a few months ago! But now, Biden thinks Obama is the perfect choice?

    Politics as usual. But with a heaping scoop of leftist sexism involved.

    Well yeah he can, because if Obama picked Clinton it would have been 10 times worse, and two Biden became an Obama supporter after he was out using the “Well, I have seen him perform uniquely in the primary campaign” reason to now support him.

    As for the Palin inquiries, its nothing different than the inquiries into Wright/Ayes for Obama (which went on for 3 months non stop. So I don’t think we can sit here and say they’re all lies. The fact is most of the Palin rumors were dismissed before the teen pregnancy story about her daughter. No one knew about it, it was a secret and now the media is going to take Palin apart because of it being a secret.

    Even today there’s a new story about how she was only questioned in person on wednesday of last week and that’s when they found out about the majority of these issues. Doesn’t really sound like vetting.

    Blake (7d1232)

  7. Finally, Ace reminds us that Thursday is the cutoff for donations to McCain-Palin.

    And if you want to support the ticket after that, your donations should be sent to the RNC.

    Pablo (99243e)

  8. its nothing different than the inquiries into Wright/Ayes for Obama (which went on for 3 months non stop. So I don’t think we can sit here and say they’re all lies.

    Do all of these trolls have the exact same talking points? Where are their marching orders coming from?

    JD (75f5c3)

  9. If nothing else, the Palin media frenzy has certainly diluted the Obama media frenzy for a while. We’ve gone from “the Amazing African American Candidate” to “a Desperate Housewife goes to Washington.

    I haven’t seen McCain pick up any ground in the polls yet, but even if the latter story is as far as it gets, it’s good for McCain because it reduces the amount of “Obama inevitability” talk among his MSM fans.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  10. If the Troll here is any indication of what went on in these environs yesterday, then I’d suggest we go to DEFCON 4 at some point in the near future. Really ridiculous.

    Dmac (874677)

  11. BTW, I’m not referring to Phil.

    Dmac (874677)

  12. Put simply, she represents Middle America like no leader we’ve ever had.

    I think that explains PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) sufficiently.

    LarryD (feb78b)

  13. Dmac – Phil just thinks that we want to kill, jail and/or oppress brown people.

    JD (75f5c3)

  14. Dmac, JD….I missed the “ramp up the racism” memo that Phil has uncovered. Am I still on that Illuminati list?

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  15. Is Phil “brown”?

    Another Drew (e5e29b)

  16. If nothing else, the Palin media frenzy has certainly diluted the Obama media frenzy for a while. We’ve gone from “the Amazing African American Candidate” to “a Desperate Housewife goes to Washington.

    — There you go. Phil has laid out how the MSM is both race-obsessed and sexist, as is the party they support.

    Icy Truth (614178)

  17. The MSM has come up with some Alaska residents who can’t find anything good to say about Governor Palin. Considering that she’s had an 80-90% approval rating, you know they had to actually work to find people who fit their meme.

    BTW, I do think we ought to be taking the opportunity to call her Governor Palin, or even Governor Barracuda. Every chance to counter the belittling that’s coming from the left… like Obama’s oh-so-respectful “mayor” talk.

    Don (198863)

  18. The attempts to ban books in the library is SO American. Just not a part of the American past we should be proud of. The reality is that very few Americans are as extremely right-wing as her. As more people realize that her values are not the values of the majority of people in the lower 48 then will find less and less to like about her.

    That frontier shit might play in AK and other sparsely populated regions but the electorial votes come from Urban states.

    Johnny (b9fc3e)

  19. That troll shit might play in Kos and other sparsely-populated-by-intellectuals regions, but the electoral votes (“electorial” – what a fuckin’ tool) come from adults with jobs.

    Icy Truth (8d362f)

  20. Alaskans resent these eco-freaks from the lower 48 trying to get polarbears listed as threatened they all know its just a unsrudplous plot to block oil drilling AND LOENARDO DECAPRIO GO TAKE A HIKE

    Krazy Kagu (0506b0)

  21. I agree with Johnny. She is too far to the right for most of the country. It is easy to see why McCain selected her. She is a breath of fresh air for Republicans. However, her record is not one of a reformer, but another Republican politician seeking earmarks for her state.

    Sandy (c176d9)

  22. Krazy Kagu,

    How are you and where have you been, my fine feathered friend?

    DRJ (7568a2)

  23. New Sarah Palin For President 2012 Website

    Forget John McCain: We Want Sarah Palin For President in 2012

    Getting ready to work for Sarah Palin, starting today at

    Ron (2b483a)

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