Patterico's Pontifications


Howard Kurtz Ripped to Shreds on His Own Show

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:56 pm

I’d feel sorry for him, except he continues to weasel about his past mistakes and cover-ups. Watching him squirm while the other two guys destroy him is tremendously satisfying. Enjoy:

30 Responses to “Howard Kurtz Ripped to Shreds on His Own Show”

  1. That he was torn to shreds wasn’t my take on it. Rather, Howie did the closest thing a liberal can do to a combat infantryman jumping on a loose grenade.

    He TOFTT, plain and simple, thereby allowing the illiterati the chance to distract the people and hype AC’s breathless coverage of the Kermit Gosnell Jody Arias trial.

    Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    My Sharia Moor (7ede7d)

  2. picking propaganda whores from NPR and Politico to do the job sorta gives away the game I think

    this is a scripted ritual I think like they did a lot for Clinton after he got busted making sex with that young jewish girl

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  3. Howie was pulverized. Utterly delicious. Where’s his apology to conservative journalists like James O’Keefe for insisting that he, Howie, deserves special consideration? Hopeless arrogance and hubris. Screw you, Howie.

    If only POTUS received this type of questioning.

    Ed from SFV (f2f7b7)

  4. with that young jewish girl

    I believe that Miss Lewinsky was 22 when it began. And why do you identify her by her religion? What does her being Jewish have to do with it?

    aunursa (720770)

  5. Would love to see these two interrogators go after MSNBC for their edited tape of Joe Biden this week making a Benghazi comment sound like an anti-NRA rant.

    harkin (79931c)

  6. Using NPR and especially Dylan Byers from politico to critique him is rich. Good old Dylan only has a passing acquaintance with honest reporting.

    JD (b63a52)

  7. I believe that Miss Lewinsky was 22 when it began. And why do you identify her by her religion? What does her being Jewish have to do with it?

    Comment by aunursa (720770) — 5/5/2013 @ 3:24 pm

    Jesus H. Christ, lady…it’s satire.

    Friggin halfwits, these people.

    My Sharia Moor (7ede7d)

  8. I’d feel more schadenfreude if the issue involved a person in the news who was incorrectly razzed for coming out and taking a non-PC, right-leaning position. But a GLBT person announcing to the world his sexual orientation, and Kurtz also pointing out the bisexual nature of that person, and then a bunch of liberals feeling all resentful about Kurtz’s observation is merely liberalism upholding the value of liberalism and fashionable political correctness.

    However, the guy from Politico pointing out Kurtz’s other mistakes did make their takedown of Kurtz seem less of a tempest in a teapot.

    Then again, the MSM is loaded down with people who buy into various forms of dishonesty — eg, they all rally around characters like Bill “meaning-of-is-is” Clinton, his dodging-sniper-fire wife, Barack Benghazi-ed Obama, etc, etc — that they all have “blood” (ie, BS) on their hands.

    Mark (2e68b2)

  9. aunursa I made all my salads for to take to work yesterday but I didn’t make any salad dressing so today I took some leftover pureed apricots I’ve been using for yogurt and mixed it with a little mayo and nutmeg, so that should do the trick

    the apricots came from a can

    I have all this stupid canned foozle I bought cause everyone said to buy canned food and I am a very impressionable lil pikachu, so bought canned food I did

    so then I had all these cans so I bought a Hon storage cabinet for to put the cans in

    it’s a very handsome cabinet but it’s very metal and industrial looking so decided to do a robot theme in that part of the apartment which is basically the bar area so I got some robot paintings by local artists and some figurines too and even an antique wine opener what looks like a robot but the area still wasn’t balanced

    so I had these custom gym lockers made – I use those for storing all my kitchen gadgets mostly and in the middle there’s a chrome soda pop table with the chrome stools plus an extra stool I got at one of those cool vintage shops you see on tv sometimes that somebody stenciled a showgirl in a martini glass on (this makes sense cause of like I said it’s basically the bar area)

    anyway as you can see the whole canned food thing ended up being quite consequential but in the long run it was a good thing cause of otherwise I wouldn’t have had the apricots for to make the salad dressing, in which case I probably would’ve just used melba sauce

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  10. so *I* decided to do a robot theme I mean

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  11. Kurtz chose the wrong target. If he had made some fallacious charge against Sarah Palin, few in the media would have complained, or even noticed.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (3874d0)

  12. Amen, Brother Fikes.

    Ag80 (19f299)

  13. Mr. Feets – Were they young Jewish robots in your theme?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  14. Sometimes, happy, an apricot is just an apricot and a good melba sauce is just a good melba sauce. It’s not complicated.

    Ag80 (19f299)

  15. not so much

    there’s actually a staggering variety

    from the simple earnest and helpful to the dark menacing and foreboding, the robot of today resists pigeon-holing Mr. daley

    no simple factory-worker, today’s robot is fashion-forward and by turns as flamboyantly analytic as it is mercilessly functional

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  16. Mr. 80 here is what I know

    the apricots come in a can

    the melba sauce comes in a jar

    in the hierarchy of foozle, canned stuff is well below jarred stuff –

    it’s also below frozened stuff

    canned food should be effing grateful if someone even tastes it much less calls it a meal

    until the SHTF anyhoo

    which, realistically, is much more likely to come in the form of a catastrophic erfcake than in the form of weimaresque hyperinflations

    but still

    one most hope for the best and plan for the worst, mustn’t one

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  17. I’m sad that Tommy Xtopher was not available to participate on that journalistic navel gazing show.

    elissa (fc49fa)

  18. Mr. happy:

    Apricots grow on trees.

    Melba sauce is easy to make.

    There are a lot of people who know how to manage both.

    Hyperinflation can be a worry, but not when free people can farm and manufacture. Markets can overcome the ignorance of government.

    However, good cabinets are always a good choice.

    Ag80 (19f299)

  19. Greetings:

    Back when the good Sisters of Mercy were teaching us lads about the Sacrament of Penance and earning God’s forgiveness for our sins, they kept mentioning something they referred to as “a firm purpose of amendment” as a qualifying condition.

    Can’t say that I saw any of that as opposed to some fast talking.

    11B40 (a358b9)

  20. you must be from a different climate Mr. 80

    my pikachu clan ranges from south texas to southern california

    for us ones melba sauce is exotic and very, very – deeply – jarry

    if raspberries are a california thing I’ve yet to encounter it

    but apricots – California makes almost all the apricots

    I seriously doubt 1 in 10 californians knows that though

    cause they so damn dumb

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  21. oh.

    apparently I live right smack-dab in the vibrantly-beating heart of raspberry country

    wtf knew?

    nobody tells me anything

    plus you know about californians –

    we so damn dumb

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  22. Our berries are never genetically modified or subjected to irradiation.

    excuse me driscoll’s but – for reals – i’d really a lot prefer you irradiated your raspberries after them being manhandled by your hepatitis-ridden illegal berry pickers


    happyfeet (8ce051)

  23. I believe that Miss Lewinsky was 22 when it began. And why do you identify her by her religion? What does her being Jewish have to do with it?

    Comment by aunursa (720770) — 5/5/2013 @ 3:24 pm

    It was not only an adulterous, meretricious relationship, it was also tref.

    Progressive nk (875f57)

  24. Next time Dylan Byers makes a mistake, do you think he would be willing to sit in the hot seat like that? No, I don’t think so.

    JD (283b0e)

  25. It’s blue on blue, Politico attacked Abramson, and Kurtz, defended her, in the Beast, ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ .

    narciso (3fec35)

  26. yes it was tres tref

    i was gonna say that but I got distracted by all the new stuff i learned about raspberries

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  27. Can you imagine FOX ever setting up a situation like this to call BS their consistently wrong ‘journalists’?

    Never happen.

    That’s why CNN has integrity, FOX doesn’t.

    Dad (ea1463)

  28. That’s why CNN has integrity, FOX doesn’t.

    Comment by Dad (ea1463) — 5/8/2013 @ 6:21 am

    He says, without comprehending a single syllable of the word, “integrity.”


    My Sharia Moor (7ede7d)

  29. This was right out of a group therapy session. Share your tears, Howard, it will empower you.

    nk (875f57)

  30. That was like watching a Bill Clinton speech on ethics.

    Bill M (dc386c)

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