Who is ultimately to blame for the fact that California tried to take control of homeowners’ thermostats?
Nanny-state Democrats? Power-hungry bureaucrats?
Well, sure. I’m happy to reserve plenty of blame for them.
But don’t forget to blame the federal government.
Why? Because the federal government has not done enough about illegal immigration.
Why do we have power shortages? Because demand exceeds supply. Now, there are all sorts of arguments about the reasons. Joe Somsel argues that we need more plants — particularly nuclear power plants. My argument is that we also need to fully deregulate pricing so that supply matches demand.
But there’s an elephant in the room: there are just too damn many people in the state.
Our infrastructure can’t take it. Supply/demand imbalances in energy are just one manifestation of a more general problem: overpopulation.
Every major problem we have in California is exacerbated by illegal immigration. When we hear about how the jails are overcrowded, don’t forget about the illegals. When we hear about how we must release state prisoners because the prisons are overcrowded, don’t forget about the illegals. When you read that emergency rooms are overcrowded and people with serious conditions wait hours for treatment, don’t forget about the illegals. When you sit in traffic on an overcrowded freeway, don’t forget about the illegals.
I don’t mean to make illegals the bogeyman for every problem we face — but I don’t want citizens to forget that they contribute significantly to every problem that is worsened by overcrowding.
But hey — at least your lettuce is cheap.