Patterico's Pontifications


A Really Stupid Argument in Favor of Killing Terri Schiavo

Filed under: Schiavo — Patterico @ 7:07 pm

I hear a lot of people saying: I wouldn’t want to be kept alive in Terri Schiavo’s condition. So she should be allowed to die.

If this is your opinion, I have a question for you.

My mom works at a school for severely disabled children. Many of them are in their teens, but have a mental age of only a few weeks. They drool. They are wheelchair-bound. They are wall-eyed. They cannot feed themselves.

Would you want to live like that? I bet if you asked many people if they would want to live like that, they would say no.

If your answer is “no” — are you saying we should just kill these children?

More Blogs Stepping Over the Line

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:16 am

I just got back from a concert and I’m pooped. Tomorrow I’ll add the new links to blogs taking the free speech pledge. There are many, many more. Excellent!

I will probably have to declare a cutoff — midnight Saturday night, probably — so I’m not adding links for the rest of my life. I am, once again, very pleased (but not surprised) at the reaction.

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