Patterico's Pontifications


Quick Links

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:07 am

Several scumbags are getting some justly earned ridicule lately.

John Nolte savages Patrick Goldstein from the L.A. Times:

Nowhere in the article did Kahn claim his right-of-center politics had ever hurt his career, and yet in an attempt to paint him as a whiner, Goldstein told all of Hollywood he had. Worse, in a conscious effort to portray Kahn as a no-talent has-been, rather than mention Kahn’s long, successful relationship with a Grammy-winning producer (which made up a large part of the WSJ profile), Goldstein ignored it and instead Googled up some old credits of Kahn’s in order to present them as though they were Kahn’s entire resume. (the hard-left film site Movieline soon followed suit.)

The irony was obvious. The very same L.A. Times writer who uses every opportunity to mock the idea of a conservative Hollywood blacklist intentionally participated in the blacklisting of an artist whose politics he disagreed with. Using ridicule and provably dishonest smears, Goldstein’s goal was to make this artist a toxic joke to the whole of the industry that might employ him.

Yesterday, Goldstein pulled the exact same trick.

Andrew Breitbart savages Andrew Sullivan, investigator of Sarah Palin’s uterus and e-mail account, for declaring the reward for the contents of JournoList to be an unconscionable invasion of privacy:

Sullivan’s disgusting, ends-justify-the-means obsession with the personal family life of Sarah Palin breached every ethical and journalistic boundary known to the cosmos. Between airing Palin’s hacked private emails and making a cottage industry out of challenging the maternity of her son, Trig, sometimes the word “irony” or “hypocrisy” is not descriptive enough.

To highlight the absurdity of Sullivan’s outrage, perhaps his submission entitled “The Palin Emails” can grant you insight into a demented mind. Before divulging them in at least five separate posts, he wrote: ”They’ve leaked, of course. And they’re not pretty.”

And they weren’t meant to be public either, Andy.

Althouse savages Eric Boehlert:

Eric Boehlert continues to write about me like that even though he has no idea what the thing I wrote that he just quoted says. . . . So, Boehlert, your post is incredibly lame, but, as a law professor, I’ll give you a rewrite.

Lucky for her she has a blog where she can respond. If she tried leaving a comment it would never get published. My most recent comments on Boehlert pieces at Media Matters were left weeks ago and never appeared.

13 Responses to “Quick Links”

  1. Thanks fo posting this. It’s always heartening to see this sort of thing.

    Eric Blair (02a138)

  2. Sullivan has pretty much taken up residence in Palin’s uterus. He is vile.

    JD (b537f4)

  3. Goldstein now resembles the Slim Pickens character as he rides the bomb downward in Dr. Strangelove.

    Just a few ticks on the clock left before the LAT fully detonates.

    GeneralMalaise (9cf017)

  4. That was all-in-all just a great read. I am proposing an Andrew Breitbart-Chris Christie 2012 ticket running on an Honest Abe no bull platform. That should get things rocking. And then, they can appoint Ann Althouse to be AG.

    elissa (586a03)

  5. Is it Milky Loads who has cancer or Hitchens?

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  6. Sullivan is HIV positive. Hitchens was recently reported to have esophageal cancer.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  7. Sullivan has pretty much taken up residence in Palin’s uterus.

    But beware when he emerges!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (fb9e90)

  8. #6, karma is one fucking nasty bitch.

    [note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  9. Ann Althouse can be hard for me to read sometimes, because I just don’t understand her POV. But she certainly is intelligent and knows how to make a clear case.

    Her takedown of Eric is powerful without raising her voice. You can’t not respect someone with that capability.

    I wouldn’t trust her with real responsibility. She’s a brilliant person who likes to challenge folks with strange commentary. I think she is already in her ideal job.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  10. In honor of Canada Day, I’m providing simultaneous translation of my comments in French.

    En l’honneur de la fête du Canada , je suis assurer la traduction simultanée de mes commentaires en français .

    SPQR (26be8b)

  11. You sure it was not finger cancer for Hitch?

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  12. Kudos to John Nolte and Andrew Breitbart. Just what this country needs on the 4th of July weekend. A little savaging of people they don’t like as the country celebrates free speech! Nice going, gents, proving that this is indeed the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Sheldon Gilman (2b2cd9)

  13. Comment by Sheldon Gilman — 7/3/2010 @ 11:51 am

    Is there actually a point in there somewhere, or is my first impression of “pure snark” on the mark?

    AD - RtR/OS! (712fff)

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