Patterico's Pontifications


This Weekend on Patterico

Filed under: Blogging Matters — Patterico @ 6:06 am

Like Spoons, I occasionally find myself very busy during the week, and putting out my best posts on the weekend, when fewer people read them. So if you’re checking in today, and you don’t read me on the weekend, then make sure and check out these posts of mine from the past two days:

  • Don’t tell me that the federal courts got it right in the Schiavo case until you’ve read this post and responded to its arguments.
  • In this post, I rewrite David Savage’s article about Republican appointees, to fit the year 1973 — the year Roe v. Wade was decided. I make a compelling case (if I say so myself) that the Court was dominated by Republicans then — as compelling a case as Savage makes that it is dominated by Republicans today.
  • This post points readers to previously unknown primary sources in the Schiavo case, including trial and deposition transcripts. Fascinating stuff.
  • This post points out where the L.A. Times buries some facts that are inconvenient for Democrats. (Jeez. When’s the last time you saw that??)
  • This post notes that the L.A. Times is ignoring a major story about a serial killer in L.A.
  • And finally, this post notes that the L.A. Times‘s circulation is way down — and speculates as to the reasons that may be.

Do me a favor. If you are the type who doesn’t read me on the weekend, tell me. And tell me if posts like this make it more likely that you will go back and take a look at the weekend’s offerings. (Or, if posts like this just irritate you, because you already read all of these posts, you can tell me that too.)

13 Responses to “This Weekend on Patterico”

  1. I like this recap post. With everything that I have going on it can be several days between blog visits. Please keep doing it! Thanks.


    Teri (afca91)

  2. Patterico,

    I second the motion.

    Additionally, in improving the value of the blog as a developmental tool, it would be helpful (as you have done in one case already) in the recap to summarize in your opinion significant threads of discussion of the comment section.

    Paul Deignan (004dbd)

  3. I already read all those posts.

    But I don’t mind the recap.

    Dan S (d281eb)

  4. This key to highlights is wonderful from my point of view. Unfortunately, my time available and my reading speed make it impossible to benefit from all that is on your site.

    Now, if you begin direct email of your highlights in a printable format that could be taken to places where the computer screen is not available….

    Are any classes in law school or elsewhere using this site for instruction, for legal continuing ed, or for a certificate in legal studies?

    I can see it now, T-shirts that read “I’m a graduate of Patterico’s Pontifications Program in applied law and common sense”. I’ll only want 5% of the take.

    MD in Philly (b3202e)

  5. Read daily – recap is a good reference point for me to go back.

    George Saunders (c90e2e)

  6. Read your posts daily.

    Recap is fine.

    Flap (9e9973)

  7. Do not read on weekend…the recap is useful..

    jason (8542de)

  8. I read every day, Patterico, but I very much appreciate the recap. Keep it up!


    Dafydd (df2f54)

  9. Read almost every day. Agree with the majority, keep it up.

    Pick Handle (03f383)

  10. Weekend, weekday, no matter.

    The recap/summary posts are good though. And even if not good, certainly not bad.

    jb (a7c1d4)

  11. I read your blog almost evry day, and if I miss a day, I normally catch up


    Gerald Williams (ccdfd3)

  12. First-time reader — nice blog you’ve got here! Don’t know how this counts towards your weekday/every-day readership count, though… 😉

    Mary in LA (ba2551)

  13. Oh, I meant to say: I came over from

    Mary in LA (ba2551)

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