Patterico's Pontifications


Minutemen Co-Founder Has Speech Disrupted at Major University

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:10 pm

A Minutemen co-founder’s speech at a well-respected university was disrupted by students engaged in illegal activity designed to shut down his talk. The tactic apparently worked.

Columbia? No — Georgetown.

This time they didn’t rush the stage and start a brawl. That would be wrong.

They pulled the fire alarm.

But at least they cared!

OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: The story is not yet confirmed.

12 Responses to “Minutemen Co-Founder Has Speech Disrupted at Major University”

  1. It wouldn’t surprise me if this were true, given other disruptive tactics used by those who say they are for freedom of speech.

    sharon (dfeb10)

  2. “they pulled the fire alarm.”
    uh, no. **somebody** pulled the fire alarm. until this somebody is identified, it’s all speculation. i can just as easily imagine one of the minutemen pulling the alarm for several reasons:
    putting the protestors in a false, disparaging light;
    several column inches in the paper about minutemen remaining steadfast in the face of persecution;
    quick exit on positive note from georgetown campus.
    until the alarm puller is identified, this incident doesn’t go into the columbia box. question authority, question representational reality!

    assistant devil's advocate (1effb1)

  3. Is there evidence that Minutemen have tried to do any of the things you hypothesized about, ADA? Unlike protesters at Minutemen speeches where there HAS been documentation of disruptive tactics.

    sharon (dfeb10)

  4. He chose his nick for a reason, sharon.

    Let’s see. A Minuteman would commit a misdemeanor to prevent a Minuteman from speaking, in an attempt to put those who would like to prevent him from speaking in a bad light.

    Is it noisy in there, with all those voices?

    Freelancer (cb897a)

  5. The Georgetown Hoya confirms that a fire alarm interrupted the Minuteman speech although it doesn’t indicate who set off the alarm.

    DRJ (1be297)

  6. Someone pulled that stunt during a Prop 209 rally while I was in law school, causing one of my classmates to have an epileptic seizure. Word on the street was that the dean oh-so-helpfully offered to help that student transfer away to another school. Fortunately, that student declined the generous offer.

    Xrlq (44e5d0)

  7. Hmmmmm
    Seems to me that free speech is a luxury only for the rich,famous or educated. Defended to the death of course, by the lazy, uneducated military forces in’irak’.

    paul from fl (967602)

  8. Let’s see. A Minuteman would commit a misdemeanor to prevent a Minuteman from speaking, in an attempt to put those who would like to prevent him from speaking in a bad light.

    Do you have examples of Minutemen doing this or is this just more of the usual Democrat talking points?

    sharon (dfeb10)

  9. i have no evidence, just an open mind. false-flag agitprop is a time-honored technique, and those who are unaware of this are the most susceptible to it.

    assistant devil's advocate (5f4b05)

  10. ada–

    Be careful of that open mind. If it’s too open, your brains could fall out.

    Kevin Murphy (805c5b)

  11. i have no evidence, just an open mind. false-flag agitprop is a time-honored technique, and those who are unaware of this are the most susceptible to it.

    From the comments you left on this subject, I would say you have a closed mind. You are obviously willing to accept the idea that someone associated with the Minutemen sabotaged this event, rather than the more logical idea that, if the event were disrupted, it was probably done by people who don’t like the Minutemen. Among other reasons for this being the more likely answer is the fact that Minutement speeches HAVE been disrupted (and a speaker attacked) before. If you really want to have an open mind, try looking for the most likely reason first. Most of the time, things just aren’t that complicated.

    sharon (dfeb10)

  12. The idiots who pulled the false alarm should not only be suspended fron collage but have any good grades taken away i mean when i went to srammer school this often happned and the guilty paerties were suspended

    krazy kagu (f085bf)

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