Patterico's Pontifications


More L.A. Times Layoffs

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 10:43 pm

A source passes along the following additional layoffs from the L.A. Times today:

Michalene Busico, Deputy Editor, Features (Image)
Leslie Brenner, recently Acting Editor, L.A. Times Magazine
Jim Fowler, Assistant Listings Editor
Janet Eastman, Reporter
Frank Torrez, Calendar Listings Coordinator
Ronit Nabi, Image Assistant
Cynthia Dea, Online Producer
Sara Lessley, Editor

Also, Kevin Roderick notes the firing of Scott Martelle.

UPDATE: According to Kevin Roderick, Sara Lessley was a volunteer.

10 Responses to “More L.A. Times Layoffs”

  1. Bradley or someone might know: Layoffs always include delegating work to existing employees. Now so many people have been downsized it’s as though no one’s left to put together the paper. (I’m talking about across the country, not just locally.) Cuts in many industries are common, but print isn’t even leaving a skeleton staff here. Who’s going to pick up the slack ?

    Vermont Neighbor (31ccb6)

  2. I feel sorry for the individuals who face the shock of losing their jobs. I hope they can find honest employment somewhere.

    But the lying, biased mainstream media has to go.

    Evil Pundit (646727)

  3. And yet new projects abound. A monthly Sunday magazine, LA, is set to launch with Annie Gilbar as editor-in-chief and Valarie Anderson as publisher. … And Gil Garcetti!

    “Gilbar has assembled a stellar staff of award-winning magazine veterans including Creative Director Rip Georges, Deputy Editor Nancie Clare, Senior Editors Tessa Benson and Jod Kaftan, Editor-at-Large Robin Sayers, Design and Culture Editor Mayer Rus, Food and Wine Editor Lora Zarubin, Fashion Director Lori Goldstein, Managing Editor Helene Goldsen, and Director of Manufacturing and Production Marc Barrington. Contributing editors include Orlando Pita, Andrew Bridge, David Steinberg, Robyn Todd, Kathy Freston, Kelly Meyer, Gil Garcetti, Paul Fortune, Lori Marshall, Dr. Judith Reichman, Dr. Dale Atkins, Greg Turpan, Victoria Brynner, and more.”

    Vermont Neighbor (31ccb6)

  4. VT Neighbor, this is all the world needs, more used toilet paper.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  5. Vermont Neighbor,
    Bradley or someone might know: Layoffs always include delegating work to existing employees. Now so many people have been downsized it’s as though no one’s left to put together the paper.

    The LA Times is not yet in that quandary. In any organization that size there is deadwood. My concern is that some existing deadwood remains, and that will make things that much harder for the productive employees. Also, that some productive employees have been let go. Zell seems in such a hurry that he hasn’t taken time to understand who truly contributes. And using semi-literate surrogates like Lee Abrams doesn’t inspire confidence.

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  6. The laid-off Scott Martelle, who was covering the presidential campaign for the LAT, appears to have a page on MySpace plugging his new book. As far as I can tell, the MySpace page is legit, not a spoof. Among Martelle’s top friends: Howard Zinn.

    No leftist bias there!

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  7. I found Scott Martelle’s comment about his termination occurring in the “midst of an historic presidential campaign (my current assignment)” quite revealing.

    Alta Bob (a6d8ba)

  8. I can see why some of those named got fired–one of them took a great section (Food) and destroyed it. But why Michalene? She’s brilliant.

    Kate (cd6f2a)

  9. Thanks, Bradley. Interesting.

    And using semi-literate surrogates like Lee Abrams

    I’m sure you’ve seen some of the guru’s memos. Priceless.

    Vermont Neighbor (31ccb6)

  10. #4

    PCD, funny you mention that. The weekend inserts tend to be on shiny paper. I can’t even recycle it to the floor.

    Vermont Neighbor (31ccb6)

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