Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:36 pm

Did you see it?

22 Responses to “Meteor!!!!!!”

  1. The end is nigh.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. I didn’t see it, but I’m told it landed in my yard.

    That is, I’m told by the IRS it landed in my yard. And it’s worth $16 trillion dollars.

    Now I have to go to tax court and prove none of those things are true or I have to pay the national debt. Tax court having a backlog of like two years the penalties and interest is going to be tough to bear.

    The good news is I’ll feature prominently in the Preezy’s 2014 SOTU address when he talks about the savings he’s proposed.

    Steve57 (60a887)

  3. Think there’s more where that one came from?

    SarahW (b0e533)

  4. I want to see pictures.

    elissa (0b96fa)

  5. 3. Think there’s more where that one came from?

    Comment by SarahW (b0e533) — 3/22/2013 @ 6:03 pm

    Sure. Frequently. I mean, after the IRS calculated that if you caught one of Barry Bonds’ home run balls and gave it back to the guy they could slap you with a few hundred grand worth of gift taxes, why wouldn’t it happen a lot.

    It is, however, your privilege as an American to go to IRS tax court and prove the IRS is wrong before an IRS judge.

    Steve57 (60a887)

  6. we should sacrifice something

    or someone

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  7. I have some ideas

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  8. That’s a whole lot of unobtanium.

    narciso (3fec35)

  9. I don’t tweet, or chirp, or follow those who do…
    but why do the time stamps all look in the future???

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  10. Should I spend my IRA now?

    P.S. My screen freezes up a lot when I visit Twitchy or Hotair. Anyone else? Tired of it.

    Patricia (be0117)

  11. This meteor is obviously a result of sequestration. And maybe ‘global galactic warming,’ too.

    Elephant Stone (baa285)

  12. I didn’t see nor hear about the meteor, because the AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWERS have all been shut down because of the KOCH BROTHERS.

    Gus (694db4)

  13. meteor meeting
    Votes? fly by or crash into?
    or..snack break? second!

    twinkle twinkle (2648f1)

  14. I’m reminded of Joe Dirt pulling the “meteorite” around in the wagon & eating ketchup with fries off of it … except, of course, it was an airline “bomb” dropped from high altitudes (even had the peanuts ROLFMAO).

    But the meteor … following the asteroid in Russia a few weeks ago … and lightning striking the vatican after the pope resigned … is all mighty interesting.

    Trust in God & beware of false prophets 😉

    Steven W. (908822)

  15. you know who’s a false prophet is food stamp

    he said his budget would have “cut net spending”

    he’s a false prophet and a nasty fascist liar besides

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  16. speaking of “!!!!!!”

    is anyone besides National Soros Radio really “startled” that this has happened under food stamp fascism?

    Unfit for Work: The startling rise of disability in America

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  17. I was driving along a back road here in Fredericksburg, VA and happened to glance to my left and saw it. It disappeared after less than a second – I guess because it burned up. My first thought was it was a meteorite but I also thought it kind of looked like a 4th of July rocket people shoot off in their backyards.

    Gerald A (c7c56a)

  18. Oops, old sock.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  19. Whatever caused it, I didn’t see anything because of heavy cloud cover, I was alarmed at the unmistakable sound of at least one formation of Air Force jets moving at full military power up and down Florida’s Gulf Coast. They made 3 or 4 passes moving high and fast back and forth, I’m guessing they were patrolling from Tampa Bay to the Keys.

    I asked my neighbor if he knew what was up but he was’t concerned in the least till I explained that to Air Force guys the sounds we were hearing were as significant as the sound of a battery of 155 howitzers would be to an old Army artilleryman, like him. The look in his eyes showed he got my point.

    The flights stopped after about 20 minutes and the rest of the evening passed without event.

    ropelight (8ee6c8)

  20. 17. This is a long term trend, accelerateed by the poor economy.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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