Patterico's Pontifications


Rahm Sends Chicago Cops to Democrat Convention in Charlotte, N.C. — In the Middle of a Chicago Crime Wave

Filed under: 2012 Election,General,Obama — Patterico @ 11:26 am

It’s good to have friends with access to cops:

Only days after Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel asked for federal agents and U.S. Marshals to help combat the city’s wave of violence, about 50 Chicago police officers have arrived in Charlotte to work perimeter security details for a week at the Democratic National Convention.

The Chicago officers, in their distinctive uniforms and checkerboard-brimmed hats, said they had been instructed not to talk with reporters about their out-of-town assignment.

. . . .

Last Friday, Mayor Emanuel and Chicago police superintendent Garry McCarthy publicly asked for federal help in targeting neighborhoods that have been hit hardest by the city’s wave of violence.

“The help comes in the form of additional agents to target guns, gangs and drugs,” Superintendent McCarthy said at a news conference.

Chicago’s homicide rate is about 31 percent higher than last year, with 346 reported killings as of August 19, according to figures provided by the Chicago police.

Local activists and police union heads are dumbfounded.

Me? I’m not surprised at all. Are you?

36 Responses to “Rahm Sends Chicago Cops to Democrat Convention in Charlotte, N.C. — In the Middle of a Chicago Crime Wave”

  1. And Chicago cops have police authority in Charlotte NC, how?

    Steve57 (40573d)

  2. [insert obligatory joke about Chicago police beating up convention protestors here]

    Roscoe (15d927)

  3. Seriously, I can understand a personal security detail. But an out-of-state mayor bringing perimeter security? WTFO!

    Steve57 (40573d)

  4. I assume they are mostly there to protect Rahm and his cronies, to keep the press away, and to procure whores.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  5. Yeah, Kevin, but if they’re in uniform and are openly carrying firearms, I have two questions.

    1. Is open carry legal for civilians in North Carolina? Because that’s what a Chicago cop is once he leaves Illinois.

    2. If the Chicago cop is in uniform, isn’t he impersonating a police officer? Because he’s not an authorized law enforcement officer in North Carolina.

    I probably could think of more questions, but I find this mind blowing. Obviously, there must have been some prior coordination. But I don’t know how much if local police bosses (union or otherwise) are “dumbfounded” by the move.

    Clearly, whatever coordination there was probably didn’t go beyond Rahm getting on the phone with tainted, lame duck crony Bev Perdue and asking if it was ok with her.

    But I don’t see how the governor could waive the law.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  6. In 1933, Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was killed after someone shot at President-elect FDR, whose car he was riding in.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  7. But I don’t see how the governor could waive the law.

    Perhaps she deputized the cops?

    Concealed carry is allowed in most states, and in all states AFAIK to serving police officers. I think they can carry on aircraft, unless that’s changed recently.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  8. “Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was killed after someone shot at …FDR,”

    Kevin, the theory around here (Chicago) is that they actually got their man. Cermak was a reform mayor and as such was a threat to many on who got paid and how in Chicago. He was more important than FDR to the locals.

    Ipso Fatso (1e3278)

  9. Kevin, I was talking about open carry.

    Still, this is something that needs to be looked into.

    Can a governor deputize anyone? If not, who did?

    If no one did, can these out-of-state civilians carry loaded sidearms in downtown Charlotte legally?

    It would seem, if we had a functioning MSM, somebody would be raising some questions about this. But of course we don’t.

    Still, it seems an issue ripe for a FOIA request.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  10. Seriously, Kevin, don’t you think if Susana Martinez rolled into Tampa with her own Praetorian Guard of New Mexico State Police the media might have raised it as an issue?

    Steve57 (40573d)

  11. Chicago cops were probably deputized and that is how they can patrol, make arrests, etc. The same thing happened after 911 when many local cops went to NY City. Is is a good idea? Certainly not in light of the killing spree but remember one thing my fellow Pattericoistas: the ones being killed are mostly black and or hispanic and the killing fields, so to speak, are concetnrated on the south and west sides. If whitey were being deimated Rahmfather would have an entire different response. Just another way that the D’s screw the black and brown man.

    Ipso Fatso (1e3278)

  12. It’s also not a good idea because Chicago cops don’t even know the law in North Carolina. Most states have police standards, even hillbilly states like North Carolina.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  13. Why does Rahm hate minorities so?

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434)

  14. leave it to ol’ dead fish eyes to dance around teh violence issue…

    Colonel Haiku (d2526a)

  15. Steve57, most Chicago cops don’t even know the law in IL, they just do what their political commissars tell them.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434)

  16. _________________________________________

    Local activists and police union heads are dumbfounded.

    I originally was more suspicious and even irked because I thought the arrangement reflected some type of backroom dealings between a leftwing mayor, the Obama administration and the party they’re all a part of. But it apparently actually is a different type of payback, in which the city of Chicago is returning the favor of cops provided to them by the city of Charlotte, who helped the cops in Chicago during the NATO convention.

    Still, it seems legally and technically iffy to have police from one jurisdiction given the responsibility of law enforcement in a totally different jurisdiction.

    Mark (88885c)

  17. There’s another angle on this, too, that needs to be looked into.

    Secret Service won’t pay Newport Beach for police at Obama event

    Newport Beach City Manager Dave Kiff billed the campaigns of President Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney for police security at their separate fundraisers this year in the city.

    Now that the Romney campaign paid its bill, the city is left in the awkward position of trying to collect from Obama.

    DNC refuses to reimburse town for thousands of dollars of overtime costs during Obama visit Read more:

    The Democratic National Committee has informed a Connecticut town it will not be reimbursed for the thousands of dollars the city spent on costs for President Obama’s fundraising visit earlier this month.

    Gordon Joseloff, the first selectman of Westport, says he was informed this week the town’s request to have the DNC and Obama for America cover the $14,812 the city paid in police and fire overtime was denied.

    The president traveled to the area on Aug. 6 to attend a fundraiser in Stamford and a $35,800 per person dinner at the Westport home of movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

    Local officials even shut down two popular public beaches to accommodate the president. They closed the 238-acre Sherwood Island State Park so the president’s helicopter could land, and also closed the roughly two-acre Burying Hill Beach — adjacent to Weinstein’s mansion.

    Read more:

    The Obama campaign/DNC are notorious deadbeats. Even when Obama visits the damned town he and his cronies stiff the yokels for security costs.

    Yet he’s not even visiting Chicago, and there the Chicago cops are!

    Is Chicago so flush with cash that Rahm can just wing off to Charlotte with his force of house carls?

    Or is someone going reimburse Rahm for these costs?

    When those same somebodies aren’t reimbursing Kali or CT towns.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  18. Did the city of Tampa require out-of-state aid?

    I don’t recall that.

    And Obama tasked his DoJ to send CRS agents to coordinate with protesters at the RNC convention.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  19. my understanding was that the Romney campaign promptly paid their bill, steve.

    Colonel Haiku (d2526a)

  20. Yeah, Col. That’s what the article I quoted in comment #17 says.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  21. I don’t know why Occupy! is protesting the DNC, anyhow, given that the DNC’s convention schedule mirrors exactly Occupy!’s agenda:

    2012 Democrat National Convention
    Schedule of Events

    7:20 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Barack Obama
    7:25 pm OPENING PRAYER – Reverend Jeremiah Wright
    7:45 pm CEREMONIAL TREE HUGGING – Darryl Hannah
    7:55 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Darryl Hannah
    8:00 pm GLOBAL WARMING OMFG!!!!!!!!! – Al Gore
    8:55 pm Max Baucus PROPOSES A TOAST TO Barbara Boxer

    Steve57 (40573d)

  22. They are likely contracted out as special police for the duration of the even. It could be to the Secret Service. The linked article says that they will be paid by a “special federal grant”.

    nk (875f57)

  23. This Chicago Sun Times’ article explains how Chicago police can be authorized to assist in Charlotte:

    The GOP and Democratic conventions–just as was the NATO Summit–are designated by the Department of Homeland Security as a National Special Security Event. The Secret Service oversees the security plan and coordinates with the various law enforcement and military players.

    Apparently they are reciprocating for the Charlotte PD’s assistance at Chicago’s NATO summit. I guess this is a way for smaller police departments like Charlotte-Mecklenburg to train for big events. If so, then I’m curious how reciprocity is decided because I doubt the Chicago police need more Special Events’ practice as much as Chicago needs policing.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  24. — They probably could have gotten the Black Panthers to do it on the cheap.
    — Chicago cops at a DNC convention? What could possibly go wrong?
    — It’s not like the crime rate back in Chicago is gonna spike this upcoming weekend. Is it?
    — Kudos to the City of Charlotte Police Department and the North Carolina Highway Patrol! [insert Barney Fife joke here]

    Icy (e071b2)

  25. And Chicago cops have police authority in Charlotte NC, how?
    — It’s a blue-state, open-borders, sanctuary city for cops on the take, type of thing.

    Can a governor deputize anyone? If not, who did?
    — Remember, this is the same governor that “joked” about suspending elections. To her, “rules” are something for people that only think inside-the-box.

    It’s also not a good idea because Chicago cops don’t even know the law in North Carolina. Most states have police standards, even hillbilly states like North Carolina.
    — The main difference is this: in the N.C. a wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband-brother.

    Or her husband-brother-son.

    Icy (e071b2)

  26. 8 Ipso Fatso: “Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was killed after someone shot at …FDR,”

    Kevin, the theory around here (Chicago) is that they actually got their man. Cermak was a reform mayor…

    That’s conspiracy-theory bushwah.

    First, Cermak wasn’t any sort of reformer.

    Second, the shooter, Zangara, was captured red-handed, and freely confessed. He was just a crank. “Kings and millionaires got alla da money, I gotta bellyache.” (Stomach ulcers.)

    Rich Rostrom (74b624)

  27. As for Chicago’s murder rate, and rape and robbery rates, too, one word: nosnitchrulebitches.

    nk (875f57)

  28. Perhaps the Honorable Mr Emanuel wishes that he still had his previous job.

    The snarky Dana (3e4784)

  29. Why does Rahm hate minorities so?

    One could say that Democrats are partying and don’t care if black people get gunned down. But that would be wrong. Karmic, but wrong.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  30. My last comment was eaten. What can the police do against the no-snitch rule? Witnessses and victims will not talk to the police. So the goons get away with it and knowing they will get away with it do it again and again.

    nk (875f57)

  31. Actually, the whole thing makes perfect sense! Mayor Emanuel has asked for additional law enforcement officers, to be paid for by someone else, completely off the city’s books. The fifty Chicago police officers, were they doing the work, would not only have to be paid, but paid overtime, costing the city more money. For Chicago, this is a win/win situation.

    The accountant Dana (3e4784)

  32. Perhaps the Honorable Mr Emanuel wishes that he still had his previous job.

    That wouldn’t be so good, as he would be facing unemployment come 1/20/13.
    At least this way he keeps the gravy coming.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  33. 30. My last comment was eaten. What can the police do against the no-snitch rule? Witnessses and victims will not talk to the police. So the goons get away with it and knowing they will get away with it do it again and again.

    Comment by nk — 9/4/2012 @ 11:29 am

    Would you talk to the cops either? When the President of the United States of America is fundraising with the star of an underground “snitches get stitches” DVD standing right next to him?

    This evening in New York City, President Obama will be fundraising with “NBA heroes,” according to his spokesman. Those “heroes” include Michael Jordan (who is also a failed baseball player), Patrick Ewing, Alonzo Mourning, and, perhaps most interestingly, Carmelo Anthony.

    Anthony helped make the pro-drugs YouTube video called “Stop Snitchin.”

    “Denver Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony is featured in an underground DVD that is circulating in his hometown of Baltimore, Md,” the Denver Channel reported.

    The DVD is called “Stop Snitching” and shows alleged drug dealers talking about what happens to people who cooperate with the police, and Anthony is standing next to one of them.

    He is also seen on the DVD talking about his Olympic bronze medal and saying that he threw it in a lake. The man he stands next to later goes on to tell how he would take care of snitches by “putting a hole in their head.”

    The Preezy Obama. Keepin’ it real.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  34. Yes, Steve57, I would. And so would my neighbors. And we go to community watch meetings, and we know our beat officers and they ask if that’s our car parked in front of our house before writing it a ticket. This is one of the instances where the fish is rotten all the way through, not just from the head down.

    nk (875f57)

  35. My initial question was sarcastic. I would talk to the cops,too. I think it’s absolutely despicable, though, that Obama is fundraising with one of the very people who is promoting this “don’t snitch” filth.

    But then, I also thought it was despicable when his DoJ let the NBPP off after wrapping up a conviction against them.

    But combine the two, and what message is this administration telling those most vulnerable to these criminal gangs (NBPP as well as drug dealers)?

    And that’s a serious question.

    Steve57 (40573d)

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