Patterico's Pontifications


“New Civility” Watch

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:17 am

Master of civility Eric Fuller, last seen threatening death to a Tea Party leader, wanted to torture and sever the ears of Sarah Palin, Limbaugh, and others.

“There would be torture and then an ear necklace, with [Minnesota US Rep.] Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin’s ears toward the end, because they’re small, female ears, and then Limbaugh, Hannity and the biggest ears of all, Cheney’s, in the center,” Fuller said.

Who do you figure Fuller’s favorite radio hosts are? Who inspires this hatred against Palin, Limbaugh, and Cheney? As the media likes to say: “I don’t know, but . . .”

. . . but we have nationally syndicated radio host Mike Malloy, who has, since the Giffords shooting, been steadily wishing for Rush Limbaugh’s death, and labeling Dick Cheney a mass killer. Via Radio Equalizer:


Rush Limbaugh, straight shooter. Way to go, pig man! Way to go! Choke on your neck fat, you rancid, filthy right-wing freak!

(The clip continues with Randi Rhodes: “Glenn Beck has now become Sesame Street for potential assassins.” More Malloy, from Radio Equalizer:


The rhetoric that comes from me is the rhetoric of rage…and, um, have their been violent images? Of course. Rush Limbaugh choking on his throat fat – that you know, to me, that is not a threat – I can’t – I wish I could, but I can’t reach into his throat and jiggle up his throat fat so he suffocates – I can’t do it.

He goes on to label Dick Cheney a “mass killer.”

Have Republicans learned anything from our civil friends on the left? No: they are still going forward with a vote on repealing the “Job Killing” ObamaCare.

If Republicans continue with that talk, they’re going to get someone killed!

140 Responses to ““New Civility” Watch”

  1. Leftwingers are pretty much douchebags when it comes down to it. Full of hate and bile they project it onto everything they see that goes against their demonstrably idiotic and failed ideas. They work off of sheer emotional denial devoid of reality when reality inevitably disproves their religious belief in the infallability of Government.

    Michael Savage was right when he said that liberalism is a mental disorder. We have the proof daily from guys like this in the video and online and on TV. Unable to accept the reality of electoral defeat and that their ideas are hughly unpopular, they can only spew hatred and deathwishes.

    They are a bunch of complete pussies too. Bill Ayers at least had the courage of his convictions.

    SGT Ted (5d10ae)

  2. Why Patterico! Don’t you know that this kind of rhetoric from the Left doesn’t mean anything? Because no Left of center person has ever done anything violent, nor is any Left of center person mentally unbalanced. Nor has any Left of center person used a firearm.

    That’s why that kind of rhetoric is only bad coming from the Right.

    Besides, the Left is the moral side!

    Hopefully, the realization of this hypocrisy by voters will continue…provided the Republicans don’t screw up yet again. They need to really drive the hypocrisy issue home, again and again. Americans love the idea of fairness.

    Simon Jester (59b811)

  3. Never heard of him.

    Can’t say that about Beck and Limbaugh.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  4. Brad Friedman substitute hosts for Malloy on a regular basis. I think he’s also a frequent guest, but cannot swear to that one. Peas, pod.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  5. I never heard of ‘Zeitgeist’ till last week, but apparently it influenced this nutjob.

    narciso (6075d0)

  6. This guy likely has an audience of hundreds, if that many. Like the raving loons at MSNBC, their mouths belie their insignificant influence. Can’t wait for Comcast to jettison the entire lot of mouth – breathers; because unlike GE, Comcast actually cares about ratings and profits.

    Dmac (498ece)

  7. Acorn used to – may still do – when community leaders asked someone from Cocacola to do a performance audit of Acorn in 93 (pro Bono), they informed me that Acorn owned over 2 dozen radio stations – this was a surprize, as a consultant for the city at the time this took all of us for a loop.

    Dont ask me how I got roped into this –

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  8. I understand that #3 is sophistry, but still: So one crazy person fomenting violence (that the Left claims it wishes to remove from discourse) is nothing to worry about?

    Honestly, that just childish. There isn’t anything wrong with insisting that all the rhetoric get taken a notch down. But first Left was trying to push the meme that the Left never emits violent rhetoric. Then, after having its collective nose rubbed in precisely that, the new meme is thatthat the Right is “so much worse.”


    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  9. Well, if they keep spewing hatred and talkin’ up torture, we’ll just have to read the Constitution out loud again. That’ll show ‘um.

    ropelight (a73f0f)

  10. But first Left was trying to push the meme that the Left never emits violent rhetoric.

    I don’t think the “Left” (like we have one voice?) was pushing that meme at all. After all, one need only look to the 1960’s (Black Panthers, Weather Underground) to see violent rhetoric (and actual violence) from the extreme Left.

    But, yes. I think a false equivalence is being made here. A lot of the eliminationist rhetoric on the right comes from the right’s “mainstream” — i.e., elected politicians and media superstars.

    On the left, violent rhetoric exists (there’s no denying that), but it tends to exist more on the fringe. Of course it still remains just as condemnable, but it’s not wrong to point out that it also has far less impact.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  11. Kman, you’ve got your head so far up your ass you couldn’t see daylight at noon.

    ropelight (a73f0f)

  12. Kman, playing the “No True Scotsman” fallacy works in your crowd? ‘Cause here we just ridicule you for a bullshit artist.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  13. Kman is right in there with Rev. Sharpton: Rush is #1, therefore he is the dangerous one.

    Icy Texan (ec15e0)

  14. A lot of the eliminationist rhetoric on the right comes from the right’s “mainstream” — i.e., elected politicians and media superstars.

    On the left, violent rhetoric exists (there’s no denying that), but it tends to exist more on the fringe. Of course it still remains just as condemnable, but it’s not wrong to point out that it also has far less impact.

    What a joke.

    Gerald A (9ef895)

  15. Kman – Define eliminationist rhetoric please.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  16. Kman: “Our freaks and meanies are in the closet.”

    Icy Texan (ec15e0)

  17. Oh yeah; “eliminationist rhetoric”. The ‘politically correct’ class has already formulated a new term. How industrious of them.

    Icy Texan (ec15e0)

  18. About a dozen years ago, I was surfing the radio dial late at night. I came across Malloy. He began by venting against so-called black conservatives, Clarence Thomas in particular. Malloy called them by the N-word.

    He added that he wanted to use a “dirty ball peen hammer” on all conservatives, black and white. Malloy gloated that “these dirty white people will get what’s coming to them when America becomes majority nonwhite in a few decades. It’s coming sooner than they think.”

    In my experience, Malloy’s attitude is quite common.

    DN (d1a4f3)

  19. Greetings:

    And after Mr. Fuller finishes with Mrs. Palin’s ears, he want her toes, huh, huh ???

    11B40 (5d1305)

  20. Most of these media oulets [anal orifices] make these outrageous statements because it builds traffic to their sites be they radio,tv or blogs.Advertising rates are based on the number of people in their audience. Partly it is desparation after looking at their business balance sheets.

    dunce (b89258)

  21. There is some significant doubt about Fuller’s claims to be a victim. He was at the meeting but there is doubt about his wounds. He drove himself to the hospital and was walking without a limp as sheriff deputies escorted him out of the ABC meeting one week after he was allegedly shot in the knee. He has a history of bizarre behavior. Knee injuries are very painful. It’s possible he was grazed but there are doubts about it.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  22. I didn’t realize asking Kman to define his terms was such a stumper.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  23. Interesting new polls:
    ABC/Washington Post –

    52 percent of Americans now hold unfavorable views of the tea party, a new high.

    Only 35% of Americans like the Tea Party, about the same number that like Saudi Arabia. Compare this with Russia, the country that Republicans love to demagogue — has a net-positive 47/45 favorable rating.

    Even socialism, is viewed more favorably than the Tea Party – 36% of Americans view socialism favorably.

    Obama’s favorability is now 16 points ahead of where Reagan was at this point in his presidency and employment is 1% lower.

    The right leaning outlier poll, Rasmussen has been proven inaccurate and a fraud.

    Scott (9d1841)

  24. Oh good. the troll ^^^ is back. (#22)

    Icy Texan (ec15e0)

  25. Scott – That is a very interesting poll relative to the shellacking Democrats took at the polls in November. What was the question asked and what was the sampling?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  26. Kman – Define eliminationist rhetoric please

    Rhetoric expressing a desire or a demand for extermination, removal through violence, or infliction of harm on one’s opponents

    Classic examples include:

    “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.” — Ann Coulter

    “We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too.” — Ann Coulter

    “And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we’re not going to do anything about it. We’re going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.” — Bill O’Reilly

    And the examples in Patterico’s post as well.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  27. Anyone recognize “scott” and its links?

    Kmart is performing its interpretation of contemporary performance art about ukelele playing douchebags.

    JD (306f5d)

  28. Hey, that’s a very demanding skill set,

    narciso (6075d0)

  29. K-Pax, there is a difference between a JOKE and a hateful statement.

    Icy Texan (ec15e0)

  30. There’s a difference between threatening to kill someone and hoping that someone dies. I wouldn’t consider the latter violent.

    Jim (87e69d)

  31. Scott – Wapo survey polls adults, not likely voters. 60% of respondents self-identify as liberal or moderate, only 36% as conservative. After a week of a non-stop media barrage, strong disapproval Tea Party increased by 10%. Other than that, great observation.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  32. I’m a libertarian. When I was younger, I leaned more left, because social freedoms and tolerance were more important to me. Now I’m much older, and a mother, and it’s been at least a decade since I wanted to smoke pot and make out with my best friend. I’m more interested in the economy and limiting the size of government. But FTR, I would still decriminalize most drugs, I support gay marriage, I don’t belong to any organized religion, and I’m a free speech absolutist even on porn and indecency.

    So right-wingers would hardly claim me as one of their own.

    That’s all just a long way of identifying my own biases. Because all of that being said, I still think the left is way more vitriolic and hateful.

    Of course, Kman is right that we really shouldn’t judge individuals by such broad groups.

    But, in my purely anecdotal personal experience, if there’s a group of students disrupting a guest speaker, it’s liberal students shouting down a conservative speaker. Has anyone ever even heard of an opposite situation?

    If someone is being smugly condescending about people who disagree with him, it’s a liberal looking down his nose at conservatives. If someone is saying we’d be better off if such-and-such politician were dead, it’s a liberal talking about a right wing politician.

    Of course, there are loads of exceptions and individuals should be judged on their own merits. But I think there may be some correlation with the type of people who come to identify themselves as conservatives or liberals in the first place. Conservatives tend to be traditional, family-oriented people who probably place higher value on being polite and who are less likely to get worked up in public. Liberals are likely to be younger, more passionate and less-constrained by social norms. It stands to reason we’d hear more public vitriol and hyperbole from the latter than the former.

    Sarah (c7f910)

  33. Sarah – Your observations conform to mine except that the liberals are not primarily the young in my town. They are the base of the working population and are perfectly willing to disrupt meetings of the existing liberal city government or conservatives who dare to run for elected office.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  34. Sarah, I guess you never listen to the likes of Levin, Savage, Boortz and Limbaugh whose daily hate rhetoric has no parallel on the left. I guess you must be unfamiliar.

    Scott (390f26)

  35. …it’s liberal students shouting down a conservative speaker. Has anyone ever even heard of an opposite situation?

    Sure. Town hall meetings.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  36. Scott, horse manure. There are plenty of parallels on the Left and lumping all of those together is nonsense.

    Are you paying no attention or are you just so biased that you accept the “hate speech” of the Left like so many violent leftists?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  37. Kman, the BS from Democrat politicians who could not handle a hostile constituency at their meetings is among the more pathetic sets of whining ever seen.

    Grow up.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  38. “when you go carryin’ pictures of Chairman Mao,

    ain’t gonna make it with anyone any how.”

    Still rings true.

    Lenon (017d51)

  39. Kman

    Dick Durbin got up in congress and compared our soldiers to nazis. if that isn’t incitement of violence, what is?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  40. “Sarah, I guess you never listen to the likes of Levin, Savage, Boortz and Limbaugh whose daily hate rhetoric has no parallel on the left.”

    Yeah, that’s true. Left wingers don’t usually go around pointing out what complete morons left wingers are.

    It’s not like dishonest, commie, America-hating, terrorist-loving, lefties of the Amy Goodman or Keith Oberdouche ilk are going to stand up and say to their audiences “We’re total idiots, our socialistic ideas will inevitably lead to tyranny, poverty and death, and if you people had any sense you would line us up against a wall and shoot us ASAP, instead of listening to our mindless babble, and sometimes even believing it.”

    I mean it would be great if they did, but it isn’t likely to happen.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  41. Dick Durbin got up in congress and compared our soldiers to nazis. if that isn’t incitement of violence, what is?

    Actually, he was talking about the interrogation techniques done by Gitmo soldiers on prisoners, drawing an historical analogy by comparing it to the interrogation techniques done by Nazis.

    That’s quite different the way you characterize it, i.e., “compar[ing] our soldiers to nazis”.

    But don’t let the facts get in the way of your spin.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  42. Kman

    Yes, he compared our soldiers to Nazis.

    I am sure that was never used in enemy propaganda, right?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  43. “Actually, he was talking about the interrogation techniques done by Gitmo soldiers”

    Kman – Are you suggesting it was better that Durbin didn’t know what he was talking about when he compared our troops to Nazis?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  44. Sarah, I guess you never listen to the likes of Levin, Savage, Boortz and Limbaugh whose daily hate rhetoric has no parallel on the left. I guess you must be unfamiliar.

    Comment by Scott

    I don’t understand this.

    So you can cherry pick some people you don’t like, and they become the entire political discussion for you?

    And you can also ignore anyone vile on your side, whose program mentions assassinations and hatred, but is often so horrible the program is simply canceled. That’s one reason there are few liberal Rush Limbaughs. Rush is not a hater, he’s a joker. People are often happy when they hear him goof on politicians. It’s a good show, unlike Franken’s or Rhodes’s.

    But why ignore Olberrmann, et al?

    I don’t have to like every conservative out there, so this entire comparison is dumb, but it’s interesting that Scott obviously knows and doesn’t bother to count the hate on the left, because his entire project is to hate. How long before you’re ashamed of your hate and decide to switch handles again? Imagine how pathetic I’d look if I said ‘liberals are wrong because Yelverton is so hateful’!

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  45. “Sarah, I guess you never listen to the likes of Levin, Savage, Boortz and Limbaugh whose daily hate rhetoric has no parallel on the left.”

    Scott – Ever hear of Schultz, Malloy, Rhodes, Stephanie Miller, Montel Williams, Thom Hartmann, Ron Reagan, Bill Press,…….?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  46. Durbin’s words are available. Why not post them, kman?

    On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold. ….. On another occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.
    If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime–Pol Pot or others–that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

    I think it goes a little bit beyond your description. Those are certainly torture, unless you are a teenager at a party.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  47. daleyrocks, these people always describe what Limbaugh says but they never listen to him. A woman called him the other day and started giving him the same routine. He kept asking her for an example. Nope. She couldn’t name one.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  48. Kman – Are you suggesting it was better that Durbin didn’t know what he was talking about when he compared our troops to Nazis?

    Wow. You can spin it a thousand times, but he didn’t compare “our troops to Nazis”. That’s just an out-and-out dishonest spin.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  49. Thank you, Mike K, for the context. Unfortunately, some here will still perpetuate the spin that Durbin was talking about “our troops” as opposed to the techniques conducted by a few bad apples at Gitmo.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  50. Durbin:

    “If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime—Pol Pot or others— that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.”

    What say you Kman?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  51. Did not see Mike K’s post.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  52. Daley

    i stand corrected. in that particular case he was comparing fbi agents to nazis. but my point still remains. its hard to demonize them more.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  53. “Unfortunately, some here will still perpetuate the spin that Durbin was talking about “our troops” as opposed to the techniques conducted by a few bad apples at Gitmo.”

    Kman – So you are agreeing with Durbin on this?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  54. here, in case you have trouble reading kman, i will try to embed the video in this comment.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  55. If one printed up t-shirts that said:

    If liberals are civil,
    explain this:

    [Picture of a stringer of ears with appropriate name tags]

    Mr. Fuller, Democratic Activist

    I’m sure it would be spun as negative against the Tea Party.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  56. Kman

    ah, so it is false to suggest he was talking about our soldiers, or comparing them to nazis…

    well, that is not what the WAPO thought:

    > Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) yesterday offered a tearful apology on the Senate floor for comparing the alleged abuse of prisoners by American troops to techniques used by the Nazis, the Soviets and the Khmer Rouge, as he sought to quell a frenzy of Republican-led criticism.

    and later in the article:

    > Initially, Durbin strongly defended his assessment. “This administration should apologize to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure,” he said.

    So actually yes, Durbin felt it was policy, not just an aberration.

    hmmm, i think this deserves a post.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  57. Kman’s routine is getting old. He plays the semantic version of No True Scotsman on every instance of liberal “hate speech” (Oh, they did not say exactly that … ) but relies on vague generalizations about the comments of people he wants to attack.

    The utter lack of any serious argument got old a long time ago.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  58. If you can’t see the difference in integrity and journalistic rigor between: Rhodes Scholar Doctorate from Oxford – Rachel Maddow, and one semester college drop out and recovered drug addict, Glenn Beck, I guess you have no hope.

    Olbermann is his most extreme doesn’t ever approach the flat out dishonesty and angry hatefulness of Levin, Savage and Limbaugh, who by virtue of radio, command a much bigger audience.

    No comparison. Game over.

    Scott (c4caa8)

  59. “On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold…”

    Same thing as what happened at Auschwitz where a million or so captured Jewish terrorists were made uncomfortable by the SS and Gestapo setting the ac levels too low.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  60. Scott

    > If you can’t see the difference in integrity and journalistic rigor between: Rhodes Scholar Doctorate from Oxford – Rachel Maddow, and one semester college drop out and recovered drug addict, Glenn Beck, I guess you have no hope.

    Ironically, that was hateful rhetoric against Beck.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  61. “If you can’t see the difference in integrity and journalistic rigor between”

    Scott – Nice pivot from the has no parallels point.

    I can see the difference between Maddow and Beck. Listing her credentials is meaningless. She rips and reads from the freaks at Media Matters and lies by omission. Beck is honest as far as I can tell. If you can’t see that difference, you are just furthering you image of a lack of integrity here.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  62. Scott, your claims about Olbermann, Schulz, Maddow et al (just to list the MSNBC crew – then add in Randi Rhodes, etc. ) are simply false. Hilariously and obviously so. There are just unending lists of “hate” as you would define it being uttered by these.

    The most interesting question is what is it that makes you feel good about posting such nonsense? Does it make you feel like a superior person to make such sweeping, vacuous and false claims?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  63. Beck sometimes wears glasses, hair is lighter, and usually shorter.

    Hope that helps.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  64. MD in Philly FTW

    SPQR (26be8b)

  65. “Ironically, that was hateful rhetoric against Beck.”

    YES, thanks to Aaron Worthing for his definition of “hateful rhetoric”.

    Yes, uncomfortable FACTS seem to pass for hate to the right wing.

    Beck bio:

    However, he [Beck] cites the help of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in his sobriety and attended his first AA meeting in November 1994, the month he states he stopped drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis.[18] Beck would later claim that he had gotten high every day for the previous 15 years, since the age of 16.[13]

    scott (4a62f5)

  66. Scott, so what? Obama admits doing drugs too.

    Does this make you feel better?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  67. More lefty civility today:

    About 200 union workers interrupted a meeting of mortgage bankers at a posh hotel Wednesday.

    The protest — aimed at the Pulte Group, one of the nation’s largest homebuilders — quickly turned into a scrum as workers wearing hardhats and shouting through bullhorns overwhelmed the security staff at the JW Marriott, bursting into a crowded conference room before a stunned crowd of bankers.

    Shouting “Where are the jobs?” and “Where is the money?” the protesters from the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association and the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, many in overalls and helmets, said taxpayers have provided $900 million in tax breaks to Pulte with the aim of creating jobs. They said they haven’t seen the results they were promised.

    “Those tax breaks were supposed to create jobs,” Wayne Peworchik, one of the protesters, said. “That was President Obama’s and Congress’s intent.”

    “Instead, Pulte laid off workers,” Peworchik said.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  68. Is small “s” scott the same as capital “S” Scott?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  69. Compare to Maddow bio:

    She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 2001, she earned a Doctorate in Philosophy (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University.

    June 2009, Maddow’s MSNBC show was the only cable news show nominated for a Television Critics Association award in the Outstanding Achievement in News and Information category.

    August 2010, Maddow won the Walter Cronkite Faith & Freedom Award, which was presented by The Interfaith Alliance.[58] Past honorees included Larry King, Tom Brokaw, and the late Peter Jennings.[58]

    scott (017d51)

  70. What are S(s)cott’s credentials to comment here, since credentials seem very important to him? Fill us in there sport? Why should we take anything you have to say seriously?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  71. Scott, it’s not proof Beck is hateful that he battles an addiction. Obama claims he was on the road to being a junkie and used hard drugs like cocaine. That used to be a major (and bogus) complaint about Bush, as though this were outrageous. Now, the haters ignore it, and even more hilariously, attack Beck for something drastically milder.

    He talks about his addiction in an effort to help people make better choices (much as Obama does in his book). You attack him for this because you hate conservatives so much you can’t resist.

    You need to get help before you hurt someone.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  72. Beck bio:

    Beck took a theology class at Yale University, .. The class was called “Early Christology”, but Beck soon dropped out, and that marked the extent of Beck’s post secondary education.[18][21]

    scott (017d51)

  73. Maddow’s real credential is that America rejects her show, while embracing most Fox News programs. They know who to trust. They are not impressed that left wingers give eachother special elite awards.

    Dustin (b54cdc)


    Gitmo, Dachau…what’s the difference?

    The Nazis murder tens of millions of innocent men women and children, the Americans make a terrorist stay in a room with the ac set to 60 degrees.

    Same thing, right?

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  75. On the left, violent rhetoric exists (there’s no denying that), but it tends to exist more on the fringe.

    Comment by Kman — 1/19/2011 @ 9:15 am
    So now you’re calling President Obama “fringe”?


    malclave (4f3ec1)

  76. Obama: President of Harvard Law Review, Constitutional Lawyer

    Beck: one semester college drop out

    scott (017d51)

  77. Beck was admitted to Yale? Wow. That’s really impressive. More impressive is that he realized the education was not necessary for him to be extremely successful. Few people are bold enough to take the Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Glenn Beck route of just making your way, free of the trappings of elitism.

    I don’t see why not having a Yale degree is so horrible, scott. It’s a good school, but… so what?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  78. scott – Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and he is a devoted adulterer and admitted perjurer, was impeached and disbarred. What is your point?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  79. I am not impressed by Rachel Maddow’s intellectual capacity. She slept her way through Oxford. That’s what I heard.

    Birdbath (8501d4)

  80. Teabaggers celebrate the lack of education:

    “I didn’t go to Yale” – Christine O’Donnell

    scott (017d51)

  81. Beck: one semester college drop out

    Comment by scott

    Didn’t Obama drop out of Columbia, and rely on connections and race to get into Harvard? I know I couldn’t get into Harvard if I dropped out of another school.

    Maybe you’re not proving Beck is hateful by showing that you really hate normal folks. Most Americans don’t have Ivy league degrees, or degrees at all. What’s so horrible about them? Do you think you’re better? I’m an educated man, but I’ve learned that education doesn’t mean wisdom. It’s certainly no replacement for success.

    Are you just going to post little cut and paste jobs for the next hour? Is that the best thing you can find to do, because you’re so consumed with hatred?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  82. “scott – Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and he is a devoted adulterer and admitted perjurer, was impeached and disbarred. What is your point?”


    scott (017d51)

  83. Teabaggers celebrate the lack of education:

    “I didn’t go to Yale” – Christine O’Donnell

    Comment by scott

    She had an education, you idiot. Now you’re saying that people with degrees are not really educated if they didn’t go to Yale. That’s pathetic.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  84. The Nazis murder tens of millions of innocent men women and children, the Americans make a terrorist stay in a room with the ac set to 60 degrees.

    Same thing, right?

    No Dave. And everybody, including yourself, knows you are being intentionally obtuse.

    If I say that group X engages in the same interrogation techniques as the Nazis, then I am saying just that — engaging in the same interrogation techniques as the Nazis.

    I am NOT saying that members of group X hate Jews, or serve Hitler, or march in goose step formation, or live in the 1940s, or anything else.

    That’s all Durbin was saying, and a plain (i.e., non-spun) honest reading of what he said reveals that.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  85. I’m afraid I have to defend Kman’s assertion that Sen. Durbin did NOT, in fact, compare U.S. soldiers to Nazis.

    Since he was talking about Guantanamo Bay, he was comparing U.S. Marines to Nazis. Soldiers are Army.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  86. scott-

    You must not listen to Beck much, becuase anyone who does readily knows what a mess he made of his life and how grateful he is to have had a second chance, so “informing” us was not necessary.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  87. @77

    And cocksuckers like you celebrate corruption.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  88. Palin and the teabaggers are champions of ignorance the uneducated.

    BTW… Palin’s new polls are the worst in her career. How’s those blood libel stuff workin’ out for ya Sarah?

    scott (f71f05)

  89. No, Kman, you’re being intentionally obtuse.

    Why say it’s the same as the Nazis, and the defend that by saying “well, I didn’t mean in the bad way”.

    Virtually every civilized country on the planet uses these techniques, under the right circumstances. saying it’s like Nazis is like saying Nazis drank coffee. It’s intentionally obtuse. You retort to a solid point by projecting, as usual, your bad faith.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  90. “Intelligence.”

    scott – Oh, going to school proves intelligence. Got it. Except that it doesn’t. People have a lot of motivations for deciding whether or not to continue their educations.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  91. I’m afraid I have to defend Kman’s assertion that Sen. Durbin did NOT, in fact, compare U.S. soldiers to Nazis.

    Since he was talking about Guantanamo Bay, he was comparing U.S. Marines to Nazis. Soldiers are Army.

    Correction noted. Touche.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  92. MD’s right. When lefties start spitting out Beck’s own admissions, as though that will somehow open our eyes to who Beck is, they are really proving they have never even given Beck a chance. They heard from their masters than Beck must be demonized, so they set out to do it, blindly.

    Otherwise, they’d know this is actually stuff Beck talks about (way too often, in my opinion). He’s honest about it. Give Beck a chance, and you’ll learn that his program on TV is drastically superior to its competition. It’s not earth shakingly awesome, and it’s very hammy, but compared to other cable programs, it is very heavy on facts, on history, and on insightful discussion. It’s effective. That’s why the left hates Beck so much.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  93. scott – It is actually the Democrats who are championing the uneducated by kowtowing to teachers unions and resisting education reforms. If you were smart, you would know that.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  94. A mean old Republican atrocity…

    “On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor…”

    A humanitarian Democrat atrocity…

    “The first raid using low-flying B-29s carrying incendiary bombs to drop on Tokyo was in February 1945 when 174 B-29s destroyed around one square mile (3 km²) of the city.[citation needed] Changing their tactics to expand the coverage and increase the damage, 335 B-29s took off[3] to raid on the night of 9–10 March, with 279 of them[3] dropping around 1,700 tons of bombs. Fourteen B-29s were lost.[3] Approximately 16 square miles (41 km²) of the city were destroyed and some 100,000 people are estimated to have died in the resulting firestorm…”–wiki

    Photo of two Japanese terrorists (mother and child) immolated during Roosevelt’s firebombing of the civilian (whoops, I mean terrorist) population of Tokyo in 1945.

    Nasty boys those liberals. They sure knew who to deal with Japanese mother and child terrorist teams, though.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  95. Funny how Bush’s Yale and Harvard degrees were not so meaningful to the democrat shills, when he ran against Kerry.

    Huh. I guess it’s almost like they don’t give a crap about it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  96. Why say it’s the same as the Nazis, and the defend that by saying “well, I didn’t mean in the bad way”

    Oh, he meant it in a bad way. Just a narrowly bad way. It wasn’t the broad sweeping apply-to-the-entire-military indictment that you (and others) make it out to be.

    There’s a different between hateful rhetoric, and critical rhetoric. If Durbin had merely said, “U.S. soldiers and marines — why, they’re a buncha Nazis if you ask me”, that’s one thing. But that’s not what he said.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  97. scott – How did that Annenberg Challenge work out for Obama and Ayers? One of its focuses was on education.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  98. It would be interesting to challenge scott to a one week “fact check” of what Maddow says vs. what Beck says.

    I’m not going to volunteer, though, as watching Dr. Maddow for more than 30 seconds is painful.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  99. “It wasn’t the broad sweeping apply-to-the-entire-military indictment that you (and others) make it out to be.”

    Kman – Which was why his apology was directed broadly, to the entire military, instead of narrowly as you are twisting his words to suggest they should be interpreted. Reasonable people can disagree, but I doubt reasonable would share your interpretation of his words.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  100. There’s a different between hateful rhetoric, and critical rhetoric.
    Comment by Kman

    Yes, claiming things that are untrue while ignoring what is true is the most hateful kind of rhetoric possible, as it works to destroy the reputation of who you are lying about.

    Back to ignoring mode, carry on all.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  101. Scott (or “scott”; maybe he doesn’t know which is which) is a good little cipher: Education begets wisdom — it’s that sim-ple.

    Icy Texan (ec15e0)

  102. Which was why his apology was directed broadly, to the entire military, instead of narrowly as you are twisting his words to suggest they should be interpreted

    He apologized broadly, because he offended broadly, which is typical. That still doesn’t mean he was referring to the entire military when he was talking about the interrogators at Gitmo.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  103. Brief description of Nazi treatment of Jewish civilains captured during WWII…

    “Kiev … contained a Jewish population of 175,000 on the eve of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. The Nazi forces captured the city in mid-September; within less than a fortnight, on the 29th. and 30th., nearly 34,000 Jews of the ghetto were brought to a suburban ravine known as Babi Yar, near the Jewish Cemetery, where men, women, and children were systematically machine-gunned in a two-day orgy of execution. In subsequent months, most of the remaining population was exterminated.”

    “This, the most appalling massacre of the war, is often alluded to as a prime example of utter Jewish helplessness in the face of disaster. But even the few desperate attempts, almost completely futile, to strike back served as a reminder that the difference between resistance and submission depended very largely upon who was in possession of the arms that back up the will to do or die. The Jews in their thousands, with such pathetic belongings as they could carry, were herded into barbed-wire areas at the top of the ravine, guarded by Ukrainian collaborators. There they were stripped of their clothes and beaten, then led in irregular squads down the side of the ravine. The first groups were forced to lie on the ground, face down, and were machine-gunned by the Germans who kept up a steady volley.”

    “The riddled bodies were covered with thin layers of earth and the next groups were ordered to lie over them, to be similarly dispatched. To carry out the murder of 34,000 human beings in the space of two days could not assure that all the victims had died. Hence there were a few who survived and, though badly wounded, managed to crawl from under the corpses and seek a hiding place.”

    To the great credit of the Nazis, no complaints were made about their harsh interrogation techniques in this particular case. They apparently didn’t waste a whole lot of time questioning the men, women and children they stripped naked and then executed by the thousands in cold blood.

    Babi Yar, Gitmo…what’s the difference?

    Republicans, Nazis? Same thing.


    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  104. It is an interesting process to watch these trolls like Kman and scott paint themselves into corners.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  105. “That still doesn’t mean he was referring to the entire military when he was talking about the interrogators at Gitmo.”

    Kman – Can you point to someone saying he called our “entire” troops Nazis? People said he called our troops Nazis. He did. Case closed.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  106. Anyone who thinks “nazi” is an appropriate comparison is human garbage. They must, somehow, miss the point about what was so horrible about Nazis. It’s like comparing a shopping cart to a Ferrari, because they both have 4 wheels. It demonstrates an amazing degree of blindness.

    Kman is blinded by his rage at Aaron, to show bad faith, 100% of the time. He doesn’t even read what he’s criticizing, and never really means anything he says. scott is blinded by his hatred.

    Both of them project their obvious shortcoming, in a pathetic attempt to muddy an analysis of their character. It’s common for the insecure to project their faults for that reason.

    Buth scott and Kman are especially disturbed, and they both should seek help. Kman has been stalking Aaron for 9 years.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  107. kman

    if there was nothing offensive about the big dick durbin’s comments… why did he apologize for them?

    The fact is that he handed our enemies free propaganda. if you think palin’s supporters are dangerous, they don’t hold a candle to the jihadi f-cknuts over in AQ. if you want rhetoric that endangers human life, its hard to think of a better example.

    Oh, i mean besides claiming that bush lied to get us into a war.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  108. Gitmo treats prisoners quite well. It’s shameful not to thank them for it. We respect the health, cleanliness, even religious practice, of people who violated human rights and Geneva Conventions, and ought to be executed lawfully.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  109. I’m willing to accept that Durbin was not attacking the whole U.S. military to Nazis, Pol Pot followers, and Soviet gulags. However, I honestly believe that he did NOT just mean the interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay, but that he meant the guards there as well.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  110. (Meh, I meant comparing the whole U.S. military in #105. I need to stop changing what I write after I type it).

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  111. The utter incoherence in “Scott”‘s rants about credentials are almost amusing. Amusing in an 18th Century “let’s go to the insane asylum for entertainment” way.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  112. if there was nothing offensive about the big dick durbin’s comments… why did he apologize for them?

    Politics. The Democrats tend to be notoriously weak pansies.

    The fact is that he handed our enemies free propaganda. if you think palin’s supporters are dangerous, they don’t hold a candle to the jihadi f-cknuts over in AQ. if you want rhetoric that endangers human life, its hard to think of a better example.

    Right. Because there were some al Qaeda jihadists who were kind of on the fence about American soldiers, and then Durbin came along and said what he said, and the AQ jihadists perked up and said, “What? Americans are Nazis?!? They’re bad people? It must be so because Dick Durbin says so. Oh, weeeeeell, I didn’t know that before. Now I know which side I’m on. I’m on the anti-Nazi side!!!”

    *eye roll*

    Kman (d30fc3)

  113. Kman, you really don’t realize how stupid your last paragraph looks, given that Democrats have claimed that rhetoric about muslims is supportive of Al Queda propaganda?

    How silly of me to even ask …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  114. “Forced labor of Germans after World War II refers to the Allied use of Germans civilians and captured soldiers for forced labor in years following World War II (and in some cases much longer).”

    “The topic of using Germans as forced labor for reparations was first broached at the Tehran conference in 1943, where Soviet premier Joseph Stalin demanded 4,000,000 German workers.[1]”

    “Forced labor was also included in the Morgenthau Plan draft from September 1944, and was included in the final protocol of the Yalta conference[2] in January 1945, where it was sanctioned by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.”–wiki

    What happened to the German POWs who were turned over the French by liberal Democrats Roosevelt and Truman …

    “General George S. Patton commented in his diary “I’m also opposed to sending POW’s to work as slaves in foreign lands (in particular, to France) where many will be starved to death.” He also noted “It is amusing to recall that we fought the revolution in defense of the rights of man and the civil war to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles”.[22] On 12 October 1945 The New York Herald Tribune reported that the French were starving their POWs, and compared their emaciation to that of those liberated from the Dachau concentration camp.[24]”

    “German prisoners were for example forced to clear minefields in France and the Low Countries.”

    “According to S. P. MacKenzie, “callous self-interest and a desire for retribution played a role in the fate” of German prisoners, and he exemplifies by pointing out that sick or otherwise unfit prisoners were forcibly used for labor, and in France and the Low countries this also included work such as highly dangerous mine-clearing; “by September 1945 it was estimated by the French authorities that two thousand prisoners were being maimed and killed each month in accidents”[25][26]”

    “Some of the 740,000 German prisoners transferred in 1945 by the U.S. for forced labor in France came from the Rheinwiesenlager camps, these forced laborers were already very weak, many weighing barely 50 kilos.[27]”

    “On 13 March 1947 the U.S. made an agreement with the French to the effect that roughly 450,000 German prisoners would be released, at a rate of 20,000 a month. This number included in addition to the prisoners handed over to them by the U.S. also the roughly 200,000 prisoners the French had themselves captured.[28]”

    “In retaliation for acts of resistance French occupation forces expelled more than 25,000 civilians from their homes. Some of these civilians were subsequently forced to clear minefields in Alsace.”–more wiki

    All I can say is that liberal Dems certainly have a strange way of evaluating things.

    There seems to be one set of rules for how liberal Democrats treat prisoners, and an entirely different set of rules for how not-so-liberal Republicans treat prisoners.

    And, at the risk of sounding rude, I’d just like to tell Dick Durbin to go fuck himself.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  115. Kman

    > Politics. The Democrats tend to be notoriously weak pansies.

    So your defense is he was a liar, but only when he apologized.

    > Because there were some al Qaeda

    Funny, NOW you seem to be unconcerned about recruitment, hearts and minds and all of that. Good to know.

    The fact is Durbin’s word are much more likely to have gotten Americans killed than anything Palin said. And the fact you are defending something he himself wouldn’t defend shows how shallow and hypocritical your attacks on right wing rhetoric is.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  116. This seems related.

    House Democrat compares Republican “lies” to Nazi propagandist.

    Weird – I can’t make the link fundtion work, and the comments are losing spacing.

    carlitos (a3d259)

  117. If you can’t see the difference in integrity and journalistic rigor between: Rhodes Scholar Doctorate from Oxford – Rachel Maddow, and one semester college drop out and recovered drug addict, Glenn Beck, I guess you have no hope.

    Well now that you pointed that out I’m going to believe whatever Rachel says! Just like you do I assume.

    Gerald A (9ef895)

  118. So your defense is he was a liar, but only when he apologized.

    Funny, NOW you seem to be unconcerned about recruitment, hearts and minds and all of that. Good to know.

    You crack me up. The only way you can gain a foothold in a debate is to constantly misrepresent what the other party is saying — the two quotes above being perfect examples.

    Addressing the latter point, I think you are giving Dick Durbin too much credibility among al Qaeda jihadists. I really do. I doubt that most even know who he is or heard what he said, and if they did, it didn’t incite them anymore than they already WERE incited.

    Anyway, it’s been 5 years since he said it, right? How Americans have died as a result?

    Kman (d30fc3)

  119. Amusing in an 18th Century “let’s go to the insane asylum for entertainment” way.

    Comment by SPQR —

    LOL. You put into words something I wanted to convey but couldn’t.

    I think it’s hilarious that scott plainly hasn’t given Beck a chance (given his belief he is exposing a secret alcoholic). It doesn’t matter to him how reasonable Beck’s arguments are. What really matters to him are credentials and elite authority. Except I’m guessing scott didn’t vote for Bush over his less educated competitors.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  120. Obama: President of Harvard Law Review

    Ever heard of affirmative action?

    Constitutional Lawyer

    I guess you mean he taught a course once on Constitutional Law.

    Gerald A (9ef895)

  121. …it’s liberal students shouting down a conservative speaker. Has anyone ever even heard of an opposite situation?

    Sure. Town hall meetings.

    Comment by Kman — 1/19/2011 @ 11:54 am

    What meeting did that happen at?

    Gerald A (9ef895)

  122. Anyway, it’s been 5 years since he said it, right? How Americans have died as a result?

    We don’t know how many died since we don’t know whether it affected recruitment to fight our troops in Iraq. What’s that got to do with the topic of discussion anyway?

    Gerald A (9ef895)

  123. I guess you mean he taught a course once on Constitutional Law.

    Comment by Gerald A —

    Yeah, he wasn’t taking civil rights cases to the Court of Appeals. He was shaking down banks to give mortgages based on race, with a little extra thrown in to ACORN. He’s like a foolish stock speculator before Black Thursday crash, who then pretends he was George Bailey the whole time.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  124. I think Kman is ignorant of the fact that we have seen death from this kind of hysterical anti-Gitmo smearing. We’ve had riots on this specific issue, based on lefty myths, with a bodycount.

    OK… I know Kman isn’t really ignorant of that. He’s just arguing in bad faith.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  125. Dustin, in past centuries, people actually paid money to enter insane asylums to laugh at the inmates for entertainment.

    today, the internet serves that function.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  126. @113

    I doubt that most even know who he is or heard what he said, and if they did, it didn’t incite them anymore than they already WERE incited.

    You may have a point. Durbin’s comments don’t really compare to media lies about Guantanamo, that we do know killed people.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  127. Kman

    > Addressing the latter point, I think you are giving Dick Durbin too much credibility among al Qaeda jihadists.

    thus again ignoring the issue of recruitment. and look, John Kerry’s words made it into the vietnamese prison camps.

    > How Americans have died as a result?

    who knows? but the issue is whether that hateful rhetoric might lead to violence, and obviously that presents a far greater danger than anything palin said. He was telling the world our military was like the most evil force ever to walk this earth. no good can come of that.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  128. That still doesn’t mean he was referring to the entire military when he was talking about the interrogators at Gitmo.

    Who are still employed by the present administration, doing the exact same procedures instituted under the evil Booosh. Why did you elect someone who’s continuing to torture those poor prisoners, kmart?

    Dmac (498ece)

  129. He was telling the world our military was like the most evil force ever to walk this earth. no good can come of that.

    Even assuming that’s an accurate description of what Durbin was saying (it’s not), it’s simply ridiculous to suggest that his words goaded AQ into instigating violent action against Americans…. as if that wasn’t already happening at that time.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  130. Dmac:

    Why did you elect someone who’s continuing to torture those poor prisoners, kmart?

    Yeah, don’t get me started on that.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  131. kman

    notice you keep killing that straw man. you keep talking about members of AQ. WHAT ABOUT RECRUITMENT, YOU MORON?!

    Oh, and NOW you suddenly claim that our actions and words don’t give rise to hatred of america. usually you liberals claim that AQ loved us until that evil Bush came along.

    but hey, keep f-cking that chicken.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  132. When it comes to atrocities of war (burning civilians alive, mistreating prisoners, whatever), the Nazis were real, real bad, liberal Democrats are real bad, and conservative Republicans ain’t bad at all.

    That’s the truth.

    Deal with it, leftards.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  133. you keep talking about members of AQ. WHAT ABOUT RECRUITMENT, YOU MORON?!

    Wait. It’s your position that Dick Durbin’s “hateful rhetoric” — rhetoric supposedly comparing the US military to Nazis — helped AQ recruit? Really?

    Or could it be that it was the actual torture itself that helped AQ recruit? And if so, how is that Durbin’s fault?

    Kman (d30fc3)

  134. Dickie Durban is a machine hack who was elected by the same cast of characters responsible for His Awesomeness. They all take their orders from their daddy (IL House Speaker) – and always will

    Dmac (498ece)

  135. I suspect that Durban will be seeking other means of employment in a couple of years.

    His hiding from the town-halls will come back to bite him, and his support of HCR is not in keeping with the average desires of the state.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  136. “Since he was talking about Guantanamo Bay, he was comparing U.S. Marines to Nazis. Soldiers are Army.”

    Clarification: Joint Task Force Guantanamo which runs the detention camps at Gitmo is a joint services outfit, comprising personnel from all the military services.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  137. I didn’t realize that, Dave. I thought it was just Navy and Marine personnel.

    Thanks for correcting my correction. 🙂

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  138. “I didn’t realize that, Dave. I thought it was just Navy and Marine personnel.”

    Yeah, it’s all services, even the Coast Guard has some people in JTF-GTMO (or at least they used to).

    The current commander is Navy, the Deputy commander is Army, the guards at Camp Delta are U.S. Army Military Police, etc.

    Everyone is in on the act.

    Dave Surls (c13c16)

  139. ______________________________________

    I can stomach the hate and intolerance of leftists if they at least — at the very least — admit their ideology isn’t resting on a bed of compassion, kindness and humaneness. Better yet, if they acknowledge their liberalism is phony and meaningless, and, most candidly, is nurtured in ruthless, immature sentiments. At that point, I can then accept such liberals for what they truly are.

    Mark (411533)

  140. Just so we are clear, “Scott” is William Yelverton, Professor of Plagiarism at Middle Tennessee State. The above was one of his standard rants. We have seen that same BS from him countless times.

    JD (a651fe)

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