Patterico's Pontifications


Democrat on Nikki Haley: “We’re Gonna Escort Whore Out the Door”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:45 pm

It’s clearly a brain freeze, but if a Republican had said it about a female Democrat, they’d be screeching in fauxtrage. So watch it and laugh. Skip to 1:00 if you’re in a hurry. I can’t embed it because it’s one of these retarded auto-start videos, and what’s more you have to sit there 10 seconds for it to load. It’s OK, go here and watch anyway. It’s worth it.

30 Responses to “Democrat on Nikki Haley: “We’re Gonna Escort Whore Out the Door””

  1. Racists

    Mg (ae32da)

  2. It’s North Carolina. Here’s the applicable law:

    67. It shall not be lawful for any free negro, or mulatto to migrate into this State: and if he or she shall do so, contrary to the provisions of this act, and being thereof informed, shall not within twenty days thereafter, remove out of the state, he or she being thereof convicted in manner hereinafter directed, shall be liable to apenalty of five hundred dollars; and upon failure to pay the same, within the time prescribed in the judgment awarded against such person or persons, he or she shall be liable to be held in servitude, and at labor for a term of time not exceeding ten years, in such manner and upon such terms as may be prescribed by the court awarding such sentence; and the proceeds arising therefrom, shall be paid over to the county trustee for county purposes: Provided, That in case any free negro or mulatto shall pay the penalty of five hundred dollars, according to the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of such free negro, or mulatto to remove him or herself out of this state within twenty days thereafter, and for every such failure, he or she shall be subject to the like penalty, as is prescribed for a failure to remove in the first instance.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. And, of course, the insult is uttered while demanding mo’ money for a Democratic Party client-group. The whole point of the Democratic Party is to set themselves up as patronage brokers.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  4. This is the way that a great many people in our culture routinely speak these days in their “normal” daily conversation. It is therefore not terribly surprising when it “accidentally” spills out to the general public at inappropriate times. What sounds shocking to us prolly just sounds like “bein’ real” to the guy who said it. It’s sad for our little country, you know?

    elissa (75d957)

  5. He knew what he said, and then laughed with the crowd….he didn’t even try to say something about slipping up, so he let the “joke” play and accepted the crowds’ approval….


    reff (4dcda2)

  6. is Will Folks working with the Democrats now, oddly they don’t use that language for those to whom it may pertain,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  7. Heh! elissa, last night when I was stepping out for a cigarette, three boys were walking by on their way to the tavern. One of them said the f-word and another shushed him pointing to me. Really! And I did not even have a minister’s collar on. Then they asked me what music I listened to in 1971 and I could not remember Buddy Holly’s name so I said Elvis. I feel old.

    nk (dbc370)

  8. That’s a pathetic story on so many many levels nk!

    elissa (75d957)

  9. You don’t think old, nk.

    mg (31009b)

  10. These sleazy Democrats caa all kiss my ample ass

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  11. Thanks, mg.

    nk (dbc370)

  12. Elvis in ’71, nk?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  13. that was the initial stages of the Slow March of Black Leather-Jacketed Cool ’68 Elvis to Bloated Parody Die On The Toilet Seat ’77 Elvis.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. “think about it, y’all… calm down out there…”

    Hey SC Dems… Eff all, y’all!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  15. nk, we are pretty close in age. I work with young people every day.

    Funny part is that the students and I pretty much agree on music. But it’s good that they try to show me some respect (and vice versa). Civility is not weakness.

    I think that it’s nice that the young men you encountered didn’t want to cuss in front of you. My father is a retired firefighter, so there is very, very little profanity I do not know. My father worried when I was a teenager that I wasn’t cussing in front of him, in fact. I explained I was showing him respect.

    Then I did my best to impress him with colorful language I learned from this book (language warning):

    My father laughed so hard he couldn’t speak for a while, and shook my hand. A happy memory.

    Simon Jester (54b72d)

  16. I still have his Live in Las Vegas album, Haiku. Vinyl, 33 1/3. But I really was into rock and roll, not rock, when I was 15. Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, et al.

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Elvis was The Man, for a while… I always enjoyed Rob Schneider’s Tiny Elvis schtik… and he does a pretty mean Elvis…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  18. Hey, nk still watches The Andy Griffith Show, so what’s wrong with Elvis in ’71? Note that Mayberry was set in North Carolina….

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  19. Its funny when Democrat men say these things, very fun and humorous.

    It is also funny to hear the audio of Bristol Palin descibing being dragged around by the hair. by a man who is spewing the c word… how funny is that… only funnier if it was Sarah Palin herself… too bad she sat out in the car while the white trash set the world straight… or we’d be laughing for weeks.

    steveg (794291)

  20. well the fact, that she was speaking at an event for PTSD sufferers, might interfere with that image,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  21. Well, there is this law too:

    1741 c 35 s 38 No slave to go off his master’s plantation without leave in writing.

    26. No slave shall go from off the plantation or seat of land where such slave shall be appointed to live without a certificate of leave, in writing, for so doing from his or her master or overseer.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. Mayberry was set in North Carolina

    And it would have to be Graham County, because that’s the only dry county in the state.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. Sounded like a misspeak. But clearly he was intentional when he refused to apologize.

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  24. No class.

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  25. #3
    ” And, of course, the insult is uttered while demanding mo’ money for a Democratic Party client-group. The whole point of the Democratic Party is to set themselves up as patronage brokers.
    Art Deco (ee8de5) — 10/25/2014 @ 5:51 am ”
    = = = = = = =

    So, you’re calling them “policy pimps”?

    Heh, heh, heh. Sounds about right to me.

    A_Nonny_Mouse (b62b5b)

  26. It was no misspeak. It was just plausibly deniable. The crowd heard it an approved, as he knew they would.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  27. In all fairness, it seems more of slip of the tongue, the way the mind frames one word (her) to somehow match another word (door) so that it sounded like whore, and he does correct himself.

    Denver Todd (fe903f)

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