Patterico's Pontifications


Hillary Made the RFK Assassination Reference Before

Filed under: 2008 Election,Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 9:57 am

Hillary only said it because the Kennedys have been on her mind recently, with Ted’s tumor and all:

“The Kennedys have been much on my mind the last days because of Sen. Kennedy and I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation, and particularly for the Kennedy family, was in any way offensive,” she said. “I certainly had no intention of that, whatsoever.”

Except, here’s Hillary from March 6:

Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A. My husband didn’t wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June, also in California. Having a primary contest go through June is nothing particularly unusual.

Guess it wasn’t Ted’s tumor that caused her to say that after all.

Credit where credit is due department: that little tidbit was dug up by the L.A. Times. [Actually not. See UPDATE]

UPDATE: Credit where credit is actually due department: it’s a Newsday article and not an L.A. Times article. When I was praising the L.A. Times for a useful insight, that alone should have been a red flag, huh?

17 Responses to “Hillary Made the RFK Assassination Reference Before”

  1. she omitted to note that the only reason the 1968 primary season extended into june was that california didn’t hold its primary until june.

    i was one of the people who thought that the spectacle of states leapfrogging over one another to be first to vote/caucus was stupid.

    assistant devil's advocate (865cd9)

  2. Assuming that she made a stupid reference is stupid….as often as Democrat candidates say stupid things, this isn’t one of them…

    reff (e20e4c)

  3. Obama’s wife made a reference to the same subject at the very biginning of their campaign! I wish I had the URL.

    BT (78b929)

  4. This post is stretching to make something out of nothing. Clinton didn’t say she made the remark about Robert Kennedy, because Ted Kennedy was on her mind. She was very clear that she made the remark because she was trying to make a point about Democratic primaries historically going into June. Clearly this is the same reason she made the remark before in March. She only said that Ted Kennedy has been on her mind, after she was criticized for the remark, because she was trying to demonstrate that she has good feelings for the Kennedys and would never want to offend them. Her comment about Ted Kennedy ha nothing to do with her explanation of why she made the remark about Robert Kennedy’s assassination.

    eh (52fddc)

  5. Her explanation doesn’t hold water with me. This is something she has felt comfortable saying as she has said it before. It only takes repeated comments like this for a lunatic out there to take this as an opportunity to take Obama out. In addition, maybe this was a digg at the Kennedy family as well because he didn’t endorse her. She has been saying things all along this campaign trail, we have just now become more sensitive because we are paying more attention. If someone keeps showing you and telling you who they are, beleive them. The media and the American people have given her the benefit of the doubt time and time again and she continues to get more and more bold with her statements. We also see that when the shoe is on the other foot Barrack Obama does not get the same kind of understanding, as we found out with the “bitter” comments. You would have thought that he had killed someone at the outrage and attempts to take him down over those statements. I think this is just another example of unfairness. This comment cannot be allowed to stand. This one goes too far. I think Hillary is a strong woman, as I am one, but this one is too much. It is time for her to go and the superdelegates need to end this before all of us become very sorry. This time, I completely take her at words, no matter how awful they are No further explanation needed.

    tp (d671ab)

  6. It only takes repeated comments like this for a lunatic out there to take this as an opportunity to take Obama out.

    Oh, come on now. Does it work that way when Obama and/or his minions say it?

    Pablo (99243e)

  7. It only takes repeated comments like this for a lunatic out there to take this as an opportunity to take Obama out.

    Oh, come on now. Does it work that way when Obama and/or his minions say it?

    Pablo (99243e)

  8. #3,

    BT, you’re right. Michelle Obama did make a similar reference early in the campaign.

    Vermont Neighbor (76ec29)

  9. What Hillary said wasn’t particularly offensive or provocative. I think Obama voters are so hung up on race, and like Obama, try to use race to their advantage in every situation. He is the opposite of the post-race candidate. In fact he’s one of the most divisive figures of our time. His affection for Jeremiah Wright has a lot to do with it, as does his choice in friends, affiliates and spouses. A wretched bunch the whole of them.

    While I’m not a Clinton fan, I think she has more balls than the average Obama voter. In fact, Obama supporters should man up and get a pair. Politics is just rough and tumble. Quit making every AP story a racial slight.

    Vermont Neighbor (76ec29)

  10. Someone help me here.
    Just where is the “class” ranking between those who condemn trailor-park residents for responding to a trolled hundred-dollar bill; and those who do the trolling?

    Does the “smartest woman in the world” know where to stop? Bringing up an assassination by a Muslim fanatic in 1968 against a leading Dem politician wouldn’t encourage the same act today?
    After all, we have no problem with Mulim fanatics today, do we?

    The Clintons: Without no-class, they wouldn’t have any class at all.

    Another Drew (8018ee)

  11. #10 – Shirhan Shirhan, who killed Bobby Kennedy, was an Arab (Palestinian) Christian.

    Perfect Sense (b6ec8c)

  12. Anyone who thinks she wouldn’t deliberately say something provocative in order to be the top news story (no such thing as bad publicity) is underestimating her. She doesn’t care how she looks or how many people hate her — just as long as she wins.

    Missed It By THAT Much (a406f3)

  13. I do not trust Hill-Billy. Nor should have Vince Foster.

    I also do not for one minute believe it mere coincidence that JFK was shot on LBJ’s Home Turf.

    “Dream” ticket would be a nightmare for Obama, and Hope, and Change.

    Elizabeth Counts (3bdcf7)

  14. That maybe so, but I recall the head of the Arab AntiDiscrimination Committee; the late Dr. M.T. Mehdi, wrote a book rationalizing it. Because of the grave affront of supporting Israel.Of course, the fact that Sirhan worked in a business owned by a former mob target of KFK; Frank Dommareas, probably has more to do with it. Or taking it further, That the Ambassador Hotel was owned by the family of David Schine, former mcCarthy aide along with Roy Cohn and estranged colleague of RFK so many years ago may also be a factor.

    Now one of the key factors in the ’68 race is that RFK was amenable to both sides; The “Clean Gene’ for McCarthy, which once included the likes of Kudlow, Woolsey and I’m willing to bet Roger Simon.)and later McGovern liberal intellectuals, and the Humphrey/Jackson more blue collars. If this sad state of events were to be replicated today; Hillary would not be the beneficiary but the target of the Obamanauts. Even without his death, the ’68 campaign would have been anything but uneventful; because of the war, and other factors; including the post King assasination turmoil.

    narciso (d671ab)

  15. When it comes to screwing-up on day one, Hillary Clinton is certainly the frontrunner. Although its not like Hillary’s been screwing-up all along, she simply misspoke. Anyway, Hillary will wangle her way out of it, by blaming those who cry foul. That’s what she does. A tasteless remark taken out of context? I don’t think so. And, wouldn’t yet another Kennedy (JFK Jr.) have been a shoe-in for her senate seat? Before the Clinton’s began their end-run around the 22-Amendment, both of them knew there was a fatal flaw. The mere mention of a Hillary Clinton administration should send paroxysms of moral indignation up and down the nation’s spine. The Clintons: truly in a class by themselves:

    Peggy McGilligan (e731ec)

  16. For those writing about the Clinton slime and reported victims, few here will disagree. But if you’re truly bothered by ethics, read up on Obama and his greasy ascent up the pole of Chicago politics. He was the chosen one; at the expense of others’; and not a drop of shame in appropriating bills and legislation as his own. A pathetic person. Much more befitting of a Hollywood setting. But then we all said the same back in ’92 re: the power of charisma. Now libs are all in agreement with cons on that.

    Sorry, this guy isn’t it.

    Vermont Neighbor (2464ca)

  17. This would probably bother me, if Baracky’s campaign had not brought up assassination repeatedly.

    JD (75f5c3)

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