I have been toying with the idea of hosting one or more subdomains on this web site, to provide a forum for a select group of readers to write their own blog posts. These blogs would not appear on the main page, but would appear as a subdomain of the site (e.g. leftfield.patterico.com). But I would link the blogs on the sidebar of the main pages, and would promote certain posts on the main page from time to time.
The idea started as an idea to host a purely left-leaning blog, written by the civil commenters here who tend to lean left. I was considering inviting people like Leviticus, steve, and aphrael to start. Others might be added as they demonstrate their ability to 1) write well and 2) post their thoughts in a civil manner. I thought it might even be fun to invite them to have a weekly post where they hammer my main blog.
I have sent Leviticus an e-mail and he seems interested. I sent steve an e-mail and haven’t heard back. I just sent aphrael an e-mail; he has his own blog and consequently might not be interested, but I hope he is.
Anyone else could volunteer, but you have to be a good writer and civil to qualify.
After I had this idea, I thought: maybe I should have a right-leaning blog for those who lean right. That way, people could post their own thoughts regardless of whether they’re leftists.
Then I thought that maybe I should just have one blog for right and left, because some people might not want to self-declare as a conservative or a liberal.
I’m not sure which way to go. Opinions?
Also, if I do a left-leaning subdomain and a right-leaning subdomain, and/or a subdomain for everyone, I’d like ideas for names.
What do you think?
UPDATE: I’m leaning towards one single subdomain, while allowing posters to categorize their post by selecting a category like “Left-Leaning” or “Right-Leaning” or “Libertarian.” Then I’ll put links in the sidebar to: 1) the entire subdomain; 2) the left-leaning category (for those who want to read only the left-leaning stuff); 3) the right-leaning category (for those who want to read only the right-leaning stuff); and so forth.
Best of both worlds.
So gear your name suggestions towards a universal subdomain.