Patterico's Pontifications


The Viral Catcalling Video

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:28 pm

Everyone else is embedding this video. Why should I be any different?

The headline at Slate currently reads: “The Problem With That Catcalling Video.” But at the top, it says: “The Problem With That Catcalling Video: They Edited Out the White Guys.”

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 9.26.08 PM


100 Responses to “The Viral Catcalling Video”

  1. Also, everyone is making the comments from behind her, but the camera is in front of her. I don’t know what to make of that. I report, you decide.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. The guy who stalks her for like five minutes is pretty creepy. But is he being offered as a stand-in for males generally? I think he is — and yet, he is not.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  3. The problem with that video is the ridiculously broad definition of “harassment” that is being utsed.

    Just A Guy (08458e)

  4. Those were catcalls?

    Αχ, μουναρα μου, εσυ.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. nk,

    According to Google Translate, your Greek phrase translates as: “Oh, Munnar my NHS.”

    I could not agree more.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  6. I heard that a colleague was walking ahead of her with a camera pointing out of a back-pack to do the filming.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  7. Honest women would say that it depends on who is making the catcalls whether it’s offensive or not. Unfortunately, that’s the way women are. In real life.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  8. It’s not translatable, Patterico. It’s a very rude, but complimentary, Greek catcall.

    nk (dbc370)

  9. No kidding that everyone seems to be promoting this as some Really Big Indicator of the harsh atmosphere in which women bravely endure every day. The first time I saw this my immediate thought was, hmmm, almost all these guys are black or Latino. How long before we hear the cry of rayyyyyy-cismmmmm? So glad Slate came through for me, though I guess it should be noted that the Slate writer went to great lengths to assure everyone that whites are just as bad at objectifying women as minorities. Sure, mamí, if you say so.

    JVW (60ca93)

  10. Here’s a German one which is very close but nice. Ach, du meine schöne.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. Apparently they went to great lengths, JVW, to walk through black and Latino neighborhoods only — and when they had her walk through white neighborhoods, no doubt by accident, they edited out the numerous crude comments and gave some lame excuse about sirens or the microphone not working or some such.

    Or so says Slate.


    Patterico (9c670f)

  12. …Really Big Indicator of the harsh atmosphere in which women bravely endure every day.

    You have no idea, JVW! Every day, day in and day out, people acknowledge we’re pretty and something nice to look at – and they might even say, “How you doing?” Oh, the brutality! And on top of that, we also have… babies! There is no end to the harsh realities of life as a woman. If you only had a clue…

    Dana (8e74ce)

  13. Oh My Word — Go to the Slate comments right now! There are some hilarious commenters absolutely tearing this article to shreds. A sampling:

    Oh please. I’m sure the Great White Conspiracy has better things to do.

    “Hey! You got Misogyny In my Racism!”
    “No! You got Racism in my Misogyny!”
    *tastes* Mmmm! Popcorn!

    Here’s the funny thing. When we had a Patriarchy, this sort of thing didn’t exist. The very purpose of Patriarchy is to keep young men in line.

    Check it out. There is some awesome stuff there.

    JVW (60ca93)

  14. It did not take DeBlasio long to ruin New York.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  15. Eh. Ten hours of walking and she didn’t even get propositioned (you know they would have included that if she had).
    Proof that Obamanomics is working against blacks and latinoes?

    Seriously, I get hassled by pan handlers on an average walk, more than she got.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  16. i don’t understand the problem.

    it’s not like she’s all that attractive.

    redc1c4 (269d8e)

  17. Her elbows are kind of pointy.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  18. It’s not translatable, Patterico. It’s a very rude, but complimentary, Greek catcall.

    nk (dbc370) — 10/29/2014 @ 9:54 pm

    Oh, it is too translatable… Greek guy walks up behind woman, wraps his arm around to the front of her and says, “hey, pretty lady… want to see my watch?”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  19. I don’t know about their race but being in NY they must all be Democrats.

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  20. These guys who are “catcalling” her do seem kind of creepy to my bland whitebread ways, but it absolutely reminds me of an African-American guy, Nick, whom I worked with in my early 20s. A bunch of us young 20-somthing guys used to go out for happy hour together after work from time to time, and Nick often joined us. He was a college-educated young professional who came from a middle-class urban background (Pittsburgh, as I recall), and he was absolutely the stereotype of an aggressive young black guy on the make. A pretty young woman would come into the bar and Nick would amaze me by saying something like, “Hey baby, why don’t you bring that pretty face over here and let me buy you a drink.” It sounds crude, but I am guessing that a rough breakdown of the responses he would get would be the following:

    20% of the time he would be ignored
    20% of the time the woman would call him a jerk and tell him off
    20% of the time she would roll her eyes and/or shake her head no
    20% of the time she would giggle and smile but politely decline
    20% of the time she would come join him

    And I know that on at least one occasion that we were in the bar together Nick ended up going home with a woman whom he had so rakishly “catcalled” earlier in the evening. If you figure his success rate was 1 in 5 in terms of getting the woman to join him, and then further guess than maybe 1 in 5 of those women were willing to hook up with him, then he is going to get lucky once for every 25 girls that he catcalls. That isn’t such a bad number, and one can see that it make absolute sense to him to aggressively hit on all those women.

    So maybe it’s simple mathematics, not any kind of patriarchal nonsense that these Slate writers learn in their third-year Feminism: Critical Theory classes.

    JVW (60ca93)

  21. I’d like to see someone do a spoof video of this. Have a hot nearly naked woman walking in the front…with a GoPro camera on her back. Then have a morbidly obese woman walking behind in the view of the camera.

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  22. The actress is Soshanna Roberts. She has a wix website with her acting resume and vital stats out there. She’s a healthy girl, some would describe here as being built like a Brick Hooooouse. (Not doxxing the young lady, all of this is out there in interviews and first hit google results.)

    Xmas (f65ded)

  23. Yeah, well I am in southern China right now, and I am suffering from a case of whiplash from trying to scope out the pretty girls with high heels and skirts, that, if they were any shorter, the young ladies would have extra cheeks to powder and hair to trim. They ride scooters and motorcycles sidesaddle, and the skirts and dresses creep up little by little.

    Not that it is problem for me. I heartily approve.

    I denounce myself.

    But, face it, when women dress to be noticed and men notice, I guess it must be the fault of the guys for behaving exactly the way the women are hoping they will behave. It’s like entrapment, or something.

    Darth Chocolate (9b1d73)

  24. There are none so blind, as those who will not see.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  25. JVW (60ca93) — 10/29/2014 @ 10:42 pm

    It was best stated by the character Mark Ratner in Fast Times at Ridgemont High : You put the vibe out to 20 million chicks, something’s gonna happen.

    Navin R Johnson (b139c1)

  26. The problem with that video is the ridiculously broad definition of “harassment” that is being utsed.

    How is the definition ridiculous?

    Michael Ejercito (4775b5)

  27. #27. Because saying “hi” is defined as harassment.

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  28. So, a young lady is called to by lots of males who are interested in her, but who she isn’t interested by, and feels threatened.

    Get he a concealed carry permit, a small but effective pistol, and some training.

    Problem solved.

    C. S. P. Schofield (848299)

  29. But, face it, when women dress to be noticed and men notice, I guess it must be the fault of the guys for behaving exactly the way the women are hoping they will behave. It’s like entrapment, or something.
    Darth Chocolate (9b1d73) — 10/30/2014 @ 4:54 am

    Weren’t we told that men and women are alike?

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  30. The entire thing is staged.

    Rodney King's Spirit (8b9b5a)

  31. Men and women are exactly the same. They get to choose their gender expression.

    If you think about it. Those might have been all women hitting on a man. We just didn’t know their gender expression.

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  32. #27. Because saying “hi” is defined as harassment.

    Who came up with that definition? Presumably, merely saying hi is not harassment.

    Michael Ejercito (4775b5)

  33. How do we know that they didn’t have a sign or someone scouting ahead
    telling guys to lay it on this babe cause they were filming?

    I’m not saying that guys don’t do this, I’m saying that this seems to
    be extreme and in the past, Liberals have had not problem with creating
    a situation that they believe normally happens.

    (racist graffiti, churches being burned, heads being shaved, people being
    supposedly beaten up.)

    jakee308 (d409c2)

  34. Check out his FINE privilege

    Seriously, get real. She’s hot stuff, but catcalling and chasing is vulgar and rude and threatening and annoying and only vulgar people do it. It isn’t fun for the girl and it certainly isn’t effective unless trying to put people on the spot is your pastime. It’s just bad manners. And it might not be fair and it might be racist but back in the day that kind of attention came from the sort of people pictured in that video.

    I am of a certain (advanced) age and avoid certain places. I still occasionally get catcalled from behind, mostly at the home Depot, despite being skinny and old and busted. It is creepy and awful, and it was always creepy and awful, and was a heck of a lot scarier when I was a young girl full of sauce trying to make it on her own in the big city.

    And yes, it’s men of color who do it an always did it, except at construction sites. It’s like their momma’s never told them to mind themselves on a city street. Even WAAAAY back then the white guys were less awful in Richmond, so much so that one could be oblivious to any reaction to ones appearance on the streets. Which I have stories about but will leave out.

    SarahW (267b14)

  35. Most of that wasn’t catcalling. Saying “have a good day” is not a catcall. Stupid video from the usual misandrists.

    NJRob (eb3fc6)

  36. #34. “It’s just bad manners.”

    Totally agree. But who teaches manners anymore?

    Also, while it might be unpleasant, it shouldn’t be illegal which is apparently what Hollaback is campaigning for.

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  37. It was sexual aggression. Nah. Not buying the “hi” business. It was let me get in your pants, not a top of the mornin’ to ye.

    SarahW (267b14)

  38. “Most of that wasn’t catcalling. Saying “have a good day” is not a catcall. Stupid video from the usual misandrists.”

    That’s the problem, over-inclusive definition of harassment. “Hi,” “You have a nice evening, miss”? “How you doin'” by Joey in “Friends” is now harassment?

    I suppose it can be a gray area with things like “I just saw $1000” and, with the wrong intonation perhaps, “Hey, beautiful.”

    When I thin of harassment, I think of the two guys who followed her for several minutes, without any encouragement, or comments like, “Hey, baby, I got what you need [gesturing].”

    Mitch (341ca0)

  39. I don’t expect to stop that behavior – but I’m not going to call it anything but what it really is.

    SarahW (267b14)

  40. How about shut up and don’t approach strange women?
    This is why I like Sweden. No one says hello to you on the street unless they already know you.

    SarahW (267b14)

  41. I’m being a little overdramatic I know. But it’s really obvious they are reacting to a pretty girl and trying to get a response from her.

    SarahW (267b14)

  42. SarahW, are you serious? I walk past people all the time, young and old, male and female, and give them a warm smile and saw hello. It’s called being polite. Try it sometime. Most of the time it’s even appreciated.

    NJRob (eb3fc6)

  43. So if she was ugly it would be okay?

    NJRob (eb3fc6)

  44. In Sweden if you do that, NJRob, you are viewed as a psycho or possibly American.

    SarahW (267b14)

  45. Would it be okay?

    They wouldn’t do it then. Point being that’s NOT what the vast majority of attentive males in that video are doing. That over-familiarity on display, is because she is an attractive female.

    SarahW (267b14)

  46. SarahW,

    If the “catcall” (what really defines something as being a catcall and all it’s negative connotations) was made by Brad Pitt or George Clooney, do you think womens’ would be the same as when some strange guy does it???

    Dana (072751)

  47. I live in Richmond where perfect strangers will walk up to you and engage you in conversations about their mudroom or their begonias or that time Mr. Pricklepants was up a tree and chased down by a rabid raccoon. Saying hello, making eye contact, striking up debates on line at the bakery, is everyday business of living.

    So Sweden is a little bit of a relief.

    SarahW (267b14)

  48. Don’t you think Brad Pitt or George Clooney would not, in fact, be chatting up female passers-by that way?

    SarahW (267b14)

  49. Eh… Womens’ reactions would be the same?…

    Dana (072751)

  50. That doesn’t answer the question.

    Dana (072751)

  51. I understand that getting hit on by unwanted people is undesirable. Been there myself and I’m a guy. There’s just nothing to be done about it. You can tell people it is rude, but that’s about it. Attractive women have to deal with attention from horny guys (Some like it, some don’t). Guys have to worry about being a rogue pervert looking to molest kids at every turn. We all have our burdens in life.

    This idea that the world is supposed to change to accommodate individual people’s feelings is just not workable.

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  52. THere’s a diff, however, between a common greeting that would be extended to anyone, and a man having his eye caught and deciding he needs to let a woman know that she caught his eye, like she should be grateful or something and acknowledge him. She’s pretty. She’s eye-catching. That’s what they are doing, and I don’t see the need to pretend otherwise. And the intrusive stuff is just constant. I’m telling you, if you can still take me seriously, that its not only wearing and annoying, it can be scary.

    Cultures vary. NYC isn’t Richmond. New Yorkers don’t usually exchange pleasantries on the street. Richmond sure as heck isn’t Sweden, here everyone exhanges some acknowledgement of solitary passers by on the street, running the gamut from from nods of the head and eye contact to dialect stories about misplaced cats.

    SarahW (267b14)

  53. You can’t react to something that doesn’t happen, Dana. George Clooney looking up from his menu and going “HEy MOMEEE I just saw a thousand dollars” doesn’t happen to anyone. If I were pestered by a star of stage and screen,. like Arnold Schwarzenegger I’d probably think he was fresh and get out of there.

    SarahW (267b14)

  54. SarahW,

    My point is this: women are selective in their responses and one of the determinants in their response is whether or not the guy is attractive, successful looking, alpha or well known. The last would explain women who respond very favorably to professional per a like Clinton, etc. our gender is not innocent in this social interaction.

    Dana (072751)

  55. But think it over for a minute, Dana, you hit on something that is true enough when you were thinking a woman might make a distinction between good attention and bad attention based on the man who gives it.

    That’s part of the insult. That’s part of the scary. Some low status stranger male trying to box you in with his idea of a compliment or somewhat socially conventional greeting. What you are too good for me? You want to walk by me and look good and not have my editorial comment about it?

    Ladies know George Clooney’s face and they know he’s “someone” and I bet you a familiar remark from him might not be as ambiguous or intrusive or insulting. So there you have me.

    SarahW (267b14)

  56. When people are dating…do they not meet strangers all the time?

    How exactly do shows like “Girls” or “Sex and the City” portray women meeting men to date? What is the expected norm of dating?

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  57. I understand and agree with what SarahW is saying. I would not consider calling a woman I did not know honey, baby or momma or some such like many of the men in the video even if I was trying to get a rise out of her. Construction sites used to have very creative catcalling, which I’m sure was not fun for women, but could be low brow entertainment for we neanderthals. I remember learning some very interesting stuff living in NYC back in the day.

    Speaking of that, Dana, honey, where’s my sammich, you’re late!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  58. Can’t make every street a tea parlor and every man a cultured gentleman no matter how hard we try to protect frail womanhood, SarahW.

    nk (dbc370)

  59. Hit the nail on the head nk.

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  60. Cultures vary. NYC isn’t Richmond. New Yorkers don’t usually exchange pleasantries on the street. Richmond sure as heck isn’t Sweden, here everyone exhanges some acknowledgement of solitary passers by on the street, running the gamut from from nods of the head and eye contact to dialect stories about misplaced cats.

    SarahW (267b14) — 10/30/2014 @ 9:23 am

    I grew up in NYC. I disagree. Did you?

    You walk around often enough people will nod, just say “hello,” make eye contact and smile, etc.

    NJRob (e7ea6e)

  61. I grew up in Richmond, visted NYC (Dad worked for Phillip Morris International).
    Only the pidgeons said hello.

    SarahW (267b14)

  62. What I find interesting is the pitch for money at the end. What do they want to do with the money? They want to enact laws to criminalize the behavior of the men in the video:

    Engage elected officials: We present collected and mapped data to elected officials and policymakers in areas experiencing high incidences of street harassment and will engage legislators to work with our trained leaders to address street harassment in their communities.

    Anon Y. Mous (8ec442)

  63. n’t make every street a tea parlor and every man a cultured gentleman no matter how hard we try to protect frail womanhood, SarahW.
    nk (dbc370) — 10/30/2014 @ 9:52 am

    Ain’t it the truth. But it’s still very bad manners and unpleasant for the woman who just wants to get where she’s going.

    SarahW (267b14)

  64. I grew up in Richmond, visted NYC (Dad worked for Phillip Morris International).
    Only the pidgeons said hello.

    SarahW (267b14) — 10/30/2014 @ 10:04 am

    Pre-Giuliani or post-Giuliani? It makes a huge difference.

    NJRob (e7ea6e)

  65. Shoshana has a black belt in the martial arts, so she could have done a Robert Stack walk through the Airport kind of thing. That would have been compelling video.

    Sarah has a point. Being accosted on the street by it seemed like every rude asshole in the city (Not a coincidence they’re mostly black. Wonder where Ray Rice acquired his manners? Please. New York City of course. It’s not racism if it’s the truth.) is most definitely threatening.

    You know who is being abused? Who is having their character, their innocent character, disparaged throughout this thread?


    I’ve never heard an actual catcall from a cat on the street, stray or domesticated, so stop the reckless slander.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  66. Do NOT defend cats! I have a cat lady living next door and I HATE CATS!

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  67. …and I HATE CATS!

    Probably because of all the negative propaganda.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  68. Nah, it is because they poop everywhere and pee everywhere. We even had one jump up into a child’s bicycle seat and poop IN the seat.

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  69. Maybe it’s not a racial thing so much as a cultural thing. What struck me about my colleague, Nick, whom I wrote about above is that he was an entirely middle-class, bourgeois, college educated, professional black guy, but he still affected that kind of street vibe when pursuing women. I don’t know if he was subconsciously imitating what he had seen lower-class guys do, or if he thought that it was expected that he act that way because of his race. I kind of agree with SarahW and some of the women that his behavior (to my middle class, bourgeois, college educated, professional white guy sensibilities) was pretty obnoxious, but as I said above it worked for him. My lame introduction/pick-up lines didn’t fare any better or worse than his did (you would be surprised how tempting it is at a bar to ask “come here often?” even though you know it’s a way cheesy line).

    JVW (60ca93)

  70. Wait, 10 hours of walking and all they got was 1 min 57 seconds of nothingness?

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  71. But don’t tell me that women don’t like ogling sexy-looking men. Safe for work but once you’ve seen it you cannot unsee it.

    nk (dbc370)

  72. The actress is Soshanna Roberts. She has a wix website with her acting resume and vital stats out there. She’s a healthy girl, some would describe here as being built like a Brick Hooooouse. (Not doxxing the young lady, all of this is out there in interviews and first hit google results.)

    Xmas raises an interesting issue here. On the website with her acting resume she has no problem telling us that her bust size is 34DD. Now why would an aspiring young actress be announcing (bad pun alert!) upfront her bust size? Is it because she wants to be considered for “busty girl whom guys oogle” roles in movies and TV? So she is content to play that role on the screen, but it is some kind of affront to feminism when she gets treated like that in real life?

    That’s not to say that many of those guys in the video didn’t behave like jerks.

    JVW (60ca93)

  73. Wait, 10 hours of walking and all they got was 1 min 57 seconds of nothingness?

    I think there is supposedly an hour-long video of guys gaping, staring, and talking to her. No doubt they just chose the most egregious offenders for this video, and that’s why so many of them were black and Latino.

    JVW (60ca93)

  74. Nah, it is because they poop everywhere …

    WELL, so do birds.

    The difference is birds have a better PR deptment than cats.


    papertiger (c2d6da)

  75. In communist Sweden, cat calls you.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  76. well she’s better looking than Lena Dunham

    I smell a publicity stunt, here, why the camera ahead of her, unless you wanted to provoke said behavior,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  77. #74. I thought it was because bird poop isn’t nearly as disgusting as cat poop.

    I also thought cats had a good publicity machine working for them, I mean they are called pussies. That’s a sign of positive PR.

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  78. You ever notice how cats are only referred to as pussies when some guy on television wants to make a double entendre for a female co host?

    Some pr department.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  79. Are you implying that cats are part of the war on women?

    Dejectedhead (a094a6)

  80. Mostly just goofing off. If I implied something you can rest assured it was accidental.
    Crossing the streams can get dangerous.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  81. Don’t worry, I know you were goofing off.

    So am I…except that I do hate cats (or at least cat ladies).

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  82. JVW – Thank you for the information on Shoshanna’s sweater puppies.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  83. 1: They didn’t pick up any other women getting ‘catcalled’ while filming? She was always the only woman in a 10ft area?

    2: what was the movie in which Katerine Hepburn turns on her heels and confronts a ‘catcaller’ – and then tells him she liked it?

    seeRpea (d87bda)

  84. JVW – Thank you for the information on Shoshanna’s sweater puppies.

    I’m here to serve.

    JVW (60ca93)

  85. So am I…except that I do hate cats (or at least cat ladies).

    Dejected Head, there’s nothing wrong with any cat that a good taxidermist can’t cure.

    Chuck Bartowski (79bf97)

  86. With those fat ass thighs I am surprised if she does not have upper thigh burn.

    highpockets (3202ff)

  87. What are you, on the lowdown?

    nk (dbc370)

  88. nk was that for me? Cause being low has nothing to with with being down. And yes, I find the young lady less than attractive. I like my women thin. Anorexia thin. Meth thin. Skin and bones.

    highpockets (3202ff)

  89. FWIW. My 18 year old just informed that he likes his women constipated and opiate fat.

    highpockets (3202ff)

  90. Well, to each his own. Fat thighs, pointy elbows, hard to inflate ….

    nk (dbc370)

  91. Next time, could they make this video within two blocks of the NYSE?…
    or walking up Central Park West?

    askeptic (efcf22)

  92. As though I needed more reasons to like Texas. From Instapundit:

    Texas woman broke into husband’s friend’s home, sexually assaulted him: police. “Megan Davis Hoelting, 31, allegedly snuck into the sleeping man’s bedroom in only a nightgown and began to perform fellatio, according to a felony criminal complaint. Her arrest Monday was her fourth this month.”

    nk (dbc370)

  93. Here’s the problem with what happened in this video and happens to women every day. If a woman acknowledges these catcalls, the guys are encouraged and will press further and further. If one or more sexually assaults her, SHE will be considered at fault because by encouraging it and acknowledging the catcalls, she must have “wanted it”. If she ignores the catcalls, one or more of the guys may become offended and aggressive and there is a very real possibility they will assault her in retaliation — to “show” her. To “put the uppity bitch in her place”. The reality is that for women, there is NO good or safe way to discourage this behavior b/c either response can conceivably result in assault or rape.

    Boons O Rama (6af3a8)

  94. When I was in college, in Philly, I used to walk two senior girls to the grocery store every week – because when I was with them, they weren’t hassled.

    Women are routinely hassled – in liberal bastions such as New York. If they were walking down the street in a small town, or in suburbia, this would be very rare.

    Liberal men are jerks. And yes there is a racial element. These men are used to using women, and their women choose jerks. Look at urban illegitimacy rates.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  95. Amphipolis: I was thinking along those lines myself.

    And here’s the thing: if those guys were short of oxygen and this woman walked by, they’d be more worried about oxygen, not trying to get her attention (and we all know the end goal of that).
    If they were short of food, they woudn’t be worried about the pleasures of the flesh either.

    It’s pretty apparent that these guys aren’t working, not earning an honest living.

    It seems to me that these guys are getting all their other needs met somewhere, and that leaves them free for activities like this.

    scrubone (fb5649)

  96. It saddens me to think that it must be jelly cause jam don’t shake like that.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  97. Just tryin’ out my new voice recognition on Teh iPad

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  98. It occurred to me, the “creepy guy” who walked alongside for several minutes, I asked myself “what was he doing?”
    He never spoke, or at least if he did speak it was innocuous. Not worth including in the video.

    So what was he doing?

    Then I realized, to his mind, he was walking the young lady through the tough patch, acting as protector and benefactor.
    Or in other words, acting in a chivalrous manner.

    Interesting that he, the nameless dark knight, honoring the code of conduct, which is supposedly dead, that this video is purportedly documenting the demise of, was the target of the most scorn.

    Creepy, right?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  99. 10 hours of walking NYC streets as a man…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

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