Patterico's Pontifications


Wolfowitz (Not Bono) Will Head World Bank

Filed under: Dog Trainer,Humor — Patterico @ 10:46 pm

Not only is he “a chief architect of one of the most unpopular wars in our history” — I bet he doesn’t even know the words to “Sunday Bloody Sunday.”

The editors of the L.A. Times are going to have a fit tomorrow. . .

What To Do About the Tyranny of Government Regulation of Speech

Filed under: Civil Liberties — Patterico @ 6:48 am

We all agree that FEC regulation of political speech on the Internet is something to be fought. But how?

I have repeatedly argued that asking the FEC for a media exemption is nothing more than asking our masters for permission to speak. We shouldn’t have to do it. And I’m not going to.

Fine, you say. So what’s your plan, Patterico? And how is it superior to asking for a media exemption for bloggers?

It’s fairly simple. I plan to do nothing. But doing nothing could end up being the most important step of all.

Here’s what I mean:


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