Patterico's Pontifications


Is Arnold Risking a Recall?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:20 am

Gray Davis tripled the California car tax, and he was recalled.

Now Arnold Schwarzenegger is talking about tripling the car tax.


29 Responses to “Is Arnold Risking a Recall?”

  1. Heard he’s also thinking about a pet tax..Heard it on the radio this morning, so I don’t know how trustworthy that is.

    Can anyone confirm/disconfirm this?

    If true, what’s he thinking?

    Rich Bordner (ab3562)

  2. Which is worse–a recall or a divorce?

    Official Internet Data Office (bc2687)

  3. Send Arnold into exile…back to Austria.
    (Full disclosure, I voted for him).

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  4. Don’t blame me. I voted for Gary Colman.

    JayC (7c1245)

  5. My last cat had a lung condition that traumatized the missus and I. Spent over a grand on “heroic” measures, only to have her suffocate in the cat carrier after leaving the vet for the 4th time. A state tax whack on top of that hefty bill would have been a kick in the package.

    rhodeymark (4f2403)

  6. I doubt a recall will happen here; the situations are completely different, due to the ballooning state deficit.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  7. But if he triples the tax on beer, he’s in real trouble.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  8. Oh, the deficit was ballooning pretty nicely under GD. In fact, I think the reason he was recalled had more to do with his little three-card-monty before the election to hide the fact he’d spent us into ruination.

    Not that Arnold has been any better. All of Davis’s profligate spending was preserved, and a whole lot more was added. And paid for with bonds. Wait, you have to pay those back?

    Eric (605286)

  9. Gray Davis did it himself, whereas Arnold is trying to escape responsibility by having the Legislature do the dirty work for him. His prints are all over this one though. Ironic — Arnold approving the very tax that his election was based on killing. Disappointing sell-out. Taxpayers to Arnold via recall “You’re terminated”.

    Trevor (e89cda)

  10. Until the state reforms the runaway pension system, this is all lipstick on a pig. What the UAW did to GM, the SEIU is doing to California.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  11. Eric

    I dunno If you make bonds 50 years – whose going to live that long anyway….

    just sayin

    EricPWJohnson (cc9286)

  12. Dunno, have the rolling brown/blackouts returned?

    I thought his nickname was Grey-out Davis.

    Techie (62bc5d)

  13. The Car Tax killed Davis. The Car Tax and the Pet Tax will Terminate Arnold, the Gurleyman.

    PCD (7fe637)

  14. #6 I feel your pain. My cat’s lungs were filling with fluids on Halloween and I agonized whether to pursue heroic measures, but figured he had suffered enough since prognosis was bad. If they have a pet tax, next thing they’d carry that to a tax on peoples’ doctors and lawyers. They tax pet food here in Fla. and I believe groceries have a sales tax in some states.
    If the legal profession is the biggest industry in California, that seems like a golden opportunity to raise major funds. Or slap on more state gas taxes to assist Chicken Little Gore in his and Obama’s demonization of fossil fuels.
    As for Arnold I think being around Maria and fatboy Teddy has warped his mind. Why is it that Rinos and W enjoy kissing Kennedy’s fat ass even as he stabs them in the back?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  15. Taxpayers to Arnold via recall “You’re terminated”.

    In this case, it might be a Total Recall. The voters will take an Eraser to his years of service. He’s term-limited anyway, so next year he won’t be a Running Man.

    Steverino (69d941)

  16. What Kevin Murphy said, but add The California Correctional Peace Officers Association as another union entity that is a major factor in bankrupting the state.

    Old Coot (8a493c)

  17. Don’t blame me — I stay out of “Collie-forn-ee-a”.

    Icy Truth (aedb2f)

  18. I voted for the guy, but sure wish I had’nt. He is the definition of RINO.

    PDizzle (cb6b9b)

  19. It’s getting very close to the time to move to Arizona. Napolitano is leaving, check. Legislature now has both houses in Republican hands, check. California is skirting BK, check.

    Well, I can register the cars in AZ anyway.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  20. What Steverino said, almost. No one will be a Running Man next year, but with the next election scheduled for the year after that, and Ahhnold termed out at that stage, there’s little point in recalling him now. Not that it would do any good, anyway, the Legislature being as it is.

    Good thing I left California three years ago for the United States, seeking political asylum. Now if we can just find a way to keep the United States itself from becoming a larger version of California…

    Xrlq (62cad4)

  21. California is chock full of so many foolish, naive liberals, that a major increase in state-based taxes on them in particular, and on all the state’s squishy (ie, “centrist”) electorate in general, not only will be quite appropriate, it will elicit very little unhappiness and resentment. After all, a majority of Californians approved various tax increases listed on their ballot a few weeks ago, and so, if anything, they may believe the state’s government should tax the populace even more heavily.

    Mark (411533)

  22. Arnold helped the recall Davis movement and ultimately got my vote for one reason: he was going to fix the fiscal problem in Cali. He didn’t do it, BUT RAN AGAIN. WTF! The one thing you were elected to do, and didn’t do, and you ran again? I don’t care if he’s Republican, Democrat or he poops his pants. I will never vote for him again. Even for dog catcher.

    If politics were the real world resignations would be a common occurance.

    Bel Air (802704)

  23. I see some raps on Cali and I have to defend her. Every region has it’s calling cards. Southern hospitality. Midwest salt of the earth. Northeastern prudes (as a born and bred Masshole I think I can say that).

    California is about the land, and the effort to get to the land. No politician, not even Gray Davis, can change that. There is a spiritual aspect to California, God as a hill, tree, or…………..well, I see spirituality in Pho soup so what do I know.

    Bel Air (802704)

  24. Bel Air – As a non-Californian who did a lot of business in the state and had a lot of employees in the state, there is a strong entitlement mentality to a lot of the residents which makes it a singularly unattractive place to do business. That mentality carries over into the legal, regulatory, govermental and other aspects of the state. Unfortunately, because California is such a large part of the economy, companies doing business on a national scale can have a hard time avoiding it.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  25. Everyone knew that Arnold would have problems with the Democrat-owned spend-spend legislature of California. He promised when he ran that he would go over their heads to the people with initiative measures if he couldn’t get the legislature to play ball.

    The legislature didn’t play ball. He went over their heads to initiative measures. He got outspent, outplayed, and generally spanked and didn’t get anything valuable through.

    Once burned, twice shy, he didn’t try again. The giving up was the only thing that annoyed me, really.

    luagha (5cbe06)

  26. Yes, let’s recall him, and the legislature too.

    Sarah Palin for Governor!

    Patricia (ee5c9d)

  27. Someone should put up some Palin For Governor billboards in California . . .

    . . . and set up video cameras to record their defamation, vandalization, and destruction by Prop 8 opponents.

    Icy Truth (84d054)

  28. From the LA Times Article: The proposal is being championed by incoming state Senate leader Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento). Democrats and advocates for the poor have opposed strict state spending limits, saying they would cripple government services…

    Some analysts say that in the current economic climate, the plan could be an unwise gamble for Democrats. Voters, they say, may be inclined to approve the kind of spending restraints that GOP lawmakers have long sought. The Republicans’ proposed cap would limit growth in government to a modest percentage each year, regardless of how well the economy does and how much revenue flows into the state….

    The plan could deal another blow to the automobile industry. It would add hundreds of dollars to the price of most new cars sold in California at a time when sales are plummeting, dealerships are closing and major American automakers are on the verge of bankruptcy.

    But a fee increase has long been supported by Democrats in the Legislature; they say the current rate of 0.65% was never meant to be permanent….

    Rose (f682bc)

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