Patterico's Pontifications


Senator Munchhausen

Filed under: 2004 Election — Charlie (Colorado) @ 12:27 pm

Hindrocket of Powerline fame gives us the latest chapter in the continuing series of “I said I did it before I said I did not do it”: Kerry missing his chance to bag a 16 pointer on Cape Cod.

Except for the fact that, according to Hindrocket, “a 16-pointer would be the grand-daddy of all New England deer” and “no one hunts deer on Cape Cod. In fact anti-hunting activists are particularly active on the Cape.”

The above is par for Kerry. “He wasn’t in Cambodia, it’s beginning to look like he didn’t run the Boston Marathon, and now this. Perhaps it’s time we started calling him Senator Munchhausen.” Of course, he can’t play football either.

But I think the real gem is in Kerry’s comment that “I failed to pull the trigger at the right moment”… just the characteristic we want in our Commander in Chief during our time of war, isn’t it?

7 Responses to “Senator Munchhausen”

  1. He can too play football – look for the picture of the round thing stuck to his forehead.

    Except… he thinks _that_ is football.

    Al (98e4ad)

  2. I’m sorry, I didn’t give proper attribution. While I got this off Powerline, they had gotten the story here

    steve (42fd80)

  3. “I failed to pull the trigger at the right moment”… just the characteristic we want in our Commander in Chief during our time of war, isn’t it?

    What a great point. Just the kind of president I’d want in office. Not.


    Fred Karasek (3271a5)

  4. When you view one of Kerry’s stories by itself it seems a relatively harmless, even humorous misappropriation of the facts. What is not so funny is when you begin to see this as a very long pattern of behavior that is pathological in nature. It is disturbing that a man who could well be our next president cannot help but tell tall-tales about his own experiences. Everywhere you look in Kerry’s past, there is an obscuring mist that prevents anyone from seeing what actually happened. Boston Marathon, or no Boston Marathon. 16-point buck or not, Throwing away medals, or not. Who is John Kerry? Does anyone really know?

    Swede (ce5d26)

  5. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t a 16-pointer be almost the size of a Clydesdale?

    Fausta (a38031)

  6. there is hunting down the cape mostly around the defunct camp edwards military reservation. my dad is retired near there and says the deer are no much bigger than his rottweiler. so another trip to fantasy land or maybe it was one of those hunting games you get at walmart.

    morigu (24dbe9)

  7. The Great Outdoorsman
    From Field and Stream, an interview with each of the presidential candidates… Marshall: What’s the biggest deer you ever killed? Senator Kerry: Oh, I don’t know. Probably an 8-pointer, something like that. Nothing terribly big. But I once had…

    ::: Galleyhag ::: (1ded25)

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