Judging McCain
[Guest post by DRJ]
Many conservatives are leery of John McCain’s views on judicial appointments because of his participation in the Gang of 14. CNN’s Political Ticker reports that McCain will speak at North Carolina’s Wake Forest University next Tuesday, the day of the NC Democratic primary, regarding who he would appoint to the bench. I look forward to that speech.
H/T Feddie at ConfirmThem, who also noted the “dizzying intellects” of these commenters at CNN’s website:
“The last thing we need are more stone age thinking right wing nut jobs sitting on the bench for life.
Is this the same McCain that was a POW? What was that he said about the USA? And isn’t this the same McCain that was involved with the Keating 5? But, guess what, he wears a flag pin!!!!!!! And the judges he appoints will be of the same caliber.
He`ll appoint conservative judges to go along with Roberts, flushing out the more liberal ones. ———- Heaven help us all when this happens. Big Corporations will win——————
All we need are to more Justices like Bush picked. They will start giving corporations the right to vote. For all of the democrats who say they won’t vote if their candidate doesn’t win the nomination think about having the Supreme Count controlled by the EXTREME RIDIACAL RIGHT. Is that what you want? I want a court that is balanced not an ideology base of conservatives. I want a court that returns to the constitution.”
I hope I will be happier than these commenters after McCain’s speech next Tuesday.