Patterico's Pontifications


Let Common Sense Prevail

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:05 pm

[guest post by Dana]

A week after the confrontation between “Django Unchained” actress Daniele Watts and the LAPD, Los Angeles civil rights advocate Earl Ofari Hutchinson says he would like Watts to apologize to the LAPD. He requested this after viewing the released photographs and listening to the audio recording of Watts and the officer:

“I was one that was very outspoken about it,” he said. “We take racial profiling very seriously. It’s not a play thing. It’s not trivial.”

“We began to see pictures that actually show that perhaps there was probable cause for the stop. There was provable cause for the detention,” he said. “You must have your facts. You can’t rush to judgment. If you do that, you have no credibility.”

He hopes it’s a lesson learned for others.

“It’s like crying wolf,” he said. “After awhile, it has no meaning.”

Several comments left on Watts’s Facebook page pointed out the obvious:

“I’m black, but the latest audio that was released proved to MANY people that this Danielle Watts actress is a calculating, attention seeking DIVA who refused to cooperate,” wrote Jordan Dermont. “The cop was doing his job, was professional AND WAS VERY POLITE!”

Brittany Nicole wrote, “I guess you would be the girl who cried wolf? I am ashamed of this whole thing. Can we as black people stop pulling the race card EVERY single time we get in trouble.”

Watts has not responded.

Not jumping to conclusions but waiting until after the facts are known and an investigation is complete should be color-blind common sense.


36 Responses to “Let Common Sense Prevail”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  2. i thought she had a publicist

    somebody needs to get on the stick

    happyfeet (a785d5)

  3. I would get a publicist, too, happyfeet, if they would prepare all of my meals. But maybe it ‘s a chef I need instead… Somehow, though, snapping You can take me down to the court office and I can make a scene about it. You know that I have a chef doesn’t have the quite the same pizazz.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  4. A much younger EOH would have immediately built a barricade, and then burnt it down.
    His ‘growth’ is amazing.

    askeptic (efcf22)

  5. Common sense would appear all too uncommon.

    The CDC today admits Ebola cases are doubling every three weeks. The total will reach 20K this weekend. Yet we’re sending 3000 troops, including doctors, to set up 17 clinics.

    All inorder that we have more cases to treat stateside.

    We’re paying thousands of Syrian rebels a stipend, we want to train them to be assassins at $100K a pop. We are about to dispense with visas altogether.

    Like they need a hand up for a fair shot at our throats.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  6. told you this was a stupidly conceived publicity stunt.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  7. Oh…common sense. It is a rare thing to witness and those that exhibit it often get shouted at and berated for being fascists.

    DejectedHead (9b0c64)

  8. By the way…anyone see the liberal reaction to The Federalist outing Neil DeGrasse Tyson for fabricating stories and quotes?

    Naturally, the primary defense is to call all conservatives racists that want to knock an educated black man down a peg. Then they throw in that conservatives are anti-science. They also throw in that it is okay for him to fabricate quotes and make up stories because he’s not a journalist, he’s an educator, he’s just telling people these fictional made up stories to teach life lessons.

    DejectedHead (9b0c64)

  9. “common sense” is uncommon these days, and most people have been trained to be afraid of it…

    their masters fear it, because it makes achieving their goals that much harder.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  10. It’s a start.

    f1guyus (647d76)

  11. Soooooo … lemme get this straight:

    Patterico is coming out for the proposition that, whenever police demand it, we have to rpresent our papers.

    Got it.

    someguy (37038b)

  12. “Soooooo … lemme get this straight:

    Patterico is coming out for the proposition that, whenever police demand it, we have to rpresent our papers.”

    someguy – You must be reading some other post. I see nowhere that Patterico is coming out for the proposition that police randomly stopping people can demand to see papers.

    Can you point out where you think you see that?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  13. “Soooooo … lemme get this straight:”

    Raise your hand if after reading this clause, you immediately knew what would follow was complete and utter BS

    JD (fbcc5a)

  14. Earl O. Hutchison is often, or sometimes, on the right side of things. Good for him and his group there.

    This is just another Hollywood princess who got caught doing a bad! And now she haz a sad!

    Patricia (5fc097)

  15. He’s reading the dingleberries in Radley Balko’s underwear, daleyrocks.

    nk (9faaca)

  16. I know this has nothing to do with anything, but Greg Abbott and Wendy Davis debated tonight and I swear to God, Wendy had more hair than Dolly Parton on her best day. Those extensions would embarass Beyonce.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  17. Can we as black people stop pulling the race card EVERY single time we get in trouble.”

    That’s damn difficult to achieve since surveys indicate that something like over 90 percent of black America is of the left or blindly loyal to liberals/Democrats. Not helping matters, a good portion of the remaining 5 to 10 percent may be ideologically wishy-washy at best.

    I wouldn’t be comfortable with a community or a populace numbering in the millions that was over 90 percent conservative and blindly loyal to the Republican Party. Even more so if such a group of people were bogged down by lots of socio-economic weaknesses and fractures. But a lack of political diversity in general — and, in turn, a surfeit of monolithic thinking — isn’t all that healthy.

    Mark (c160ec)

  18. @13– OK.. can I put my hand down yet? I’m getting a cramp.

    Gramps, the original (7adb80)

  19. Come on champs, gramps has got the cramps…

    Gazzer (8a0f65)

  20. Soooooo … lemme get this straight:

    Patterico is coming out for the proposition that, whenever police demand it, we have to rpresent our papers.

    Got it.

    someguy (37038b) — 9/19/2014 @ 7:04 pm

    No, Wile E., you got that crooked as Lombard Street. I’m not surprised, though. It’s pretty easy for a low-information citizen to dismiss the connection between rights and responsibilities in our society.

    Bill H (f9e4cd)

  21. It’s pretty easy for a low-information citizen to dismiss the connection between rights and responsibilities in our society.


    that would leave a mark on a normal person, but LIV’s are insensitive, at best.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  22. #28

    It is OK to ask
    am I suspected of having committted a crime
    Am I being detained and if so why?
    Am I free to go and if not, why not
    Courts have been upholding citizens rights to record police as public servants doing business in public places and jurisdictions and individual cops have lost lawsuits and faced disciplined for denying rights… so it may be a good idea to record yourself respectfully asking questions like these… but first don’t take my word for it..look it up and be aware that uninformed cops will disagree.
    it seems like a cop that wants to see ID can find a way to create trouble over that or at least stall you until you miss dinner reservations, so just hand over the ID…
    If you get into a back and forth with a cop with he or she asking for id, you say not interested in giving them your id, they get interested and ask stuff like do you have a wallet? Is there ID or anything with your name on it in the wallet? They get more and more irritated and suspicious and to what end?

    There is a series of videos by guys who drive highways that have checkpoints and the drivers do not want to show id. if you watch the time clocks on the videos you can see that the drivers wait a while for the superintendent to drop by ,although to be fair, after 9 or 10 trips, the cops just start to wave them through after a quick once over

    steveg (794291)

  23. #28: it is one thing to be walking along the street, minding your own business, only to have a cop roll up on you & demand information, which is entirely different than cops responding to a citizen call re an event that is a possible violation of the law, and confronting a person that matches the description of one of the possible offenders reported by said citizens …

    both scenarios being entirely different from checkpoints set up on interstate highways, etc, and where therefore are not germane to this discussion.


    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  24. #22… and no, i am neither psychic, nor running such a shop.


    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  25. o. t.
    Hang the speaker.
    What a pathetic fricking party.
    I hope he gets killed in a car crash and loses his hair.

    mg (31009b)

  26. Rove couldn’t do more damage if he tried. I think the idiot is a democrat mole.

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  27. 25. Now there’s a positive step on the way to a solution.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  28. I guess KS is going to flip Indie, Roberts down 5%.

    Get the feeling the Party of Schtoopid is going to ‘eff up their wet dream?

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  29. the GOPe doesn’t care what happens, as long as they remain in their comfy slots at the trough there in DC.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  30. Corpulent Karl is soiling himself:

    What are we, six weeks out? Nothing good can happen this late in the game.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  31. Aw, sorry sicko, I just got home from work and don’t think well.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  32. 25. It’s only for the vote for the Speaker, which is pretty much the definition of what [arty somebody caucuses with in the House of Represenatives.

    Sammy Finkelman (cb098f)

  33. Here in MN whatshisname, the GOP challenger, is down 8 to Guv Prozac, and somefinanceexec is down to Sen. Frankenslime 12.

    A Chamber carpetbagger is running in my district expecting coronation and Ms. Bachmann’s throne.

    Helluva job, big donors.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

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