Patterico's Pontifications


Posting Light/Open Thread

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:05 pm

This is your warning that posting will be light to nonexistent this holiday weekend. Anything you want to yap about, do so here.

31 Responses to “Posting Light/Open Thread”

  1. Yap yap yap yap!

    Paul (dd77a9)

  2. I had a laissez faire view of libertarians and Randroids, thinking them basically harmless cranks, until recently. (Likely, the Ron Paul revelations made me rethink.) Now, the kindest thing I can say about them is that they’re like a child who resents his mommy for telling him to sit up straight at the table while eating the dinner she cooked for him.

    nk (a07608)

  3. Hillary Clinton is evil. But you already knew that.Hillary Care Exposed

    gabriel (180095)

  4. The Dirty Dozen is the best World War II movie ever made.

    JVW (378b48)

  5. Most stupid, really. Remember the scene where Lee Marvin fires a burst in the air from the tower? Supposedly the guys he was trying to scare were paratroopers. In real life, they would have all returned fire and he would have doubled his weight in lead in less than a second.

    nk (a07608)

  6. The best WWII movie is “Cross of Iron”. Although that has its share of stupidity, too.

    nk (a07608)

  7. Back to my comment #2, there are several law professor bloggers who call themselves libertarians while their livelihood comes from tax levies.

    nk (a07608)

  8. Went to see the Sweeney Todd movie this afternoon. Gotta admit, I liked the stage musical better.

    During the previews, yet ANOTHER anti-war movie!

    Yup. Evil Army people making soldiers go back to Iraq for another tour, and the young, pretty male soldier delivering speeches about a war that means nothing, for people who don’t care.

    Hasn’t Hollywood learned anything? My guess is that this new movie will make as much money as the last four negative Iraq-war movies.

    What? You say that movies are about controversy and conflict? How about a conservative professor trying to inspire students in a leftist college? Oh well.

    Eric Blair (839cfb)

  9. The best WWII movie is “The Longest Day”

    Greatest movie of my generation is “Animal House”

    Best book ever: after the Bible, “Red Storm Rising”…

    reff (99666d)

  10. Hey Eric, long time no read. Still hoping you’ll return to us at the Swamp one of these days.

    Just learned on Wikipedia that the mad chess genius (and unfortunately, at the end of his life, virulently anti-American) Bobby Fischer passed away only yesterday.

    qdpsteve (cd214a)

  11. Bobby Fischer was a piece of work — in both positive and negative ways. A sad waste of a life.

    Bradley J. Fikes (1c6fc4)

  12. Agreed 100% Bradley. Forgot to mention that he was virulently anti-semitic as well.

    Besides all of his other problems, the Wiki article indicated Fischer suffered from intense paranoia at the end of his life. It’s too bad that Fischer never got the treatment he obviously needed.

    qdpsteve (cd214a)

  13. I remember when Bobby Fisher beat Boris Spassky in 1972 for the Chess World Championship. At the time it was an amazing upset for an American to beat a Soviet in chess, very similar to the “Miracle on Ice” in 1980. As I recall, the series of games took about two months to play.

    Perfect Sense (b6ec8c)

  14. The one burning issue which most of you have studiously ignored, probably hoping not to offend our host, needs to be outed: what’s up with Big Red Hockey! What the heck is going on this season? We need a new coach, or something…

    MTF (414e22)

  15. Atty Jay Grodner has been found guilty of keying the car of Sgt McNulty USMC a short time before McNuklty’s deployment to Iraq.
    Expected: over a dozen Marines in the court room supporting Sgt. McNulty.
    Also Expected: Grodner was once again late for his hearing and was arrested upon arrival.
    Sweet Justice: The presiding Judge is a former Lance Corpral USMC circ 1960’s.Read more hereread more here

    paul from fl (47918a)

  16. Paul – That is sensational, albeit grossly unreported, news.

    JD (e15e05)

  17. Always nice to hear from you qdpsteve! Props for us Longos, huh?

    Eric Blair (839cfb)

  18. Bobby Fischer was a pitiable example of a mentally diseased individual. Jay Grodner is a despicable example of a politically diseased individual.

    Bradley J. Fikes (1c6fc4)

  19. Props to you too Eric. And good comparison, Bradley.

    qdpsteve (cd214a)

  20. Yeah, Grodner’s conduct has been a disgrace to the legal profession throughout the whole case.

    nk (a07608)

  21. bobby fischer was champion of the world in the ultimate test of cerebral fitness.

    i made it as high as champion of the los angeles city schools. people at my chess club wondered why i never realized what they thought was master potential, and it was because i wasn’t as crazy as they were. chess is a harsh mistress demanding 100% of your concentration inside and outside of competition.

    i attended sessions of the second piatigorsky cup in santa monica, mid-1960s, watching fischer and nine others of the world’s strongest players in action. funny story about running into then-world champ tigran petrosian in the men’s room; either his english was no good or he was too preoccupied to respond to a “hello champ”.

    i have not lost or drawn an offline chess game since i moved to oregon in 2001, and i take on all comers here in northern curry county. more funny stories about people who thought they could beat me, and the people who dragged those people to the tavern venue thinking their man could beat me.

    assistant devil's advocate (7cd307)

  22. ultimate test of cerebral fitness

    He was an idiot savant who could play chess and do nothing else, probably not even tie his own shoes. Like all chess players. Cut us some slack, ada. It’s more important to be able to unclog a bathtub.

    nk (a07608)

  23. I take “idiot savant” back and just substitute “idiot”. What good is chess for?

    nk (a07608)

  24. The Clintons are shocked and dismayed at the level of voter intimidation in Nevada? Enough to renounce their support for the EFCA, or can they only be shocked when the cameras are rolling?

    For background, try this.

    And if they still support the EFCA, then they need to explain why it wouldn’t result in more of these as-predicted problems. Someone should really ask this of Hilary, no?

    ras (fc54bb)

  25. I think BJ Clinton is the slickest philanderer to ever come down the pike.


    Any other serial adulterer would have been dumped by his wife before 5 years were up. He chose…’wisely’…, in marrying a woman to whom the promise of power trumped honesty or morality.

    His penchant for self-gratification places that wife in the national spotlight trying to defend him priming his cigar in a most unusual way. She pays him back for years of tomcatting by…lying on his behalf.

    He ends up divorced in all but the paperwork after he leaves the white house…free to boff anything that comes his way. The faux divorce costs him nothing up front deferred to one lump sum payable in January 2009.

    The presidency as alimony is being traded for the right – past, present, and future – to jump the bones of twenty-something political groupies.

    What a country.

    Just Passing Through (e46f2a)

  26. These people hate cats…

    And for nk’s #2. It’s anarchist-libertarians you see so much that act like that. Last several days have been VERY interesting at QandO, ever since Dale dared to vote to convict a man of drug smuggling…

    Neo-Libertarians tend to be, you know, sane.

    They also will talk to you instead of the Billy Beck style of debate (“I would tell you, but you’re too stupid to understand so I won’t bother”)

    Scott Jacobs (a1de9d)

  27. Black mayor-president of Baton Rouge, the Honorable Kip Holden, when speaking to the 25,000+ LSU fans, coaches, players, and guests at the raising of the flag yesterday in Tiger Stadium at LSU, where the weather was a bit cold (in the 30’s with 20+ winds from the north)…

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, about the weather, I have to admit something to you…

    “I went from a soul brother to a cold brother to a fudgesicle.”

    I have to respect a man who doesn’t care what his color is….who only respects who he is….

    reff (99666d)

  28. paul, JD, Bradley, and nk,

    Grodner didn’t get half the penalty he deserved.

    1. The bum is a lawyer and officer of the court. As such he should be held to a much higher standard than the average citizen.

    2. The bum disrespected the court by trying to dictate when he was going to show up, and lied to the court about trying to find representation.

    3. The bum was only ordered to make a $600 donation to a Marine Charity. I think that Grodner should have been ordered to make a $10,000 donation, pay all court and law enforcement costs, pay all costs to repair the car, his supervision be 5 years, not 1, and for Grodner to serve a year in Iraq at a Marine Mess Hall or in a Marine MASH unit.

    PCD (f14ddd)

  29. Приветствую всех!
    У меня такой вопрос,кто что интересное подскажет буду признателен.
    Мы с друзьями собираемся поехать в круиз по просторам России и ближнего зарубежья месяца на два на своих машинах,но не как не можем согласовать маршрут,если у кого уже был опыт такого путешествия,может,что посоветуете.Девчонок с собой не берем,думаем,что во все городах России с этим не будет проблем,если у кого будут рекомендации и в вопросе отдыха с девушками тоже буду признателен.

    С уважением Сеньчик

    Metrujectiktus (901890)

  30. приглашаю обратить внимание фильмы бесплатно

    kinomantuzx (1a3aac)

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