Patterico's Pontifications


Sarah Palin’s Daughter Bristol Is Five Months Pregnant; Andrew Sullivan Still Wants Proof Sarah Palin’s Four-Month Old Child Is Hers

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:53 am

Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter, is five months pregnant. She will keep the baby and marry the father. Allahpundit says:

It shouldn’t hurt Palin but it will, because like I said in my pessimism post on Friday, any sort of embarrassment that she brings to the campaign will be used by the media to push the Dan Quayle/disastrous gamble meme, whether or not the embarrassment’s her own fault or not. (They’ll spin it as a comment on McCain’s “judgment” in picking her.) The left, normally all for teen sex, will naturally use it as an excuse to call her daughter a whore in the guise of criticizing Palin herself for her position on abstinence-only education, which is why I’m thinking maybe McCain really did know about it: Per KP’s analysis, the nastier and more personal the left gets, the greater the risk of a backlash that benefits Palin.

Read all of Allah’s post. Updates indicate that evangelicals are backing her.

You might think this, together with pictures of Sarah Palin clearly pregnant several months ago, would cause Andrew Sullivan to give up the ghost on the idiot rumors that Sarah Palin’s four-month-old is really Bristol’s. You would, of course, be wrong:

Now all we need is confirmation from the obstetrician who delivered Sarah’s baby, Trig.

Why the f[vowel deleted]ck do we need that?!?! She’s five months pregnant, and the baby is four months old.

Someone explain to Andrew how this stuff works, will you?

I don’t read this guy regularly; I only kept up with his site over the last few days. Is he always this big of a jackass?

Keep pushing this, Andrew. You’re only helping us.

Meanwhile, a reader writes:

Since you are in correspondence with [Sullivan], can you ask him why this request had to be made publicly, airing this theory as plausible and putting it out to tens of thousands of people, rather than him simply writing the McCain people privately?

Does he not know any emails of anyone at the McCain camp? Couldn’t get one from someone?

Does he believe that this is the sort of scurrilous rumor that can and should be peddled to the greatest audience possible in advance of finding any actual facts that might support it?

The reader adds, in a follow-up e-mail:

Also ask: that if he thinks his handling of this rumor should set the standard for how we on the right deal with what we might hear about Obama’s older daughter.

Speaking of which, how would Obama handle his daughter getting pregnant? Michelle Malkin reminds us: he would have his daughter abort the child, not wanting her to be “punished.” Michelle says: “Bristol Palin chooses life. Now leave her alone.” Perfectly said.

Meanwhile, this Kirsten Powers piece on Palin is brilliant from start to finish. It perfectly encapsulates my feelings — every word of it:

She has energized a gloomy Republican Party in a way that none of the other picks – Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, Tim Pawlenty or Mitt Romney – would have. The McCain ticket desperately needed energy. The excitement for Palin is palpable.

Negatives? Well, there’s a scandal involving the firing of her brother-in-law from the state troopers. The national news media has found this far more fascinating than it ever did Obama’s dealings with the slumlord Tony Rezko. Rezko was a blip for Obama; Palin’s scandal will become a test of her integrity.

What of the claim that McCain’s pick undermines his assertion that experience is what matters in a president?

Hmm: Palin isn’t running for president; she’s running for vice president. Last time I checked, John McCain isn’t dying. And if experience is your worry, there’s plenty to worry about on the opposing ticket if, God forbid, something happens to Joe Biden.

Dems have been comparing Palin to Joe Biden and laughing derisively at the contrast. But for some reason, the comparison between Obama and McCain – who are light years apart in terms of experience – doesn’t incite the same level of concern or condescension.

Weird, that.

144 Responses to “Sarah Palin’s Daughter Bristol Is Five Months Pregnant; Andrew Sullivan Still Wants Proof Sarah Palin’s Four-Month Old Child Is Hers”

  1. Vagina Watch continues at the Daily Dish. Curious that.

    And Obama says leave the families out of it.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  2. Patterico, you just don’t understand the deviousness of the Republican mind. Today’s announcement is almost true; Bristol is pregnant, but only four months, not five. She got pregnant immediately after giving birth to Trig. And that photo from 2006 that shows her with a fat belly? She was pregnant then too. The girl is a regular baby machine; who knows how many times she’s been pregnant, and what happened to those babies? It’s all a plot to distract attention from the truth, just like Dick Cheney forged the TANG documents and had them leaked to Dan Rather so as to discredit the completely factual rumours about his going AWOL.


    Milhouse (89df7f)

  3. “Hmm: Palin isn’t running for president; she’s running for vice president.”

    Shhh! Don’t tell this to the lefties. I’m thoroughly enjoying watching them argue that Obama “is too” just as experienced as Palin, the small town mayor.

    Meanwhile…, McCain pockets his winnings and moves on to the next game.

    belloscm (36d6f2)

  4. Sarah Palin has littered the state of Alaska with the bodies of politicians who underestimated her. Joe Biden hasn’t a chance. And by the way, the McCain people knew about the pregnancy.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  5. One would think that the revelation that the photo that the dKos diarist was pointing to as PROOF! that the switcheroo had taken place was taken at least sixteen months before the baby was born would have the idiots slinking off into the shadows. Unsurprisingly, one would be wrong.

    M. Scott Eiland (a16843)

  6. Rove did not make Kerry say, “I voted for it before I voted against it.”

    Rove did not create the Dan Rather Texas National Guard suicide, nor did he create these insulting stories about Palin.

    One does not really need an offense in soccer if the other side consistently scores own goals.

    jim2 (0e823c)

  7. I think that Andrew is in the throws of AIDS dementia. But I could be wrong. All we need is confirmation from his physician to know for sure.

    Surely, he couldn’t object to such an invasion of medical confidentiality, now could he?

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  8. daleyrocks – this is not the Andrew Sullivan that Obama kept at arm’s length, despite the daily delivery of roses and chocolates.
    Besides, Sullivan isn’t even on the campaign staff (officially, at least), so how can Commander Obama control Sullivan when he’s outside the inner circle, which, he also can’t seem to control.

    At least we can all feel secure in Obama’s long history of fighting corruption in Chicago. That place is squeaky clean now. Just ask any of Obama’s friends.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  9. M. Scott Eiland, see my earlier comment. Bristol has been pregnant at least three times, and who knows how many more? I know this because it’s physically possible, and therefore must be so. (Of course it’s also physically possible for Andrew Sullivan to be the father, so I suppose that’s true too. And it’s also possible that McCain killed Kennedy.)

    Milhouse (89df7f)

  10. As for the “firing of the state trooper ex”, you and Kristen Powers ought to get hold of a few facts.

    1) Said trooper was not fired — the boss of the state troupers was fired for not being on board with reform.

    2) Palin had damn good reason for wanting the jerk fired, and said jerk would have been fired from any police force that had any form of self-respect.

    3) See Palin’s 2005 letter to state trooper review committee (PDF) regarding why the trooper should be disciplined.

    4) One of Sarah’s reasons for running was to reform these idiots, too. The guy who got fired was standing in the way.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  11. The Palin women can obviously give birth to a baby and get pregnant all on the same moose hunt, all while dropping their taret, field dressing their kill, and making moose hot dogs for dinner.

    The metrosexual “men” of the left are jealous and resentful now that they have had the opportunity to see what a real woman looks and acts like and are pissed off for putting up with the abuse of the vagina warriors of the left who have treated them as second class citizens or nonentities for years.

    Remove the scales from your eyes bitches!

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  12. I’m still hung-up on why Bill Clinton has never denied raping Juanita Broderick. What does Andrew Sullivan think?

    Fritz (a2e65a)

  13. One last thing: the politician that is pushing this “investigation” is the guy that came in second to Palin in the gubernatorial primary. The good old boys are not happy with Sarah for fighting their back-slapping, hard-drinking, wife-beating ways.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  14. Well, it’s official: I’ve lost my last tiny shred of respect for Andrew Sullivan. Writer after writer shows the impossibility that Palin’s daughter had Trig, and this turdball still wants proof?!?

    Sure, Andi. Right after you provide fully substantiated and notarized written proof that you’re not sodomizing 12-year old boys in DC restrooms.

    Enjoy your trip to hell, Andi.

    qdpsteve (dc65ab)

  15. Sullivan has become the thing he fears most – a pussy.

    Will Robinson (f349aa)

  16. You might think this, together with pictures of Sarah Palin clearly pregnant several months ago, would cause Andrew Sullivan to give up the ghost on the idiot rumors that Sarah Palin’s four-month-old is really Bristol’s. You would, of course, be wrong:

    Now all we need is confirmation from the obstetrician who delivered Sarah’s baby, Trig.

    Why the f[vowel deleted]ck do we need that?!?! She’s five months pregnant, and the baby is four months old.

    To be fair, Andrew doesn’t have any real personal knowledge of how this sort of sex works.

    JVW (d54fc4)

  17. Props to Obama for saying families should be off-limits and for saying he would fire anyone in his campaign who’s been trafficking in this stuff.

    The Palins seems to be handling this with love and solicitude for their daughter. End of story.

    Ktown Kate (d63e61)

  18. Kate–

    But of course he won’t fire anyone, and he’ll still converse with bloggers who’ve been pushing this.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  19. Sully is wacko; that’s been evident for some time.

    The only real strike against Palin from my view is that she didn’t turn down federal funding for the “bridge to nowhere” — she was counting on it. Palin only cancelled the project when it became clear the Alaska congressional delegation was unlikely to be successful in getting the hoped-for $329 million.

    This is in her press release announcing the cancellation. Emphasis mine:

    “Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer,” said Governor Palin. “Despite the work of our congressional delegation, we are about $329 million short of full funding for the bridge project, and it’s clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island,” Governor Palin added. “Much of the public’s attitude toward Alaska bridges is based on inaccurate portrayals of the projects here. But we need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened.”

    That’s a looooong way from the “Thanks, but no thanks,” mythology Palin is telling as a vice presidential candidate.

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  20. Here’s some personal information I’d like to see:

    Sullivan’s financial statements. I’d love to see exactly who his ‘advertisers’ and ‘donors’ are, along with their political affiliation. How about his phone records, as well, with maybe some medical records thrown in for fun.

    Then it can be printed on the web, with bright red lines between the ‘relevant’ parties.

    And after that? Well, Andrew can go back to writing. The upside of this is that it would be unnecessary to check his site anymore. One could simply link to the DNC and read their talking points – no need for repetition.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  21. Sure Ktown Kate, Obama will fire anyone in the campaign who pushes this story, but the real test of his character will be if he publicly repudiates his nutroot, er Netroot, supporters over at Kos, Democratic Underground, TNR, the Atlantic, etc. who continue to push this story. A lot of us thought that John McCain was wrong when he upbraided the North Carolina GOP for running an anti-Obama ad that highlighted his links to Jeremiah Wright, but at least it showed that McCain will take on supporters that are unaffiliated with his campaign, not just hide behind the old pose of “if any of my people do it they’re gone but I can’t control those outside of my campaign.”

    JVW (d54fc4)

  22. Apogee, good ideas. I’d love to know who’s paying off Andi too.

    In the meantime, someone in another thread (it may have been here at Patterico’s) suggested the best way to hash this out would be with an old-fashioned duel between Andi and Sarah’s husband, Todd Palin. I admit, I enjoy imagining it in the middle of the Mojave Desert:

    REFEREE: Okay, it’s on. Twenty paces, people!

    SULLIVAN: Uh, okay, fine whatever, but before I go, can I just say that in my posts I was only trying to–

    TODD’s GUN: *POW* *POW*


    qdpsteve (dc65ab)

  23. By the way, scroll down the main page. There’s a post I put up last night chock full o’ Palin links that somehow got unpublished.

    Also, sorry for the hours-long comment (and individual post) outage. I’m working to learn how to fix that problem myself.

    Patterico (f784c1)

  24. Actually, Q, I think that Todd Palin would simply take Excitable Andy out for a long, long snow machine ride…and have a serious talk with him about manners in the Great Outdoors.

    The thing with many commentators is that they are insulated from the targets of their bile. They suddenly get much quieter and politer and more reasoned when they have to, as my father puts it, cash the check their mouths just wrote.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  25. There is but one incovenient truth that will be raised by the MSM’s insistence on flailing away at this story further – The Messiah’s own mother was THREE MONTHS PREGNANT before marriage.


    Dmac (874677)

  26. Oh, dah-yum, as the kids say.

    I forgot about that one, Dmac.

    That’s gonna leave a mark over at DU, DK, Excitable Andy’s, and our old friend David Ehrenstein’s sites.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  27. All of Palin’s children may actually be her grandchildren.

    roy (78d4a2)

  28. The NYT now has this story up as the second most important on their online front page:

    “Palin’s Teen Daughter is Pregnant.”

    I’m thinking back to all the many times I’ve said, about one thing or another that I’ve said or done, “Well, I wouldn’t want it published on the front page of the NYT.” Why in the world do they think this is a legitimate banner headline?

    m (f50f8a)

  29. I wonder if Cyrus Sanai knows Excitable Andy.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  30. Oh that Andrew, so skilled with the diversion.

    As I recall, that guy putting forth the rumor about being in the back of the limo with Obama, was actually covering up for Mr. Sullivan.

    I demand proof from Mr. Sullivan, that he was not in fact the actual person performing that act.

    PC14 (ec0516)

  31. Patterico:
    When you say, in your post,

    Speaking of which, how would Obama handle his daughter getting pregnant? Michelle Malkin reminds us: he would have his daughter abort the child, not wanting her to be “punished.” Michelle says: “Bristol Palin chooses life. Now leave her alone.” Perfectly said.

    –where you name “Michelle” in such close compass after naming “Obama” and “Michelle Malkin” and, again, “he [Obama]”–I momentarily misread that “Michelle-without-last-name” as “Michelle [Obama]”: i.e., Barack says this, but Michelle says that. Just in case somebody else chances to read so sloppily, could you stick another “Malkin” in there to clarify which Michelle is meant? A little repetitive, but clearer.

    m (f50f8a)

  32. REFEREE: Okay, it’s on. Twenty paces, people!

    SULLIVAN: Uh, okay, fine whatever, but before I go, can I just say that in my posts I was only trying to–

    TODD’s GUN: *POW* *POW*

    SULLIVAN: Hey, where did everybody go? Why is it suddenly so hot? Who’s that guy with the pitchfork?

    Kensington (b6de37)

  33. Andrew Sullivan is, and has been for four years, a piece of slime. He’s the ultimate example of the internet’s main effect on political discourse: sitting at a computer screen + politics = complete scumbag. He’s a complete nonentity off the internet so a public humiliation wouldn’t really do much. Sully needs someone to teach him some common decency, with the business end of a boot.

    chaos (9c54c6)

  34. Sullivan knows where he’s going to end up. He’s already used to being ass-stabbed with a pitchfork. 😉

    [Hee hee . . . “end up”.]

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  35. Kensington –

    Sullivan knows where he’s going to end up. He’s already used to being ass-stabbed with a pitchfork. 😉

    [Hee hee . . . “end up”.]

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  36. Stupid double-posting crap!

    I mean me, of course.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  37. Andrew Sullivan has crossed the threshold of obscene. And he’s obviously suffering from a serious case of vagina envy. I certainly hope he can find some help.

    Dana (084de8)

  38. Sorry to be so rude and vulgar, I don’t usually let Andrew Sully get me ticked off, but now he’s gone and done it.

    When he writes such crap, I’m very glad that he’s just a sperm coffin, to borrow a phrase from Patti Smith’s great album “Horses.”

    We will not have to worry about his progeny, thankfully.

    driver (56cdca)

  39. So Andrew Sullivan now demands proof for a scandal he and his scrofulous Jacobin cohort on the Left fabricated? How do these people live with themselves? Having grown up in the sinistral side of politics I thought I’d seen every low that could be seen, but I’m now realizing the next two months will be vilely edifying in this respect. My only optimism is in the thought that the Left is destroying itself as we speak.

    rrpjr (fb0748)

  40. What really worries me about Palin is her environmental policies (especially in regards to drilling in the ANWR). Given the state of our environment these days I think it is evermore important for us, as consumers to support ‘green businesses’ that benefit the environment. For example, Simple Stop stops your postal junk mail and benefits the environment.

    Clark (28f59e)

  41. Clark @ 1:43,,,

    Please give it a rest. This is 3 times (that I know of) that you have posted this POS, and nobody here has any interest in what you think.
    Now, don’t go away mad; just go away.

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  42. Green spam from Clark. I thought you guys were against capitalism altogether.

    JVW (d54fc4)

  43. How come no one in the media, including so-called conservative blogs, is talking about how much of Biden’s brain was removed during his brain tumor surgeries? Shouldn’t the media be demanding to see x-rays or CAT scans?

    And why is there no concern about what it would mean to have a recovering junkie like Obama as Commander-in-chief? Instead I’m supposed to give a damn about monogamous heterosexual relations of candidates’ relatives because they refuse to have an abortion? Funny how these “righty” blogs always fall for these leftist conspiracy diversions and go into defensive mode.

    j curtis (c84b9e)

  44. That spam of Clark’s has been repeated.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  45. — Sorry to be off-topic, but this is too good to sit on, although I’m sure some of you have already seen it.

    The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who had been hiding out in Africa, is back in the USA. Speaking at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston, yesterday, he delivered yet another quotation for the ages:

    “This ordinary boy just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania, legally.”

    — 1) Wright is simply insane. 2) He really does want to, at least subconsciously, sabotage Obama’s presidential run; perhaps to perpetuate the state of victimology . . . in which case #1 is also true.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  46. I do not like green trolls and spam.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  47. Did I mention that Wright said that in a church?

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  48. Icy Truth wrote:

    The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who had been hiding out in Africa, is back in the USA. Speaking at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston, yesterday, he delivered yet another quotation for the ages:

    “This ordinary boy just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania, legally.”

    Ho Lee Crap. Link, please!

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  49. Obama’s girls wouldn’t be STUPID enough to get themselves pregnant to begin with. Only MORONIC Fundies end up this way.

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  50. We have been told she’s four months pregnant. The truth may be another matter.

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  51. Andrew Sullivan was not always this bad, his minor BDS was unfortunately left untreated and has metastasized to cover the whole of the “not exactly like me” world.

    Aside: Gov. Palin has held her office longer than Teddy Roosevelt who served one year as Governor. And seems to be green in much the same way as Teddy R. TR did some things I do not like, but overall was pretty good…

    teqjack (54fa41)

  52. The NY Times headlines are really all the same:
    “Liberals are morally superior to conservatives”

    The rest is just the details.

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  53. Andy’s next demand:
    Palin must prove her children are not the result of alien encounters under the Northern Lights.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  54. Travis, when has the NYT bothered with any details? Not including the ones that they just made up.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  55. Looks like Sarah Palin failed as a mother, can she succeed as a VP?

    tg (ab2139)

  56. tg, that’s a pretty despicable attack. Exactly the kind of slimy sexist dirt we expect from Obama supporters.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  57. Liberals demand: Palin must prove she is not a witch.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  58. To be fair, Andrew doesn’t have any real personal knowledge of how this sort of sex works.

    Probably not true. In his personal ad, he announced that he was soliciting “hot milky loads in my ass, in my mouth” from other men, preferably HIV-positive semen. Mr. Sullivan said that he was into one-on-one barebacking, orgies, group sex, gangbangs, and bi scenes.

    Bisexual sex would mean at least one woman was involved. Therefore, Andrew “milky loads” Sullivan probably has witnessed some vaginal intercourse in his day.

    It’s a shame about his HIV-induced dementia. He used to be such a good writer. Maybe he could try switching meds. If Sullivan has nothing to hide, he could release his medical records, and maybe we could help him to identify which of his drugs are damaging his mental functions.

    Daryl Herbert (4ecd4c)

  59. Clark at #42: I have no idea where you live–but there’s a good chance that it ain’t Alaska. And there’s an equally likely chance that you haven’t seen so much as a picture postcard of ANWR.

    Mrs. Palin’s husband worked on the North Slope at Kuparuk and Prudhoe Bay for 13 years–which come to think of it is a heck of a lot more time than the Anointed One spent in any public office.

    The Palin’s hunt, they fish, they camp in the wilderness etc. They are outdoor people

    They know what it means to have oil exploration and production up on the North side of Alaska. The area that’s going to be drilled in ANWR–or should be drilled–is on a goldang coastal mud flat! It’s not up in the mountains where the moose, the caribou, the bears and the environmental wackos roam.

    If Mrs. Palin says that ANWR can be drilled without harm to the environment, then she knows what she’s talking about–and all you are doing is running your ignorant mouth.

    Mike Myers (31af82)

  60. Liberals demand: Palin must prove she is not a witch.

    Comment by Perfect Sense

    Only fair. “Conservatives” demanded that of Hillary.

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  61. The New York Times has once again made false insinuations (or accusations). Headline,

    “Palin’s Teen Daughter Is Pregnant; New G.O.P. Tumult”

    …except that if you actually read the story, there is not one Republican interviewed who gives the slightest whiff of tumult – instead a consistently supportive responses were given as well as sympathetic understanding.

    And, ironically enough the only commenters in a bit of a tumult over the news were Democrats,

    “At least two Democrats were at the event. Julie Zimmerman, 27, who is a program adviser with an educational program called The Washington Center, said she found the news “shocking.”

    Dana (084de8)

  62. Yes, to Julie Z., it was shocking that a single woman would not have an abortion!

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  63. I don’t care at all about Palin’s daughter being pregnant. Most interesting, to me, is the fact that the leftwing bloggers were able to come up with a fairly plausible case that Palin’s daughter had been pregnant, when in fact she was pregnant. What are the odds that they’d be wrong, but only by a few months?

    There had to be a grain of truth somewhere that somebody found, and was trying to chase down. Somebody must have tantalized them with some kind of partial disclosure indicating that there was a story about the girl being pregnant. And they extrapolated from there.

    Anyway, I’d love to see how the investigation into Palin’s non-pregnancy started. Unlike her daughter’s pregnancy now, the idea that Palin’s pregnancy was a fake really would be a heck of a story if it was true — so I can understand how it spread like wildfire.

    Phil (3b1633)

  64. tg – You are a despicable mendoucheous asshat, much like sully and the gleenwalds.

    JD (5f0e11)

  65. What’s more interesting is that the MSM and the entire lefty blogosphere sat on the Edwards story for over a year, despite many hints and leaks to at least check out it’s veracity. But instead we got bleating about how the reason why they let the Enquirer beat their asses to it was out of “respect to his family and Elizabeth Edwards.” But somehow this is a completely different situation – because it’s a Republican and her daughter.

    Dmac (874677)

  66. has the banner headline: “PALIN: TEEN-AGE DAUGHTER PREGNANT” and below that the link to “OMG! Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is pregnant…right now” from blogger Will Bunch, one of the lamest, one-dimensional tools in media. Yes a grown man wrote that headline. Bunch is a slobbering, Obama-sucking idiot deluxe.
    The day of McCain’s announcement you had to scroll down to a below the fold link: “McCain picks Palin.” A day later she jumped up to “MCCAIN’S RISKY CHOICE” and three links right below it about how Palin becoming the running mate made a vote for McCain a potential apocalypse.
    Every day in the Philly media consists of fawning, sycophantic, propaganda hailing the greatness of Obama. The Pravda level bias of the 5th largest city’s media is sickening and pathetic and wholly unexpected.

    Jack Klompus (b0e238)

  67. Looks like Sarah Palin failed as a mother, can she succeed as a VP?

    Comment by tg — 9/1/2008 @ 2:16 pm

    That argument has and will backfire on liberals, and I hope for that reason you keep making it.

    In fact, Sarah Palin has been a great success as a mom. She’s raising 5 of them, and they (and she) have made many mistakes I’m sure. But the oldest, who just made a rather large mistake, didn’t hide it from Mom but communicated with her about it, isn’t compounding it by killing the child, but doing the absolute best thing in the current situation: marrying the father (since they apparently get along) and most importantly, keeping the baby. The baby has been welcomed into the family.

    A good friend went through exactly this situation with one of her daughters (though the daughter didn’t marry bio-dad, but someone else later – and due to strong pro-life principles given her by mom and dad, didn’t even consider abortion). Family support helped the daughter through, as it will help Bristol through.

    Sarah Palin is handling this perfectly. She displays excellent judgment and mom skills IMO.

    Oh, and Andrew Sullivan? He is a mean, bitter, small, vengeful, hopefully mentally ill, grade A asshole. Always felt sorry for him, until today. Now I want to see him crushed into the ground with humiliation for what he’s helping do to that teenager, all because he hates her mother.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  68. And Phil is close behind. Remember, we are not to ASSume Sully agrees with things that he posts, especially when he agreea with them.

    JD (5f0e11)

  69. Why is everybody paying so much attention to a rumor started by a known pedophile who’s been obsessed with Palin’s baby boy from the moment he saw the first picture of him?

    Tommy D (94a45b)

  70. Hey all,

    Apparently Andrew Sullivan wrote blog post (I think around May 30, 2001) titled something like: “Sexual McCarthyism: A Blog Post No One Should Have to Write.” It discusses the personal ads discussed by Daryl Herbert above.

    Can anyone find a copy? I can’t find one myself but I’m on a Treo. It seems to me that he’s likely to say some interesting things about sexual privacy that would be interesting to contrast with his current demand for Sarah Palin’s medical records.

    Patterico (d1e4e2)

  71. NOYK, you bring up a good point – that Bristol Palin turned to her parents and trusted them with this news indicates that she knew she could depend on their unconditional love, support, and guidance. Many, many of us who ended up in Bristol’s position 35 years ago chose not to turn to our parents’ but instead turned to that hip in-touch joint that really *understood* and could *help* because they cared – even more than parents could or would – Planned Parenthood. And for a cool $125 they took care of thousands of young women and sent them on their way, traumatized, bloodied and with a dead ache inside that would last for decades.

    The young Bristol’s decision to go to her parents and their response speaks volumes about understanding, forgiveness, and empathy. I’m thinking a lot of families envy this.

    Unconditional love. There’s nothing like it.

    Dana (084de8)

  72. “Sexual McCarthyism” was Sully’s rejoinder to my attack on his barebacking, Patterico.

    I’ll give you the link to my response in a minute.

    Meanwhile here’s how the Republicans hope to sell little Bristol.

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  73. it would be funny if after all that brouhaha it turned out that the fake birth certificate was on the GOP side.

    kirby (6af0a3)

  74. kirby…
    You are a sick, mean, demented, POS, unworthy of the title: Human Being.

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  75. Patterico,

    The article you request is Sexual McCarthyism:
    An article no-one should have to write
    . It’s available in archives at the following url:

    quiescere (30aef0)

  76. So Andrew Sullivan now demands proof for a scandal he and his scrofulous Jacobin cohort on the Left fabricated?

    You’d think he’d have learned a lesson from Dan Rather.

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  77. Patterico wrote:

    Apparently Andrew Sullivan wrote blog post (I think around May 30, 2001) titled something like: “Sexual McCarthyism: A Blog Post No One Should Have to Write.” It discusses the personal ads discussed by Daryl Herbert above.

    Can anyone find a copy? I can’t find one myself but I’m on a Treo. It seems to me that he’s likely to say some interesting things about sexual privacy that would be interesting to contrast with his current demand for Sarah Palin’s medical records.

    Great minds think alike, Pat — I was looking for that Sullivan piece on “Sexual McCarthyism” as well. According to this blog entry that takes on Sullivan, it’s been removed from his site.

    Hey, David Ehrenstein! You wrote an entire column on Sullivan’s cyber adventures, and cited the “Sexual McCarthyism” column. You have it handy?

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  78. Cool, quiescere. Thanks.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  79. “The truth is: no-one’s legal, consensual, adult private life should be plundered and exposed for political purposes.” Andrew Sullivan

    I anxiously wait for his apology to the Palin family, and to vagina owners everywhere.

    Dana (084de8)

  80. How come no one in the media, including so-called conservative blogs, is talking about how much of Biden’s brain was removed during his brain tumor surgeries?

    I think you mean, how much was left in.

    Therefore, Andrew “milky loads” Sullivan probably has witnessed some vaginal intercourse in his day.

    I hope he had something nearby to puke into.

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  81. This is a plus. As Mark Steyn points out in his recent best seller, America Alone, if our western civilization is demographically to survive in the increasingly “hostile to the west” islamic world — and not end up like the sinking European populations — these are the precise people (the Bristol Palins’) we should thank for increasing their progeny.

    Ted (429bc3)

  82. I anxiously wait for his apology to the Palin family, and to vagina owners everywhere.

    Don’t hold your breath. If Sullivan and Ehrenstein are any indication, shrill gay men aren’t predisposed toward good manners.

    Mike LaRoche (13f860)

  83. From Sullivan’s “Sexual McCarthyism” piece:

    …Michelangelo Signorile, the author of this week’s cover-story on me in a New York gay paper, LGNY, sent me an instant message two weeks ago, telling me that I should think twice before I “attack gay people” again if I wanted my private life to remain private. I think a fair assessment of these tactics would be blackmail and intimidation. I ignored them as I have learned to ignore most such threats over the years. To answer them is to give legitimacy to the very premises of their argument: that the most intensely personal details of someone’s private life can and should be used for political purposes. The truth is: no-one’s legal, consensual, adult private life should be plundered and exposed for political purposes.

    I ignored the requests for comment because there was nothing to comment on. The only sources presented were anonymous. … So I was asked to confirm a story presented anonymously, the only salient details of which I believed to be untrue. Why should I answer? I waited for someone with an actual name to come forward and accuse me of something with evidence. Nothing. Mere anonymous rumors…

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  84. The young Bristol’s decision to go to her parents and their response speaks volumes about understanding, forgiveness, and empathy. I’m thinking a lot of families envy this.

    Unconditional love. There’s nothing like it.

    Comment by Dana — 9/1/2008 @ 3:13 pm

    Absolutely. Couldn’t have put your whole post better myself.

    Mental illness in Excitable Andy is the only thing that might partially excuse his horrendous behavior in this matter. And I hope people keep emailing him his own “Sexual McCarthyism” article all week. Thought he could hide it whenever he removed it from his website (I went and looked at the 5/30/01 archive, it’s indeed gone)? Mr Sullivan keeps forgetting that the Internet, like a good mother’s love, is forever.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  85. More from Sullivan’s “Sexual McCarthyism” — the conclusion (bold mine, BTW, in both of my cut-and-pastes):

    One last thing. If these activists believe that they can intimidate me from writing and thinking freely, they are mistaken. I know they do not represent most gay people or even most gay activists. But their malice is real and their intolerance is as great perhaps greater than anything on the far right. I wish I didn’t have to respond to them at such length, but in the end I had little choice. If I didn’t, any member of a minority who dares to think for himself or herself will be fair game in the future.[!]

    This is the last I will say or write on this subject, so save your media calls and emails. I think I have addressed all the salient appropriate questions about public issues of privacy and sex. I see no reason to say anything more. If you are a reporter and want a quote from me about the details of my sex life, feel free to use the following: “It is none of your business.”

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  86. Great post, LN. I think that we all should take the snippet:

    “The truth is: no-one’s legal, consensual, adult private life should be plundered and exposed for political purposes.”

    And e-mail his own words to Mr. Sullivan many times each day, every day.

    Oh well. That is probably illegal. But there are few things more satisfying that showing a person their own hypocrisy.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  87. It would be funny if Andrew’s obsession with Gov. Palin and her vagina is some sort of repressed hetrosexual urges suddenly coming out of him at this advanced age. That would not only make Sarah a history making vice-presidential nominee, but also the Republican Party’s Cosmo Kramer (Arianna Huffington being the Democratic Party’s George Costanza).

    John (62a16d)

  88. Link for the Rev. Wright story:

    — It’s just too funny.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  89. Daryl Herbert: I know, we’ve got freedom of speech. But some things are better left unsaid.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  90. If there was any doubts left in the minds of rational thinkers that Sully’s actions are those of a complete asshat, such were vaporized with that quote, L.N. Smithee.

    Paul (95a8c7)

  91. Oops! It might be a broken link. Try this:


    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  92. Patterico – In honor of your lomg standing policy, I am not going to point out that the likes of kirby, phil, Paleo Pat, Larry Reilly, and the rest of the mendoucheous asshats are vile, despicable twatwaffles not even worthy of our scorn. They are such small pathetic hate-filled disgusting douchebags that it would be a good policy to highlight their rants, for all to see. Unfortunately, they would prolly be proud were their hate-filled rants to be widely circulated, because parmecia have difficulty feeling shame.

    JD (5f0e11)

  93. parmecia????
    I didn’t think that they were that advanced!

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  94. The Republican jihaad against Bill Clinton’s penis certainly left the door open for queries concerning Bristol Palin’s vagina. Not a happy situation I know, but there it is.

    The short version is that McCain gave into the party’s right wing and its insistence on giving Palin the nod when there were other FAR more qualified candidates for the VP slot. How this all plays out we shall see in time.

    Perhaps a rather short span of time.

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  95. Of course, Excitable Andy will just respond with “…well, this is entirely different…” for reasons that, though he won’t admit it, are purely partisan.

    My kids (at home and in class) are much the same: they love the idea of fairness so long as it is in their favor. They spin like a commercial clothes dryer when that fairness (or consistency) is not to their personal benefit.

    This thing with Mr. Sullivan reminds me of the great Walt Whitman bit:

    Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
    Walt Whitman

    Folks like Jim Treacher and qdpsteve and the ever trenchant Dmac could easily have a NSFW response to that.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  96. I have never encountered a more bigoted group of homosexual racists. Or homophobic racist. The only reason you are criticizing St. Andrew, the patron saint of the perpetually aggrieved is that you are scared of gay men.

    JD (5f0e11)

  97. Bigot!

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  98. Eric – I never have NSFW reactions 😉

    JD (5f0e11)

  99. When Sully writes the equivalent of Leaves of Grass, drop me a line, Eric.

    What on earth do you mean by “homosexual racists,” JD? I’m black. Sully’s white. My antipathy has nothing to do with his race. My boyfriend (and husbnad-to-be) of 37 years (and counting) is white.

    Maybe you were thinking of the “Brothers Welcome” proviso on Sully’s page.

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  100. This overheated response on the Right to Andy’s truth-seeking is proof of its latent and closeted homosexuality.

    JD (5f0e11)

  101. Sorry, guys. You know, I hope, that I am anti-Obama. But Palin was just neutralized. It’s the white trash factor.

    nk (21731d)

  102. John wrote: That would not only make Sarah a history making vice-presidential nominee, but also the Republican Party’s Cosmo Kramer (Arianna Huffington being the Democratic Party’s George Costanza).

    Actually, Elaine Benes — played by Palin (kinda) lookalike Julia Louis-Dreyfus — converted a “starting shortstop” for one night. But he went back.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  103. Phil –

    I don’t care at all about Palin’s daughter being pregnant.
    — But you’re going to talk about it anyway.

    Most interesting, to me, is the fact that the leftwing bloggers were able to come up with a fairly plausible case that Palin’s daughter had been pregnant, when in fact she was pregnant. What are the odds that they’d be wrong, but only by a few months?
    — 1) She was not pregnant during the time period when they allege she was pregnant, which I will acknowledge that you acknowledged . . . after you hinted otherwise. 2) The rumors began months ago, created and spread by haters that used Sarah’s thin frame (she didn’t appear to be super-pregnant) as an excuse to sling mud. 3) The odds of a teenage girl getting pregnant can be seen in CDC and Census Bureau (and Guttmacher Institute) statistics. It happens. The cop who gave James Dean his speeding ticket on the day that he died could have predicted that Dean would die one day in a car crash, but he couldn’t necessarily predict that it would be the same day.

    There had to be a grain of truth somewhere that somebody found, and was trying to chase down. Somebody must have tantalized them with some kind of partial disclosure indicating that there was a story about the girl being pregnant. And they extrapolated from there.
    — Total imaginary extrapolation on your part, without a verifiable grain of truth in it. On the upside, we now have a better picture of how your thought process works.

    Anyway, I’d love to see how the investigation into Palin’s non-pregnancy started. Unlike her daughter’s pregnancy now, the idea that Palin’s pregnancy was a fake really would be a heck of a story if it was true — so I can understand how it spread like wildfire.
    — Translation: tabloid journalism is simply to tempting to ignore. Maybe, for you, it is.

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  104. Icy, we have no idea when she was pregnant. We only have what Palin Inc. says to go by. Getting ahold of the actual medical records will be impossible, as no crime was involved in any of this.

    So far as we know.

    And yes I LOVE that Seinfeld episode, L.N.
    Esepcially when Jerry explains to Elaine that her acess to “the equipment” can’t compare with those who “OWN the equipment.”

    David Ehrenstein (961ad1)

  105. “It’s the white trash factor.”

    nk – How do you define white trash? A lot of people thought the Clintons were white trash with that Arkansas background and all those bimbos with the big hair.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  106. Re-inforced by Carville’s famous quote about dragging a C-note through a trailer-park.
    Just confirmed the complete lack-of-class on the part of the Clinton’s.

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  107. AD and nk – no need to limit the Left to just white trash. Racists. They are just good ole trash, period.

    JD (5f0e11)

  108. The Left proves that Trash can rise to the top.

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  109. #97 nk:

    But Palin was just neutralized.

    Hadn’t thought of it quite like that.

    OTOH, we just picked up my Mom.

    EW1(SG) (625c58)

  110. The CW would be that she is toast (or, her effect is that).
    However, in the 21st-Century we are re-writing a lot of the rules, are we not (or, at least that is what we are told)?
    Remember, it was only 28-years ago that a divorced man was elected President for the first (and so far, only) time.
    The times, they are a’changin’!
    Because, we’re the Party of Hope, Change, and …

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  111. Icy, while you’re right, they were grasping at straws when accusing Sarah of not mothering Trig, it wasn’t a secret that Sarah’s daughter is pregnant. Her entire town knew about it.

    There is a possibility that some idiot got the details wrong and wanted to make up this plot to draw out the truth or distort the news. But the entire Wasilla area was aware of this non-story. They just don’t think it’s anyone’s business (and they are so right).

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  112. “…But the entire Wasilla area was aware of this non-story. They just don’t think it’s anyone’s business (and they are so right)…”

    Why small-town America has so much more wisdom than the Coastal Elites.

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  113. I’m still going to vote for McCain. And I am not going to campaign against Palin. But I have written what I have written.

    nk (21731d)

  114. The trailer trash of America salute you nk. The liberal, academic, and urban are resting easy with your words.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  115. That was a one finger salute nk.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  116. liberal, academic and urban elite

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  117. “How come no one in the media, including so-called conservative blogs, is talking about how much of Biden’s brain was removed during his brain tumor surgeries?

    I think you mean, how much was left in.

    Comment by Jim Treacher — 9/1/2008 @ 3:30 pm”


    That’s too easy: it’s all LEFT in!

    What little there was in the first place…

    Dan S (438146)

  118. Ok, daleyrocks. I said all I’m going to say.

    nk (21731d)

  119. You know, I hadn’t even considered the idea that Bill Clinton’s infidelity to his wife, abuse of power, and lying under oath had anything to do with Bristol Palin. Probably because it’s completely ridiculous.

    nk, how is Sarah neutralized?

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  120. How come no one in the media, including so-called conservative blogs, is talking about how much of Biden’s brain was removed during his brain tumor surgeries?

    Probably because he’s never had a brain tumor surgery. And if you start going down that road, soon we’d have to demand a peek inside Arlen Specter’s cranium and…

    Hey, wait a minute! That might not be a bad idea.

    Pablo (99243e)

  121. Obama’s girls wouldn’t be STUPID enough to get themselves pregnant to begin with. Only MORONIC Fundies end up this way.

    Inner city teen pregnancy is a myth, then.

    Pablo (99243e)

  122. We can only hope that when they drilled those holes for Biden’s and Specter’s hair-plugs, that they didn’t let anything spill out before the plugs were inserted.
    By carefully monitoring what these two esteemed worthies have said in their recent Senate performances, one can’t be positive that the Doctors were as careful as they should have been.

    Another Drew (3f506c)

  123. I’m still going to vote for McCain. And I am not going to campaign against Palin. But I have written what I have written.

    Quoting Pontius Pilate is no way to advance an argument, nk.

    JVW (d54fc4)

  124. #110 – Ehrenstein

    Icy, we have no idea when she was pregnant. We only have what Palin Inc. says to go by. Getting ahold of the actual medical records will be impossible, as no crime was involved in any of this.

    Plus the fact that it isn’t anybody’s friggin’ business but theirs.

    #117 – Juan

    Icy, while you’re right, they were grasping at straws when accusing Sarah of not mothering Trig, it wasn’t a secret that Sarah’s daughter is pregnant. Her entire town knew about it.

    — No disagreement here. My point to Phil was that it wasn’t necessary for the lefties to know anything about Bristol’s real pregnancy in order for them to manufacture the rumor about her being Trig’s mom.

    Icy Truth (6699a6)

  125. JVW,

    Wow. That’s good.

    But you won’t change nk’s mind. He has washed his hands of the matter.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  126. I have not seen any evidence documenting the rumors that Vernon Jordan was banging Chelsea Clinton while she was in the White House because she was too fugly for the white boys to touch. Perhaps the Clinton family needs to provide documentation proving the rumors aren’t true.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  127. Patterico – I wonder whether Palin is getting the Tonya Harding vote based on nk’s comment.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  128. #107 – nk

    Sorry, guys. You know, I hope, that I am anti-Obama. But Palin was just neutralized. It’s the white trash factor.

    — Care to define “neutralized” in this context?

    In telling the press today that this topic is off-limits, Obama pointed out that his mother was only 18 when she gave birth to him. Let’s look a little closer, shall we:
    Obama’s mother, Ann, was born November 29, 1942.
    She married Obama’s father on February 2, 1961.
    Barack was born August 4, 1961.

    Barack was born 6 months after his parents got married, and 8 months + one week after his mother turned 18. So, she was already pregnant when she got married, and it’s possible that she was still 17 when she got pregnant.
    Not much different than what is happening with Bristol Palin right now, is it, nk?

    Icy Truth (6699a6)

  129. Patterico, daleyrocks, Jim, Icy Truth,

    I’m still going to vote for McCain/Palin and I’m not going to say another word of criticism of Governor Palin or her family. I should have kept that first comment to myself in the first place.

    nk (21731d)

  130. Eenie, meanie, minnie, moe, catch a little sperm before it grows. Why politicians should pass the safe sex education test before entering office.

    Avery (1171bd)

  131. nk – Agreed. You shoulda

    Icy Truth (80b4e7)

  132. Looks like all the Palin girls have been getting a little freaky! Now they will be “in touch” with the ghetto shit “CONSERVATIVES” talk about…having a brother, nephew, uncle all within months apart, what a nice family portrait I can see it now! I don’t know what the hype is about Palin, there are so many other accomplished republican women out there who I would have liked to see on the ticket. As far as the abortion issue that everyone keeps talking about, you MF’s talk shit if they keep their babies and need public assistance or who may not be as fortunate as precious Bristol whose mother is the freakin Governor, while hundreds of thousands of “American” children sit in foster care and group homes (“wasting your tax dollars”)and can’t get adopted because all the rich white ladies keep running to China to adopt their baby on discount because American babies cost too much money. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…

    Bonequisha :) (1e40a7)

  133. rich white ladies keep running to China to adopt their baby on discount because American babies cost too much money

    Well … not exactly. American babies who do not come from crack mothers get adopted before they’re born. Chinese babies are in the same category. Because they’re not likely to be crack babies or HIV positive.

    nk (21731d)

  134. No their just more likey to have Autism…since we want to be ugly.

    Bonequisha :) (1e40a7)

  135. Or maybe it’s like having a new Hermes or Fendi handbag seems to be the latest trend and they cost about the same too. Meanwhile, leave that normal three year old (because she’s not a “new born”) bouncing from family to family until she’s eighteen and send her out into the world and when she turns into a drug addict, crack whore who do we blame then?

    Bonequisha :) (1e40a7)

  136. Maybe the Evangelical preacher so worried about everyone else’s salvation while he’s paying male escorts for sexual favors or maybe the priest who can’t keep his penis to himself…Holier than thou…

    Bonequisha :) (1e40a7)

  137. No their just more likey to have Autism…since we want to be ugly.

    An your (sic) more likey (sic) to be the same. Not autistic. Ugly.

    nk (21731d)

  138. Boneheadquiescent –

    Looks like all the Palin girls have been getting a little freaky!
    — Little Piper too? Say it ain’t so!

    Now they will be “in touch” with the ghetto shit “CONSERVATIVES” talk about…having a brother, nephew, uncle all within months apart, what a nice family portrait I can see it now!
    — Stereotypes for all!

    I don’t know what the hype is about Palin, there are so many other accomplished republican women out there who I would have liked to see on the ticket.
    — As someone that is on the other side and is desperate to win, I’m sure you would rather see anyone else on the ticket right about now.

    As far as the abortion issue that everyone keeps talking about, you MF’s talk shit if they keep their babies and need public assistance or who may not be as fortunate as precious Bristol whose mother is the freakin Governor,
    — Do we say they should have taken personal responsibility for their actions and not gotten pregnant in the first place? Some of us do.

    while hundreds of thousands of “American” children sit in foster care and group homes (”wasting your tax dollars”)and can’t get adopted because all the rich white ladies keep running to China to adopt their baby on discount because American babies cost too much money.
    — They’re rich enough to go to China but not rich enough to adopt a child here? So the number of children adopted in the USA every year is ZERO?

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…
    — Damned if you think, damned if you…

    leave that normal three year old (because she’s not a “new born”) bouncing from family to family until she’s eighteen and send her out into the world and when she turns into a drug addict, crack whore who do we blame then?
    — Her pimp, of course! It must be. We know that the last thing you’re going to do is blame the action on the person who took it.

    Holier than thou…
    — Dumber than dirt.

    Icy Truth (6e6d48)

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