Patterico's Pontifications


A Blow to Obama’s Credibility

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 6:53 am

Barack Obama presented himself well at the Democratic convention last year, and came across as a good guy in subsequent interviews. But he undermines his image for credibility today. Quoted in the L.A. Times about the filibuster controversy, Obama makes this silly statement:

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) denounced [Senate Majority Leader Bill] Frist’s offer as insincere, saying that if it were a serious compromise, conservative activists would be unhappy. He said [Senate Minority Leader Harry] Reid “took a hit” when he made his own compromise offer to Frist on Monday.

Oh, please. If the Democrats accepted just three of the current disputed appellate court nominees, in return for an assured veto over any future disputed judicial nominations, Democrats would be dancing in the streets. And Barack Obama is smart enough to know that.

6 Responses to “A Blow to Obama’s Credibility”

  1. Especially since the only reason those three were filibustered is because one Democrat senator wants a relative’s Clinton-era appointment reinstated.

    Kevin Murphy (6a7945)

  2. L.A. Times Story Suggests Pedophiles Are Trekkies
    Corante catches the Los Angeles Times playing fast and loose with the details of the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit efforts to identify child sex predators by focusing on the locations their disgusting pictures are set in. The article contains this…

    Wizbang (d13dcd)

  3. I object to the heading of this post, as it assumes a fact not in evidence.

    Xrlq (5ffe06)

  4. Barack seems to be just a young man spouting old Dem platitudes. Here in Chicago he is “young” and “fresh” and “dynamic”. they do not mention he is just spouting old Dem platitudes.

    Richard Cook (80aa3d)

  5. THe term for that is “Young Fogie”

    Kevin Murphy (9982dd)

  6. […] UPDATES: Power Line comments here. The LA Times reports here that Senator Obama will only accept a compromise if it makes “conservative activists” more “unhappy.” 26 responses to ‘The Minority Leader Responds’. RSS feed for comments and Trackback URI for ‘The Minority Leader Responds’. […]

    Confirm Them » The Minority Leader Responds (5c7b11)

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