Patterico's Pontifications


Sarah Palin: Obama’s SOTU Had Moments of WTF

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:15 am

In fact, as she notes, that was the theme:

Well, speaking of last night, that was a tough speech to sit through and try to stomach because the president is so off base in his ideas in how it is he believes government is going to create jobs. Obviously, government growth won’t create any jobs. It’s the private sector that can create the jobs. His theme last night in the State of the Union was the WTF, you know, “Winning the Future,” and I thought OK, that acronym, spot on. There were a lot of WTF moments throughout that speech.

Leave your submissions for the theme of Obama’s next speech in the comments.

202 Responses to “Sarah Palin: Obama’s SOTU Had Moments of WTF”

  1. Continuing the NASA theme, I think he’ll go with “Speed of Light.” “Moving forward, at the speed of light, towards a better future and a better tomorrow.”

    Yes, we’ll all be SOL.

    Darin H (572156)

  2. Even Palin’s detractors will have to admit that she is a plain speaking politician who isn’t afraid to mince words using her own, spot on, vernacular.

    Jeff Crump (f9f615)

  3. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

    National Debt Increases by About $100 Million During the State of the Union Address

    “At the moment that President Obama began speaking last night, I recorded the tally on the National Debt Clock. It was 14 trillion, 74 billion, 755 million dollars. (The thousands speed by too quickly to register.) The moment that the president ceased speaking, I checked again: 14 trillion, 74 billion, 853 million dollars. So during the president’s speech, the national debt rose by $98 million.”

    Viator (c5da79)

  4. Whenever someone uses the phrase “Gun Control” think about the meanings of the words Eleútheros and Seax.

    Eleútheros is defined and one who is not a slave, a freeman. It is the English phonetic representation of Ελεύθερος, Greek for “Free.”

    A Seax was a single edged knife from Old Saxon culture, carrying one meant you were a freeman and not a slave.

    In essence, being armed meant you were Eleútheros or free.

    The left would like to take the modern equivalent of a Seax away from you, so that you are no longer Eleútheros – essentially anti- Eleútheros.

    Eleútheros is also the origin of the word līber, the root word for Liberal and Liberty.

    So, disarming people – taking away their means of self defense – meant they were enslaved and the people who advocate this are anti – līber, anti- Liberty.

    In the past, weapons have signified whether one is a freeman [Ελεύθερος, ‘free’] taking them away signifies that that they are now a slave – in this case, as slave to a socialist government. It also means that one who wishes to take these weapons away, and thus take away their Ελεύθερος or līber are in fact working counter to the idea of liberty.

    Now, which political classification wants more Gun control?

    What is the ideology that wants to disarm a free people.

    What is the label of those that would take away the blessings of liberty?

    So-called “Liberals” want to take away one of the very things that make a people free.

    So-called ‘Liberals’ want to take away your Liberty.

    Just something to think about when Leftists claim to be “Liberal”

    JG (22ce98)

  5. From Sputnik to Challenger….

    (respectfully aware)

    EricPWJohnson (0d74f4)

  6. WTF moments – that was a clever, and probably difficult to resist, double entendre. But I think she ought to have resisted the impulse.

    It’s one thing for regular folks and bloggers, commenting on the hurly burly of politics, to make sly references to crude words. It’s another for someone who wants to be considered potential presidential material.

    Richard Nixon had a famously foul mouth – but even he kept that for the smoke filled rooms behind closed doors.

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  7. I’d agree with Gesundheit. Her Tweets haven’t been very presidential.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  8. The problem here, as always, is that nothing SP says or does will keep people from chattering pretty singular criticism at her—even in the face of that odd SOTU speech. I mean, I have friends who go on and on about how “unqualified” and “incompetent” SP is…yet, as the link above suggests, our national debt went up by 100 million smackeroos during the freaking speech. And BO’s solutions are…more government and it’s Bush’s fault and we need more visions and look! Bunnies!

    But if say all that to people on the Left, I am either racist or getting in the way of the future or not see the “higher truths” involved. If I say what I did to many people on the Right, there is a pause, and then they chatter on about SP.

    Sarah Palin isn’t the problem, no matter what some folks on the Right (or the Left) think.

    But even saying this here, the Usual Suspects will start carping and carrying on about Palin pointing out that the Emperor is lack sartorial splendor. And in doing so, most of those folks are just holding up clothes hangers for BO and the future he would like to bring us all.

    Oh well.

    Simon Jester (540873)

  9. The only way he wins reelection is to succeed in LTP — that is “Losing the Past” two years of incompetent policies!

    RAZ (4e0dda)

  10. Legislating


    Opportunities through

    RD (a44904)

  11. I’m going with “Future Unlimited!” for his next theme.

    Dan S (e89c52)

  12. “Alliance for Knowledge” or AFK.

    It’s not a speech, but there is the always popular Committee to RE-Elect the President, or CREEP.

    Kevin M (298030)

  13. And of course, there is “Republicans On The Future” (ROTF).

    Kevin M (298030)

  14. Palin is not presidential? For using social media?


    I saw a great line that I can’t recall where I’m stealing it from that sums up why I’ve not given up on Palin yet. Paraphrasing Abe Lincoln:

    I cannot spare this woman. She fights.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  15. Will the 2011 SOTU be known as the WTF speech?

    A lot of people are in deep denial about Obama. They just do not want to acknowledge that he is the disaster that he is. Looking to the future is frightening once you recognize how unqualified he is to be president. Those who do acknowledge that he is the worst president since Hoover join the Tea Party. Those who refuse to recognize it project his shortcomings onto Sarah Palin. She would not get the hate directed at her if Obama were a strong president. However, I think we will get a break in Palin bashing in the next year–the Left will turn its attention to the Republicans in Congress because they are a more immediate threat to Obama. Expect some of them to get the Palin treatment–and we will see if they can handle it as well as she has.

    A 9+% unemployment rate and $1.5 trillion deficits–change we can believe in.

    nohype (428b10)

  16. Fill Up your tank with clean energy, folks. FU!

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  17. Three cheers for Sarah Palin, she’s the only nationally prominent Conservative with the courage to stand up to Left’s smear machine and shove Obama’s BS right back in his face.

    Palin pinned the tail on the donkey, and she did it with a smile on her face and a mischievous gleam in her eye. She knew exactly what she was doing and she did it on national TV.

    That girl’s got more gravitas than a room full of of the GOP’s politically correct pretenders put together.

    ropelight (8f872d)

  18. I didn’t say that she wasn’t presidential, I said that her tweets don’t seem presidential. “I just tweet, that’s the way I roll” or “luv u guys” doesn’t lend gravitas.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  19. I guess we’ll have to buy her The Style Guide to Presidential Twitter.

    I’m sure its on Amazon.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  20. I can appreciate Gesundheit’s point, but I would to interject a couple of things:

    First, I for one am tired of the false piety offered by the political and pundit classes. Of course truly course language is not appropriate, but then in Harry Truman’s time he was considered at the very best an uneducated and unrefined course little man. Like President Truman I think that Ms. Palin has the same folksy appeal and connection to the American people.

    Secondly, the sloppy logical inferences that Ms. Palin is not qualified to be president is particularly laughable. By the standard set forth in the Constitution she is qualified, the only qualification that she may or may not be lacking is that of being worth of an individual’s vote.

    Up until this moment I knew that I had liked and appreciated Ms. Palin, but didn’t consider myself a supporter of hers in a run for the Presidency. Yet when I contrast the things that she does such as raising money, campaigning for candidates, standing by her principles, and engaging her opponents, always with great aplomb while suffering the most undeserving abuse, with other “Republicans” and “republicans” who sit quietly by, not putting themselves on the line unless it is safe, who take pot shots at her but not at our opponents, I find myself drawn to the conclusion that she would make a better, bolder, more principled president that the entire current pack of also rans; even Chris Christie who once in a while lets loose with a fair amount of condescension. I don’t think that I’ve ever run across an individual who was so brilliant that they could mete out condescension without being open to some well deserved ridicule.

    Unlike our President, I believe that Ms. Palin does not feel as if she has to be the smartest person in the room, but would surround herself with very capable advisors. There hasn’t been a real polymath since probably the 6th century, so why do so many people place such an emphasis on the unattainable. She seems perfectly capable of making a principled and fearless decision.

    Jeff Crump

    Jeff Crump (f9f615)

  21. Grandad used to say that Teddy Roosevelts telegrams weren’t very presidential either stop

    Pinandpuller (29e1cd)

  22. It is interesting to watch communication change so quickly. I wonder how good John Adams or Lincoln and Douglas would have been with 140 characters. Probably brilliant, but I don’t think they would have liked it.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  23. carlitos, actually if you look back at John Adams political writings, they were extraordinarily long winded for any era.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  24. Next POTUS meme: WAR (aka We are Rail!). I’ve gotta fevah, and I need more rail, baby.

    Dmac (498ece)

  25. President: We Need Education Dollars

    carlitos (a3d259)

  26. SPQR

    And those were the one’s they bothered to carry out of his study…

    EricPWJohnson (0d74f4)

  27. Maybe this isn’t fair, but I love this joke and Palin’s stock just rose 1 point in my index.

    It’s not a big deal, but we need someone who makes points about Obama that the people remember.

    Most Americans are not really aware of what Obama said in his speech. Now more do.

    Palin has certainly been the most presidential contender in reaction to this speech (except for Paul Ryan), because she’s the only person who has scored an effective reaction at all.

    You know what presidents are? Leaders.

    But mostly I’m just laughing at her witty joke.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  28. Bill Clinton was a terrible Governor and had a long history of vile corruption. Once in the Whitehouse he sold out his country to our enemies and set new lows for every standard of conduct and character, yet he still gets a hero’s welcome when Obama calls in in to do his heavy lifting.

    Palin uses the letters WTF in a tweet and she is not fit for office.

    How do the Democrats get to set their bar so low and yet set the Republican bar so high that only a Bob Dole or McCain can run against them? Republicans say Palin is unfit to run but the Democrats themselves obviously are in fear of her as an opponent. They aren’t attacking McCain any more, just Sarah.

    Machinist (74634b)

  29. Dustin,

    My 14 yr old and my wife instantly made the same observation in 2 seconds

    fortunately, they aren’t running for office

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  30. Gravitas is well down my list of requirements for Pres. candidates. After honesty, good sense, etc.

    We have the emperor with no clothes for president, and we’re worried about image?

    PR and image control are part of the game, but let’s not forget reality. Isn’t that what happened in 2008?

    jodetoad (7720fb)

  31. EPWJ, if someone better comes along I will be delighted. But leadership ability and the ability to respond in a clear manner is absolutely necessary. Thus, the other contenders right now need to show that capacity. Palin responds to Obama or the democrats generally quite often, and even though i personally do not find her style appealing, I generally coming away thinking she made her point pretty clearly.

    Yeah, it’s a juvenile joke. But it’s the kind of thing W and Cheney would say. “Go F yourself” “that guy’s a total A Hole” etc. I realize they kept their potty mouths to themselves.

    But then, sometimes I get tired of these politicians who have a dreary tone in public.

    Anyhow, believe me, I do not hope that Palin is our nominee. I don’t think she can win swing states. But I do think she would do better against Obama than Mccain did, and I think she would do better than any other candidate who won’t stand up and fight in a manner that actually gets attention.

    “Moments of WTF” is the best summary of Obama’s administration I’ve ever heard, even if your clever 14 year old noted it. From the ‘plug the hole’ to the ‘they should be thanking me’.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  32. How do the Democrats get to set their bar so low and yet set the Republican bar so high that only a Bob Dole or McCain can run against them?

    I hope people really understand Machinist’s point.

    Some people who are ‘presidential’ are actually just too artificial to appeal to the voters. Was Clinton presidential? Obama? Honestly, how presidential was W in 1999? They actually had a lot of spirit.

    “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules (Alinsky 1972: 128).”

    What I am actually advocating of for other GOP contenders and hopefuls to come out swinging, and show the party what kind of fighters we have to pick from. If all of them could just take this one thing from Sarah Palin, we’d all be better off.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  33. Dustin,


    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  34. “If all of them could just take this one thing from Sarah Palin, we’d all be better off.”

    Yes, yes. yes!!! I see major weaknesses with Palin but if she is the only one willing to take the field then she should be supported.

    Machinist (74634b)

  35. I guess I have to admit some people see Bachmann as a White House potential, but I don’t.

    Gingrich has more of a shot than her, and he has no shot at all. But despite his lack of personal character, and his couch companions, he probably passes the Alinksy test (like up to our own high set of rules) whereas Palin does not.

    I think that’s amazing.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  36. No, he has no shot, and he has more ‘skeletons in his closet’ than the Smithsonian, I say that as a big supporter of him,’a long time ago, in a galaxy’

    narciso (e888ae)

  37. Anyone else have visions of a ‘Tea Party Express’ third party presidential bid when Bachmann was on CNN?

    And our nominee will need to be someone who sucks the oxygen out of that kind of thing.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  38. let’s see…the SOTUS…..

    Did he mean like that?

    Otherwise, no one on this blog could seriously think Caribou Barbie is electable and/or viable? Seriously? The fancy duds snagged from the RNC?…quitting her job? Not a reader..a newscaster/BQ runner-up in ID?..come on, serious WTF. I like her a little less than Arianna…both are overrated crackpots. She’s an embarrassment to my homestate. Todd…. secessionist Inuit?

    Barry’s Winning The Future- a very obvious marketing slogan was not well received.

    dudeabides (4af6f8)

  39. You sure she’s not a reader, dude? On what basis? Her op eds are great. She’s educated. She’s well spoken. I suspect she’s well read. She’s certainly been focusing on the issues for the past couple of years in way others haven’t been.

    As to the ‘fancy duds snatched from the RNC,’ that’s stupid.

    She did quit, though I’m glad she did because the democrats were ruining her state with lawfare, and she has every right to quit if she’s unable to make a living because democrat lawfare is making her penniless.

    On that third point, I grant that it is a very compelling attack, even if it’s a completely unfair attack. It makes her less electable. I hope we can find a fighter who doesn’t have this problem.

    However, it’s clear you suffer from Palin Derangement Syndrome. You’re so far from reality on her that you should be aware that you’re also far from reality on her plans and prospects. Folks like you had a similar list of lies about Bush before he was reelected.

    I mean, you honestly care that she was given a wardrobe from campaign funds? That actually seems like an issue to you? She wasn’t rich. She worked her way up from nothing. She didn’t have a Hillary Clinton style wardrobe because she isn’t a crook who married a crook. Jeez.

    If she does run, do me a favor and please continue making arguments that seem tailored for Palin to win.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  40. Lebowski, is like a well trained parrot, seeing what Alaskan politics are like, I’m not surprised
    both her husband and her son, are independents

    narciso (e888ae)

  41. Narciso’s right. Obama’s failure at diplomacy has been massive with China and also Russia.

    Palin would have handled that better, and in fact, her diplomacy as Alaska’s governor was far more impressive than anything Obama has done diplomatically. Obama is a national embarrassment, and we need a nominee who is willing to explain that to his face. The stakes are very high, such as a failure to have a missile shield, and a much less stable Asia. China has really been inspired to be loudly anti-American over the past year, and if someone tells you this isn’t a substantial change, they are lying.

    Obama has exceeded my expectations in Afghanistan, but we’ll see what’s left of that effort in 2012.

    Moments of WTF.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  42. I’m not surprised
    both her husband and her son, are independents

    Comment by narciso


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  43. The writing lacked the finesse of a pro, described women in vivid physical terms, and imagined for the president a disdain for liberal Democrats that echoed the way conservatives talk about liberals, rather than the way reporters or mainstream Democrats do.

    … and they say their is no “liberal Democrat bias” in the media.

    Neo (03e5c2)

  44. Btw, I think we just found out who the third leaker, after Schmidt, and Wallace were, during
    the campaign

    narciso (e888ae)

  45. First, I didn’t say that Sarah Palin is now unfit or unpresidential. I said that sly references to porn0 language are not fitting for such a person.

    Second, I did say that I appreciate the temptation it would be to use what was truly an excellent double entendre. It really is a memorable phrase, especially for people who don’t mind using the f-word, or who think it’s cute.

    Finally, I don’t believe that people who don’t swear or use profane language are somehow “out of touch” with the average American. I doubt that you will ever hear Palin actually use the language that Dick Cheney has famously used, even if she did make a subtle reference to it. But if the use of LOL and ROTFL is somewhat low class (or juvenile), then the use of WTF and OMG (etc) is much more so. I don’t think it’s *necessary* or *helpful* for people who are trying to communicate conservative values.

    I greatly respect the authors on this blog, but I have said and continue to believe that they lower themselves when they use bad language. That’s my personal opinion. My ears aren’t bruised and my feelings aren’t hurt. It’s your decision how you want to talk.

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  46. Palin Derangement Syndrome? I think that’s for one that actually finds her the compelling candidate which you describe.

    Dole, Kemp, Cheney, Palin, McCain, Quayle? Kemp is the only one from this group that could have really qualified realistically…Dole- they ran too late. Palin; WAY out of her league.

    Penniless? Good one…quit a major office due to becoming penniless. Also, “folks like me”…you mean that how?

    I contend that you have Palin Derangement Syndrome for fixating on her and deluding yourself on an inflated person who is not even fit to run an arcade. Like I said, she quit as AK Governor in the midst of scandal re her home and Todd’s dealings….I guess some guys just see her as crush-worthy and so of course this “means” she could be the President ?)

    dudeabides (7b2c6d)

  47. Side note to the guy who thought that Palin is “not a reader”:

    I believe that Palin got stumped by that question from Katie Couric about what she likes to read for the same reason that I probably would have. She probably reads this blog (and HotAir and Michelle Malkin) and knew that THAT would be the wrong answer to give. And she certainly didn’t want to say that she reads the NYTimes. So she was stuck for a polite way to say, “I don’t read what you want me to read.”

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  48. Michelle Obama’s big new acronym-Get Together For Our Health!

    Bugg (996c34)

  49. “…Palin uses the letters WTF in a tweet and she is not fit for office…”

    Machinist, well put. Particularly when you consider Joe Biden’s potty mouth, as Vice President. And yet that doesn’t seem to register with people.

    I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, but folks on the Right sure like to tear down their own people…which creates a problem if the folks on the Left don’t do the same thing.

    Personally, I wish both sides demanded more of the candidates. But if only the Right does this kind of stuff, well, the result will be “four more years.”

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  50. Dustin,

    Her spending and taxing in Alaska – its going to be hard to match with her rhetoric – can yo imagine Fred or Huck grilling her

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  51. When Fred Thompson took “colorful” folksy shots at Obama I did not hear people complaining about his lack of gravitas.

    Palin hit the bullseye (oops) once more and is drawing more Democrat blood (oops again). It’s obvious her detractors hate it when that happens, whether she runs for office or not. I love it because she has largely disintermediated the liberal media and has been an incredibly effective thorn in Obama’s side. I could care less if she runs because I don’t think she would win the nomination.

    Gravitas from Fred:
    “Obama: some people in DC ‘talk about me like a dog.’” Thompson wrote on his Twitter feed (@FredThompson). “Maybe it’s because he keeps treating this country like a fire hydrant.”

    Read more:

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  52. When I think of gun control, I think “Two Hands !”

    Palin is not as presidential as the man who slyly extended his middle finger to his female opponent in the debate.

    The one thing that will make Palin president, and I do think she will defeat Obama if she has spent the time getting educated in policy, is the failure of an impressive candidate to emerge on the Republican side in the next year.

    The biggest fear is to end up with a squish, which Romney might be. Will Pawlenty and Daniels oppose ethanol subsidies ? Ditto for Thune.

    The man who embodies the tea party ethos is Christy but I can’t believe he would leave New Jersey now.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  53. I see dude is projecting his Palin Derangement. That’s a good sign… he’s admitting it’s a problem for someone to have that. And I’ll let his frothing hysteria stand on its own as to whether he is really afflicted.

    .I guess some guys just see her as crush-worthy and so of course this “means” she could be the President ?)

    What’s up with the quotations marks and the lonely parenthesis?

    Note that I explained my view on Palin very clearly, and you simply ignored it to say I must have a crush on her. Like I said, I’ll let people decide for themselves if you’re credible. Please, if Palin is nominated, say this kind of thing all the time.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  54. “Her spending and taxing in Alaska – its going to be hard to match with her rhetoric”

    EricPW – Still waiting for you to present a reputable conservative who agrees with you on this. So far…….crickets.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  55. It’s Lebowski, I’m sure if Kemp were still around, they would find someway to go after him,

    narciso (e888ae)

  56. daley,

    everyone, dude

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  57. “I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, but folks on the Right sure like to tear down their own people”

    EricPW – Wasn’t it you earlier this week upon hearing that Rahm got thrown off the ballot in Chicago who gleefully suggested that it might also cause problems for Mitt Romney?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  58. Her spending and taxing in Alaska – its going to be hard to match with her rhetoric – can yo imagine Fred or Huck grilling her

    Comment by EricPWJohnson

    I have carefully considered this argument of yours before, and it’s simply wrong. And I want to note you’re perhaps suggesting her rhetoric is not compatible with someone making common sense choices, but rather obliges her to always cut all spending and always cut all taxes. In reality, a good leader like Palin succeeded as Governor because she was ethical. She wasn’t willing to give corrupt oil execs the same deal they got from the private jet loving predecessors. It was her state’s oil, so she made the best deal on behalf of the voters she could.

    Some things do require more government spending.

    Palin’s budgets looked awesome. You have to cherry pick and also insist she can raise no spending to suggest otherwise.

    However, I think you raise an issue people should be aware of. Palin is more moderate than the left’s hysteria might lead us to believe. She’s simply a more outspoken traditional republican.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  59. Frothing hysteria? Hyperbole a little? Lonely parenthesis, wow, you are perceptive…! I am not a he though. Whatever you say….she is a putz and will NEVER be presidential material, evah.

    Just admit your crush and call it a day.

    dudeabides (7b2c6d)

  60. “everyone, dude”


    Prove it, baby

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  61. The theme of Obama’s next speech should be:

    “Thanks for the opportunity to be President. Please wish me well in my new career as Rahm’s Chief of Staff.”

    Hopefully it will also be about that length while we are on the subject….

    deathawk (152f39)

  62. He’s got some strong support in the Legislature, particularly in the House, where Speaker Mike Chenault and Rep. Mike Hawker are both strong advocates of scaling back what they see as punitive taxes enacted in 2007 with Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share, or ACES

    Read more:

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  63. Look to the future, ignore the present, blame the past

    Hawkins (1fc204)

  64. STFU.

    ChuckC (261627)

  65. Frothing hysteria? Hyperbole a little?

    No, I think you’re hysterical. You’re saying I must have a crush on her, when I actually explained my POV clearly and believably.

    You say Palin can’t run an arcade when she was the highest approved governor in the nation before the 2008 election season heated up.

    You’re talking about someone who actually did run a business. Do you even know that? She’s capable of engaging the entire political system with a freaking twitter or facebook message. Her op eds are pretty good, too.

    You’re making an issue of her getting clothing from campaign funds, as though this is a serious issue in any way. You’re crazy. Please, if Palin is nominated, I need you to really keep this up, because it helps her so much. You’re too crazy to really believe me, aren’t you?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  66. Daley


    ACES supporters — Democrats and big-government shills — claim the industry is, indeed, investing on the North Slope; that I’m fibbing. Yes, certain investment has been up, but to cover corrosion repairs, cleanup and maintenance on aging tap lines on the Slope. That will dry up. The spending has added no new oil production; no trans-Alaska oil pipeline throughput; no new pipe in new holes. Not one drop. Not one foot of pipe

    Read more:

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  67. EricPW – You still cannot produce a reputable conservative who shares your view. You have been asked repeatedly. Given that there are many Republicans of prominence who have made less than favorable remarks about Palin, I find your inability to find support for your position telling.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  68. Lonely parenthesis, wow, you are perceptive…!

    I make a lot of typos too, but I was really curious why you put quotes around the word “means”.

    I think it’s because you’re crazy.

    BTW, the jokes on me. I wish the US Voting public cared about the ‘presidential’ nature of a politician, but they elected Obama and Clinton. They don’t care about that. They care about jobs and the price of gasoline. Whether Obama wins or loses hinges on that sort of things.

    They don’t care that he palled around with Bill Ayers, or baptized his children in the church whose bible says “God Damn America”. How could they care about someone being presidential?

    You say Palin can’t run an arcade… Obama couldn’t hold any sort of job. His only success was shaking down banks for ACORN, helping usher in a housing crisis. His education project with Ayers was a disaster. He actually taught a course on Alinksy methods for agitating the public into letting the government get more money.

    And you probably are aware of this, somewhere in your dim mind. I hope for someone a lot better than Palin (and you simply ignore that I mentioned this before you screamed that I have a crush). If we can’t get this candidate, I’ll support Palin. I’ll recognize those who can’t see her as anything but a pretty woman as sexist lowlifes like you.

    BTW, don’t call yourself ‘dude’ and then complain that I assume you are a male, jackass.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  69. Daley

    Dishonest as usual….

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  70. 1. SOL, can’t touch that, u de man!

    Pence, Bachmann, now DeMint are flooding the passing lanes. Looks bad for the “anyone who’s competent” Repugnants, still on the practice field.

    Santorum, Newt and Thune are off the line. Where are the COO types? Camera shy?

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  71. Ah, Paul Jenkins, the other industry mouthpiece, in Russia he’d be working for Gazprom,

    narciso (e888ae)

  72. I calls myself dude if I wants to,,,and since you are omniscient and know that I am crazy since I hold a different POV. You, sir are about to run me off this site since I don’t like misguided bully’s that desparately need to defend their crush/fixation on a public figure and dislike anyone that points it out…and are also typo police. Geez- you like/luv Sarah; I Do Not.

    dudeabides (4af6f8)

  73. “Dishonest as usual…”

    EricPW – Yes you are. You have been sliced, diced, chopped, pureed and mashed multiple times over these issues, most recently on a thread with over 400 comments. If you felt any shame you would not be bringing up the exact same BS without resolving the issues from that thread.

    How about an apology for calling Palin a racist for misharacterizing somebody else’s speech?

    How about showing some reputable conservative who agrees with your descriptions of Palin’s fiscal policies during her tenure as governor?

    Those two questions will do for a start. Otherwise you are just wasting everybody’s time reengaging the same BS.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  74. I dunno what his next SotU will be, but his first two were kind of themed FYITP:

    F*** Y’all, I’m The President.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (c9dcd8)

  75. btw, Gary, you think an apology might be order, in light of recent events

    narciso (e888ae)

  76. I calls myself dude if I wants to,,,and since you are omniscient and know that I am crazy since I hold a different POV

    Call yourself whatever you like, but if you call yourself dude, and then complain that I didn’t know you were a girl, I’m going to note that you’re being ridiculous.

    And I don’t think you have a POV that needs to be taken seriously. I also think you’re projecting when you say I’m pretending to have special powers of observation when I note that a rambling, frothing, PDS hater is crazy. After all, you’re claiming I have a crush on Palin when I noted I don’t think she can win the swing states, and we need someone with a trait she exhibits, but also less baggage. I know I can’t get something perfect, so I’ll settle for the best fighter who runs with decent policy ideas.

    Like I said, I make my share of typos too, but why did you put the word “means” in quotes? That’s not a typo; you meant something by that.

    What is the point of your responses? Just to say ‘no’ to whatever I say? You don’t seem to be putting any thought into this.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  77. JG, you’ll probably like this quote:

    “Among other things, being disarmed causes you to be despised.”
    – Machiavelli –

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (c9dcd8)

  78. Next year’s State of the Union theme; DEM deus ex machina. That’s it, that will save us all; whatever miracle that turns out to be. Contrived out poorly made polemics.

    Jeff Crump (f9f615)

  79. Sarah tweets FTW and the usual suspects slime out of their holes with the standard whiny tripe.

    face it kiddies: Sarah’s got you by the short and curlies and you dance to her tune every time she plays it, yet you claim she’s not a leader.

    besides,as with competency and experience, gravitas is no longer a valid metric for judging a Republican candidate for office. since you claimed any attempt to judge Ear Leader on his possession, or lack of, those attributes was racist, no other candidate can be held to them either.

    after all, discrimination is discrimination, no matter who it is done to. or are you being hypocrites?

    Al Gore (fb8750)

  80. Sarah’s bon mot is even funnier than my previous favorite by Professor Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection, who tweeted that the speech should be known as the “Million Points Of Trite”

    other than that, i agree with Al Gore, which is a sentence i never thought i’d write. 8)

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  81. If Palin is so out of the race that only a crush would explain talking about her then why is the administration, the Democrat party,so many liberals, and the liberal press all so obsessed with her? They must really be in love, as they regularly elevate her to comparable status with Obama. Who else does the Obama administration so often butt heads with other than Rush or Beck perhaps?

    Machinist (74634b)

  82. Comment by Dustin — 1/27/2011 @ 12:11 pm

    Notice that line started with a period? She may not know the answer to your question because she doesn’t know what the original author meant. It looks like a copy/paste.

    Machinist (74634b)

  83. Theme for Obama’s next speech: B.L.O.W. M.E.

    Budget Lies Obscure the World’s Meta Expectations of the United States as a superpower.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  84. They must really be in love, as they regularly elevate her to comparable status with Obama.

    Good point. Had they ignored her, and had Obama’s campaign staff not waged that nasty lawfare, she would be in Alaska, off the headlines entirely.

    They waged total war on her, after the election ended, because they saw her as the challenger to Obama. Their degree of hostility has elevated Palin. it’s also caused her a lot of damage. I think she has a ton of baggage, even if a lot of that isn’t her direct fault. I think we should carefully look at 2010, and see that those who support Palin have difficulty pushing over the line on tough contests.

    but let’s see someone better come along before we insist they are out there.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  85. I didn’t notice the name of Herman Cain in these comments. Youall ought to look him up.

    Tom Beebe, St Louis (16ddb6)

  86. My mistake, it was the quote.

    Machinist (74634b)

  87. My mistake, it was the quote.

    Well, technically it was my mistake.

    But this thread is yet another example of how Palin is hated by all the right people. That’s not a very uplifting way to select a leader, but there would be tremendous satisfaction in winning what I see as a culture war.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  88. SPQR #13 – I saw it here – and I both liked it and agreed with the reference when I saw it …

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  89. Citing Paul Jenkins, Lebowski seems he like supported Mr. 9%, Halcro, the used car salesman, who supported a state income tax, along with Lisa
    back before she was appointed by her dad, the

    narciso (e888ae)

  90. I guess we’ll have to buy her The Style Guide to Presidential Twitter.

    Don’t bother — if she won, no book would prevent the media from complaining about the latest Presidential Twat.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (c9dcd8)

  91. I am a bit surprised she used that abbreviation, but it is standard that words that start out as very offensive become less offensive with time, and I would think that abbreviated curses would do so even sooner. Years ago to say something “sucked” was pretty obscene, now it is largely accepted vernacular. I imagine there are people who use OMG intending it to mean “Oh my gosh” who would never put “God” in the phrase, yet probably most seeing it assume the latter.

    But as said above, Obama gives obscene gestures from the podium and people snicker that he can get away with it, rather than recognize it for the middle school “bad boy” prank that it is.

    Things are offensive only if people are offended by them. Unless a person or society is firmly grounded in an absolute guideline of morality, what one finds as offensive is largely on the cues of surrounding society. The media is the amplification of one subset of views that generally overwhelms the rest of the culture.

    In other words, the MSM will tell us what is offensive, just as they told us what is newsworthy, at least when they were the monopoly on deciding the news.

    And they will do the same to every conservative that dares stick there head up.

    Tactically, I think the best candidate is someone so well known that all of the mud and garbage thrown does not affect the image the public already has, but I don’t know of anybody who fits that criteria that would be a candidate for president. Guiliani sort of fits that, but there are big problems for him getting the trust and respect of many conservatives. Thompson has that in a bit of a celebrity way, but he’s 4 years older and 4 years more of a history of lymphoma. Palin is about like that, but the concern is are there enough voters that are turned off by the smear tactics for her to have a chance. I don’t know how to judge that. There are polls, but we know how unreliable they can sometimes be.

    David Petraeus, with key preliminary cabinet members named, so we’re voting for a team with one guy the head, and the rest experts in each major field. Only problem is he might be looking forward to eventually getting out of a battle zone instead of reassignment to another theater of battle. (Metaphorically, of course.)

    I can’t say I’m really serious about Petraeus, but the repub candidate needs to have a spine comparable.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  92. I also think it gets a little old wondering about whether X can win.

    What about whether we’d like her leadership? I think most of the things Palin wants for America are things we’d all like to see.

    Because some of the other contenders aren’t talking enough, I’m not sure how universal this is, but I’d like to know which of Palin’s plans for America do the PDS sufferers object to. Time and again, the things they would say are things Palin doesn’t even want.

    We need a stronger presence in international diplomacy. We need a more positive, patriotic leader. We need to get the government out of the way of free enterprise. We need to start taking entitlement bloat very seriously (and has a contender other than Palin offered support for things like the Roadmap?).

    One huge problem we have, as a country, is that our leaders are cowards who kick the can down the road. We need someone with the balls to fix Social Security. Romney and T Paw are not going to do it. Huckabee would probably lower the eligibility age (I’m joking).

    If we can put aside her electoral baggage for a moment, and talk about what really matters, we can probably find a good nominee.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  93. “75.btw, Gary, you think an apology might be order, in light of recent events.”

    If you mean me, you’ll have to be specific, I litter indiscriminately.

    Seems I’m going to be wrong about Pence, he’s announcing intent no later than tomorrow and it’s looking an IN office.

    But Cain, and Giuliani are interested. Fortunately Stassen died.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  94. No, repeating that baseless story from the Daily News,

    narciso (e888ae)

  95. David Petraeus, with key preliminary cabinet members named

    Just remember, they can’t offer these positions before the election.

    I admire Petraeus, but every problem he’s had in his career has had a government solution. We probably could do worse (and we probably will). I also like Bolton, and hope he runs so foreign policy is a major debate issue. I will be shocked if Petraeus runs.

    Chris Christie has far too little experience (as does Palin). But they have that one core thing that we won’t win without.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  96. Rudy?

    One thing Obama is good at is running for office. His campaign in 2012 will be extremely well funded (just think how many stimulus millionaires there must be!) and well staffed.

    We will need someone who can run a campaign much better than Rudy can. Here’s the problem with a mere Mayor or House member, who hasn’t had to think about strategy across a state, let alone the nation.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  97. Alasdair, yep that was where I stole it from. I only steal from the best.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  98. “94.No, repeating that baseless story from the Daily News”

    Again, if you mean me, then do you mean National Enquirer BS re: one Ms. Tripp? If so please review the tape. It was an heuristic: why we vet candidates for anything compromising because of the evil we confront.

    Soy un Palinista, comprende?

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  99. ‘De verdad que no’, or else you wouldn’t have fallen for that lie, this is like strike 14 on
    the Enguirer’s part

    narciso (e888ae)

  100. Just think of how unpresidential all the people who have ever used “snafu” are.

    T D (7d9cc1)

  101. The Enquirer = the Clinton narrative. Sure, the mainly just want to sell papers, but we should be wary of giving them power over how we vet our candidates.

    Gary’s right in his sober wish to vet. That didn’t come across very well when he first brought this up. If we ding anyone the left’s tabloids lie about, we’re in trouble.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  102. And the Obama administration has a lot of half-baked ideas on where to spend our hard-earned money in pursuit of “national greatness.” These “investments,” as the President calls them, include everything from solar shingles to high speed trains. As we struggle to service our unsustainable debt, the only thing these “investments” will get us is a bullet train to bankruptcy.

    From her facebook.

    Yes, government can play an appropriate role in our free market by ensuring a level playing field to encourage honest competition without picking winners and losers. But by and large, government should get out of the way. Unfortunately, under President Obama’s leadership, government growth is in our way, and his “big government greatness” will not help matters.

    This is moderate (from my perspective as a Goldwater type). It’s just common sense, willing to point to the naked emperor and notice he looks stupid.

    President Obama’s proposals last night stick the little guy with the bill, while big government and its big corporate partners prosper. The plain truth is our country simply cannot afford Barack Obama’s dream of an “exceptionally big government” that may help the big guys, but sticks it to the rest of us.

    PDS sufferers respond to this with a comment about her clothing.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  103. Comment by Dustin — 1/27/2011 @ 1:41 pm


    Machinist (74634b)

  104. Paul Ryan’s response also used that ‘winners and losers’ talking point, with reference to exemptions to Obamacare.

    It’s a great point these days. Who gets those billions for retooling green auto plants? GM. Who gets huge mergers? GE.

    Get government out of the way, and some of the largest corporations we have will lose some ability to stifle upstarts. I have nothing against large corporations, but the temptation of close cooperation with politicians is too strong.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  105. she’s so awesome she noticed in her head that the little president man didn’t cut the spendings and by golly she said it on the tv

    this is called speaking truth to power cause of until Sarah spoke up everyone was like oh it was a good speech I guess but then Sarah put her finger on what was bothering everybody

    America would be lost without her she’s like America’s own sassy little garmin

    happyfeet (164ead)

  106. I think Obama should make Win The Future his reelection campaign slogan. How many people here would be willing to wear a “WTF Obama” T-shirt?

    Obama’s next speech really needs to be “Forget Uncivility”. He’s been telling Americans “F.U.” for years, why stop now?

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  107. happyfeet, what’s scary is that while I wouldn’t go as far as “lost”, the right would be in a pickle without someone consistently carrying the torch.

    Paul Ryan had a nice response, but look at boehner today, apologizing for calling for an increase in the Social Security eligibility age. We must have more Palins who speak up, as you sarcastically say “truth to power”.

    Where’s Huckabee on this? Where’s Romney? I know you’re not their fanboy, but where’s any real contender on this?

    You show me a contender for the White House, who speaks like this, calling great attention without mincing words to serious problems, and we will consider them.

    Palin wouldn’t stand a chance compared to someone who was also succeeding at criticism of Obama, but had more experience and less baggage.

    So yes, your expression that we’re grateful to someone who really is only doing what ought to be commonly done is well placed. But it’s not our fault.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  108. The theme of the President’s next speech will be the same as the theme of every speech he makes;

    “Don’t look at what I’ve done, listen to what I say.”

    C. S. P. Schofield (e4bd33)

  109. Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint and Christie would do well. As to Christie’s inexperience he was a US attorney for a while.As to any military guy, it starts and ends with Congressman Allan West. Every time I see West speak I’m more and more impressed with him than I have ever been with Petraeus. And Petraeus continues to sell pols of both parties on the absurd idea that with just a few more troops he can do this insanity called nation building.

    I don’t see how Palin or Romeny do anything but lose. period.

    Bugg (996c34)

  110. I wonder if the White House knew this would happen?

    WTF indeed (274a6d)

  111. Re #110

    I’m speechless. Somebody hacked into Palin’s twitter account and caused a fuss and sold T-shirts at the same time. How long has that page at Cafepress been there?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  112. Deficits Baby Deficits! I’m a ding dong deficit Daddy!

    Mike Myers (0e06a9)

  113. Just more of the double standard applied to Palin. The Democrats think someone who blurts out “This is a big f**king deal” at a White House signing ceremony is qualified to be President. But Palin putting the acronym WTF, from the President’s own SOTU speech sloganeering, is not.

    That’s pretty brazen double standard.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  114. Daley

    More dishonesty?

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  115. _____________________________________________

    Palin uses the letters WTF in a tweet and she is not fit for office.

    Because my first reaction upon seeing “WTF” in Palin’s publicly posted message — even though I agree with it 100% — was that she was writing in an overly street-wise manner. IOW, in a way that doesn’t help her reputation for being a peculiar sort of lightweight. But your point about it being a joke to hold her to a higher standard considering how dumbed down our society has become, thanks in part to anything-goes liberalism, is correct.

    However, I think Palin, for a variety of reasons — and for things that go way beyond something as minor as writing “WTF” — misfires with a lot of people. That reality should be at the top of her list. So if she is truly concerned about the cause of conservatism in America, her ego and ambitions therefore should take a back seat.

    Anyone who screws up the momentum of moving this nation rightward in my eyes cannot be forgiven.

    Mark (411533)

  116. “More dishonesty?”

    EricPW – I haven’t seen any new comments of yours for five hours. Did I miss some dishonesty?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  117. Actually she didn’t mention in her facebook or twiter message, but it was a reaction to the sheer idiocy of that presentation. Seeing how some were so eager to say Obama was moving to the center, he’s doing no such thing. I see so many figures straining to genuflect before the press.

    narciso (e888ae)

  118. I think we are all waiting for someone to step up and carry the momentum forward. I’m tired of hearing pro’s and con’s about Palin. Either get behind her or somebody else get in the pool. On and on pros and cons about one candidate. If there is no other candidate, all the talk is a drag. If there is another candidate, then we can talk about who is a better candidate and why.

    I still want to know the story on the T-shirts.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  119. EricPW

    Still dodging questions?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  120. Look, if Vice President Joe This is a big fucking deal Biden told an ice cream concessionaire to stop being an ass and the world didn’t end, this little word play shouldn’t matter a bit. Unless of course, the standard is different and playing field not level.

    Palin was clever and it’s memorable. More importantly, people are talking about her again and she’s gravitated front and center.

    She wins again.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  121. “Somebody hacked into Palin’s twitter account and caused a fuss and sold T-shirts at the same time.”

    Palin said this on Greta Sustern’s show Wednesday night. Did she also tweet it or did people just start retweeting her words from the show?

    Can somebody clear that up?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)


    Last week Kevin O. Meyers (NGP Photo-l), ConocoPhillips’ Senior Vice President – Exploration & Production, Americas spoke to the 23 Annual Alaska Export Celebration in Anchorage. He said the “coming attractions” for the oil industry are Australia and the Asian Pacific–not Alaska. He said Alaska is a, “fiscal ticking time bomb.”

    But it is also essential that the Governor and Legislature take responsibility for steering the ship of state toward a more friendly investment climate. By “friendly”, one could reasonably conclude that our tax structure should be somewhere near the low median for Alaska to be competitive with fellow oil and gas producing nations–especially in this age of ubiquitous ‘shale gas’. Likewise, Alaska’s benefit packages for welfare recipients and other subsidy beneficiaries should be lowered. Alaska should not pay subsidies when citizens rise to 2 or 3 or 4 times ABOVE the poverty level.

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  123. You don’t think the oil moratorium, and the various
    taxes and dissalowances by the Obama administration, including the ending of the Arctic
    Survey, have more to do with it, Conoco was one of the three companies willing to support cap n trade,
    and is part of the competing pipeline to TC/Exxon,
    the Denali line,

    narciso (e888ae)

  124. Maybe is one discontinued QE 2, and reopened the Guld we wouldn’t be speeding toward $100+ a barrel
    oil, then again Begich is thoroughly useless, and
    so is the Audobon society

    narciso (e888ae)

  125. More and more, in her willingness to engage in straight-forward commentary on the national scene, Sarah Palin is resembling “The Iron Lady“.

    AD-RtR/OS! (432a69)

  126. James Taranto: When asked what he thought of Palin’s WTF, Biden responded, BFD.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  127. Biden…Oh Yeah, the guy who say’s Mubarak’s not a dictator.

    Has Slow-Joe ever been right about any foreign-policy question?

    AD-RtR/OS! (432a69)

  128. -Comment by MD in Philly — 1/27/2011 @ 5:24 pm-

    Nice point. The other players seem to be ducking the fire from the leftist press while Palin is holding the line. There seems to be lots of criticism of her targeting and marksmanship but not much help. She is not my first choice but I sure don’t want to wait and have to swallow another party candidate who’s turn it is. Nobody is going to get treated fairly so any real candidate is going to have to face the storm.

    I wonder if the press will start telling us what a great candidate the “Maverick”is again as the primaries approach?

    Machinist (74634b)

  129. ‘The Huntress’ only goes after big game, leadership is entailed by what one is willing to fight for,

    narciso (e888ae)

  130. Van Susteren: “Governor, last night, there was a lot of discussion about the ‘Sputnik moment’ that the president talked about. Do you agree with him? Do you feel, is this our moment?”

    Palin: “That was another one of those WTF moments when so often repeated the ‘Sputnik Moment’ that [President Obama] would aspire Americans to celebrate. [The President] needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yeah, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it led to the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union…”- Source-CBS-Fox-NBC.

    Hmmmm… WTF, indeed. No doubt this is breaking news to Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.

    Alas, Ms. Palin’s soaring political star experienced its own ‘Sputnik moment’ some time ago, disintegrating– like the Soviet satellite itself– as it fell back to the earth.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  131. EricPWJohnson – Instead of spamming the same old crap, try restraining yourself until you have something new that actually supports your assertions.

    People are aware that legislators in Alaska are considering modifying the ACES program implemented under Sarah Palin’s watch. People are also aware that corporations usually never lobby for increasing taxes on themselves. In fact, it is typically lobbying in the opposite direction, which the articles you keep spamming confirm.

    You have not accepted any challenges to dig back into the details of Palin’s actual spending since the last time I schooled you on it yet you keep repeating the refrain she is a fiscal liberal. Why is that? You have no reputable conservative support for that position. I’m more than happy to dig into the line items, but I think that would only embarrass you again.

    You have also not apologized for calling Palin a racist.

    More dishonesty? Yes, on your part.

    Spamming the same old crap while dodging questions is flat out intellectually dishonest. I’ve pointed out your tactics before. You don’t have any shame.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  132. DCSCA, you really look like the ass you are, when you pretend to be smarter than you. The Soviet Union did win “that race to space”.

    Yuri Gagarin.

    Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins “won” the race to the Moon.

    Space … Moon. Space … Moon.

    See the difference?

    Sheesh, the International Man of Parody strikes again. I’m starting to think that IMP is Joe Biden in disguise.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  133. Palin was on Fox this week and made the comment that one thing she loves about the GOP is that it believes in competition among its members. Given that, while she is certainly fighting at the line, where indeed is her competition? Biding their time, seeing if she commits, or waiting to be told who makes the move?

    An aside, she finished up her comment with a wink,

    “You know … we don’t have just the fighting instincts of a bunch of sheep, like I think a lot of Democrats do.”

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  134. Is he getting dumber than Biden, if that is possible?

    narciso (e888ae)

  135. @133 “I’m starting to think…”

    Congratulations! Another Democrat is born.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  136. If the link doesn’t make it clear, he mixes up policy in Iraq, where ‘we’ve completed combat
    operations’ with Afghanistan

    narciso (e888ae)

  137. Where indeed, Dana.

    That’s what I want to find out. I want to see many GOP contenders step up to the plate right now and show up Palin, in memorable and constructive criticisms of Obama.

    This flying below the radar plan is going to lead to a lot of voters wondering where these people where when Obamacare passed, or when Obama was giving his SOTU. It’s important that people be willing to take a little flack once in a while for their beliefs. That’s leadership.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  138. Daley

    More dishonesty?..

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  139. Palin certainly hasn’t shied away from telling us where she stands on issues, and every time the President outlines yet another policy goal of the administration, she responds. Publicly.

    While some see her as simply being a media whore, what is really doing is reinforcing her relationship with voters while keeping her supporters informed. She may even be drawing in those who were unsure. Who knows.

    This is a person who clearly understands the power of communication, in spite of her nightmarish syntax. What an irony.

    In this, she leads the pack…uh, if there were a pack…

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  140. President Obama’s 2012 State of Union Theme: Wip Inflation Now

    Judge Crater (696e5a)

  141. Dana

    Palin wont comment on her spending and taxing record in Alaska, maybe its an oversight?

    That must be it…

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  142. Conservatives in Alaska are concerned about development spending not being directed towards the vast seas of oil yet to be discovered in their great state

    Another troubling sign..

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  143. Daley

    Yes I am calling myself dishonest thats a given, but here is more info you requested:

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  144. @133 “I’m starting to think…”

    Congratulations! Another Democrat is born.

    there must not have been an abortion clinic near by.

    don’t worry, once they open their eyes, they’ll be a conservative.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  145. Palin wont comment on her spending and taxing record in Alaska, maybe its an oversight?

    That must be it…

    Comment by EricPWJohnson

    You’re actually claiming Palin won’t comment on something she’s spoken about many times.

    For example, I recall Palin saying she wanted Alaska to be less reliant on Federal money (which is smart, since the Federal government is broke).

    Palin brought the Fed portion of Alaska reserves down from 34 to 14 percent.

    That’s damn impressive as a conservative credential, isn’t it, EPWJ?

    And there was a major scandal involving the Petroleum Profits Tax, before Palin was Governor, and as a result, there was a interest in getting the best deal possible for Alaska’s oil (which is Palin’s duty). This is the tax EPWJ is claiming Palin won’t talk about.

    ACES raised oil revenue far beyond the state’s budget needs, which also makes a lot of people in the oil industry cry foul, as though they don’t understand that this is how the market works.

    All of the sudden, there’s never a good reason to raise taxes. We have to be absolutists. In reality, the oil companies had bought politicians who screwed Alaska over, and didn’t want their sweet deal to end.

    The fact is that Palin didn’t rule on any absolute principle. She isn’t retarded.

    I still don’t think she’s anything like the ideal candidate. I think she has basic problems with strategy (IE some aspects of the Miller campaign and the O’Donnell endorsement). I think she will have a steep uphill battle in swing states. I very much hope we see a fighter with a better resume come very soon. I wish Mitch Daniels was out there, sounding like Chris Christie. He’s probably my favorite, if I’m just looking for a skillset.

    But EPWJ is on some kind of mission here, and it’s completely unfair. Let’s see which governor EPWJ thinks did a better job on taxes and spending than Palin did. Instead of creating some mythical perfect world, let’s see a real world comparison.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  146. BTW, I do not believe in the Alaskan system of taxing profits because it’s unstable and creates perverse incentives. No Governor out there has a perfect record (certainly including Palin).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  147. Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) Status Report
    Alaska Department of Revenue January 14, 2010

    This report was prepared at the request of the Commissioner of Revenue in order to evaluate whether ACES is meeting its intended goals of providing a fair share of oil and gas revenue to the state, and encouraging investment in the exploration and development of new oil and gas resources in Alaska.

    Following are the key findings of this report:

    1) State revenues under ACES in FY 2009 exceeded amounts which would have been generated under either the PPT or ELF systems. The crossover point at which ACES is projected to provide more revenue than ELF is $51 per barrel west coast price in FY 2010.
    2) Activation of the progressive surcharge is estimated to occur when west coast sales prices reach $56 per barrel.
    3) Capital spending on the North Slope totaled over $2.2 billion in FY 2009 an increase over FY 2008. This is nearly the highest level of capital spending in nominal dollars since oil production began in the state.
    4) The impact of the production tax modifications on industry investment cannot be clearly determined due to the influence of other factors and given the limited timeframe during which ACES has been in place.

    Comparison of Revenues under ACES, PPT and ELF
    The net tax structure – first enacted under PPT (2006) and later with ACES (2007) – represents a significant change from the oil and gas tax structure used for much of Alaska’s history. Under the earlier tax, known as the Economic Limit Factor (ELF), production tax was levied on oil and gas producing properties, regardless of whether operations were profitable. The current production tax structure requires companies to pay tax only when they are making profits from oil and gas production in the state. In addition, tax credits are provided for capital expenditures, with higher credits available for certain oil and gas exploration investments.
    Since its enactment in 2007, ACES has generated more state revenue than would have been generated under either PPT or ELF. In FY 2008, a period of very high oil prices and profits, ACES generated $6.8 billion in production tax revenue, compared with $4.2 billion which would have been received under PPT and $1.3 billion which would have been received under ELF. In fiscal year 2009, during which west coast oil prices average $68.34, ACES generated just over $3.1 billion. This compares with roughly $2 billion that would have been generated under PPT and $858 million under the earlier ELF system.
    Capital Expenditures
    Capital expenditures have also increased since PPT and ACES were enacted. While capital
    expenditures on pipeline repairs at Prudhoe Bay increased after the Prudhoe Bay corrosion
    incidents in 2006, the majority of growth in capital expenditures is attributable to drilling,
    seismic and other projects. As shown below, capital spending on the North Slope in CY 2009
    was roughly twice the level in either 2003 or 2004. At least some of this increase is due to new
    development activities. Two major developments – Oooguruk and Nikaitchuq – have gone
    forward despite recent oil price setbacks. Development of the Point Thomson field is also
    The report makes interesting reading compared to the one sided oil industry ghost-written swill provided elsewhere on this thread.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  148. More dishonesty?..

    EricPW – You’re still spamming the same crap and dodging questions, so why even ask?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  149. “From the peak of 2 million barrels (of oil) per day in 1988, we are now producing only 640,000 barrels a day,” he said before small crowd of nearly 30 small business owners and entrepreneurs.

    Production declined 7 percent from 2009 to 2010, Langland said. The state forecasts a 4 percent decline this fiscal year ending June 30, he said.

    But even this is a generous forecast, he said, because these numbers are based on the theoretical output of projects that may or may not be undertaken.

    Very little of Alaska’s land is privately owned, Langland said, meaning the state “dominates the largest single sector of our economy, through land ownership, regulations and taxations.”

    To make their investment forecast work, the state projects that industry spending will increase 18 percent over the next two years, which is not what we’re hearing from the companies who will actually be doing the investment,” he said.

    BP’s capital spending will not rise beyond 2010, Langland said, and will remain at an amount less than that of 2009. ConocoPhillips did not drill any exploration wells in 2010, Langland said, and they have announced that they will not drill any in 2011, he said.

    These numbers highlight serious flaws with our state government policies,” he said. A gas pipeline to the Lower 48 would not provide the same lift to state revenues the Trans-Alaska pipeline has, Langland said. And with taxation as it is today, companies will have little incentive to continue to find oil deposits, he said.

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  150. 100. I do apologize for once again having given offence. I blame Asperger.

    102. “Gary’s right in his sober wish to vet. That didn’t come across very well when he first brought this up.”

    Thank you, while not uniformly successful or accessible, the random direction from which these arguments appear is a feature.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  151. James Oberg, someone I’ve been following since 1980, when I firsr read his work in Omni, or someone who doesn’t remember the significance of
    the R 7, let me think,

    narciso (e888ae)

  152. “144.Conservatives in Alaska”

    Having escaped the conviction of the late Stevens,
    turned back the Huckabee/Miller initiative AK ‘conservatives’ are focussed like a lazer on jobs, jobs, jobs and off-shore bank accounts. Alright, maybe a bit more on the latter.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  153. The siloviki aren’t stupid, the drilling moratorium
    and other steps, drive people to where you can explore, recall Hayward was glad to work with the BP
    subsidiary over there, rather than the idiots here.

    narciso (e888ae)

  154. Interesting that Huckster is putting off announcement of his intentions for an extended visit to AK. Black gold his quarry or another of the same hue?

    We know the COO-type, regular party members will throw in together following early convention voting.

    Narcissist Newt will join them.

    My guess is Bachmann, DeMint, Bolton, Cain and yes, even Giuliani, are conniving, if separately, on the paradigm the foregoing two cabals oppose.

    Only the last of these three diminishes Paul.

    Bloomberg is snowbound.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  155. EricPW

    Still dodging questions and spewing dishonesty?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  156. Gabe has a straw poll up at Ace’s.

    Cuda 42%, Daniels second at 11%.

    Kate M.: “Another internet poll gone horribly wrong.”

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  157. I would be surprised if Daniels runs. While it may have been an example of forgiveness and commitment and “working things out”, the opposing press (which will be most of it) will likely tear at his family, especially his divorce then remarriage to his wife. Unless they are willing to deal with it up-front and head on, the press will be unmerciful. To date they have not done that, but have allowed it to be a fact in the background un-addressed. That happens in places like Indiana and Alaska, but not in Illinois, or nationally when taking on someone from Illinois. This is very unfortunate, but a clear message from the treatment of Palin.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  158. “Winning The Future” is indeed a WTF! moment , as in WTF! have we been doing the last few decades so as to have lowered our country’s standards to the point we now have to catch back up to the rest of the world! Would it have anything to do with the screwed up policies of this administration and it’s leftist slant? WTF!

    joetote (77a6a6)

  159. “Cuda 42%, Daniels second at 11%.”

    You know who this helps don’t you? Governor Good Hair.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  160. “158.I would be surprised if Daniels runs.”

    Agree with your take, he’s no fool.

    I goofed, Cain is second in the strawpoll with 14%.

    Bolton and DeMint not on ballot, but that gives the TEAs roughly 60% at a “moderate” blog.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  161. More taxes = less investment

    EricPWJohnson (601e3b)

  162. Daniels and his wife seem to have kept their marital issues private, not necessarily desperate to keep it out of the media but more a sense of, it’s no one’s business. However, Daniels has said on several occasions, “If you like happy endings, you’ll love our story.” He doesn’t sound protective or defensive but rather still amazed at their journey. They may attack, but it may just be deflected by his own confidence in his marriage and who they are as a couple. Sort of like bullets bouncing off. Perhaps Daniels much wider and deeper experience of being in politics has given him a better knowledge of when to react and push back and when to just let it roll off his back. Palin didn’t have the time to develop the skill.

    More than potential scourging by the media re their marriage, I think he would take more heat from Republicans who question his position that social ills are secondary to national security and the economy hence his wanting to seek a truce on social issues.

    The Tea Partiers are social conservatives as well fiscal hawks, and Republicans from distinct regions of the country also tend to be very socially conservative. I cannot see them willing to compromise on abortion and/or gay marriage, etc. While the left may be crying out for compromise, it doesn’t appear to be something the right is interested in at this time – whether bipartisanship or within their own party.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  163. I haven’t heard Bobby Jindahl’s name in awhile, other than people reminding us that his response to the SOTU last year was not impressive.

    I likely wouldn’t remember it at this point if it was impressive or not. I sure wouldn’t want to think that one bad speech ruined the opportunity to run.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  164. More lies = Less credibility

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  165. Well I wouldn’t hold that issue against Daniels, and that was poor wording, on his part. Jindal held the line on the Gulf, and he has some experience, in fact he’s the wunderkind on health care, who was
    relatively AWOL during the debate, so Sarah had to fill the vaccuum

    dimitri medvedev (e888ae)

  166. Dana- You may be right that Daniels could handle it better, but from what I’ve read his wife and daughters are not at all eager for a presidential run and the public scrutiny it entails. Daniels and his wife may be happy with their story, as would the majority of Americans if they heard it through a trustworty source.

    IIRC, the Bristol’s pregnant news was forced out by rumors of Tripp being Bristol’s child and the infamous interest of Andrew Sullivan in gynecology. If anyone thinks Daniels will get a fair treatment of their marriage- I’ve got controlling interest in some oil rigs in the Gulf to sell…

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  167. Oops, sorry about the sock, the media are like shrieking nazguls aren’t they

    narciso (e888ae)

  168. 166. Your human sensibilities are on target, but I’ll go with Daniels’ first impressions some months back about the cost of a campaign.

    Bayh had just exited. Dick Lugar is still Senator. Northern IN is not a crucible of fire.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  169. Hey I’m a peaceful guy, forget about my fatwa against Sadat, buy my book and a cup of Caribou

    Yousef al Quaradawi (e888ae)

  170. Theme for speech seen elsewhere – Cash for Flunkers.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  171. @154- Hmmm. Oberg is surprisingly inaccurate, (assuming that’s truly his comment post on another blog) particularly when he tries to parse Palin to validate intent. Jim usually presents a more in-depth POV. This time, not so much. Let’s assume it is him, for the sake of civil discussion.

    “the same pundits in the West and in Russian who pooh-poohed SDI had also pooh-poohed the odds of Apollo working.” <- Inaccurate. Critics in the U.S. (many fiscal conservatives in both opinion 'punditry' circles and elective office of the period) balked at Apollo chiefly based on the immense costs and the pork politics in play, not on the engineering ‘odds of Apollo working.’ (Example- soft-landers from both nations quieted the ‘deep-dusters.’) Even JFK entertained the idea of a joint lunar expedition early on as Apollo began to coalesce and the cost projections were made. In the USSR, Soviet space engineers, including Mishin and Glushko, lamented years after how underfunded Soviet space efforts were in the years (’57 – ’75, bracketed between Sputnik and ASTP) commonly referenced as the ‘space race,’ in comparison to Apollo– a race Palin glibly said they ‘won.’ And ‘pundits’ voicing ‘dissent’ on Soviet government policy in 1950’s/1960’s USSR… perhaps- from a gulag, an environment Korelev himself knew all too well.

    “the Soviets sowed the seed of their own collapse by setting off the Space Race.” <- Inaccurate, particularly if you're still parsing. In fact, the U.S.– inadvertently or by intent– initiated what came to be known as a 'space race' by its own inaction. American space engineers, chiefly the Army missile team at Huntsville, were capable of orbiting a satellite at least a year earlier than Sputnik and were directed not to by the Eisenhower administration. For the IGY- a non-military, global scientific initiative- Eisenhower indicated a desire to use a civilian research rocket under development, not a military missile, for the American effort to loft a satellite. Soviet scientists also indicated plans to loft a satellite for the IGY as well. The Soviet R-7, used to launch Sputnik, was a military rocket by design. The central issue at the time from the American perspective, classified for years, involved over flight rights and a covert plan by Eisenhower to develop a spy satellite capability for the U.S. to replace the more risky use of aircraft over flights of the Soviet Union. Recently declassified information indicates the ‘Sputnik moment’ worked to Eisenhower’s advantage. By lofting Sputnik, the Soviets verified free access to space by their own act, all but voiding any disputes on over flight rights and national sovereignty in space– something very much in question in the 1950′s. It also made the eventuality of a new American spy satellite system, known today as 'Corona,' that much more legitimate. It was the public and the press that panicked over Sputnik. Eisenhower’s reaction at the time was highly criticized for being far too cool and dismissive, but in fact, it fit with his planning, strategy and goal… pressing on to establish, in secret, a space reconnaissance capability for the U.S.

    As Limbaugh likes to say, words have meaning– particularly when expressed by potential aspirants to the presidency and former VP candidates. (Something Biden knows all too well.) The fact Ms. Palin's comments need to be repeatedly clarified on intent by desperate supporters, or via Fox follow-up apperences speaks volumes. Such is the cult of celebrity. But she's not a 'go-to' person on specific space activities past, present or future nor history in general. More's the pity. Former GOP conservative Congressman and current MSNBC host Joe Scarborough best summed up Ms. Palin's political fortunes when he stated, in simple, Palinesque terms even her most devoted followers could comprehend: "It's over."

    Too bad. She'd have been an easy candidate to defeat. Still, it's worth repeating, WTF, indeed: Ms. Palin’s soaring political star experienced its own ‘Sputnik moment’ some time ago, disintegrating– like the Soviet satellite itself– as it fell back to the earth. Keep tryin' Spork, and have a good weekend. Make yourself a hot pot of 'Joe' and pick up a dozen spudnuts, assuming you know what they are. Clearly the Palins do. A 'healthy' treat for a chilly weekend, if your diet favors deep-fried, potato-batter doughnuts and caffene.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  172. The fact Ms. Palin’s comments need to be repeatedly clarified on intent by desperate supporters, or via Fox follow-up apperences speaks volumes.

    Ummmm, are you talking about the ‘moments of wtf’? Because that’s freaking easy to understand, and already a major talking point that defines Obama’s entire aimlessly stupid presidency.

    You say it needs explanation, but you’re just grasping.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  173. As usual you’re looking from the hindsight of 50 plus years, certainly Sputnik was the impetus for
    NASA, gave Von Braun an open checkbook, it gave
    LBJ a platform as well. The irony is as has been pointed out, Obama is shuttering NASA, except for
    the AGW promotion section, whereas she’s exactly
    the type who would reopen the Constelliation program

    Yousef al Quaradawi (e888ae)

  174. Why would Daniels’s marriage even be an issue? Who would object to it? Why would it need to be explained?

    Jindal is too young to make a credible run for president in 2012. VP yes; I’ve been predicting Palin/Jindal since the end of 2008.

    Also, the electoral calendar works against him. By the time he’s done with being reelected in LA, it will be too late to enter the primary.

    He’ll surely be a presidential candidate one day, but not 2012.

    Milhouse (a37982)

  175. Why would Daniels’s marriage even be an issue? Who would object to it? Why would it need to be explained?

    It’s a total nonissue. At least in a general election. Those who would use it against Daniels would learn the same thing we learned when Clinton’s poll numbers shot high after Lewinsky.

    I suspect a lot of the carping we see lately is from people who already have a candidate in mind, and worry that Daniels is a threat. Daniels has a great resume, he’s a conservative (despite efforts to show that he’s not because he makes the fed’s deficit priority #1 instead of DADT and whatever else), and he’s actually quite a good campaigner.

    I can only hope he runs and performs well in the debates. I think he’s a great alternative for a Tea Partier who wants a strong leader, but worries some of the other conservatives are not electable, and some of the other Republicans aren’t conservative.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  176. 178, 179. Fine, he’s good to go. Tell Reince, “We are the TEA Party”, MD has the Libertarian blessing.

    Remember, tho, the so-cons provide the elbow grease and the votes. He needs to convince them he’s no Bush, and must seek the nomination from the right leaving the RINOs to toss him their support at convention.

    April or so is the latest he can make that move- Palin is surging while Huckster is muzzled over Giffords.

    I say too little, too late already and he’s not got the mettle.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  177. Well I wouldn’t rule Jindal out, he’s young though, Daniels I don’t get it, really, where is his leadership vis a vis the administration

    narciso (e888ae)

  178. 181. Indeed, the GOP doesn’t get that the TEAs were awake when the reThugs undercut them at every turn and then tossed $60 Million at Fiorina, DeRossi and McMahon after they began to drown.

    An elite-friendly foil for Il Douche is his only path to victory. The TEAs will cast the margin down ballot.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  179. Milhouse, Dustin,

    Why would having a 17-18 yo teenage daughter who is pregnant be an issue? Anyone who is sane knows you can’t be 100% responsible for a teen’s behavior, unless you follow Twain’s advice and stick them in a barrel. Why is not having an Ivy league education an issue? Why is being a governor of a “not so big state” an issue? Yes, it wasn’t for Carter or for Clinton, but Palin? Just because of the huge natural resources and impact on energy policy and the strategic position in respect to national defense doesn’t mean Alaska is important! Arkansas has diamonds and the last sighting of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker (I think) and Georgia has peaches and peanuts, those states are important!! [sarc]

    The point is not what should be an issue, but what will be made an issue.

    One problem with lies is that if you tell them often enough, people believe them, so the important thing is who has the power to spread lies most effectively. Dustin, you raise Clinton as an example. What was the issue with Clinton and Lewinsky about:
    1) Two consenting adults whose business was of nobody else’s concern?
    2) A man with a history of womanizing who committed perjury to cover his tracks and abused the power of his authority in a way that would not have been tolerated for any other man in America, be it a politician, a business executive, a lawyer,or a doctor?

    Yes, Clinton’s popularity soared because the public bought narrative #1 which was routinely presented. Narrative #2 was familiar to many, but wasn’t as well known nor heard as frequently by the majority of the public, so it did not win out, even though it was more truthful.

    I would like to think that the next conservative presidential candidate will get better treatment. I would also like to think just and democratic governments will pop up in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan too, and that I strike gold and diamonds in the spring redoing my lawn.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  180. I would love for anybody to come out as a strong candidate over Palin, as I’m worried that Palin has had too much baggage piled on her, even though she would be much better than the incumbant.

    I really do think BDS and PDS are simply versions of CDS (Conservative Delusion Syndrome), and the affliction gets worse with every cyclical epidemic. At some point will it get so bad that the public recognizes the idiocy of it? Don’t know.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  181. MD, none of the things in your first paragraph should be an issue, and I don’t believe they were issues with anyone who wasn’t already hating her.

    But a child’s behaviour can reasonably be considered a reflection on her upbringing; how is a wife’s behaviour even that? I fail to understand why anyone would ever bother to bring up Daniels’s marriage or why anybody would think it would do them any good to do so. Surely it’s no more significant to anyone than his hairstyle or what sort of underwear he prefers. I mean, assuming that they would like to spin it in the worst possible light, what could they do with it?

    Milhouse (6f1d7f)

  182. Why did someone go to court to get divorce proceedings from Ryan in Illinois? What did his divorce have to do with what kind of a Senator he would be? Did someone know ahead of time what kind of embarrassing stuff they would find, or were they just fishing? However it came to be, it gave us Senator Obama which gave us President Obama.

    They could make a story about her “erratic behavior” and ask if you want a president whose “wife could go off the deep end any minute”. They could make up stories on how he spied on her and blackmailed her into coming back. They could talk about what a week-willed man he was.

    Maybe they could do nothing with it, but his wife doesn’t want to see them try.

    You have to think like an amoral power-hungry thug to think on how they could spin it. Anything can be made to look bad, even being “normal”. “They had the appearance of the perfect couple, but were they? Neighbors said they sometimes heard loud voices coming from their home, and one said she would never stop outside to chat but almost ran back inside the house if I was outside when she checked the mail. I never could figure out what she was hiding, I wondered if she had a black eye once.”

    That’s all BS and inuendo and it took me 20 seconds to throw it out. Even people who know them would ask what was this about, and other press would be wanting to ask the Mrs. if she had ever been abused, etc.

    Let him run, I’m not saying he’s a good candidate or not. I’m just saying Palin had an 80%+ approval rating as gov. of Alaska before she was trashed. Even George W. Bush was known as someone who was popular with both parties in the statehouse and had won reelection as gov. in Texas, which had not been done often. He quickly found out political wars in texas were nothing comnpared to the national level. They could have made Palin’s story about how the average American worked her way up from a modest background and everyday college education through the ranks of school board, mayor, then governor because of her skill and hard work; or they could have said what kind of experience can a mayor of a big town or the least densely populated state have to run the country, one who had to go to several unheard of colleges?

    If I was a potential candidate, I would assume that if they can’t find something they will make it up. They can’t win if facts and policies are treated honestly, they can’t win if the candidates are treated honestly, so how do they win??

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  183. 186.Why did someone go to court to get divorce proceedings from Ryan in Illinois?

    Because, Obama was losing and couldnt win without destroying his reputation.

    EricPWJohnson (b6fe71)

  184. “I think Alaska is at a point it has to decide: Do we want to try to do something to incentivize and mitigate that production decline or not?” said Wendy King, Conoco’s vice president for external affairs.

    Oil money built the Alaska Permanent Fund, accounts for about a third of the jobs in the state, and provides for 80 to 90 percent of general state government revenue, King reminded the audience. She said Alaska needs the long decline in North Slope production to be at least slowed.

    Conoco is Alaska’s biggest oil producer, and biggest taxpayer.
    “In Alaska we have not drilled an exploration well for two years in a row … the first time since 1965 that Conoco Phillips had not drilled an exploration well in the state of Alaska,” King said.

    Oh but Who’s defending Palin, why one of Obama’s biggest supporter in Alaska – this guy (and the AFL-CIO):

    Anchorage Democratic Sen. Bill Wielechowski, who defends the oil tax, argued their positions at a forum held by the Alaska AFL-CIO

    EricPWJohnson (b6fe71)

  185. I’m with you, MD. I hope to see Mitch run, and I hope he does well, but it’s on him to win people over.

    I have to agree with Gary that very few people have been there, speaking out on the issues, as well as Palin has. That means something to a lot of people.

    BTW, I wasn’t referring to Bristol has her baggage, and I certainly wasn’t referring to Palin’s financial policy (which was effective and popular, but would make a much better criticism than Palin’s used to).

    I was mostly talking about her resignation. Even though I accept Palin’s explanation, I know many voters just plain won’t. It’s a simple narrative to bring her down with, and a complex one to explain successfully. That’s a serious problem.

    Bristol’s probably a mixed bag. A lot of people like her, and like Palin because she’s human and had a family that lived up to its values when it made a mistake. I know people spin this the other way, but I think plenty of people give the Palin family credit for embracing the miracle of a child. Very few people look down on premarital sex, for better or worse.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  186. Dustin-
    I think it is relatively easy to understand Palin’s statement about the difficulties she faced in trying to govern if she remained in office, just as it was relatively easy to understans we invaded Iraq for reasons other than WMD. I do agree with you that most of the voters and the media where they get their news will not bother to make the minimal effort.

    As I’ve said before, I’m waiting for some other “turtle” to stick its head out of the shell and do something.

    187.186.Why did someone go to court to get divorce proceedings from Ryan in Illinois?
    Because, Obama was losing and couldnt win without destroying his reputation.
    – Comment by EricPWJohnso

    Exactly. Repeat ad infinitum as necessary.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  187. Who is pushing the talking points that Palin is a fiscal liberal?

    Huffington Post, Dan Fagan, EricPWJohnson and other Palin haters on the left.

    daleyrocks (479a30)

  188. Yet how he would react to being attacked in this way would determine in great part, the public’s overall reaction to him.

    Palin simply did not have the skills, steel and understanding of how to deflect, control and finesse a media determined to derail her.

    Daniels seems pretty much an unknown quantity with regard to that. He could be great.

    I don’t buy that his marriage story will be received by the public – no matter how it’s spun – as much other than one with a happy ending. Americans love happy endings and still want to believe in them. And need to believe in them. So if the media attacks their marriage, it could easily backfire.

    Good thing we already know about his arrest for possession.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  189. As I’ve said before, I’m waiting for some other “turtle” to stick its head out of the shell and do something.

    Sadly, it’s getting to the point where it will transparently look like an attempt to placate the right for the nomination, rather than an earnest effort to shape policy by fighting Obama. If that’s your metric, I don’t see how anyone beats Palin. Soapbox politics are important in the information age, and Palin and Christie and Ryan are the three I think have been effective.

    As to whether Palin can overcome the ‘quitter’ narrative, we’ll have to wait and see.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  190. Well the EPJW caucus, up there is Fagan, Halcro, Jenkins, they are firmly on the corporatist right,

    narciso (e888ae)

  191. I have no problem with oil companies making a profit, even if it’s stratospheric. But people in that field have to recognize that it is the oil that is valuable, not their replaceable efforts. If Conoco or Exxon feels they aren’t getting a good deal extracting Alaska’s natural wealth, another company will happily step in. Of course, they aren’t getting a raw deal at all. They are still doing quite nicely, and so is the state of Alaska.

    I only wish Alaska would use this money to get off the federal government’s dole. They should save for the future, and follow Dubai in building infrastructure and industry.

    But charging (or taxing) as much as they can for their oil? That’s perfectly fine with me. Free market.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  192. narciso – In the lower 48, the only folks beating the drum on Palin being a fiscal liberal are the loony left blogs in the hopes it will discourage independents and conservatives from supporting Palin. Bogus logic and bogus narrative. Totally predictable EricPW picked it up and cannot find any reputable conservatives who support it.

    The oil tax policy narrative is completely separate.

    daleyrocks (479a30)

  193. Again, to review the only remotely analogous period in US history:

    In 1858 as IL House-elect member, Lincoln had a marathon series of debates against the most prominent national politician of the day in pursuit of the IL US Senate seat. All as a Whig.

    First ballot voting gave him a strong second with a third ballot swing to him pre-arranged.

    He took about 40% of the popular vote against 3 significant national opponents.

    The so-cons will not be locked out, defacto truce or not. Either convince them you are their candiate or lose.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  194. In FY 2008, a period of very high oil prices and profits, ACES generated $6.8 billion in production tax revenue, compared with $4.2 billion which would have been received under PPT and $1.3 billion which would have been received under ELF.

    EricPWJohnson (818ac7)

  195. “In fiscal year 2009, during which west coast oil prices average $68.34, ACES generated just over $3.1
    billion. This compares with roughly $2 billion that would have been generated under PPT and
    $858 million under the earlier ELF system.”

    daleyrocks (479a30)

  196. Daley,

    Which is still a 50% tax increase over 2006 and when the oil industry signed on to drill in alaska its a 300% tax increase over what was agreed on.

    For a business owner its the equivalent of raising the social security tax to 46%

    EricPWJohnson (818ac7)

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