Patterico's Pontifications


Andrew Sullivan: “The Job of a Blogger Is to Get Facts Straight”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:45 pm

I just sent this e-mail to Andrew Sullivan:

Mr. Sullivan,

Today, you wrote: “[T]he job of a blogger is to get facts straight.”

You wouldn’t know it by reading your blog.

This is my third request in six days for a correction to your post which asserted that Ted Sampley, who has been attacking John McCain’s military credentials, is a member of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Quite clearly, Mr. Sampley is no such thing. I wrote you about this on August 26, and again yesterday, August 30. The e-mails are copied below.

My post on your error was linked by Instapundit and visited by thousands of readers. It is possible that two separate e-mails, together with a post from one of the most prominent bloggers on the Internet (Instapundit) mocking your error, has all escaped your attention?

It has now been six days since I e-mailed you about this, and you haven’t lifted a finger to correct your error — although you have found plenty of time for dozens of posts about Sarah Palin. These posts, by the way, have ranged in tone from condescending and sexist (such as your post where you quoted an e-mail suggesting Palin is a “bad mother” for pursuing the Vice-Presidency) to simply unhinged (such as your post where you describe as “good faith questions” the bizarre theory that Sarah Palin’s latest child is actually her grandchild). Yet, in this flurry of hysterical posting, you have not found time to 1) respond to my e-mail, 2) update your original post, or 3) issue a new post with a correction.

I am sending a copy of this e-mail to a friend of mine who is an avid reader of your blog. He is a staunch supporter of Democrats, and whenever I speak with him, he mentions some item he saw on your blog. It will be interesting to see whether this growing pattern of disregard for the truth has any effect on his respect for you.

If you think I’m going to let this drop, sir, then you’re clearly not familiar with me. I’ll be posting a copy of this e-mail on my site.

Yours truly,

Patrick Frey

After the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” post and this nonsense about Palin’s son really being her grandson, I actually started to write a post satirically “airing the theory” that Sullivan is suffering from a mental illness. After drafting several paragraphs, I see that Ace already published almost the exact same post. Ace’s approach and tone are different than mine would have been — mine began with a concerned e-mail from a Sullivan reader (“A reader writes . . .”), but the theme is exactly the same. I guess great minds think alike, and sometimes, so does mine.

Anyway, even Sullivan is starting to get embarrassed. Since I started drafting this post, he has started publishing evidence of Palin’s pregnancy.

UPDATE: As I was finishing this post, the following e-mail came in:

i’m sorry i missed this. it’s been pretty crazy this past week.
i will post

Did he mean “I’ve been” instead of “it’s been”?

This all may seem a little harsh, but here’s some unsolicited advice for Sullivan: next time, take some time off from the feverish “airing” of every ridiculous theory from every idiot posting on Daily Kos, and get your house in order. Correct your facts before — better still, instead of — posting wild moronic Internet rumors.

Trust me, your reputation would be better off if you followed my advice.

UPDATE x2: Here is the correction.

P.S. By the way, it was my third request in six days, but it’s been only five days since I e-mailed him, not six as I said in my e-mail. Hey look! A quick correction — and nobody even had to hassle me for it!

64 Responses to “Andrew Sullivan: “The Job of a Blogger Is to Get Facts Straight””

  1. Sullivan retracted

    Dr T (324d86)

  2. Thanks.

    I wonder what was so hard about that.

    Patterico (14f493)

  3. Patterico, congratulations on getting an acknowledgement and a correction from Andrew Sullivan. Lord knows it can be next to impossible.

    Last week I wrote Sullivan about a quote he repeated from an obviously quite angry Democrat’s site, stating Jim Webb should “twist a knife” in Joe Lieberman’s back if Joe even thought of attending the Republican Convention. I wrote to ask AS if he would find this sort of rhetorical violence acceptable if a Repub site had recommended the same treatment for another GOPer at the DNC, and suggested to Sully that he revise the quote to a “Moore Award Nominee” (Sullivan’s ‘prize’ for overheated liberal statements, which– strangely enough– he never seems able to find on the web anymore). Anyway, and of course, no response or update from Sullivan was ever forthcoming on my end.

    qdpsteve (dc65ab)

  4. How about stop linking to him as part of the boycott that Ace of Spades is organising over Sullivan’s lying attacks on the Palins’ daughter?

    andycanuck (10f327)

  5. #4 – andycanuck – I disagree. Pointing out errors, both mistaken and intentional, to the entire blogoshpere as Patterico has done here is a much better solution than the standard DNC strategy of censorship.

    Apogee (186a12)

  6. Borrowing a page from the lefty smear manual:

    Since Obama/Biden have not condemned these attacks on Palin and her daughter, they must completely approve of these vicious attacks.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  7. Nice job, Patterico. Persistence pays.

    I was only a semi-regular visitor to his site believing him to have gone off the rails about 4 years ago but because he cast aspersions on Mrs. Palin’s pregnancy as well as her minor daughter and basing this on a Daily Kos diary, I would never step foot into his self-serving cesspool again. He has lost credibility and further proven himself as no more than a hypocritical gossip-monger.

    On the upside, what a great link Ace has re Elizabeth Eubanks and her plane ride w/the governor. The best kind of free p.r. for Palin.

    Dana (084de8)

  8. THis is from one of his posts earlier today:

    If McCain had vetted her, the Internet wouldn’t have to. And this would be a private matter if the McCain-Palin campaign hadn’t made the baby a key campaign point. Once they made it a reason to vote for someone, it’s reasonable for bloggers to ask questions about it, especially when there are so many strange twists to the story.

    I guess by “vetting” Andy means printing every crack-pot rumor his lefty friends can think of.

    Now, lets discuss Obama’s birth certificate again.

    WLS (5ce147)

  9. Congratulations, Mr. Frey, on getting a correction from Our Mr. Sullivan. They are the Trumpeter Swans of the blogging world: rare to the point of extinction.

    I’m with the always sensible Dana, though: I’m so angry at Mr. Sullivan’s “Trutherism” that I have no interest in going back to his website. His hypocrisy knows no bounds. Including decency.

    And yes, Ace’s post was funny, in a thermonuclear, take no prisoners way.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  10. Ace has a fantastic quote from a DU website. I cannot emphasize how important it is to read this quote:

    What many here don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. RUMOR IS TRUTH.

    The modern laws of media hype and political warfare have a useful tenet:

    Repeat ANYTHING or raise false concern over ANYTHING and it is likely to be planted in the conscious/subconscious of many voters.

    If people start to think that there might be something fishy with Palin’s last kid (if hers), then that’s FINE. One more doubt (whether tied to reality or not) is another hesitation at the ballot box.

    GET WITH THE PROGRAM PEOPLE. The “rising above it” bullshit has served us so well in the past, hasn’t it?

    If you have problems with the story, then STFU and get out of the way of Dems who are engaged in MODERN POLITICAL WARFARE. Go tend your garden or some other pedestrian task, because the “concern trolls” are not helping shape the message.

    I can’t get a permalink to Ace’s post, but it is the first post on his website for September 1st.

    This pretty much explains the crazy game plan of rumor-mongering. Brrr. What does Senator Obama think about this?

    Personally, I think that we should track down the author of that quote, and use the Thunderdome approach: two men enter, one man leaves.

    The other man would be Todd Palin.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  11. Even his lack of caps and intentional lower case is irritating – as if he were precious.

    Dana (084de8)

  12. Dana, I think it is a “blank verse” thing. I have seen lots of academics outside the sciences write that way in e-mails and such. One of them told that she was objecting to the “inherent patriarchy and sexism” of capital letters.

    No kidding.

    It still looks like blank verse or bad haiku by thirteen year olds to me. As in:

    i think obama rocks
    & speaks truth 2 power
    no more blood 4 oil
    world cant wait
    fist-bump 4 luv in 2008

    See what I mean? Pardon me while I go read a real poem to get the dirt out of my brain.

    Eric Blair (642d37)

  13. I haven’t seen Patterico link to Neo-Nazi web sites to debunk them, or (as far as I know) to the DU.

    Sullivan is now completely outside of the mainstream liberal commentariat and shouldn’t be validated with traffic and should be shunned through every medium to which he is attached–the Atlantic Monthly, Matthews’ weekly round-up TV show etc. and his blog. One of these days when he starts “just asking the questions” about Todd having raped the daughter causing the pregnancy, I don’t think that asking him to ‘pass the watercress sandwiches and issue a correction, old boy,’ will be an appropriate response.

    And re. censorship, he can be criticised while still being quoted, but not linked, to attack his “ideas”.

    See you, Apogee, I’m on the East Coast and it’s bedtime. I hope that you don’t take this as a flaming (something that never happens at Ace’s, I’d add).

    andycanuck (10f327)

  14. I won’t link him anymore. Personal choice.

    WLS (5ce147)

  15. I hardly ever have linked the guy because I don’t read him. But I got an e-mail from a reader pointing out the Sampley error, and I did the research and learned my tipster was correct. So I did a post.

    I then scanned his site for the next several days looking for the correction, and watched him flip out on Palin.

    I have linked DU before once or twice. About the same as Sullivan, actually.

    One of these days when he starts “just asking the questions” about Todd having raped the daughter causing the pregnancy, I don’t think that asking him to ‘pass the watercress sandwiches and issue a correction, old boy,’ will be an appropriate response.

    The thing I was writing him about was Sampley. I was basically polite about that. On Palin, I called him condescending, sexist, hysterical, and bizarre, which is exactly what I think.

    Patterico (14f493)

  16. Ace’s approach and tone are different than mine would have been…

    …but the theme is exactly the same.

    Oh, come on, Patterico. We all know you would use the nickname Ace gave Sullivan in that post. 🙂

    Paul (95a8c7)

  17. I actively disliked Ace’s post. I’m not the PC police, but that tone strikes me as gratuitous, unnecessary, and unfair.

    But Sullivan’s been inconsistent here.

    Let’s see what he said about RP, whose name I shan’t write lest it draw out the strange creatures who idolize him:

    “He has been smeared as a racist by association, as now seems to be the main way to destroy or attempt to destroy any genuinely reformist politics in America.” – Andrew Sullivan, March 2008. (That’s right, two months after the newsletters were widely released, and ten months after Captain’s Quarters and some others had called some attention to RP’s unsavory history.)

    So, Palin’s a genuinely reformist political person (and I think that’s undeniable) and Andrew Sullivan seems to be a little more credulous than he ought to be, smearing her with some statements using the old “it’s a fair question to ask,” theory.

    The problem with that theory is that I’m pretty sure I owe Orin Kerr a beer.

    –JRM, wondering if Governor Palin weighs the same as a duck, and thinking it’s only fair that the campaign provide information on it.

    JRM (355c21)

  18. Andrew Sullivan is asking the McCain campaign to confirm that Sarah Palin’s youngest child is actually her own. He really has lost his mind.

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  19. Unfortunately many political blogs( even some of the best known) have become chat rooms with all the unfounded, moronic logic that come out of those puerile cesspools.

    edward cropper (58693d)

  20. Eric Blair’s quote of Ace of Spades’ discovery at Democratic Underground:

    What many here don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. RUMOR IS TRUTH.

    The modern laws of media hype and political warfare have a useful tenet:

    Repeat ANYTHING or raise false concern over ANYTHING and it is likely to be planted in the conscious/subconscious of many voters.

    If people start to think that there might be something fishy with Palin’s last kid (if hers), then that’s FINE. One more doubt (whether tied to reality or not) is another hesitation at the ballot box.

    At the time of the 2000 election, I was working for a media company in which the office’s sole Republican was on vacation. My supervisor was a sweet, gracious woman who was very helpful in acclimating me to my then-new position, but she was a Jekyll/Hyde figure: She turned into a hateful shrew at the mention of the name “George W. Bush.”

    Before the last weekend before the election came the news that proof had been discovered Bush had been arrested for DWI. This delighted everyone else in the office, especially my supervisor. But she did more than just revel in the news that seemed at the time to swing the momentum to Al Gore; she forwarded emails and chatted endlessly to folks in other departments about other arrests and other crimes Bush had been involved in that would be revealed in the hours leading up to the opening of the polls. There was just one problem — those “other crimes” never happened.

    As tactfully as I could, I asked her where she got the information about his “other crimes.” She said she would forward me the emails. She never did. I think she knew I was on to her.

    Needless to say, come the Wednesday morning after the vote, everybody in the office was a basket case. With every news update doubting Gore would be ruled the winner of Florida came a steady stream of profanity from different corners of the common area.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  21. At least this crap is finally over with. For now.

    It means I’ll be able to give my little niece a call and make sure she knows that her Uncle Teddy Bear will protect her.

    Angered Uncle (1808e2)

  22. Jim Treacher wrote: Andrew Sullivan is asking the McCain campaign to confirm that Sarah Palin’s youngest child is actually her own. He really has lost his mind.

    I’m guessing Sullivan isn’t one of the people asking the Obama camp to answer Larry Sinclair questions.

    BTW, out at FR, there are a few hardcore knuckleheads who treat the Sinclair story like it’s not bull/horse/chicken. I smack ’em down whenever I can.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  23. [Comment deleted by DRJ.]

    Paleo Pat (67719c)

  24. In light of this morning’s news that Bristol Palin is indeed pregnant, Andrew Sullivan has sunk even lower into his vomitous cesspool of disgusting behavior,

    “Now they’ve cleared the air on this – and good for them – what harm would it do to release the medical records showing that Sarah Palin delivered Trig on April 18 in Wasilla? This is not hard: there must be an obstetrician, medical records, and data that can easily refute this rumor. It is not out of the ordinary either: candidates routinely issue medical records. So let’s have them. And then we can move on.”

    Who the hell is he to demand medical records from anyone? There is not one uterus on the face of the planet that is this scumbag’s business. Even if he were to demand to see Obama’s birth certificate, the files on Ayres, etc., he will still be nothing but a pus filled pimple on the ass of common decency.

    Dana (084de8)

  25. I think this hysterical reaction is going to do serious harm to Obama. It may have already begun. I can imagine sane Obama media people looking at this and wondering how they can shut these people up.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  26. Now they’ve cleared the air on this – and good for them – what harm would it do to release the medical records showing that Sarah Palin delivered Trig on April 18 in Wasilla? This is not hard: there must be an obstetrician, medical records, and data that can easily refute this rumor. It is not out of the ordinary either: candidates routinely issue medical records.

    Sure, Andrew.

    After John Kerry releases his.

    After all, since Kerry’s not running, what harm would it do?

    Paul (95a8c7)

  27. Paleo Pat #23,

    I believe you mistook this site for DailyKos. Just Google it for the link. They all think just like you over there. Who knows? You might even get lucky.

    nk (ad4a4c)

  28. Now they’ve cleared the air on this – and good for them – what harm would it do to release the medical records showing that Sarah Palin delivered Trig on April 18 in Wasilla? This is not hard: there must be an obstetrician, medical records, and data that can easily refute this rumor. It is not out of the ordinary either: candidates routinely issue medical records.

    Because Sarah Palin is not a piece-of-dung leftist who gives a flying ____ what a leftist piece of dung thinks?

    nk (ad4a4c)

  29. What many here don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. RUMOR IS TRUTH.”

    This is so reminiscent of the “October Surprise” investigation of GHWB in ’89.
    The House had to “investigate due to the seriousness of the charge” according to the Speaker.
    Veracity had nothing to do with it.

    We must constantly remember: There are no ethical standards on the Left!

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  30. Demanding records? I think that’s a good idea given how forthcoming Mr. Transparency (sarc.) has been about his past and past associations. Perhaps there will be some quid pro quo on document exchanges and we can actually find something out concerning Obama’s time in the Illinois Senate, Trinity Church, Harvard Law, etc., etc.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  31. Another Drew – We must constantly remember: There are no ethical standards on the Left!

    Not necessary. They’ll remind us.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  32. Anybody else puzzled by Sullivan’s sudden concern for what goes into or comes out of a vagina?

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  33. What about moral relativism? that’s ethical, isn’t it?

    Huh? What? But it’s got the word “moral” in it!

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  34. Note that even the correction was only half a correction. He still hasn’t acknowledged that Sampley wasn’t a regular on FoxNews four years ago (or at any other time).

    Xrlq (62cad4)

  35. Why pester Sullivan for a correction? Is he worth it?

    That you point out his (very real) shortcomings is great fun. Wonderful, in fact. But look. You took the trouble to write 3 well-constructed e-mails until finally, he deigned to reply with one crappily-constructed one. Isn’t that just feeding his ego? The whole e-mail interaction screams of his (false) importance. If only in his eyes, I’ll bet, he’s a little bit More Important because of what you did. Don’t give him the encouragement.

    tjmmz9843 (c949f1)

  36. Great article in Time about Bristol and Palin’s home town,8599,1837862,00.html

    BTW–Kudos to Barack Obama. You heard me. Sen. Obama shows both class and judgment. Prehaps some of his followers should do the same?

    Joe (dcebbd)

  37. Not puzzled, Jim, disturbed.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  38. “Even his lack of caps and intentional lower case is irritating – as if he were precious.”

    Precisely, Dana. It says, “Haha, you took the trouble to write with proper spelling, caps and grammer – and I’m so important and busy that I can’t be bothered to respond in kind, and don’t have to.”

    tjmmz9843 (c949f1)

  39. I am not one of those persons calling Barack Obama a mulsim or terrorist. Plus I am a Daily Dish Sullivan Reader from way back when Sullivan first started after 9/11. I defended Sullivan when he called Hugh Hewitt on his past excesses (although I never recall Hewitt attacking a politician’s kids). I have also defended Sullivan in the past from Ace, HotAir, Michelle Malkin, Jonah Goldberg, John Podhoretz, etc. I often do not agree with Sullivan’s take, but I thought he was an honorable voice. For me to attack him now is a big deal, but it is justified.

    Plus “newcomer” if you spent time around here you would find many commentators who have said absolutely vile things about John McCain on a regular basis. And rarely those attacks crossed a line too and went after McCain’s family (although it is rare and not done by legitimate journalists).

    Sullivan crossed a line with this nonsense. You do not attack a candidate’s children without good cause and solid evidence. A Daily Kos echo chamber is not a legitimate source. Sullivan played the role of a dirty gutter hack. And he did it all on his own.

    John Podhoretz nails it with this article: tz/24862

    Don’t give
    Sullivan the satisfaction of attacking him over his sexual orientation (Sullivan will use it to justify why he is the victim). Andrew Sullivan is gay (and recently got married to his husband). So what. I could care less about that.

    What I care about is his willingness to attack Palin’s children on a bunch of echo chamber hype from the Daily Kos. Well there is a source worth relying upon. Is this what the Atlantic Monthly has decended to?

    The disease Andrew is suffering from is Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome–also know as she could be a game changer to give McCain victory so we (the left) better destroy her quickly. Many on the left have it, gay or straight. Credit to Barack Obama for showing some class about this. Perhaps Andrew should do the same.

    Joe (dcebbd)

  40. Hmmm… so you got suckered responding to the biggest Obama pimp on the Internet 🙂 just kidding.

    Sullivan has become a self fulfilling parody – he cannot go to sleep every day until he has made the case that Obama is God’s gift to America mankind. And he will do everything possible to smear, denigrate, distort and misrepresent his political opponents. not to mention, be completely BLIND to the glaring deficiencies of the Messiah.

    After all this pimping for Obama, he has the audacity to keep calling himself the “conservative of doubt”.

    If Oakshott was alive today, he’d kill himself if he learnt Sullivan was his “student”.

    Naga (2b84ec)

  41. “Credit to Barack Obama for showing some class about this.”

    Joe – Why should we hand out gold stars to people for doing what they should be doing in the first place? I guess if you had lower expectations for Obama’s behavior, I can understand your comment.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  42. Joe wrote: Sen. Obama shows both class and judgment. Prehaps some of his followers should do the same?

    Not so fast. Obama picks his spots to show “class and judgment.”

    Where was that class when he approved a campaign ad falsely accusing John McCain of being behind the ads from a 527 that rightfully raises questions about the true nature of his working relationship (and possible sharing a common philosophy) with unrepentant terrorist William Ayers?

    Where was that class when his minions were sliming Stanley Kurtz as he was preparing his ballyhooed acceptance speech? Kurtz is a Harvard-trained anthropologist simply trying to get relevant information about Barack and “that guy from the neighborhood” William Ayers’ collaborations. Kurtz isn’t Jerome Corsi, i.e. making factually-challenged allegations, but that is precisely the way his campaign sent his flying monkeys ignorant supporters to attack Kurtz’s credibility and his reputation.

    Then, the morning after he called for a “new politics” in front of 85K in person and millions around the world, Mr. Class & Judgment still had attack dogs disrespectfully sniping at Palin before he called them off at his first photo op (How conveeenient).

    Obama can afford to be Mr. Tough Guy against Daily Kos, Demagogic Underwear and Andrew Sullivan because the slime didn’t come from his official channels, AND it gives him a “Sister Souljah moment.” If it had come from his campaign, he probably wouldn’t be so facetiously exercised about the smears against Palin.

    L.N. Smithee (452a68)

  43. When the role is taken to set things straight in the Left/Blogoshpere,
    Senator Obama will vote Present!

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  44. Excellent, Drew! 🙂

    Icy Truth (a7ead4)

  45. Thanks Icy.
    You’ve been on quite a role yourself.

    Another Drew (72d59a)

  46. Andrew Sullivan gives gays a bad name. He is a fool and is lower than dirt. At least maybe Howie Kurtz will finally stop calling him a conservative. I have never read anyone more rabid and demented than the left-wing heretic named Andrew Sullivan.

    Karen (5b153d)

  47. Andrew can’t be bothered with errors of fact right now. He has to focus on pressuring Sarah Palin to release her medical records to prove her baby is really hers.

    Heywood U. Reedmore (95be25)

  48. It would still be good to see the DNA or birth certificate or what have you (more definitive proof on Trig).

    Pre-emptive rebuttal: I think the DKOS attacks were outrageous as well as the concentration on Bristol. Think her pregnancy is a non-issue and the obsession with it is hypocrtical demonrat behavior. My only concern with a hypothetical Trig-grandbaby story was the potential LIE, not the potential teenage pregnancy.

    And as far as wanting to see proof, I’m not demanding it or anything like that. I just like…proof. Data. Facts.

    TCObebanned (146d26)

  49. TCO…

    Trig is 4 months old…

    Bristol is 5 months pregnant…

    Do we need to re-enroll you in High School health class? Did you miss a day?

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  50. I was aware of this aspect of the story. But it’s still not a clinical, documented scientific fact. For instance, how do you know she’s 5 months pregnant?

    I would prefer to have definitive proof on the Trig pregnancy wrt Sarah. I never cared one iota good or bad about Bristol’s previous alleged pregnancy (Trig) or her current admitted pregnancy. All I cared about was a potential lie by Sarah. With me, it really is about the lie, not the sex. I just want to make “crossed t’s and dotted i’s” sure that Trig was not misrepresented. This takes care of the DKOS smears.

    TCObebanned (146d26)

  51. Here is a dotted eye and a crossed tee for you: it is none of your fucking business.

    Icy Truth (80b4e7)

  52. Icy, mad props to you. But this TCObebanned person is just messing with you. It’s like the whole “I support the troops, but” business. They say the one thing to appear normal, and then the bathouse nuttiness emerges.

    Seriously? A DNA test? From a minor?

    That is what I mean by bathouse crazy. This person is just trolling you, trying to stir up nonsense.

    I say let ’em be as nutty as they like. And let’s see it publicized, because it hurts their goal of getting Senator Obama elected.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  53. I’m MORE conservative than McCain or Bush. I was going to sit the election out or vote for Barr as a protest. Palin drew me back in. I just figure, wtf, let’s get data. Truth is more important than ideology.

    TCObebanned (146d26)

  54. And Eric: yes, seriously on the DNA test. Why not. That’s facts. Also, I also mentioned the birth certificate and/or statement from attending physician. That’s less definitive, but at least brings someone outside and official into the picture. Better than this whole counting days and arguing if Bristol had time to pack two pregnancies in and what her ovulation cyle is and all.

    TCObebanned (146d26)

  55. I’m MORE conservative than McCain or Bush.

    That ain’t sayin’ a while lot, buddy…

    And only a leftie would be wanting “proof” that Trig is Sarah’s, and not Bristols.

    Man up and be honest with us, or stfu…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  56. No Scott. There are actually righties who are anal about facts versus inferences. And capable of looking at their own side for potential faults. I LOVE Palin. I just want the facts so that I can make sure I’m not loving in vain.

    TCObebanned (146d26)

  57. There are actually righties who are anal about facts versus inferences.

    Spoken like a true Leftie. Thank you, and have a nice day…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  58. Comment by TCObebanned — 9/2/2008 @ 1:24 pm

    You know, I heard from someone on the Internet (unfortunately they didn’t give their name) that Obama is still using cocaine and didn’t stop when he said he did, oh and also that he’s having an affair with Hillary Clinton and got herpes from her. I just want proof, data, facts, and not just his word, that these charges are unfounded.

    So I want all his medical records, just to put my mind at ease. And then we can “all breathe a sigh of relief and move on” (Andrew Sullivan’s words). That’s OK, right?

    no one you know (1f5ddb)

  59. Scott Jacobs (in reference to Obamatroll):

    I’m MORE conservative than McCain or Bush.

    That ain’t sayin’ a while lot, buddy…

    True, but it’s an obvious lie, anyway.

    Xrlq (b71926)

  60. stop picking on me, you meanies.

    TCObebanned (79f88a)

  61. TCO sounds like one of the lost Paulistas.
    Just another Libertarian druggie who is probably between highs right now.

    Another Drew (dbf36d)

  62. “Oh god, I’m coming down!!!” – Dr Zoidburg

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  63. booze is migh high.

    TCObebanned (79f88a)

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