Patterico's Pontifications


When Trump Makes Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi Happy, That Is a Bad Thing

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:30 am

Over the last 18 months or so, a certain strain of “conservative” has arisen: the dyed-in-the-wool Trumper. For this person, Donald Trump is to be praised at all times. Anything Donald Trump does is by definition a genius move. If he sticks it to the GOP establishment, so much the better!

And this is the end point of their logic:

Joe Cunningham summed things up well with this headline: The Democrats Got What They Wanted, But It’s Cool Because Trump Really Stuck It To Paul Ryan. But let’s take it further than this particular debt-ceiling incident. Guess what would stick it to Paul Ryan even more? Doing what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want again! And again! Give them single-payer! Expand entitlements! Stick it to Ryan and McConnell good!

Where does it end? And what would Trump have to do — what concessions to Democrats would he have to make — before the unrelenting praise for Trump’s every action stops?

I have seen people defend this by saying: hey, Reagan made deals with Tip O’Neill. (Except Tip O’Neill’s Democrats controlled the House — and the greatest failure of Reagan’s presidency was his inability to control Congress’s runaway spending, beginning the deficit ballooning that still haunts us today.) I have seen people defend it by saying that debt ceiling negotiations are always phony and we never get anything, so why bother fighting it at all? (Not a terrible argument —
but in 2011 we got sequestration, which wasn’t great but also wasn’t nothing.)

The point isn’t that we were going to get an immediate cut in spending. Democrats were going to play politics when there was a must-pass relief bill for Harvey. But the way Trump went about this killed any chance of ever extracting spending concessions of the sort the GOP actually did get in 2011 in return for a debt-ceiling hike. No such deal will be possible again, ever, under Trump. Because he literally said the words: “We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred — very important — always we’ll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it.” I believe “Cave Immediately While Asking for Nothing in Return” is the title of the first chapter in The Art of the Deal, isn’t it?

Trumpers’ over-the-top praise for Trump now extends to praising his playing “hard ball” by giving Chuck and Nancy what they wanted:

Topping off the nuttiness was Lou Dobbs’s insane rant, linked last night by Caleb Howe:

Watch it all, to see what it looks like when someone loses their mind. Dobbs says Trump “took RINO Ryan to the woodshed” by . . . giving Schumer and Pelosi exactly what they asked for. Meanwhile, Dobbs ladled praise on Pelosi and Schumer, saying “they’ve calmed themselves” and have been “far more conciliatory in their rhetoric” in recent weeks.


Schumer, August 26:

“As millions of people in TX and LA are prepping for the Hurricane, the President is using the cover of the storm to pardon a man who violated a court’s order to stop discriminating against Latinos and Ban courageous transgender men and women from serving in our nation’s Armed Forces,” Schumer posted in a series of tweets.

“Then he ran to Camp David. The only reason to do these right now is to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to avoid scrutiny. So sad, so weak.”

Pelosi, three days ago:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday blasted President Trump’s expected decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, calling it a “cruel act of political cowardice.”

These are the people Dobbs says have “calmed themselves.” The people who have “far more conciliatory in their rhetoric” in recent weeks.

No, really. This is where we are: we must praise Trump even when he hands Democrat leaders everything they want over the objections of GOP leaders. We must vilify the GOP leadership even if it means praising Democrats for an alleged restraint and sobriety that they have never actually shown and never will.

As I said last night, this can only end with Trump becoming a Democrat and taking 1/3 of the Republican party with him.

Man. That would really stick to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell!

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

161 Responses to “When Trump Makes Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi Happy, That Is a Bad Thing”

  1. False prophets be damned! I renounce thee!

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  2. When the Republican-controlled congress does what it was elected to do – and Trump too – that will be a Good Thing.

    Oh Happy Day!

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  3. Embrace the Never Trump suck!

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  4. While I don’t like the kicking the can down the road, I think it would have been worse for Trump and GOP (not to mention GOPe) had there been fits and starts to extending debt ceiling. This is tactic. Give a bit more in the beginning, have Pelosi/Schumer seem congratulatory. In the next round, if there is great pushback or if there are strings attached – simply say they did not negotiate in good faith – just look at the last agreement.

    Regarding DACA – there will be a deal and it’s up to the D’s whether it’s comprehensive or not. Trump can merely say: It was unconstitutional in the beginning and it’s still unconstitutional now. I gave congress the opportunity to do something right and they couldn’t. One – he merely keeps it as it will be: no special carve out and we revert back to the rule of law: Two – It can’t be used as a 2018 campaign issue. “Hey, congress has to fix it and they don’t seem able to do it.” No D is going to run on blanket open boarder amnesty in the districts that Trump won 306 electoral votes. Three – Trump will run again in 2020 against a “do nothing” congress. Both Ds and Rs will be the prey.

    Steve_in_SoCal (58e1f9)

  5. I predicted this. With the utter failure of the GOP to settle on any healthcare plan, and particularly the failure of the Ryan plan (the only workable one) due to counterproductive grandstanding by the House Freedom Caucus, Trump would reach out to the Dems.

    Or did you really expect Trump to be a principled conservative and show some spine?

    Kevin M (752a26)

  6. And Ryan and Mcdonnell have dine what exactly, issued a strongly worded letter. They had a chance with

    narciso (d1f714)

  7. All their bluster about spending and tax cuts and then inaction. Trump mentions doing away with DACA and look how the Republicans jump.

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  8. There’s enough blame to go around to resemble a perpetual motion machine.

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  9. there’s literally nothing stopping pervy Paul Ryan and sleazy corrupt Mitch McConnell from sending President Trump whatever they want in their debt ceiling bill

    absolutely anything they want

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. Over the last 18 months or so, a certain strain of “conservative” has arisen: the dyed-in-the-wool #NeverTrumper. For this person Donald Trump is to be condemned at all times. Anything Donald Trump does is by definition an idiot move. If he sticks it to the GOP Establishment, he’s a man without convictions.

    And, this is the end point of their obsessions.

    ropelight (db9e35)

  11. That Dobbs is an idiot does not imply anything about anyone else. He’s MADE of straw.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  12. at worst this is just a small hiccup in Mitch n Paul’s red hot streak of accomplishment

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  13. Kind of a waste though, she could have had that Lana Del Rey thing going on.

    urbanleftbehind (6e5c94)

  14. 11… yeah… a large dump truck full.

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  15. Before she declared herself a witch, I didn’t get the delrey hate

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. One the one side, the True Believers, who would back Trump selling giving Alaska to North Korea.

    On the other side, #NeverTrump, who would support a comet destroying the east coast, so long as it got Trump.

    Somewhere in between are the sane people.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  17. You mean cast out of the Republican Party with a third of his demons?

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  18. Before she declared herself a witch, I didn’t get the delrey hate
    narciso (d1f714) — 9/7/2017 @ 10:57 am

    What the h3ll were you doing?

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  19. Perhaps send murkowso on a junket there.

    narciso (d1f714)

  20. The del rey hate was a forerunner of the Taylor Swift hate I.e how dare this rich white girl…

    urbanleftbehind (6e5c94)

  21. Don’t approve of raising the debt ceiling. It is criminal to force out children to live in poverty due to our own largesse.

    NJRob (9bca63)

  22. Ah this explains it, I’m also a fan of Diana krall.

    narciso (d1f714)

  23. our sleazy dysfunctional congress is befuddled by the debt ceiling

    it always turns into a clown show

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  24. “Trump’s decision to put off the spending fight until December all but guaranteed the White House would not secure funding for the border wall in the immediate future. It was a sharp departure from the president’s previous threat to force a government shutdown at the end of September if lawmakers refused to pay for construction of the wall, a stance made untenable by the urgency of Hurricane Harvey’s destruction.” So said Sarah Westwood of the Washington Examiner.

    Read it all:

    How does Trump play a roll in actual legislation of the budget? It means the Republicans need enough votes to over ride a Trump veto. Don’t the Dems need 51 votes? Help me on this.

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  25. There want really an option then:

    They became pArt of the gop

    narciso (d1f714)

  26. One the one side, the True Believers, who would back Trump selling giving Alaska to North Korea.

    On the other side, #NeverTrump, who would support a comet destroying the east coast, so long as it got Trump.

    Somewhere in between are the sane people.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 9/7/2017 @ 10:59 am

    And on the third side. My niece married a guy who is Sailor.
    And he seems to be important to her. So I want to get a
    flashlight that that works. Because she is important to me.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  27. Freedom Caucus members said in a separate event Thursday hosted by Bloomberg that they wanted to see more details on tax reform.

    “Hope is not a plan. There was no plan on the debt ceiling. Somebody tell me what the plan is for tax reform,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. So what are they complaining about then? One should complain there is no plan.

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. I’m not happy with the deal, but see little alternative given the hand Trump was dealt.

    McConnell and Ryan are – at least theoretically – the “leaders” of their respective houses. They have shown themselves unable to lead on the most basic, fundamental of promises and commitments.

    So Trump is supposed to do what?

    He takes action to solve a problem – Patterico bitches.

    Had he stayed silent and let the situation fester – Patterico would bitch.

    Good to know that at least some things are constant in this ever changing world.

    Bill Saracino (ad0096)

  30. Trump administration officials touted the agreement as a move to help clear the decks and make room for tax reform, another key GOP agenda item that has been on hold.

    GOP leaders had pointed to government funding, the debt ceiling and help for Harvey victims as their top three priorities for September.

    simple as that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  31. Senators voted to set aside Paul’s push to pay for the $15.25 billion in hurricane recovery funding through cuts to unspent foreign aid money. They similarly rejected Sasse’s amendment to remove the debt and funding deal and pair the hurricane money back to the original House-passed level.

    how is it President Trump’s fault that harvardtrash Ben Sasse can’t get the job done?

    looks like President Trump had a very clear-eyed view of what could be done and decided the smart play was to ignore feckless grandstanding trash like Ben Sasse and clear the decks for tax reform

    how was he wrong?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  32. @16 narciso

    Did you ever take the Pepsi Challenge?

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  33. Congressional Republicans are too incompetent to make deals with. That tends to limit the deal-making opportunities.

    Posted by: RioBravo at September 07, 2017 03:11 PM (giT7q)

    nicely said

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  34. How can you tell Nancy Pelosi is happy? Her facial muscles are in rigor mortis.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  35. When Ryan simmers down, he’ll realize his hand is strengthened. His caucus has been split among the Establishment, the HFC and the centrists. The HFC has been trying to force everything to the hard right since the GOP owns the government, but cannot convince the “liberal” wing, and vice versa. So long as Trump will not countenance negotiation with the “conservative” Dems, Ryan cannot either.

    Now, he can. This is terrible news for the HFC (and the Cruz wing in the Senate), but they brought it on themselves by torpedoing everything in search of a fell swoop swing to the Right.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  36. Where does this end?

    It more or less ‘ended’ some time ago; Reagan’s been out of office nearly 30 years and dead more than a decade. There’s not nearly as many hard right ideologues in America as their echo-chambered media has led them to believe. It’s a form of circular thinking– ‘Challenger Logic”– and they’ve been fooling themselves over several cycles. Now it’s blowing up in their faces.

    Trump wanted a deal, made one and moved on. Most Americans will welcome that; they want these people to work together. Who he dealt with to get it is irrelevant to the broader citizenry.

    Sooner or later hard right ideologues are going to learn it’s called the Republican Party, not the ‘Conservative’ Party. And the plan is falling into place: the hard right were thrown the SCOTUS bone. And the grand objective – to effectively neuter the modern ideological conservative movement, render it irrelevant and pack it back into Goldwater’s attic– is well under way.

    “I love it when a plan comes together.” – Hannibal Smith [George Peppard] ‘The A Team’ NBC TV, 1983-87

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  37. 35 ..still hot..some parts don’t age.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  38. I tend to disagree, Kevin, the Goldilocks faction can’t get its porridge together.

    narciso (d1f714)

  39. I would give mote to samaritans purse and operation blessing:

    narciso (d1f714)

  40. Nancy Pelosi has less original parts than a Paul Newman race car.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  41. One of the early Tyrrell corporations model,

    narciso (d1f714)

  42. Steve57

    I can’t tell if you are being literal. I really like Surefires. I keep one on a lanyard in case I need to flail somebody.

    Am I correct in thinking your niece isn’t named Brandy?

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  43. Leaders don’t make deals. Leaders lead.

    You know who makes deals? 42nd Street peddlers who open up their jacket to show you their stock of $75.00 “Rolexes”. And if they can’t make a deal with you, they’ll move on to their next mark.

    nk (9651fb)

  44. @42 narciso

    A slightly different Tyrell would be The Queen of Thorns and Diana Riggs is the portrait of Nancy Pelosi.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  45. Here are the 10,535 pages of Obama Care condensed to 4 simple sentences:

    1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
    2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.
    3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.
    4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, so it will be ‘free-of-charge’ to them.

    Repeal and Replace!

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  46. I hate those college kids who try to aggressively sell knock off cologne and perfume.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  47. 44.Leaders don’t make deals. Leaders lead.

    ALL good leaders make deals, nk. Only despots don’t make deals and they’re not good leaders. Are you sad we are not ruled by a despot but governed by a deal-maker? Count your blessings or move to NK. Kim doesn’t make deals.

    Rev.Hoagie® (6bbda7)

  48. Pinandpuller (9c445e) — 9/7/2017 @ 1:01 pm, I’m thinking of getting a Princenton Tec flashlight and holster. My Energizer has serve me well.

    Like I said, he’s important to her. So I guess he should be to me. Sorry if I confused you.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  49. Brandy is a fine girl. What a good wife she would be. But my life, my love and and my lady is the sea.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  50. If you’re going to need a flashlight you’re likely to need both hands.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  51. Steve57

    I’m thinking you meant to say you want to get [him] a flashlight that works. That’s what confused me.

    My daughter just got married. My only disappointment was I didn’t ask her FIL for two goats and 10 boxes of books.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  52. I’ve heard military people say a guy couldn’t find his a$$ with both hands and a flashlight but the attempt has to be made.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  53. All that money Trump donated to Pelosi and Schumer is finally paying off!

    Dave (445e97)

  54. Steve57

    My second and hopefully last ND of my semi-charmed kid of life occurred this past spring when I tried to juggle a .22 mag and a flashlight in front of a coyote.

    Pinandpuller (9c445e)

  55. Leading a horse to water, and all that.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  56. 47, I was able to ward those kids off by saying my sister works (still) at Macys.

    urbanleftbehind (6e5c94)

  57. These are the deals we should have expected from Trump and can expect in the future. He cares about celebrity, not accomplishment, and this makes him a celebrity. For Trump, we peasants are only here to admire him.

    DRJ (15874d)

  58. Trump’s doing exactly what Pelosi and Schumer want….he must be a Never Trumper.

    Chuck Bartowski (bc1c71)

  59. This was inevitable. Trump and Schumer are like a New York-style tag team, with Pelosi cheering from the first row. They speak the same language, share values, and are a match made in New York political heaven.

    I don’t know what the rest of the country will think but it will be awhile before Texans will trust blue state politicians again. In fairness, we didn’t trust Trump to start with. He won Texas but his vote totals badly trailed moderates Romney and McCain, and their support here was lackluster. Of course, most people don’t care about Texas but can a blue state of moderate GOP President win without it?

    DRJ (15874d)

  60. Who knows… maybe this kick in the ass will be a wake-up call and the Republicans will stop fighting amongst themselves and actually get something done.

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  61. @61. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    Who knows…

    He knows: ‘Ya can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd…’ – Roger Miller, 1965

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  62. Your solution is for Republicans to support whatever Trump wants, Haiku? Do I understand your comment correctly?

    DRJ (15874d)

  63. McConnell: Government shutdown won’t happen this month

    McConnell: GOP shouldn’t shut down government over Planned Parenthood

    Ryan warns Trump not to shut down government

    Ryan: ‘We’re not going to have a government shutdown’

    If only that damn Trump was willing to fight the good fight, his GOP allies in Congress would totally have his back and get some spending cuts and other good things through!

    And then I woke up from my delusion.

    Anon Y. Mous (19e1f2)

  64. Republicans can certainly be like Democrats and do whatever their Dear Leader tells them to do. After all, Democrats have party unity and have accomplished a lot in the past 8 years. Maybe that’s what you want for Republicans, Haiku, but that also means Republicans will likely become moderate or even liberal. They will embrace policies that feel good and are popular, not policies that require thought, consideration and compromise. Is that what you want — a deal, any deal?

    DRJ (15874d)

  65. I saying exactly what you read, DRJ. They need to put something on the desk to get it signed. What have they done so far? Not much to my knowledge, but if you know otherwise, I’m listening.

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  66. Dang me. Dang me. They oughtta take a rope and hang me.

    High from the highest tree-e-e…

    Melania won’t ya wait for me..

    Ben burn (4a31d9)

  67. They need to stop the infighting and get ‘er done.

    Colonel Haiku (6c3d91)

  68. So you want any deal. Something that we’ll know what’s in it after it is signed because the goal is a deal.

    You want Democrats to govern, Haiku, and Trump is a good choice for that.

    DRJ (15874d)

  69. what exactly is the big plum schumer and pelosi won?

    the propaganda sluts are all a-twatter with the insinuation of astounding plums

    but what are they exactly

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  70. DRJ, in a novel I’m reading, it has the line:

    Where there’s bluster…there’s duplicity.

    Tillman (a95660)

  71. Trump can’t sign what the GOP refuses to produce. Have I somehow overlooked all the bills that the GOP sent to the White House only to die by a Trump veto? Or to pass into law with a Trump signature? The GOP in the Senate and House are simply not producing anything for Trump to do anything with. That’s not Trump’s fault.

    Anon Y. Mous (19e1f2)

  72. Trump sabotaged the deliberations because they weren’t fast enough for him.

    DRJ (15874d)

  73. the pubbies once again didn’t have their act together they had no plan – no plat at all – to use the debt ceiling as a meaningful vehicle to accomplish anything

    and remember – in the past the republican war hero trash in the senate have sneered at the republican war hero trash in the house when they’ve attempted this sort of high difficulty-level maneuver

    President Trump was wise and judicious, and once again the nevertrumpers are determined to find fault.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  74. no plan at all i mean not plat

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  75. Trump wouldn’t even listen to his own Treasury Secretary’s recommendations, let alone the Congressional leaders. He then flew to North Dakota to praise a Democratic Senator running against a Republican next year. So who, exactly, is ruining the GOP’s ability to make deals? I’d say it’s TRUMP.

    DRJ (15874d)

  76. hf, “NeverTrumpers” like Trump’s very own Treasury Secretary. Can you be any more of a shill?

    DRJ (15874d)

  77. Sabotaged them how? All through the Obama years, the GOP kept on whining and excuse making that they were powerless to do anything because Obama would just veto it. Now they have someone willing to sign all that stuff that they couldn’t get by Obama. And the GOP takes advantage of this opportunity how? By refusing to produce much of anything.

    It is still the case that Trump can only sign legislation that comes from the House/Senate. And, this deal will have to get GOP votes before it gets to Trump. If the GOP doesn’t like the deal, solution is simple: pass something else. But, it has to be something. He can’t sign legislation that isn’t produced.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  78. Trump wouldn’t even listen to his own Treasury Secretary’s recommendations, let alone the Congressional leaders.

    He refused to accommodate the principled position of congressional Republicans. From your link.

    Republicans want that longer allowance to avoid having to take another vote on the politically toxic issue before the 2018 congressional elections.

    If only Trump was willing to kick the can down the road for 18 months instead of 3, then he would be a hero here at

    Anon Y. Mous (19e1f2)

  79. When a President says he will accept X right now, his Party can’t demand Y or Z in negotiations. Trump linked the debt ceiling with Harvey disaster relief, something the GOP did not want to do because it was their leverage to get concessions from the Democrats. Trump not only gave the COP’s negotiating leverage away for this bill, he may be doing it permanently.

    DRJ (15874d)

  80. If Trump wants to negotiate for the GOP, he could at least try to get something for the GOP instead of giving the Democrats everything they want.

    DRJ (15874d)

  81. If Schumer and Pelosi are willing to dicker with Trump, who knows, maybe McConnell and Ryan will finally be willing to do the same.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  82. Does any Trump supporter have a problem with Trump agreeing with the Democrats to eliminate the debt ceiling? If he is doing that — if he had made a gentlemen’s agreement with Schumer and Pelosi to do that — would it bother anyone here who voted for Trump, other than me?

    DRJ (15874d)

  83. Trump is not in Congress. He is not a Super-Legislator. And the only reason he got Pelosi and Schumer to the table is by giving them everything they want. Pelosi even got Trump to tweet support for Dreamers so her side wouldn’t have to worry about them. Does that sound good to you, Anon Y Mous?

    DRJ (15874d)

  84. Trump has said he is willing to shutdown the government to get his priorities. Ryan and McConnell have repeatedly sought to undercut him. They take the laughable position that the way to get concessions from the Democrats is to preemptively declare that there will be no government shutdown. Meanwhile, the Dems, time and again, hold their line right up until the verge of a shutdown, only for the GOP to cave and make all the concessions. Because if they don’t make the concessions, there will be a shutdown, which they promised will not happen.


    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  85. There was no dickering. That’s the point. It was a gift.

    DRJ (15874d)

  86. Burn it down, right? Fair enough. I respect that attitude but it will be very tough to have another 4-8-12 years of Democrat policies after 8 years of Obama.

    DRJ (15874d)

  87. Can you be any more of a shill?

    oh absolutely

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  88. I don’t doubt it, hf.

    DRJ (15874d)

  89. Republicans can certainly be like Democrats and do whatever their Dear Leader tells them to do. After all, Democrats have party unity and have accomplished a lot in the past 8 years. Maybe that’s what you want for Republicans, Haiku, but that also means Republicans will likely become moderate or even liberal. They will embrace policies that feel good and are popular, not policies that require thought, consideration and compromise. Is that what you want — a deal, any deal?

    DRJ (15874d) — 9/7/2017 @ 3:01 pm

    It’s been the leftist party establishment preventing real advances such as strengthening border security and repealing Obamacare.

    So I’m not sure where you can claim Haiku is asking for your straw man.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  90. Trump is not in Congress. He is not a Super-Legislator.

    I forget. Is Trump supposed to be part of the process or not? During the Obamacare repeal thing, there were those who complained that Trump didn’t take a leadership role. There were others that complained he was man in how he got involved in the House bill.

    Pelosi even got Trump to tweet support for Dreamers so her side wouldn’t have to worry about them.

    He tweeted out the policy. Personally, I want DACA to die. As a matter of fact, I want the whole anchor baby thing undone. DACA is the anchor baby policy on steroids. With DACA, the illegal alien doesn’t even have to be on American soil when she drops the baby in order to start getting the benefits of citizen or legal resident. She just has to get him on American soil before he’s 18.

    But, I don’t expect the leadership of the GOP to be any help on this issue. They all want amnesty.

    Anon Y. Mous (19e1f2)

  91. Anon.Y.Mous,

    thank you for getting the quotes from so-called Republicans who said there will be no government shutdown and they will pass a clean extension.

    Thank you also for your remarks about DACA is anchor baby policy on steroids. That is a very apt analogy and one I’d like to borrow with your permission.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  92. @NJRob: Absolutely, be my guest. 🙂

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  93. @81. =Gorsuch!=


    DCSCA (797bc0)

  94. but for reals

    pls to explain what great deal President Trump left on the table

    to be dickering about hurricane aid and flirting with a shutdown while Irma eats the meat off of Florida and leaves only the bone

    only a True Republican would be dumb enough to do anything other than what our good President Trump did

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  95. Trump is just angling to make himself more acceptable to Democrats than Pence would be, so they won’t join disgusted Republicans and impeach his orange ass. By trading off America’s future.

    nk (9651fb)

  96. @73. It’s called a New York minute.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  97. I don’t know what the rest of the country will think but it will be awhile before Texans will trust blue state politicians again.

    Until the next Harvey.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  98. 69… I guess I’ll have to look elsewhere for my answer, DRJ. I said up top I thought this was a bad decision on Trump’s part. What are congressional leaders of the majority party doing to meet the needs of the people who elected them?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  99. Best case, it’s a wake-up kick in the ass.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  100. angle dangle jingle jangle Trump is in the garden

    he picks the fennel and the yams while mama plays the organ

    jangle jingle dangle angle – a plucky tune she plays!

    while nevertrump he sulks and pouts and whiles away his days

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  101. Gee… Ryan’s now talking about a new tax system to begin 2018. A Republican tax plan would be much preferable and look very different from a Democrat plan. Let’s hope he can deliver.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  102. Someone appears to be shilling for Mitch McTurtle and Paul Ryan:Team FailAmerica.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  103. A Republican tax plan would be much preferable and look very different from a Democrat plan.

    they’ve already decided the obamacare taxes suit them just fine

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  104. No more words or false promises. Action required from Congress and this Prez.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  105. There’s a certain what-goes-around-comes-around irony listening to Florida’s Lil’Marco pleading to viewers of The Weather Channel to get out with the cry, “why would anybody make up these reports” … you know, ‘fake news’ on a MSM o/o outlet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  106. Bannon: “if you’re gonna break with him, resign, the stuff that was leaked out that last week by certain members of the White House, I thought, was unacceptable. If you find it unacceptable, you should resign.”

    Charlie Rose: “so who are you talking about?”

    Bannon: “I’m talking obviously about Gary Cohn and some other people. If you don’t like what he’s doing and you don’t agree with it, you have the obligation to resign.”

    Rose: ” So Gary Cohn should’ve resigned.”

    Bannon: “Am I going too fast for you?”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  107. Okay, I made that last quote up… couldn’t resist after seeing the dullard expression on Rose’s puss.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  108. DRJ 80-84. As one who is used to being sold out by Beltway republicans it’s easy to be frustrated with the latest stunt Trump pulled by taking the Schumer/Pelosi 3 month deal and talking about eliminating debt ceiling votes altogether instead of the longer deal Ryan/McConnell wanted that couldn’t pass without serious arm-twisting and cat-wrangling.

    When all is said and done what did Trump agree to that Ryan and McConnell weren’t going to end up passing anyway after days or weeks of arguing and name-calling when the country has bigger problems than 3 months of the status quo plus some additional money for disaster relief and military spending? Schumer and Pelosi may be gleeful about snookering the great deal-maker but they’re also trying to figure out another issue and line of attack while the public sees the feds working together with the states to handle the mess of Harvey and now Irma while Ryan is talking about filling out your taxes on a postcard in addition to this quickly passed bipartisan bill.

    What Ryan and McConnell should learn from this episode is that they should stop trying to negotiate these must-pass executive deals and return to regular order. By the time legislation works its way through the process all the arguments and name-calling are old news and political consensus has formed. After all, there are only so many ways politicians can make the same complaint before the public stops listening. How much this will help only time will tell but 3 more months of the status quo doesn’t seem like that big a deal to me.

    crazy (11d38b)

  109. Laura Ingraham asks “where have Ben Sasse and the other Republicans been for the last 7 weeks?”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  110. Kinda what I’ve been asking… where’s teh beef?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  111. “7 times they voted to repeal Obamacare, They Could. Not Deliver A Bill.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  112. I’m not saying I was pleased with what happened, but where’s the freaking outrage about these indolent Republicans?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  113. Here are the 10,535 pages of Obama Care condensed to 4 simple sentences:

    1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.
    2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.
    3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.
    4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured, and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured, so it will be ‘free-of-charge’ to them.

    Then came repeal which basically said:

    1. In order to uninsure the previously uninsured, we have to uninsure the previously insured who were uninsured then had to pay through the nose to be reinsured.

    2. Some of those previously insured who are now uninsured had better not have any newly preexisting conditions.

    3. In any case they will have to pay through the nose again to be re-re-insured.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  114. In other news:

    narciso (d1f714)

  115. 106… but what would Van Johnson or maybe Sidney Greenstreet say about it, ASPCA?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  116. 17 NOs on Harvey Aid Deal:
    1:47 PM – Sep 7, 2017

    these my friends are the truest war heroes of them all

    but once again sleazy p.o.s. war hero John McCain wins the super-bestest-war-hero-with-sprinkles award with this dollop of shameless coward-ass war hero goodness:

    The senator also blamed budget cuts for a lack of training that has begun to produce deadly consequences, such as several recent collisions involving Navy ships.

    “Apparently, watching as young men and women die for entirely avoidable reasons is not enough for us to change,” he said.

    jesus what a pig

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  117. @116. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    Ask Bogie:

    “You don’t like it, do you Rocco, the storm? Show it your gun, why don’t you? If it doesn’t stop, shoot it.” – Frank McCloud [Humphrey Bogart] ‘Key Largo’ 1948

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  118. Trump will go towards what will have him. If the GOP Right won’t go along and everything there ends in tears, he’ll head to the Left. And he knows a little secret: The Dems voted 100% against every GOP proposal, but the GOP center will split at the drop of a hat.

    On the other hand, Schumer and Pelosi are now compromised — they made a deal with Hitler. So when Trump tacks back towards the GOP they are going to have a bitch of a time keeping their own centrists in line.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  119. from the comments at Mr. Instapundit’s weblog

    curmudgeoninchief • an hour ago

    So The Big Cheeto goes to the Republicans and asks them to support his ObamaCare repeal, and 35 of them, Principled Conservatives All, say, “Eff off, we’re going to vote with the Dhimmicrats to prevent your bill from going through. Eat those lemons, Orange Boy!”. And three Senators, one of them admittedly brain-damaged, vote against his deal in the Senate, and so El Presidente says, “heck, if they can sell out the Republican Party by working with the Dhimmicrats, so can I. This is Fun!”.

    And, Lo!, it came to pass that the President made a deal with Congress to get something done that needed to get done and short-circuited his own alleged party, and it was Good. Take that, #NeverNoWayNoHowTrumpers!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  120. That would awkwars if comes anywhere near tennessee,

    narciso (d1f714)

  121. Thing is, the Democrats do not have the votes to pass the Schumer/Pelosi/Trump deal through either chamber: there have to be Republican votes for the deal. Further, without the consent of the Senate Majority Leader, the bill never reaches the Senate floor; without the consent of the Speaker and the Rules Committee, the bill never reaches the floor of the House.

    The President has just put enormous pressure on the GOP: either allow the deal to come to the floor, and pass it, or come up with a Republican — probably Republican only — debt ceiling extension, pass it and send it on to the President. There is, of course, the third option, of passing no debt extension, and watching the Social Security checks, issued on the third and fourth Wednesdays of the month, not get sent out. (My theory, that the government cannot run out of money, because there’s no one to bounce a check from the Treasury, is shared by almost no one. And yes, that was an utterly shameless blog plug.)

    Both Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama pushed government shutdowns, and ’twas the GOP who got beat up for it. Now, a ‘Republican’ President is about to try the same thing.

    The conspiracy theorist Dana (f1c5f8)

  122. Hurricane Irma path puts South Carolina in crosshairs

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  123. Thing is, the Democrats do not have the votes to pass the Schumer/Pelosi/Trump deal through either chamber: there have to be Republican votes for the deal. Further, without the consent of the Senate Majority Leader, the bill never reaches the Senate floor; without the consent of the Speaker and the Rules Committee, the bill never reaches the floor of the House.


    it passed the senate today 80-17

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  124. Trump’s potential triangulation sounds about right.

    crazy (11d38b)

  125. today John McCain literally said if we don’t give the incompetent corrupt US Military more money it will continue to send ill-prepared troops out to needlessly die in preventable accidents

    the sheer malignance of that, it takes a while to absorb

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  126. they made a deal with Hitler

    They took Hitler to the cleaners and got everything they wanted in return for nothing.

    Yeah, they’ll have real problems explaining that to their base…

    Dave (445e97)

  127. “everything they wanted”


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  128. Justice Dept files a friend of the court brief defending baker against religious discrimination in Colorado case which outrages this Washington Post reporter.

    Betsy Duvos overturning Obama’s kangaroo court for men in college being met with derision by the usual suspects.

    But we know these things don’t matter, right?

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  129. you can always trawl douchebag Jack Dorsey’s twitter sewer and come up with stupid people saying stupid things

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  130. i stopped reading at “cat stepdad”

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  131. But we know these things don’t matter, right?

    Not to our resident comrades, NJRob. They’d much rather bitch about Trump.

    Rev.Hoagie® (6bbda7)

  132. PredicTED…:

    TED CRUZ in 2016: “So if as a voter you think what we need is more Republicans in Washington to cut a deal with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, then I guess Donald Trump’s your guy.”

    Dave (445e97)

  133. Anon Y. Mous (6cc438) — 9/7/2017 @ 4:10 pm


    In other news:

    narciso (d1f714) — 9/7/2017 @ 5:13 pm

    Too many here have decided Ace sold out and won’t click his link, no matter how useful the information. Better off, just posting the news directly.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  134. Today, the president hit another home run — indeed, I would say a grand slam — when he nominated Greg Katsas for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

    omg Greg Katsas


    yeah that’s right

    he went to mother-effin harvard, y’all

    he went to harvard, y’all

    he went to harvard, y’all

    that’s like a top ten judge school

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  135. The Democrats instructed their obvious controlled Republicans to vote against it to earn some irrelevant creds to bolster the charade. Corker, Flake, McCain are the obvious ones. And one or two legitimate conservatives voted against it.

    jcurtis (f90067)

  136. @133. “Swing for the fences.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  137. I’m not saying I was pleased with what happened, but where’s the freaking outrage about these indolent Republicans?
    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 9/7/2017 @ 5:11 pm

    Right here.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  138. Outraged.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  139. About 100 members of the Republican Study Committee, another conservative House group, plan to vote no on the agreement unless there are conservative changes included, said Walker. The bill is still expected to pass, since it is likely to win support from most of the 194 Democrats and enough of the other 140 Republicans.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  140. But…but…Trump FIGHTS!!

    dlm (a4eb00)

  141. What I’d like to see:

    The Articles of Impeachment are still expected to pass, since they likely to win support from most of the 194 Democrats and enough of the other 100 Republicans.

    nk (9651fb)

  142. impeachment

    such an ugly word but

    impeachment without a commensurate malfeasance

    it’s a death knell for america

    a mournful death knell

    and then the flames

    a word become a pyre

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  143. Have you ever considered that green plants are more highly evolved than we are, because they have the power of photosynthesis?

    nk (9651fb)

  144. no but when i go to places like tahoe or yosemite and see the magnificent impossible trees

    i think sometimes these might could be the dinosaurs of our time

    precious and ancient and impossible

    then i remember

    we haven’t really tried our hand at making magnificent trees yet

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  145. Meanwhile, recently, when I praised Trump for his DACA decision, he took about a day to make me look like a chump sucker by undercutting all the arguments I had made on his behalf.

    Find me the chalkboard.

    I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not

    Patterico (115b1f)

  146. filthy corrupt fbi turdboy jimmy comey and treasonous poop-licking coward John McCain

    two great tastes what tastes great together

    But the FBI had its own part in this dossier, and investigators are finally drilling down into how big a role it played, and why. The bureau has furiously resisted answering questions. It ignored the initial requests for documents and has refused to comply with the House committee’s subpoenas, which were first issued Aug. 24. Republicans are frustrated enough that this week they sent orders compelling FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appear before the committee to explain the obstruction.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  147. Man. That would really stick to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell!

    Somebody or someone needs to.

    How do they not have an Obamacare repeal written and ready to pass in January?

    How do they not have budget bills written and ready to pass in January?

    How do they not have an immigration bill written and ready to pass in January?

    What were they doing the last six years? What were they doing after they and Trump won?

    Why can they pass an Obamacare repeal when they know Obama will veto it, but with larger majorities they now can’t pass a bill when Trump will sign it?

    Indulge your Trump hate all you want…but how can you defend the fecklessness and incompetence of the GOP Establishment?

    gahrie (d51b5b)

  148. Sessions already crapping away his one good press conference.

    urbanleftbehind (250c5f)

  149. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not praise Trump for any promised future action. I will not

    this is not your best writing is too many repeaters

    plus these are all I statements

    which is fine

    but there’s no flow

    this are not solve the problems!

    this are not resolve the conflict!

    A sender of a message can use a statement that begins with ‘I’ and expresses the sender’s feelings, identifies the unwanted behavior, and indicates a willingness to resolve the dispute, without using ‘you’ statements or engaging in positional problem solving.

    The [Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management] proposed a four-part I-message:

    – “I feel like___ (taking responsibility for one’s own feelings)

    – “I don’t like it when__ ” (stating the behavior that is a problem)

    – “because____” (what it is about the behavior or its consequences that one objects to)

    – “Can we work this out together?” (be open to working on the problem together).

    all you do (kinda, by inference) is step 2

    this is not how we get to conflict resolution Mr. P

    but you got step 2 nailed

    that’s not nothing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  150. Press conference was fine, the factvthe gope was incapable of stepping up, exceptvto ratify this grishenko foolishness.meanwhile we face a all of water that would make the citizens of Atlantic quiver. Re that credence Clearwater song

    narciso (d1f714)

  151. yes yes the context is incredibly meaningful just now Mr. narciso

    Houston is disgusting and the rest of south texas isn’t much better

    Florida’s about to be violently and significantly refashioned

    already it’s clear they should have started getting people out sooner

    and President Trump understands all of this

    i think people haven’t considered much

    people meaning nevertrump

    what living through this remarkable interlude has meant for President Trump

    he put on a mantle down there in Texas and in the days after

    a mantle he’s worn well

    and perforce he’s genuinely thought about many many facets of disaster and disaster recovery from a vantage that most of us can’t really perceive vicariously

    and here comes Irma and places where he’s spent much time laughing and loving

    are under the gravest threat

    people he knows their livelihoods their life’s work

    are under the gravest threat

    and nevertrump would have him spend these days dickering about a debt ceiling with a smallish and incompetent poofterboy like Paul Ryan and match wits with that oh so clever freedom filth gang and huddle with the odious and profoundly corrupt Mitch McConnell?

    i don’t get it personally, except for how petty it all is

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  152. Where to, pikachu, savannah, Atlanta, charlotte, you tell me what’s safe ground.

    narciso (d1f714)

  153. ok i’ll tell you

    go to Athens Georgia

    cotton still in the field you might could find honest work

    cheap happy hours and eats there what with it being a university town and all

    and damn fine people

    and there’s a gentleman there name of B Moe

    you run into him you tell him you know me you got yourself a friend

    happyfeet (28a91b)


    …A long-standing weather rule held that tropical cyclones never form within 180 miles of the Equator. In late-December 2001, however, a birth changed all that.

    Tropical meteorologists long believed the belt 10 degrees either side of the Equator was cyclone-free because the Coriolis effect was too weak to spin a budding tropical depression enough to form or sustain an organized storm rotation.

    …But, December 27, 2001, in the South China Sea, 1.5 degrees, about 100 miles, north of the Equator tropical forecasters announced the appearance of Typhoon Vamei, and long-held beliefs changed.

    Analysis later revealed that a weak, quasi-stagnant disturbance off Borneo interacted with a strong, cold surge off Asia that set up a background rotation when it hit the island. When surge met disturbance, spin happened, and a typhoon rapidly emerged that had winds howling in both hemispheres.

    Vamei’s 87-mph winds damaged the carrier USS Carl Vinson

    My boat.

    ….and an accompanying ships. Prior to Vamei, Typhoon Sarah in 1956 formed closest to the Equator, 3.3 degrees north. Such confluence of events has been estimated to occur once every 100 to 400 years.

    [Vamei satellite photo courtesty US Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center.]

    87mph winds can damage an aircraft carrier. Irma’s packing, what? 185mph winds.

    Get out of the way.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  155. Big deal. I rode out a storm. It scared the h3kk out me, though.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  156. The best officer I ever served with was the food services officer on the Carl Vinson. He could take any miscreant and turn him around.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

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